We might want to send a TF there to help them fix things before they blow up.
We very well might. A "civilize the Licori" task force would not go amiss
at all, and it's got a good chance of not be opposed by any organized force.
In my book that's a long-term ambition alongside the Ittick-ka.
Thing is, if Lugis wants to be the emperor of a quiet, moderate revolution (does he? I've only seen these ideas from Halk), he needs trust more than anything else. When the radicals flare up, they'll only give him the time he needs is if they see him as someone who can be trusted to share their ideals on power and moral responsibility. Does the letter of the law matter? I think it does to Lugis, but it won't to the accelerationists or the hard-line traditionalists.
So in the long view, breaching the people's trust is very much self sabotaging. Can Lugis be trusted not to lock you up and torture you for dissent? He's allowed to, of course, but how many people will be won over by that technicality?
Lugis isn't 'my' character the way Halkh is. I don't think Lugis specifically intends to revolutionize the system, but I'm quite sure he intends to reform it. You're certainly not wrong to point out how this decision was suboptimal in important ways, on top of being, well,
Though I'm pretty sure, just based on how shitty the political system is, that ordering a captive with important information tortured isn't as far outside the Overton window of Licori politics as we'd like. That's one part of
why the Licori so obviously NEED reform to be anywhere near worthy of Federation membership, as opposed to just being a state with politics we don't always like but can integrate into our system.
With our task forces on the Trill and Adrazzi Gulf finishing their missions, we have some options to play with. We should probably put something on affiliating the Ur'razzi so they don't cause disruption in that region. There are enough problems there as it is.
We also have the Bolians, the Licori, and the Felis as potential key targets. With the OSA tag close to clearing, should we actually consider breaking up Beyond into three smaller, more focused task forces?
My thought would be to shift Boldly to working on the Licori and Bolians (who are close together), spin off a new task force specifically to work on the Felis (coordinating with the ISC).
Meanwhile, the task force working on the Trill should (maybe with some alterations) be sent to take care of the Ur'razzi (spelling?). The survey task force should either be dispersed back into regular fleet service or sent to some new scientific mission, possibly with
Excalibur joining Task Force Royal along with other ships.
However, I don't think we should do much of this until the OSA war arc is wound down,
HOPEFULLY before the next Task Force vote. That frees up Unity/Buckler and its huge wealth of ships.