I am uneasy relying on the luck of the dice there. Even a small task force would be useful, if only to determine if we're dealing with an opposing task force and ensure the tag is completed rapidly. Also, as a 100-level tag aren't continuing pushes on the OSA now blocked? The last push we saw didn't move the needle on that tag at all even though they're now affiliates.

An opposing Task Force to investigating corruption? How would that even work?

And no, continuing pushes aren't blocked. The reason the last one didn't move the needle was because it came before the tag appeared.

1) Are there costs associated with starting a task force, other than the per-ship costs and the asset costs? I honestly do not remember and am trying to get up to speed so I can contribute usefully.

No, just the cost of the ships and any attachment selected. Though note the FDS/Office the the President frequently show which Task Force option they consider important by listing them as specific vote options, often with a free FDS attachment. If we're being offered a free attachment or free ships, it's a pretty good signal that forces in Federation government declare that TF to be very important.
I am uneasy relying on the luck of the dice there. Even a small task force would be useful, if only to determine if we're dealing with an opposing task force and ensure the tag is completed rapidly. Also, as a 100-level tag aren't continuing pushes on the OSA now blocked? The last push we saw didn't move the needle on that tag at all even though they're now affiliates-it went straight into the general pool.
Luck of the dice? Task forces are luck of the dice. They can backslide 30 points one quarter and make 80 points of progress the next. You want to deal with this reliably, use a continuing push.
EDIT: Where can I find a good overview of the task force rules including precise point costs? I didn't pay much attention to it when it was first posted, and now I'm hazy on some of the details that matter for math purposes.

How? If they step in to protect a regional bad actor that's not going to help them at all with any other power, and likely make it worse.
They may be planning to foment regime changes in other polities at a later date. They may be planning to 'force' the OSA to pay massive reparations and make concessions, while effectively reducing the OSA to a puppet state. They may be planning to swoop in out of OUTRAGE at OSA 'atrocities' at the last minute and impose regime change on the OSA's planet.

They may be planning to win over the polities that right now are least angry with the OSA, the ones that won't care and won't be offended (say, the Felis (?) and the Bolians) while writing off others that will be offended (the Ked Peddah who are practically in the Federation's hip pocket, the Licori).

Or, well, we might not know everything that's going on.

No, just the cost of the ships and any attachment selected. Though note the FDS/Office the the President frequently show which Task Force option they consider important by listing them as specific vote options, often with a free FDS attachment. If we're being offered a free attachment or free ships, it's a pretty good signal that forces in Federation government declare that TF to be very important.
On the other hand, I wouldn't count on the Federation government always realizing a problem is important in time to do something about it.
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It's not about Gorn affiliation. It's about preventing them from signing an alliance with the Cardassians that would cause the Cardassians to join their war with the Ittick-ka.

I'll say it again. The Gorn are not about the Gorn. They're about preventing the Ashalla Pact from encircling us with an allied power that can hit the Federation from the other side. It's the Sydraxians all over again, except tougher and with a bigger fleet.
Okay so what about the Cardassians allying with Ittick-ka if we move on Gorn?

I would like to have an small task force to be a tripwire in case the Cardassian task force arrive plus having an small TF would smooth out the issue with Trill and making some headway with their tags.
We can reinforce them when the Cardassians appear.
Could we make a Task Force that would target both the Gorn's and the Ittick's 'Great Power Ambitions' Tag? Seems to me that that's the major problem here.
Starfleet Intelligence Analysis Team: 5pp per year. Effect: 25% chance of a free Intelligence Report related to the Task Force's Mission each year. - 5pp [FORWARD]
Four years of this equals four years of a listening post, after that LP is better. Seems like an inefficient use of PP, unless we really need that intel.

-Ventil Oyana: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +5 points on one targeted tag each quarter = 5pp
2PP are worth about 3 relations with non affiliates, 12 with affiliates+. The only use I can see for this are very difficult TFs where every point in precious or extremely urgent ones.

Edit: as pointed our below, its 5 relations each quarter, so a good idea for non affiliates.

The amount of PP we spend on TFs worries me.

