"Your sensors might not be able to pick it up, but it's there. Trust us. Danger of... uh... depolarising your warp coils... and shunting... polarity... flow. Yep. Don't go."
In the '2235 game' idea I've actually got that as canon. While Enterprise gets its reset button mashed hard, the broad outline that there was once a collection of species known as the Xindi and a region known as the Delphic Expanse remains substantially correct. Blowing up the Spheres may have prevented even worse problems from arising in the long run, but the sheer quantity of spacetime warping, energy storms, and other disruptive space phenomena experienced by the Federation's core territory is due in large part to having THAT sitting directly to galactic south of it. Klingons and Romulans and so on simply do not have such probems to anything like the same degree.
It gets worse as you get further into or towards the effected region, and is the fundamental reason no one's heard from the Xindi since those days. Their planet was right in the middle of the zone of effect; navigational conditions around there are so bad, no one wants to risk a ship badly enough to figure out if there's even still a planet there.
The galactic north, by contrast, is rather more open.
Plus, the only type of Recruitment Drive that's available in the Snakepit has been an EC recruitment drive, and that pulls crew from our regular crew pool into the EC. If we want more regular crew, the answer has always been Academy Expansions.
Request Temporary Explorer Corps Recruitment Drive, 25pp, (Gain 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs, PLUS Convert 2 Officer, 2 Enlisted, 2 Techs from normal service)
I'm pretty sure that's adding crew in there somewhere, not just converting regular personnel to Explorer Corps service. Sending additional Ambassadors on Five Year Missions effectively frees up regular fleet personnel for other starships; given that we're considering standing down quite a number of starships due to crew limitations, I figured it was at least worth consideration before the next Snakepit session.
I'm pretty sure that's adding crew in there somewhere, not just converting regular personnel to Explorer Corps service. Sending additional Ambassadors on Five Year Missions effectively frees up regular fleet personnel for other starships; given that we're considering standing down quite a number of starships due to crew limitations, I figured it was at least worth consideration before the next Snakepit session.
I doubt that means letting loose press gangs into bars and other R&R establishments,
But, it makes sense the EC troops need to come from somewhere and since they are elites, they can't come from nowhere (unless the pp cost is to make transporter duplicates?) so... I am going to guess they either come from regulars or local forces (though the idea of manufactured teleporter accidents makes me giggle)
[X][REPORT] Nature of Gorn activities in Haruka System
[X][REPORT] Ittick-ka Fleet Strength Report
[X][REPORT] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
[X][REPORT] Where did the mind control headphones come from?
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Efforts with regards to the Gorn
[X][REPORT] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
Diplomacy Rolls
Muuyozoi (Outer Space Alliance): 186/300 + 24 = 210/300
-[At War: 248/???]
-[Horizon Influence: 282/300] -[Corps are lying to us: 100/100]
-[Disunified Homeworld 200/500]
3 K'tinga
3 Klingon Bird of Prey Mk 1
0 Klingon Bird of Prey Mk 2
1 K'Vort
1 Tar'chak
Suspected Force on Cardassian Frontier:
1 Kaldar-II, 2 Jaldun-class destroyers, 2 Jaldun-II-class destroyer operating within the frontier unit on a regular basis. Not believed to be hostile.
CDF Ernagot
CDF Yrmak
CDF Naldar
CDF Ronagot
CDF Karnack
1 Science Escort is also operating within the frontier.
CDF Preket
The Kapit is ... well, the Kapits are a family of specialist ships. Two types (Scientist and Courier) have been observed outside of Cardassian space, and a third type (Destroyer) is strongly believed to exist. Their commonality is limited, and seems to stem more from having a common design bureau behind them and similarities in their base hull forms.
(Kapit, by the way, is our internal term for these frigates; we don't know the Cardassian name.)
The Kapit Courier is optimized more as a skirmisher more than as a diplomatic vessel. Nonetheless, it is relatively comfortably appointed by Cardassian standards, though that has as of yet failed to make much of an impression on the Gorn. Intercepted subspace traffic from the Sartan suggests that the crew rather like their ship, considering it a cushy assignment.
Analysis of the signals intelligence gathered by USS Hawking has proved invaluable in nailing down the features of the Kapit Scientist model. The presence of a Takaaki Science Module shows that the Kapits are taking advantage of off-the-shelf parts, which may have helped accelerate their development cycle.
The Kapit Destroyer is SFI's name for the expected replacement to the Takaaki Destroyer. We expect it will incorporate burst launchers; if it continues to use the Takaaki Destroyer's Combat Module, then we can also expect a mixed battery of phasers and disruptors, making the Kapit Destroyer a potent combatant at longer and shorter ranges alike.
