We Shall Wake to Sanity
PD is a Federation core value, not merely a rule for starship captains.My issue with the PD is that the literal interpretation of it goes against the rest of the core values of the federation and is even self defeating to a degree. Namely the live and let live part that is supposed to be what the federation is all about. People have the right to self determinate/decide their fate , but they actually need to be alive to be able to do that.
The end result is that if you interfere to save a civ you violate their ability to self determinate to a degree but if you let them die you also violate their right to self determinate because they now are unable to do so at all and you could have prevented that by choosing to do something but did nothing instead. In effect it becomes impossible to avoid violating the PD in these situations.
This makes sense to me, my opinion is that prime directive is ment to be a deterent, a reminder, and a method of accountability for captains out in deep space. It' ment to act as a safety on said cowboys gun and to remind them that their actions have consequences for everyone including them. That they will be judged on what they do, and that everyone are equally right to live and grow by their own measure.
Otherwise, I agree that the PD is a lot like Do not kill. A good general rule and something to always keep in mind, but a very bad idea to take literarily and with no exceptions.
And why do people keep talking about the Federation letting races go extinct? They dont do that.
They would not interfere in a world war, but would stop a nuclear holocaust if they could.