Could we make a Task Force that would target both the Gorn's and the Ittick's 'Great Power Ambitions' Tag? Seems to me that that's the major problem here.
Probably a bad idea. Also, we need to clear the Gorn one asap to stop them from attacking the Ittick ka and strengthen the crown prince. We can then shift to them.
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Four years of this equals four years of a listening post, after that LP is better. Seems like an inefficient use of PP, unless we really need that intel.

2PP are worth about 3 relations with non affiliates, 12 with affiliates+. The only use I can see for this are very difficult TFs where every point in precious or extremely urgent ones.

Probably a bad idea. Also, we need to clear the Gorn one asap to stop them from attacking the Ittick ka and strengthen the crown prince. We can then shift to them.
Yeah; given that they're both 300-point tags and that we can't spare a gigantic fleet to clear both at once, we need to prioritize. Since the Gorn one is closer to completion, and since we may actually stop Gorn ambitions of conquest just by clearing that tag, whereas the Ittick-ka will still be driven by xenophobia even with it gone... I think we're better off going for the Gorn.
2) This is more a question for the GMs; is there a way we can order one task force to "roll into" another if it accomplishes its mission early? Can we order them to work on tags in a certain order? For example, IF we set up a task force to work on the "Corps are Lying" tag with the OSA, could we order it to finish rolling up that tag, then focus its mission on general improvement of relations, or on the "Disunited Homeworld" tag, for the duration of the year? That way its efforts wouldn't be wasted.
Fully agree with this.

I'm rather bothered by how "front-loaded" task forces are in a year, where they go out do their missions at the start of the year, and then possibly dissolve and trickle into the theater fleets. Bluntly, this is really weird planning by Starfleet Operations.

I mean, there are definitely complexities with the timing of when a mission ends (whether success or failure) and the ships that could be shuffled between task forces, but that's solvable by only allowing recruitment from free ships or sector fleets into specific task forces and specific times (and disallowing any movement of ships between task forces).

EDIT: Where can I find a good overview of the task force rules including precise point costs? I didn't pay much attention to it when it was first posted, and now I'm hazy on some of the details that matter for math purposes.
There have been 3 deployment vote updates with the new member fleet acquisition system so far: 2320, 2321, 2322.

It seems that we can requisition batches of member fleets, with each batch worth 8pt of supply cost. Explorers each cost 2pt, cruisers each cost 1pt, frigates each cost 0.5pt, and we can choose any member fleet ships, as long as the requisitioned total for each member fleet does not exceed 25% in supply cost of that member's total fleet.

The first two 8pt batches cost 40pp each*. A third and last 8pt batch costs 60pp. Retaining a batch for the next year is half the cost of that batch.

So in 2320, we called up the first 8pt batch for 40pp. In 2321, we retained that 8pt batch for 40/2=20pp. In 2322, we retained that 8pt batch and called up the second 8pt batch for 40/2+40=60pp and 16pts worth of ships.

We presume that retaining these 16pts worth of called up ships will cost 40/2+40/2=40pp next year. If we requisition a third 8pts (to total 24pts of supply), it should cost 40/2+40/2+60=100pp.

* Exception: 2321 has retaining 8pt cost 20pp, yet retaining 8pt + new 8pt costs 80pp rather than 20+40=60pp, and retaining 8pt + new 16pt costs 140pp rather than 20+40+60=120pp. I think this was just an oversight.
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Okay, some further revisions to Briefvoice's plan, to shake loose enough ships for a SMALL task force to work on the OSA's "Corps are Lying" tag. This plan takes one Betazoid Centaur-B off the Gorn task force and one (plus the USS Zephyr) off the Harmony task force, USS Justice from the Harmony Border Zone, to make a small task force to clear the tag.

Justice will uncover what the Muuyozoi corporations are up to in the darkness of space.

The hole in the HBZ squadron is covered by a Centaur-B (better than a Rennie for event response) from Vulcan Sector, which leaves two ships there, plus the explorer and two cruisers in the RBZ under mutual support.

New construction is allocated to bring the Gorn task force up to ten ships, but with more cruisers and fewer frigates.

USS Torch is sent to reinforce Chekov with its powerful new zappitude. Chekov trades it for his Turtleship. The Turtleship is in turn sent to the Gorn, who will hopefully think it is the cuddliest thing they have ever seen. :p

I trimmed a pair of attachments that I thought were superfluous or at least unwarranted expenses in this time of tight PP budgets, but that isn't core to the plan.