Dawnrim Shipyard @ Dawn (Horizon Moon) [3 x 5mt, 5 x 2mt, 6 x 1mt, 2 x 815kt]
All shipyards below are of pattern: [2 x 2mt, 3x500kt]
Coldstar @ Sanctuary
Tranquility Hook @ Haven
Torchbearer @ Mist
Obsidian Mountain @ Iskut
Sacred Headwaters @ Tahlan
Alabaster Foundry @ Tiriad
Godsgate @ Jafa
Horizon Diplomatic Posture Report
The struggle coreward continues slowly, our diplomatic efforts seeing continued pushback from the Galactic Outreach Directorate on all fronts.
While our direct engagements with the Harmony haven't seen many changes, the Harmony has been moving at our flanks.
The 6th Peacekeeper Expeditionary Fleet, commanded by Executor Karisek from the Sanctuary class HPDV Guardian, has been rebased in the 11th Precinct, adjacent to the League of Independent Felis Colonies, where they've begun major diplomatic efforts against the Commonwealth's own diplomatic task force.
On the other side of the Harmony, our SI monitors and the FDS report that the Galactic Outreach Directorate has begun focusing greater efforts in breaking through the Bolians isolationist streak.
Peacekeeper Directorate Public Information Database said:
Initially drafted by the hard working artists of the Tahlan Starship Design Institute, and finalized by the Singers of the Antaria Valley Advanced Cognition School, the first Choreographer Pattern Support Tender entered service with the Peacekeeping Directorate in CMXXIV Harmony Era [COS Note: 2273].
Initially designed to replace the aging Vigilant Pattern Patrol Tender, the Choreographer-CMXXIV Pattern Support Tender expanded the squadron capacity from four to six corvettes, and saw the initial introduction of the the dedicated Sarium Krellide recharging system. The first flight of Choreographer Pattern Tenders also introduced the famed Opus X distributed duotronic computer network into general service.
The Choreographer Pattern Tender served as the Uniformed Spacegoing Services' primary frontline command ship until the introduction of the Sanctuary Pattern Fleet Tender in CMLVI HE whereupon the the Peacekeeping Directorate began phasing out Choreographers from frontline service and transferring them to the Public Safety Directorate where they replaced the last Vigilant Pattern Tenders still in service.
Currently the majority of the Choreographer-CMLX Pattern Support Tenders in service with the Uniformed Spacegoing Services act as the Flagships of the Public Safety Directorate's XIV Precinct Squadrons.
The Choreographer class Tender is the smaller of the two fleet tender designs currently in service with the Harmony of Horizon.
Choreographer class ships are usually observed supporting squadrons of up to six corvettes, and though initially designed with the Dancer corvette in mind, all Choreographers currently in service have been refit to compatability with the newer Virtuoso corvettes.
Despite having been in service for half a century -the first Choreographer having launched in 2273- the Harmony appears to have no desire to retire the Choreographers currently in service. The Harmony seems content merely with relegating the design to rear area and support missions at this time. This seems to be in character with the Harmony which has been observed to operate the same designs for upwards of a century until retirement.
With the war against the Breen in full swing Romulan diplomacy seems to be focused on immediate concerns; on the one hand leveraging Federation support to prevent a re-eruption of war with the Klingons in their moment of weakness, and with the other hand entrenching their influence with their immediate neighbours.
The Romulans have continued to expand economic cooperation with the Sotaw, mixing economic incentive with loosened movement restrictions while inside Romulan borders.
With regards to the neighbouring Arcadian empire, while the Romulan base in Licori space continues to be in the middle and merchant class, the Romulan diplomatic corps has taken advantage of recent unrest and mobilization to seek greater ties to the Licori noble and Imperial houses.
While Romulan influence amongst the nobility is still limited compared to our own, the Romulans have no compunction about dealing with the Licori military complex which gives them an advantage that the FDS lacks. In fact, several very recent advances in Licori infantry and security kit seem to be licensed imitations of Romulan military equipment, likely part of deal that has allowed the Romulans to commission the creation a great deal of militarily relevant equipment from Licori foundries for their own war effort.
On a final note, while the official government line is appreciation for Federation support and non-interference, the civilian population is seeing an uptick of anti-Federation xenophobia after the recent period of calming, disgust over our perceived non-response to the attack on Courageous being commonly mixed with mockery of Federation and Starfleet cowardice.
ISC Diplomatic Posture Summary
The ISC have now entered into a formal defensive alliance with the Shanpurr. Known as the Protective League, it will help secure the Shan from Cardassian aggression, and secure the ISC claims in the GBZ. The ISC is hoping for a resource-sharing program with the Shanpurr to better fund their defensive efforts.
