Huh. So, too small, which is understandable, and too militaristic, which is not really, not for me. Well, then again, I've always been more of a "Better have it and not needed it" Hawk than a "The blade itself incites to deeds of violence" Pacifist. Still, first reason is good enough, and other promotions are useful.
[X] Vice-Admiral, Personnel (+15pp refund)
USS Ambassador, Ambassador, NCC-3901 (formerly NX-3901) (Explorer Corps)
USS Enterprise, Ambassador, NCC-1701-C (formerly NX-3902) (Explorer Corps)


Otherwise, we are huge now.

[X] Vice-Admiral, Personnel (+15pp refund)

Also, I hope we can get Thuir into Starfleet Admiral chair eventually, and we probably have to make him VA first. Hope one more VA chair makes it more likely - he has nice "voice".
In retrospect, it was clumsy of us to tell you about the block on Tactical's promotion without first telling you the in-universe reason. We will try to be careful to communicate the fluff before the crunch from now on.
The thing that annoys me is the Retcons and new mechanics largely being introduced through retconning in a Starfleet fuckup.

Logistics? Starfleet apparently had worse luck managing a logistics train that Polandball had of getting into space.

The memorandum on membership? We aparently pushesdto damned hard on membership.

And now, Sulu appearently made a call without looking at the details.
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[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

We actually make pp this way, because the SDB was priced higher in pp than what we paid for Tactical. And if an Admiral gives a bigger bonus than a Vice Admiral, Research would be a very nice place to get that bonus.

Finally, the GMs are considering revamping the Research system, and a big change like this would make an excellent in-universe excuse.
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In retrospect, it was clumsy of us to tell you about the block on Tactical's promotion without first telling you the in-universe reason. We will try to be careful to communicate the fluff before the crunch from now on.
Which didn't convince me. The quest plays the politicians not directly as cut-throat, but with a very definite agenda. On the other hand, 'the big bad tactical part is so no-no'. When biophage, greetings from the past (Orion Empire), Cosmozoa, Star-exploding neighbouring empires and slave-holding peer powers that are not shy to use main force are a thing.
In a time of expansion, where more and more races, mindsets and scientific approaches are discovered, the department that also does threat analysis (at least I assume they do so in tactical) and comes up with stratagems to discourage anyone(and thing) from talking a walk over homeworlds cannot find enough tasks and people to perform them to merit an Admiral position?
President Okaar is going to be real embarrassed when someone tells her that Starfleet Tactical's big mission for the next year is creating a rescue and aid plan in case of the complete collapse of the Klingon and Romulan empires*.

*Which is one of those things that I think there's maybe a 5% chance we actually need it, but if that 5% shows up we will sure be lucky to have it!
[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

I'd have rather had personel done last snakepit, but that was partially for the cost as much as my inner completionist. This will give us the upgrade for 10pp less than it would have cost, and we'll probably have more pp to spend this year than last. Plus, anything that could give us a chance to speed some techs up a year or two can have big benefits down the line. The sooner we get the SDB the position to reflect its really darn big size, the better.

The thing that annoys me is the Retcons and new mechanics largely being introduced through retconning in a Starfleet fuckup.

It's only fluff, and it's harder to spin the fluff to say it's not Starfleets fault. This quest keeps evolving, and things don't always work out for the QMs doing all the work.
[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

Well she certainly seemed more reasonable then N'Gir, but then N'Gir seemed reasonable at first...
I could use a refresher on why N'Gir isn't liked.

She came off as very demanding/abrasive because of cat politics and then we were baited IC to act against her which soured the view point for some of us.

"Starfleet serves many roles, and it's thanks to your hard work in promoting diplomacy and scientific advancement that the Federation has grown so impressively and become a true beacon for liberty in the stars. This seems at odds with your proposal to set the most combat-focused component of Starfleet on the same level of seniority as the commander of Starfleet. Frankly, we are trying to shield you from significant concerns from the public about Starfleet's aggressive approach to many issues. First there was the sudden escalation in the Gabriel Border Zone, in which your former command was lost. Then there was Exar Draconis, where Saavik -- after having served in Tactical -- rejected a diplomatic offer in favor of a violent resolution. Maybe it was a just call, but it has the potential to undermine our reputation as diplomatic peacemakers as news of the event spreads. There are concerns from multiple parties that elevating Tactical means signalling force will have an outsized influence in steering Starfleet Command."

See I understand the reasoning that Tactical is too small for the billet but this irks me here. The Cardassians are not really open to diplomacy for a variety of reasons and cyborg bitch was going to be a headache for the future if we let her go.
if a lack of ppl is the problem then lets focus one getting more ppl
[x] Vice-Admiral, Personnel (+15pp refund)