EOY pp stash = 275pp


Retain 16 points of Member Ships - 40pp

Maintain following TF attachments:
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers – 0pp [BEYOND]
Molchenek-Danashad Consulting: 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter – 3pp [BEYOND]
Lt. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls. - 3pp [BOLDLY]
Ambassador Sarek: 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll. - 5pp [was SHIELD; move to wherever]
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter – 5pp [FORWARD]
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter - 5pp [FORWARD]

Discontinue following TF attachment:
Starfleet Intelligence Analysis Team: 5pp per year. Effect: 25% chance of a free Intelligence Report related to the Task Force's Mission each year. - 5pp [FORWARD]
(Rationale: the extra intel is nice, but this is functionally equivalent to a listening post as @Enerael points out. We're hard up for PP, some luxuries gotta go.)

To maintain current attachments, MINUS the intel team = 21pp

(I concur with Briefvoice; I too am not going to bother listing costs for RP/BR attachments. Anywho, we've saved 5pp/yr.)

New Purchases:
-Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter. = 10pp
(Dropping Oyana Ventil. Rationale: It is non-obvious to me that her ability is worth more than it costs, in a year when PP is tight)

New purchases = 10pp

Total pp cost of Task Force Deployment = 71pp
(10 points freed up from attachments)

16 points of member ships drafted:

- Explorers: 1 Caitian Excelsior-A
- Cruisers: 2 Apiata Little Queenship, 1 Rigellian Turtleship, 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers, 1 Gaeni Tech-Cruiser-A
- Frigates: 4 Apiata Stingers, 1 United Earth Centaur-B, 5 Betazoid Centaur-B, 2 Tellarite Centaur-B, 1 Amarkian Anacail, 2 Amarkian Centaur-B, 1 Andorian Centaur-B

Task Force: Beyond
-Mission: Mission: Remove Horizon Influence from Licori, Felis, and from OSA.
-Commander: Samhaya Mrr'shan - +1P to Flagship, reroll first failed combat roll each year
Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment
Starfleet Tactical Brass: 0pp per year. Enables coordination events with other powers
Molchenek-Danashad: 3 pp per year. Effect: +1 to the first diplomatic roll involving a capitalist society each quarter
Sam Jones: 10 br on purchase, 10 br per year. Effect: Gain both sr & relations on trade summit missions for this task force.

Ships 2323.Q1:
  • Explorers: 2 Starfleet Excelsior-A [Salnas (B)], Endurance (B)], 1 Caitian Excelsior-A [Hrvass], 1 Starfleet Constitution-A [Cheron (V)]
  • Cruisers: 2 Apiata Little Queenship, 2 Orion Nelhiar Savings & Loan Enforcer Cruisers [OUS Nelhiar's Pride, Nelhiar's Honor]
  • Frigates: 2 Starfleet Centaur-B [Chinook, Zephyr (B)], 2 Betazoid Centaur-Bs, 4 Apiata Stingers, 1 United Earth Centaur-B, 2 Tellarite Centaur-B
  • NEW: 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Gale (B)] in Q2
  • REMOVED: 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Zephyr (B)], 1 Betazoid Centaur-B, to join Task Force Unity
  • Notes: Drop to 17 ships, 18 in Q2. Several of the cruisers have been switched out for Centaur-Bs.
Task Force: Boldly
-Mission [Explore the Adazzi Gulf]
-Straak - +15 BR/SR on the first resource gain of each quarter
All Pyllix Geological Institute Team. Cost: Free.
Lt. Sadd-Har's Cadet Field Training Team: 3 pp per year. Effect: Increased experience gain for missions involving S rolls.
Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science Team: 10 rp per year. Effect: +5BR or +5SR on the first resource gain each quarter
Henn-Makad Mineral Engineering Institute Team: 10 rp per year. Effect: +2 on the first mapping roll each quarter.
Igata Nikelda: 10 rp per year. Effect: Increased chance of finding resource colony sites.
NEW Vulcan Science Academy Science Team. Cost: 10 rp on Purchase, 5 rp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Science test involving an anomaly per quarter.

