- Barradus IV research colony site @ -2B (in Vulcan sector)
- XK-821 mining "colony" @ -6b (in Ferasa sector, below galactic plane somewhat due to map space reasons)
- Mortuary Expanse research colony site @ 3a (between Rigel sector and Vermillions)
- Neath Nebula @ 1G/1H (between Breen and Romulan territory)
- Outpost to Lapruzziz @ -1g (indicated to exist in 2322.Q4 AoTO update)
- Outpost to Apruzza @ 1g (indicated to exist in 2321.Q3 GBZ update)
Harmony of Horizon
retcon update after piercing initial HoH disinformation campaign:
- Made territory about 3 times larger
- Moved Horizon from 7C to 10C
- Moved Haven from 5D to 10B
- Moved Tahlan from 8a to 10a
- Moved Starfoam from 6C to 8C
- Moved Jafa from 8E to 5D and renamed to Japha (Tauni colony world that remained in HoH)
- Moved Mist from 6B to 8B and noted it as Moy homeworld
- Moved Sanctuary from 6D to 9D
- Moved Iskut from 5E to 11A
- Moved Tiriad from 8A to 11G and noted it as Lintrid homeworld
- Moved the lone unnamed major world from 7B to 9F (random other location that doesn't conflict with prior AoTO reports)
- Added Stickine to 12B and noted it as Tseskiya homeworld
Klingon-Romulan aftermath:
- Adjusted Klingon-Romulan borders according to WTT
- Changed hands from Romulans to Klingons:
- Vinum @ -4D - starbase was captured rather than destroyed by the Klingons
- Iberius @ -4D - removed destroyed shipyard (since wasn't listed in the WTT)
- Levoc III @ -4D - removed presumably destroyed outpost
- Alixros @ -4E - noted as a major Romulan colony, so added a major colony symbol; Klingons heavily fortified it after its capture, but Romulans cleared them before war ended
- Mothidum @ -4E - Romulan outposts destroyed, but were rebuilt before war ended, assumed handed over to Klingons
- The Latch @ -4F
- Aniak @ -4F - although research colony was destroyed, assume it was/will be rebuilt by Klingons
- Ocutis @ -4F - removed destroyed starbase, assumed now a minor colony
- Jarok's Beacon @ -4F - was "destroyed", assumed now a minor colony
- Old Red Eye @ -4F - still assuming it has its research colony, since wasn't mentioned as destroyed
- Additional Romulan infrastructure changes:
- Removed destroyed shipyard at Terix II @ -3F
- Removed destroyed shipyard at Rator III @ -3D
- Upgraded Pompara minor shipyard to mid-sized shipyard @ -4E (2x1mt shipyard)
- Added to Klingons per WTT report and subject races omake:
- Nausicaa, homeworld of Nausicaans @ -5B
- Novalla, major world of Orion diaspora @ -7D
- Mirak, homeworld of K'zinti @ -6A
- Phaedus, homeworld of Phaedans @ -7A
- Lethea, homeworld of Letheans @ -6D
- Mempa Prime, homeworld of Mempans, major shipyard @ -6G
- al'Hmat, homeworld of Al'Hmatti @ -6E
- H'atoria, homeworld of Selsseress, major shipyard @ -5C
- Payora, homeworld of Arin'Sen @ -8E
- Torath, minor world of Gorn @ -8C
- note: still unknown locations for: Ty'Gokor, Donatu V, Beta Lankal, Beta Thoridar, Raktuk, Korvat, Hitora, Maranga IV
- Added to Romulans per WTT report:
- (Another) major shipyard to Romulus @ -2D
- (Another) shipyard to Remus @ -2D
- Shipyard to Pompara @ -4E
- note: still unknown locations for: Glintara, Scipine, Devoras, Xanitla, Chak, Hfihar, Virinat, Vussran, Khazara
- Made Klingon and Romulan territory colors brighter to represent more well-known territory
- Expanded map two subsectors corewards (now includes 12<x> and 13<x> subsectors)
- Split Romulus/Remus ala Earth/Mars
- Expanded Breen fuzzy borders down a bit toward Neath Nebula
- Rename Adazzi Gulf to Adrazzi Gulf (Deployment Vote updates consistently spell it as Adrazzi, but the AoTO updates and TF updates always spell it as Adrazzi, and when it was first mentioned, it was Adrazzi)
- Legend states "Ashalla Pact" instead of "Card. Client"
- Moved the Compass Rose over toward the Legend card to avoid overlapping with HoH territory
Also, a bonus:
Total territorial area sizes of each great power
- United Federation of Planets*: ~6800 ly2
- Ashalla Pact: ~6000 ly2 (rough estimate)
- Cardassian Union: ~3700 ly2
- Harmony of Horizon: ~5000 ly2
- Klingons: ~4000 ly2 (rough estimate)
- Romulans: ~2500 ly2 (rough estimate)
Note that the Romulans lost ~500 ly
2 of territory to the Klingons, so before the war, they were much more even in territorial area.
* including the enveloped Honiani, Laio, and Tauni territory, and excluding all other affiliate territory