This diplomatic situation is unlikely to change unless a war between the ISC and another power is imminent, which is not anticipated within the next five years, or if we discover a new power nearby. We will inform you if we believe war is imminent.
Gorn Rimward Expansion
Our efforts to study the Haruka system are concluded. And though the outcome was rather messy, it also turned out to have been a prime opportunity to gain more information. Perhaps this is why the President was more lenient.
Haruka itself is now home to a Deep-Space Starbase, a design that is only theoretical to the Federation, suggesting the Gorn have access to much more advanced starbase technology. This station is an anchor, designed for on-site industrial processing, some fabrication, and serving as logistics hub. This has allowed the Gorn to conduct extensive exploration in the region around Haruka, and begin making extensive mineral and research claims.
We learned through idle chatter on the station and examination of civilian ship traffic that the Gorn have discovered nine resource sites, spread though sectors A-9, A-10, A-11 a-9, a-10, and b-10. Their most recent discovery, what we suspect is a basic resources site at b-10, is very near to Ittick-ka exploration activities, and will likely enflame tensions between the two powers.
In addition, Gorn and Dawiar engineers have completed a series of four outposts between Gorn and Dawiar space. They are one light year under the standardized galactic plane, and located in sectors c-6, c-7, b-8, and a-8. These outposts were built with the intent to cover trade traffic from the Dawiar to the Gorn, and asset their expanding presence. The Trill are somewhat grateful to the Gorn for these outposts, as they have helped secure against Hishmeri raiding. We believe the long-term goal is to upgrade one or more of these outposts to starbases for full coverage, particularly the one at c-7, which would cover a trunk line to Ruby-Eye's Folly.
All of this speaks to significant ambitions for the Gorn and Dawiar Rimward, and the preparations being undertaken for war with the Ittick-Ka.
Where did the mind control headphones come from?
We have traced the headphones to an independant plant on Puriurairaru. We have managed to confirm that that similar devices have been constructed in Bolian and even Licori states under a variety of holding companies. Our corporate analysts from Orion and Rigel have put in tremendous effort untangling this webs, but it appears the initial start-up capital came from the OSA Corporations themselves. It's unclear if they are colluding on manufacturing, or each chose a different state to set up production.
The headphones were shipped among usual civilian traffic to avoid suspicion. It was only thanks to 'luck' that a Gretarian became greedy and tried one on, exposing the scheme as early as they did. Perhaps the old Orion mantra of 'greed is good' is not so false after all.
Further analysis suggests that the technology behind the headphones can be hidden in a variety of other wearables -- eyeglasses, as an example, or sewn into the brim of a hat. The upside is that while they are well disguised to the naked eye, the magnetic resonance and energy they require is detectable fairly easily. It appears the OSA has not taken note mostly because they accepted whatever excuse given by high-level corporate officials.
As for the technology, while there was some initial theorizing that the design is adapted from Eternal Empire technology, the technology is actually rather unsophisticated. The tech could have come from anywhere, indeed, they may have been designed entirely within the OSA. However, the idea to deploy these devices may have come from an outside actor, we may discover this if we are given the opportunity to interrogate senior OSA corporate management.
In short: they were built in Felis, Bolian, and Licori space, hidden away in regular shipments in an attempt to evade OSA regulators. The production process was funded the OSA Corporations using shell corporations, and they likely designed the mind-altering devices themselves.
Cardassian Diplomatic Efforts with regards to the Gorn
The Cardassians have made excellent inroads with the Gorn political classes, already largely sympathetic to the Cardassians due to them handing over the Dawiar without a shot fired. That being said, the Cardassian strategy is an interesting one. Unlike other powers in the Ashalla Pact, they don't offer to prop up an authoritarian government, or make impressive shows of strength. While they do appear to be assisting the security services, and have participated in wargames against us, they are aware the Gorn view the government and their strength as being secure. What the Cardassians offer the Gorn instead is something much more valuable: assistance with economic restructuring.
The Cardassians have been touring plants, meeting with local buisnesspeople and merchants, and investigating supply routes, all with the goal of helping the Gorn be more productive. Their end goal appears to be bringing the ancient Gorn heavy industrial park on Ghidar back online in order to study it, along with the superheavy parts production line on Gornar, currently used to build mega-yachts for the rich. These efforts have earned them massive favor at court, but has also lead to infighting among the merchant classes, all of whom want to benefit from Cardassian assistance.