Ships 2323.Q1:
  • Explorers: 1 Excelsior-A [Excalibur]
  • Cruisers: NEW 1 Gaeni Tech-Cruiser-A, NEW 1 Constellation-A [Stalwart (B)]
  • Frigates: 1 Kepler [Kepler], 1 Miranda-A [Dryad (B)], 1 Oberth [Hawking (B)], 1 Forager (free with mission
  • Notes: Added Gaeni ship and Stalwart as reinforcements. TF is now 7 ships strong.

Task Force: Forward
-Mission: [Discourage attacks on the Trill]
-Pavel Chekov - Nullifies the first 2pts of crew casualties per year, reroll the first failed Away Team Combat each year
FDS Diplomatic Team. Cost: 5pp on Purchase, 5pp per year. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter;
Langa Mbeki: 5 pp on purchase, 5 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the lowest diplomatic roll each quarter
NEW Yoyodyne Research Team: 10 rp per year. Enables reroll on first failed D-Test each quarter.
REMOVED Starfleet Intelligence field team.

-2323.Q1 Ships:
  • Explorers: 1 Excelsior-A (6) [Thirishar (B)]
  • Cruisers: STO Audacious [Serene], 2 STO Constrictors, NEW 1 Renaissance [Torch (pa)] REMOVED 1 Rigellian Turtleship
  • Frigates: 2 STO Arquilla, 1 Amarki Centaur-B, NEW 1 Amarki Anacail
  • Notes: TF is 9 ships strong.
Rationale: Torch can handily outfight a Turtleship, and the nature of her mission as part of Chekov's task force means she's less likely to be, say, hosting alien 'diplomats' who want a look at her intriguing new phaser arrays. The Turtleship will be assigned to the Gorn task force. Also, this way we've got a big, heavily armored ship full of cool reptile people to talk to the Gorn!

[NEW] Task Force: Royal (the Gorn Task Force)
-Mission: Remove [Great Power Ambitions: 75/300] and [Distant Stars: 0/100] tags on Gorn. If a [Cardassian Influence: 0/100] tag emerges, remove that tag as well.
-Commander: Leaniss Larai (?)
  • Free FDS Diplomatic Team attachment. Effect: Reroll first failed Diplomatic Roll each quarter;
  • Ambassador Sarek: 5 pp per year. Effect: Reroll the first failed diplomatic roll each quarter; add +1 to the reroll.
  • Ashtarr: 10 pp on purchase, 8 pp per year. Effect: +2 to the first diplomatic roll involving the Gorn each quarter. = 10pp
-2323.Q1 Ships:
  • Explorers: Avandar (B), Rru'adorr (B), Pleezirra (B)
  • Cruisers: 1 Rigellian Turtleship, 2 Starfleet Renaissances (new construction in Q2)
  • Frigates: 1 Amarkian Centaur-B, 1 Andorian Centaur-B, 2 Betazoid Centaur-B
  • Notes: TF is 8 ships strong, growing to 10 with the arrival of reinforcements in Q2
(Cutting out one of the Betazoid Centaur-Bs for operations closer to home. Compensating by allocating two Rennies shortly after mission start.)

(USS Torch swapped out for a Rigellian turtleship that I consider to be more in line with TF Royal's mission requirements)

(Leaniss Larai chosen as having Presence 5, she is literally the best choice possible as far as I can tell)

[NEW] Task Force: Unity (The OSA Corps Task Force)
-Mission: Remove [Corps are lying to us: 0/100] tag on the Muuyozoi. After this tag is removed, work on the [Disunified Homeworld 200/500] tag until disbanded.
-Commander: Sabek (?)
-Attachments: None

-2323.Q1 Ships:
  • Cruisers: 1 Renaissance [Justice]
  • Frigates: 2 Betazoid Centaur-B, 1 Starfleet Centaur-B [Zephyr (B)]
  • Notes: TF is 4 ships strong.
(Sabek chosen as the only available commodore with Insight/Intrigue 4)

(This seems like a good place to send ships full of well-intentioned but peaceful psychics who live relatively nearby. Furthermore, three (possibly all four) of the ships comprising this task force are in the right general part of the Federation to start work quickly, without a prolonged transit. This seems advisable for in-character reasons)

(The flagship of this task force will be the USS Justice. Because one, the ship and crew are experienced with local conditions, and two, nominative determinism is clearly in play given how USS Agile dodged the first shot of the Battle of Deva IX and then went on to serve as a superfast special operations ship under Captain Stol despite being the slowest ship class in the fleet with the exception of the Oberths. :p)

