Right, but I mean, if you ask a Gorn "yes, but where, specifically, in the grand sweep of stars that is the magnificent Gorn Empire, would we travel if we wished to go unto the palace of the Emperor himself to pay homage to his glory," presumably the Gorn would answer the question.

Knowing the answer to that question would be, um... a good thing? It would probably make us a bit more interested in interacting with the Gorn. Right now the main reason I resist us getting too involved with them is that I'm unclear on the benefits of doing so because I don't even know where they are!
In character the Federation knows exactly where the Gorn homeworld and their major world of Ghidar is since at least the one EE log where they took an Ambassador directly there. We haven't given you, [Bane voice] the people, the exact location because it hasn't been super relevant yet and was off map. It also let me take liscence to tweak their exact location.

I was going to give @lbmaian the exact coordinates of Ghidar and Gornar, but I've been busy. I can tell you they're in the B10 area.
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Uhhhhhh, well this is awkward.

So! I had decided to give the thread a reread a few weeks ago and the insane thought of "why not document stuff while doing so" hit me. Suffice to say, things have been going...slowly. Didn't really expect anyone to find it either. *cough* :oops:
The avalanche of "anything but Wikia" comments are going to make us sound like unappreciative dicks, but props for taking the initiative here. That said, the stance when the topic was discussed on Discord (and my personal stance regardless) is pretty firmly "anything but Wikia." That doesn't mean that your effort is wasted! You've already started the process, and anything on Wikia can be ported with little effort to a website that isn't digital cancer.
So I'm giving this a shot and hopeful it can work as alternative To Boldly Go wiki.
The avalanche of "anything but Wikia" comments are going to make us sound like unappreciative dicks, but props for taking the initiative here. That said, the stance when the topic was discussed on Discord (and my personal stance regardless) is pretty firmly "anything but Wikia." That doesn't mean that your effort is wasted! You've already started the process, and anything on Wikia can be ported with little effort to a website that isn't digital cancer.
Honestly, it's kind of a relief? If a better alternative is available, I'm all for it.
Can you provide an alternate wiki site to use? Because if you can't, you are just being unhelpful and somewhat annoying.
I don't think I'm being annoying and unhelpful warning people that using a site could crash their browser or browser tab, mine bitcoin with in the background without their consent, or put malware on their computer. Rather the opposite. I would rather it went remarked than not say anything just because it gets in the way a little. We do need a wiki, but not one that is unusable due to the host company's lack of care.
I don't think I'm being annoying and unhelpful warning people that using a site could crash their browser or browser tab, mine bitcoin with in the background without their consent, or put malware on their computer. Rather the opposite. I would rather it went remarked than not say anything just because it gets in the way a little. We do need a wiki, but not one that is unusable due to the host company's lack of care.

So instead of mentioning this, you decide to just shoot down a helpful idea whilst providing no alternative. So helpful indeed. If you wanted to be helpful, you could have provided an possible alternative wiki site like @Forgothrax did.
So instead of mentioning this, you decide to just shoot down a helpful idea whilst providing no alternative. So helpful indeed. If you wanted to be helpful, you could have provided an possible alternative wiki site like @Forgothrax did.
As I said, it was better to do so even though I did not know of an alternative, than to not warn people, yes. You're being an asshole here if you think it's okay to let malicious ads go unremarked.
As I said, it was better to do so even though I did not know of an alternative, than to not warn people, yes. You're being an asshole here if you think it's okay to let malicious ads go unremarked.

At the moment, I am skeptical of this malicious ads existing because I have yet to encounter them at all after years of using Wikia. But 'oh no, the malicious ads' so let's totally not make a much-needed wiki for this quest. Wikia was perfectly fine for the PoC wiki and nobody had any problems using it.
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I'm opposed to making a Wiki. They make computers slow/stall and make browsers crash.

I've never had any problem with my computer slowing/stalling when using a non wikia wiki.

I think trying Miraheze is well worth while.

On another topic...

@anon_user @Iron Wolf @OneirosTheWriter

With the way TFs currently work, when building, for example, diplo TFs, is it more useful to have sheer numbers of ships in it, to have a decent number of moderately high P ships, or to have a few very high P ships?

You know, thinking of the Lone Ranger Doctrine, I would be entirely satisfied if it was a relatively poor Combat doctrine, so long as it is a potent Event doctrine. It'd even fit the Federation and Starfleet's mission.
It just occurred to me that I don't know who the QMs of To Boldly Go are. Could someone inform of who they are?