We already have Task Force Royal working on Distant Stars. Probably a good idea not to give multiple task forces overlapping missions.
Working on distant stars is a minor concern the main reason was that i wanted them to find more mining colony sites with the planned refit wave lack of BR/SR might be the limiting factor of our shipbuilding.
I wanted to combine this mission with one or more other ones we wanted have done and distant stars was the easiest to combine with a colony hunting task force.
He gets torch as i want starfleet ships near Trill capable of combat in case there is trouble at Trill.
Working on distant stars is a minor concern the main reason was that i wanted them to find more mining colony sites with the planned refit wave lack of BR/SR might be the limiting factor of our shipbuilding.
I wanted to combine this mission with one or more other ones we wanted have done and distant stars was the easiest to combine with a colony hunting task force.
He gets torch as i want starfleet ships near Trill capable of combat in case there is trouble at Trill.
I'm not sure it's a good idea to start building task forces whose job is basically "do what the Explorer Corps does" unless we're specifically given missions of the form 'map this region of space' that we know need to be carried out. We have enough else on our plate at the moment that trying to invent missions for task forces may not be efficient.

Also, refits tend to consume LESS resources than conventional shipbuilding, or at least not significantly more even when you measure the cost of 2-3 refits over the cost of building a new ship in the same berth.
He gets torch as i want starfleet ships near Trill capable of combat in case there is trouble at Trill.
Seems the Trill want some of their own. Anon asked SDB for some new designs for Trill ships.
(I know you know this, but for the non-Discord types). Some of my designs for a new 2.2Mt Explorer, or a System Defense 1.3Mt Cruiser (uses a custom frame size part, won't display in the builder without it). These are both Tender designs, they're looking for new 770kt Swarm skirmish fighter and possibly a Scout, too.

I like the C6S8H6L7P6D7 +survey sensors O4E5T5 220/150 4yr build design, with room in the subframes for a future 2.4Mt refit with easy H7 at T4 SIF.
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I'll admit, I'm tempted to move the ship design to a point buy system. Ship hulls would have a certain number of Ship Points for you to play with, with the weapons, automation, ect. tech changing the point cost of appropriate stats. With, of course, options to buy extra points for more SR. It would have the benefit of being far easier to scale up and down the size chart, and for application to abnormal situations like runabout squadrons.
My draft rules for the very incomplete '2235 game' just abstract everything out; a ship of a given tonnage with given technology can have X points of stats, and no one stat can exceed a cap defined by the ship's weight class and (other technology). You can, in principle, design a ship with a pocket calculator if you know what the available tech gives you as input parameters.

I don't remember if I already ranted about this before, but if I was designing a ship building engine I would actually migrate it from Excel into Paint. The jrpg Infinite Space used something similar to Smash Bros Brawl sticker system or the inventory in Resident Evil 4 for creating your ship and it was super intuitive and fun. Balancing would of course need to start from square one, but the system has so much design space for possible parts that one could actually make some unique parts for each species, thus allowing for stuff like diplomancing species A to get access to their sweet L-shaped shield generators speci or doing industrial espionage to species B to steal their easily stackable I-shaped torpedo launchers. Stuff like experimental parts or photon lances could just be awkwardly shaped monstrosities that you need to build the whole ship around.
You mean, we should check the hull plate where the construction date is engraved?

Come one, give the old girl's Chameleon circuit some credit!

As revealed to me on Discord, a T5 Communications slide contains an Intelligence Module (think super-spy Miranda rollbar, I presume). An Oberth is small enough to be a module for a Cruiser.

See the pattern here? The T'Mir is *clearly* a super-advanced T5 2245 Intelligence Module with nacelles sent back in time by Office 0 to ensure the continuity of the Federation. It's so obvious to me now. I just hope it manages to kill Sarah Connor, I mean avert whatever disaster befalls the future Fed. Again.