Changes to Current Patrol Sectors:
Send Inspire (Oberth) to RBZ
Send Tarrak (Excelsior-A) to Licori BZ or HBZ
Send Yukikaze (Centaur-B) to HBZ
Send T'Mir (Oberth) to Ferasa (to make up for sending ship to refit)
Send Sommerfield to HBZ from Vulcan Sector (to cover for Justice, leaving a ConnieBee and a Miranda)

Additional Ships in Later quarters:

2323.Q2 changes: 1 Centaur-A [Gale (B)] exits refit, 2 Renaissance [Ana Font Berth 1, Intazzi Berth 1] completes construction,
Net changes: +1 Centaur-B, +2 Renaissances.
The Centaur-B goes to Task Force Harmony; the Rennies go to Task Force Royal.

2323.Q4 changes: 1 Centaur-B [Oreasa Berth 2] completes
Net changes: +1 Centaur-B
Suggest sending this Centaur-B to Vulcan Sector.
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Could we use Task Force: Beyond to clear the [Corps are lying to us: 0/100] tag on the Muuyozoi with orders to resume work on the harmony influence tags once done?
My preference for Tarrak (Excelsior-A) is the HBZ as that is both the biggest border zone, we are fighting a diplomatic war there and we missed events last year in that border zone.
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Tbf I'm concerned that we're gonna learn more about the Breen mess that will result in us needing a TF there, so...
2PP are worth about 3 relations with non affiliates, 12 with affiliates+. The only use I can see for this are very difficult TFs where every point in precious or extremely urgent ones.
Oyana is 5 points/quarter, or 20 points/year. On non-affiliates, she's coming out ahead.
EDIT: I think that giving Task Force Unity (my chosen name for the 'Corps are Lying' task force) a couple of the ships presently allocated to Task Force Beyond would be far from the worst thing we could do. Say, one of the Betazoid Centaur-Bs and the USS Zephyr. Maybe we could, say, build the task force:

USS Justice (because of course the flagship must be swift Justice! Also, Justice is a cruiser 'in the neighborhood' since she's already serving in the HBZ and makes a logical 'nucleus' for the task force)
USS Zephyr (blooded Centaur-B from Beyond)
2 Betazoid Centaur-Bs (one from Beyond, one that was allocated to the Gorn task force 'Royal')

That way, the Gorn task force is only down one ship instead of two. The Harmony task force loses two ships, but that just means it only has seventeen ships instead of nineteen.

Honestly, with three Centaur-Bs in Task Force Unity from the start, we could probably skip sending them the Gale in Q2 and send her to Task Force Beyond to fill the hole left by her sister Zephyr.


As for a task force commander... hm. I think this is likely to be an Insight/Presence challenge. I'm leaning towards Leaniss Larai or Sabek, the former for her stunning Presence 5 (but Insight 3), the latter for his Insight 4 (but Presence 3). Neither has any special stat bonuses listed on the spreadsheet, those might help tip the scale.

This might actually be a good way for Leaniss to hone her command skills; it's a small squadron with a clearly delineated mission that plays (more or less) to her strengths.

Then again, she might also make a good choice to head the Gorn task force ("Royal,") since she's hereditary aristocracy in her own right and that is sooo a diplomatic mission and she sooo has Presence 5.


Made changes to my plan accordingly- picked task force commanders and reshuffled ship allocations.
Could we use Task Force: Beyond to clear the [Corps are lying to us: 0/100] tag on the Muuyozoi with orders to resume work on the harmony influence tags once done?
I'd rather not STOP work on the Harmony Influence tags for a few quarters while dealing with this one particular tag. I wouldn't be averse to pulling a few ships off of TF: Beyond to bulk up TF: Unity, though.

If we could tell them "dole off five ships to deal with this, keep the rest of your ships working on the Harmony Influence tags," I'd be happy with that, but I'm pretty sure we don't have that level of micromanagement.
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If you guys want to discuss things while waiting for the Task Force posts, start brainstorming courses of action to recommend to Jime Okaar to aid the Romulans against the Breen. Keep in mind

* The Map
* The Pacifist faction President (War with Breen voting intention breakdown: Exp, Hwk YES; Pac, Dev, Mer NO)
* What might make the Romulans comfortable/uncomfortable
* How it would be perceived by the political factions.