However, there is a darker side to Cardassian activity. We have reports the Obsidian Order is behind a wave of social and political unrest, with the end goal seemingly to put certain nobles or leaders who favor the Cardassians into positions of power. They appear to be largely assisting the Reclaimer faction, who benefits the most from making the Crown Prince look soft, and his Princess' approach unsuccessful, but appear to have helped the Florist camp out as well.
Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
Cardassia is at peace. The military, for the moment, is on the sidelines; trade and diplomacy have taken the field instead. And the government is pretty antsy about it.
Starting tailwards, Cardassian relations with the Gorn are complex and are summarized elsewhere. Cardassian-Dawiar relations are cold, meanwhile. They may have traded the Dawiar to the Gorn, but they seem dissatisfied with the results thus far. Moving spinwards, Cardassia has taken some interest in the Trill, despite their relatively small size. Similarly, the Ashidi seem to have merited special attention from the Obsidian Order.
Cardassia continues to keep a sizable border force patrolling Imelak and Lecarre space. We've noticed a lot of encrypted diplomatic traffic with the Imelak. This may be related to an apparent influx of Cardassian observers and advisors on the Imelak's new homeworld. As they attempt to build a planet-based society, old social structures developed during their long period of shipboard migration have to change, or be discarded altogether. Cardassia apparently is putting her thumb on the scale, attempting to influence this process of social change.
Relations with the Chrystovians have gotten increasingly icy. What trade there was has plummeted; the Cardassian desk believes that the few remaining traders are mostly Obsidian Order agents, building networks for the inevitable invasion. The Chrystovians have gone into limited mobilization, but we do not believe they have the strength to effectively resist an invasion for long.
The Righteous Allupii Empire represents a power that the Cardassians cannot easily overawe, and an invasion of Allupii space would be no small endeavour. This seems to vex the Cardassians. For now, the Allupii are a trading partner. Diplomacy with the Allupii is hampered by the fact that they are reportedly distinctly unimpressed with Cardassians, who, for their part, tend to privately ridicule them for their 'ridiculous' pomp.
The Interstellar Commonwealth continues to be of little interest to the Cardassian political classes, who seem them as too insular and cautious to easily be either threat or target. The ISC's new focus on the Felis suits the Cardassians just fine.
As for the Federation itself? We are a rival, to be sure. In every meeting we have with them, there's this impression that keeps coming up that whatever deals they may make with us now, those deals are only temporary, until... But on some level, we serve an important role in Cardassian society, perhaps even a necessary one. They define themselves against us, somewhat like the Springboks define themself against the All-Blacks. We are the mark to be measured against, the enemy to be hated, the villain to outwit or outfight. But without us, what are they?
Ittick-ka Fleet Strength
These numbers are deeply speculative due to the limited links to Ittick-ka networks that exist.
Modern frigates: 25~40
Legacy Frigates: 10~15
Cruisers: ~12
Capitals: ~5
Shipyard Operations Command Update
The following ships have been completed:
USS Vokau, Centaur-B class frigate (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2147) @ Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 2
The following repairs have been completed:
USS Courageous, Excelsior-A class explorer (Starfleet Build Order NCC-2003) @ Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility Berth A
Member World Coordination Division - Shipyard Addendum
The following ships have been completed:
Laio - 1 x Cargo Ship, 1 x Civilian Ship
Tauni - 1 x Patroller-A, 1 x Prospector, 1 x Civilian Ship
OK, if the Shanpurr are MDPed with the ISC I suggest we pretty much drop them as a diplo focus. The ISC is functionally an ally - even without an MDP we can rely on their help in any kind of mega-crisis scenario and they're not going to go aggressive on us ever.
There are much better uses for our diplo assets than the Shanpurr now that the Cardassians can't have them ... the Cardassians hitting the ISC on its home turf would not end well for the Cardassians.
Like seeing if we can figure out a way to finagle the situation with Righteous Allupii Empire and the Chrystovians into ending without anyone getting invaded.
On the one hand, the Choreographer confirmed not to be a monster is nice, though backed by a full wing of corvettes it's still pretty nasty. On the other hand, SWB's confidence in our skirmish and scout superiority for the near future appears to have been misplaced. Our scout phase will probably be at equal odds with the Cardies, and our overall superiority in skirmish isn't going to be huge. We're going to need that Vanguard Rennie.
Wiki updated with new/revised intelligence on ships.
OK, if the Shanpurr are MDPed with the ISC I suggest we pretty much drop them as a diplo focus. The ISC is functionally an ally - even without an MDP we can rely on their help in any kind of mega-crisis scenario and they're not going to go aggressive on us ever.
There are much better uses for our diplo assets than the Shanpurr now that the Cardassians can't have them ... the Cardassians hitting the ISC on its home turf would not end well for the Cardassians.