We can totally say it is not a TARDIS and the captains aren't a time lords many, many regenerations (some existing concurrently no less)

You never wiped it out, you just turned it back into a crime gang instead of a deep-state shadow-government civil insurgency.

Cue dramatic sound track

I am not sure I like the sound of "Mission To Civilize" tbh. What's next, Federation Citizen Burden?

Well, they are on our side of the Prime Directive, so...

There were some dire GM warnings on the subject that more or less stated "the Klingons will freak right out if it looks like the Romulans and Federation are becoming real allies." But yeah, it sucks not being able to do more...It bugs me that we haven't seen a lot of movement on the diplomatic front or the lend-lease or klingon border guarantee, which were our biggest votes. Maybe if aggressively isolating them diplomatically had had more votes than a conciliatory response?

Now, be honest, the Federation doesn't have allies, we have members and future members ;)

T'Mir should get to keep its NCC-1507 Number and name on a replacement ship, like NCC-1701 does. Presumably a Kepler, but an Ambassador wouldn't be out of order in my mind.
Though some have suggested it gets to be a class name (eventually).

You know? I'd agree to that, while I have mentioned how much the Hyphenated NCC of Enterprise annoys me, having others would water down the special snowflake thing and make it a rare honor, something we'd reserve for those ships that went above and beyond
You know? I'd agree to that, while I have mentioned how much the Hyphenated NCC of Enterprise annoys me, having others would water down the special snowflake thing and make it a rare honor, something we'd reserve for those ships that went above and beyond
If any To Boldly Go quest ship deserves the same reverence and carries the same honour as the name Enterprise, its T'Mir. So, yes, let's mark it a forever-ship in the same way.
At this rate T'Mir is going to end up in the Fleet Museum when it comes time for her to be retired from service. Oh T'Mir you are an absolutely amazing ship and you deserve every accolade in the book for all of your achievements in doing your duty to Starfleet and the federation as a whole.
I am thinking about giving Straak torch, an orberth and one or two miranda's to give him a new taskforce working on exploring the area between risa and the gorn to try and reduce the distant stars modifier of the gorn that way and get some more mining colonies to serve as a sites for outposts/starbases to protect our rimward border.
He can use Trill as a base for his explorations providing protection there if needed.

Why would you think that was an allowable task force?
Why would you think that was an allowable task force?
We can always ask and get told it is not allowed but if we do not ask will not know what is allowed as a TF target, as our fleet goes from the current 90 ships to 140 in 2326, and even with a lot of additional ships for sectors and the existing taskforces a few smaller 3 to 5 ship forces might work on lower priority tasks. Like hunting for mining colonies to have enough BR/SR to supply the second UP style yard or work on relations with potential members.
Should be a Kepler. That legacy shouldn't be a martial legacy.
Might have to wait for Kepler-A refits then, because Dreams T'Mir would probably be just a little disappointed that her shiny new hull isn't any better at Science! than her beloved old crew.

These Fast Scouts aren't especially martial- a single phaser/array, C3 H3 probably- just they have Explorer-grade Science and D.

Though as I said, I don't think an Explorer is too much to ask.
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I'm pretty certain that we're going to end up running T'Mir like Cheron, and just running her a generation or two after the rest of her sisters! > : P
[First Contact made with Righteous Allupii Empire (-3o (IKO-326) to -4p (Wolffheim), claimed through -4q): 60/100]
-[Distant Stars: 0/100]
-[Serfdom I: 15/100]
-[Serfdom II: 0/100]
-[Serfdom III: 0/100]
-[Weak Central Government I: 0/300]
-[Weak Central Government II: 0/300]
-[Unequal Feudal Society: 0/500]

I just remembered-the Allupii are apparently strong enough to hold off the Cardassians, so we could dedicate a task force to chatting them up and dealing with their Serfdom tag. Their feudal society will take longer to address but having a strong contact on the other side of the Cardassians is quite useful. If we paired that with trying to affiliate the Chrystovians we could potentially enclose the Ashalla Pact in the future.