I'd suggest things like Lend-Lease programs, offering repair berths, loaning auxiliaries, etc. There will be a vote on this before SYO.
At least the Klingons can't get too irritated if we support the Romulans, seeing as this mess started with an unprovoked attack on a Federation starship.
If you guys want to discuss things while waiting for the Task Force posts, start brainstorming courses of action to recommend to Jime Okaar to aid the Romulans against the Breen. Keep in mind

Okay. It's been somewhat unclear to us if the Breen were going to proceed on with their attack, or if blowing their shot at surprise was enough to make them reconsider. We should go under the assumption the Breen are going to proceed?
uh somewhat minor power V weak major power? not seeing that end well for the breen
it will hurt the romulans but i`m sure it will hurt the breen more.
A substantial Dreamer TF.

We could say that it is to protect them from reprisals for helping us, along with research and diplomacy.

We wouldnt use this to stab into their backs, but the Breen would in our position, and militaristic isolationists like them wouldnt be confident in their xenopsych enough to not peel off lots of ships from their warfleet to defend their worlds.

Keep in mind that for all they know, the Dreamers, hundreds of frigate to cruiser sized cosmozoa, would help us invade. I highly doubt that they can communicate with them, or understand them enough to say that they wouldnt even if they could.

Shouldnt be a problem with the Romulans. Dreamers are almost on the other side of the Breen from them.

Diplomacy, research, helping Romulans innocents, protecting friends, and all of that peacefully, unless the Breen are insane enough to start a war with two great powers, one of which isnt weakened any. Whats not to like?
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If you guys want to discuss things while waiting for the Task Force posts, start brainstorming courses of action to recommend to Jime Okaar to aid the Romulans against the Breen. Keep in mind

* The Map
* The Pacifist faction President (War with Breen voting intention breakdown: Exp, Hwk YES; Pac, Dev, Mer NO)
* What might make the Romulans comfortable/uncomfortable
* How it would be perceived by the political factions.

I'd suggest things like Lend-Lease programs, offering repair berths, loaning auxiliaries, etc. There will be a vote on this before SYO.

One thing the Romulans are probably hard-pressed for is crew, with the heavy casualties they've taken. A crew exchange program where Starfleet "volunteers" serve on Romulan ships?
One thing the Romulans are probably hard-pressed for is crew, with the heavy casualties they've taken. A crew exchange program where Starfleet "volunteers" serve on Romulan ships?
The Starfleet Corps of Engineers is no doubt deeply interested in how modern cloaking devices work, the details of Romulan sensor systems and just how a singularity reactor can destabilize with empirical knowledge.
Never mind the communications protocols, since those may in fact be the simplest things for the Romulan fleet to revise after the war...

Volunteer forces may happen, but the Romulans are going to want to restrict access to their sensitive equipment as much as possible.
If you guys want to discuss things while waiting for the Task Force posts, start brainstorming courses of action to recommend to Jime Okaar to aid the Romulans against the Breen. Keep in mind

* The Map
* The Pacifist faction President (War with Breen voting intention breakdown: Exp, Hwk YES; Pac, Dev, Mer NO)
* What might make the Romulans comfortable/uncomfortable
* How it would be perceived by the political factions.

I'd suggest things like Lend-Lease programs, offering repair berths, loaning auxiliaries, etc. There will be a vote on this before SYO.

Since we more than likely won't go to war. Then we should be able to at least secure and patrol up to Bolian space. Probably offer to to run convoy duty so the Breen don't raid the transports.

Abruptly, I regret having to spoil, but yes, they are still going on the attack.

Is there likely to be a vote were the council tells us to completely hands off?

One thing the Romulans are probably hard-pressed for is crew, with the heavy casualties they've taken. A crew exchange program where Starfleet "volunteers" serve on Romulan ships?

It's rather unlikely they would allow SF access to their ships like that.
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Ah, Courageous the War-Finder.
It's an explorer, it goes where no one gone before and sometimes the ship comes beaten, but not broken, with a war on it's heels.

Can we lend them T'Mir for all T'Mir shenaningas?