Like seeing if we can figure out a way to finagle the situation with Righteous Allupii Empire and the Chrystovians into ending without anyone getting invaded.
Hmm, I suppose we could form a Task Force to work on the Distant Stars tags of both the Chrystovians and the Allupii. Can we put a single TF on both tags?
What the Cardassians offer the Gorn instead is something much more valuable: assistance with economic restructuring.
The Cardassians have been touring plants, meeting with local buisnesspeople and merchants, and investigating supply routes, all with the goal of helping the Gorn be more productive. Their end goal appears to be bringing the ancient Gorn heavy industrial park on Ghidar back online in order to study it, along with the superheavy parts production line on Gornar, currently used to build mega-yachts for the rich. These efforts have earned them massive favor at court, but has also lead to infighting among the merchant classes, all of whom want to benefit from Cardassian assistance.
I think we would lose if they manage to bring it online and study it, it would weaken our industrial advantages.
Hell we haven't made much economic inroad in Gorn I think apart from our ship base efforts.
Still I really think we should gain more influence with the Ittick-ka just in case since its harder to gain influence if the sizable merchant classes like them.
Need to diplopush Ittick-ka if Gorn did not work out.
Bloody amusing to see this.
Does the All Blacks still kick ass in this day and age I wonder and I ignore the stupid idea of turning the whole of New Zealand into an prison, those dumbass writers.
I'm not worried about pissing off the ISC here - I just don't see any reason to put resources into diplo-pushing the Shanpurr when we don't have to worry about losing them to anyone we don't like.
Opportunity cost of not pushing the Shanpurr is putting off getting them or maybe the ISC eventually getting them.
Opportunity cost of pushing the Shanpurr is not using those resources to keep the Harmony/Romulans/Cardassians/Gorn from getting someone else.
I'm not worried about pissing off the ISC here - I just don't see any reason to put resources into diplo-pushing the Shanpurr when we don't have to worry about losing them to anyone we don't like.
Opportunity cost of not pushing the Shanpurr is putting off getting them or maybe the ISC eventually getting them.
Opportunity cost of pushing the Shanpurr is not using those resources to keep the Harmony/Romulans/Cardassians/Gorn from getting someone else.
Meh, we only pushed them because they were close to becoming affiliates anyway, I don't even think alot of people here want to keep diplopushing them next year. We can let the autopushes take care of them for a few years.
Relations with the Chrystovians have gotten increasingly icy. What trade there was has plummeted; the Cardassian desk believes that the few remaining traders are mostly Obsidian Order agents, building networks for the inevitable invasion. The Chrystovians have gone into limited mobilization, but we do not believe they have the strength to effectively resist an invasion for long.
Hmm, I suppose we could form a Task Force to work on the Distant Stars tags of both the Chrystovians and the Allupii. Can we put a single TF on both tags?
Or facilitate a defensive pact between the two of them. Because if the Allupi are to big to easily take now, how after the Cardassian's gobbled up the Chrystovians?
So, it looks like the stars are aligning for a Gorn Franz Ferdinand to eat a Cardassian assassination and spark space WW1. A Gorn civil war would have a lot of outside players trying to get involved. We need to double down here or it's going to be an absolute catastrophe. The Cardassian's methods won't let things wrap up quietly in a society like the Gorn.
Also, the Kapits are sort of peers to our upcoming generation of frigates, except that we have a couple advantages that I can see. Our Centaurs are still relatively competitive, particularly as an all-around threat, and they are only producing 7 of them at present. We're kicking out 7 Keplers, somewhat superior to the Kapit-S, plus miscellaneous other ships next quarter. The Comet will thrash the Kapit Courier, and any number of prospective combat-focused Starfleet designs (e.g. Shooting Star Comet variant) would be competitive or outright superior to the Kapit destroyer. All in all, I'm not too concerned about them.
Considering the fact that the Cardassians are studying the Gorn's HIP. We may need to push up our plans to build a second UP style yard. I am still in favor of using Lokmar Tamash as the basis for it considering its size and availability.
Haruka itself is now home to a Deep-Space Starbase, a design that is only theoretical to the Federation, suggesting the Gorn have access to much more advanced starbase technology. This station is an anchor, designed for on-site industrial processing, some fabrication, and serving as logistics hub. This has allowed the Gorn to conduct extensive exploration in the region around Haruka, and begin making extensive mineral and research claims.
Yes I very thankful that we have two large task forces ending and ships can be moved about we need to concentrate on the Gorn and have some concentrate on the two entities to the west.
Yes I very thankful that we have two large task forces ending and ships can be moved about we need to concentrate on the Gorn and have some concentrate on the two entities to the west.