Since you guys are lovingly stacking the military bureaucracy with our people I have to wonder if we ever got a statement of us retaining their boni after the current admiral retires or if they get switched to "Old Guard" (which to me would make a lot of sense provided somebody else but our protege gets the job).
Just to double check crew needs...
1 Explorer (Excelsior) - [O-6, E-5, T-5]
1 Science (Oberth) - [O-1, E-1, T-4]
1 Cruiser (say the Connie-B) - [O-3, E-4, T-4]
2 Excorts (Centaur-A) - [O-2, E-2, T-8]
So, 12 Officers, 12 Enlisted, and 21 Techs, every three years, is the target, just to keep up with current sectors, not to catch up with the backlog.

Edit: One third of that, 4 Officers, 4 Enlisted, and 7 Techs. Currently workable!
Looks like you accidentally copied the Oberth crew requirements for the Centaur. They're [O-1, E-2, T-2] per ship, not [O-1, E-1, T-4].
Since you guys are lovingly stacking the military bureaucracy with our people I have to wonder if we ever got a statement of us retaining their boni after the current admiral retires or if they get switched to "Old Guard" (which to me would make a lot of sense provided somebody else but our protege gets the job).
They probably get switched to Old Guard if we get booted out by the Council, but not if we pick/suggest a successor and retire.
Vote will close in the morning.

As mentioned earlier, posting will be having something of a delay as I try and map out my tech progression/tiers for the next few stages, plus trying to get my doctrines all mapped out. I'd very much like for this year's research phase to be finished product I won't have to tinker with again. Basically a bit of pain now to save a bit of pain every turn, and to give you guys a much clearer idea of where you're taking your research.
Can someone run a current vote count? Give people a chance to consolidate if they want to, and I think some people may have accidentally shorted themselves on voting by putting different parts of their votes in different posts.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 334 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
No. of Votes: 24

[x] Commodore Maynard Banks
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Commodore Trinnarv Xursh
No. of Votes: 7


[x][ASSIGN] Sol System
No. of Votes: 18

[x][ASSIGN] Cardassian Border Zone
No. of Votes: 10

[X][ASSIGN] Sol Sector
No. of Votes: 2


[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit
No. of Votes: 17

[X][BUILD] 1 Excelsior, 1 Centaur-A, 1 Centaur-refit, 1 Oberth
No. of Votes: 5

[x][BUILD] Plan More Ships More Ships
No. of Votes: 2

[x][BUILD] Plan Refit Time
No. of Votes: 2

Task: CREW

[x][CREW] Explorer Corps Crew
No. of Votes: 34


[X][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build in one of the UP berths when they open in 2308Q2.
No. of Votes: 19

[x][EARTH] Allow the Excelsior build
No. of Votes: 14

Task: NAME

[x][NAME] Odyssey
No. of Votes: 12

[X][NAME] Aelin
No. of Votes: 8

[X][NAME] USS Aelin
No. of Votes: 5

[X][NAME] Mikasa
No. of Votes: 3

[x][NAME] USS Odyssey
No. of Votes: 2

[X][NAME] Discovery
No. of Votes: 2

[X][NAME] Harmony
No. of Votes: 1

[X][NAME] Calypso
No. of Votes: 1

[X][NAME] USS Cena
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 39
Doesn't change anything. He lists the crew of 2 Centaurs as [O-2, E-2, T-8], which is wrong for 2 Centaurs but correct for 2 Oberths.
I know mistaking someone replying to you for the person you were originally replying to is an easy mistake to make and something best to be careful to avoid, but here you are actually making the opposite mistake. First time I see that.
I know mistaking someone replying to you for the person you were originally replying to is an easy mistake to make and something best to be careful to avoid, but here you are actually making the opposite mistake. First time I see that.

I thought I was replying to HearthBorn's correction of my correction by explaining that his correction was wrong. What did I miss?

lol I got it I'm a dumb
Indeed. Note that the Legate had been married for ~20 years, so there's no way he married his wife because that was the closest thing he could find to a Tellarite, as the Agent implies.
Although the argument COULD be advanced that the legate had some kind of bizarre dwarf fetish, and he married the closest thing a Cardassian could find, only to find Tellarites bizarrely attractive once those more dwarfish aliens were discovered. That would be a low level of mental contortion by the standards of political show trials.

At this year's Snakepit I think we should definitely open a 1mt berth at one of the Andor/Tellar shipyards and very possibly at both. The vast majority of our designs are 1mt or less ships, and we are already starting to get squeezed. Building more Escorts/Cruisers is an easy way to spend extra resources from new members/unexpected bonuses, so we definitely want to have spare berths. And at 10pp, the price is right.
Agreed. We HAD a problem with a shortage of three-megaton berths to build Excelsiors in, but we solved that problem by commissioning new berths, and in particular by establishing the Utopia Planitia yards.

Well not all Betazoids are that powerful (And passive emotion detection seems to be longer ranged than active rooting around)
Yes, but do the Romulans know that?

Since you guys are lovingly stacking the military bureaucracy with our people I have to wonder if we ever got a statement of us retaining their boni after the current admiral retires or if they get switched to "Old Guard" (which to me would make a lot of sense provided somebody else but our protege gets the job).
I think the idea was always that the "Old Guard" admirals were at best marginally competent, without any special or remarkable characteristics that give them advantages or benefits other than "your navy continues to funct
I think the idea was always that the "Old Guard" admirals were at best marginally competent, without any special or remarkable characteristics that give them advantages or benefits other than "your navy continues to funct
Shey ch'Tharvasse went from not providing a bonus as an Old Guard to providing one when we placed him in another position (with pretty similar requirements) and gained his loyalty.
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Well, yes.

The thing is... If believing a piece of basic factual information involving the Federation would require them to relax vigilance... Do Romulans err on the side of being master spies who know everything, or on the side of being institutionally paranoid?


I tried to put down a list of things we should look into for the snakepit:
-Another one-megaton berth
-Mining and research colonies (as always)
-Consider a starbase on the Cardassian border
-Other defensive measures directed against Cardassia.
-Weapons research team?
-Start work on the Renaissance-class? Or did we already pay for that and I forgot?

Did I forget anything, peoples?

-Expansions to Starfleet Academy are important! We need the crew.
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Or seeing as naming a ship is one of the most low-stakes votes of all time, maybe we could all do whatever the hell want? ;)

Maybe, but I'm passionate about it!

I really don't like how much we're overusing poor Admiral Aelin. He already has a colony named after him. Let's have more diversity guys!

On the other hand, I really want to see more non-human names. As such, I propose S'harien (after the great Vulcan sword smith) it also has the advantage of having been used as a ship name in the TOS era, so it is already "traditional".

I tried to put down a list of things we should look into for the snakepit:

We need to expand the Science Academy and Starfleet Academy ASAP.

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On the other hand, I really want to see more non-human names. As such, I propose S'harien (after the great Vulcan sword smith) it also has the advantage of having been used as a ship name in the TOS era, so it is already "traditional".
Hm. Romulans might freak out interestingly, I don't remember Romulan history on mythical swords too well.

That said, S'harien was a guy who literally beat his swords into plowshares, so I don't know if he's the right guy to name a warship for.

Shey ch'Tharvasse went from not providing a bonus as an Old Guard to providing one when he placed him in another position (with pretty similar requirements) and gained his loyalty.
Good point. Okay, that's fair. In that case, yeah, a shakeup in Starfleet (as opposed to an accepted retirement/handover of power, which our PC admiral probably WILL need to do soon) would tend to result in people losing bonuses.

Although I cannot imagine, say, Uhura or Sulu failing to provide bonuses in whatever capacity they are employed. Sure, they may not have any great love for the new guy, but they're Uhura and Sulu.
Hm. Romulans might freak out interestingly, I don't remember Romulan history on mythical swords too well.

That said, S'harien was a guy who literally beat his swords into plowshares, so I don't know if he's the right guy to name a warship for.

Swords and specifically S'harien's swords have an important place in the The Romulan mythology/history.

And technically Starfleet doesn't have warships. The name is perfect. The man was capable of building the finest swords in Vulcan/Romulan history but also was conviced to turn to other pursuits by logic and reason.

I'm going back and changing my vote.