[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

Pull up Lathriss and give him time in a different department to round out his resume. I'd like to see him as Admiral in a rotation or two and shuffling him about will give us that chance.

It's also a good political move.
Honestly, if we have pp for it, I could see us buying all of whichever remains of VA Personnel, Adm SYO, or Adm SDB in the next two years anyway. And since we're promoting an Admiral here regardless to fill Sulu's shoes, it would be nice to have more Adm positions so we don't lose any long-term VAdms in the ensuing shuffle.
Wait, Personnel is still run by a Rear Admiral? The Personnel department of this rapidly-expanding organization?

[X] Vice-Admiral, Personnel (+15pp refund)
[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

President Okaar has good justifications for this narratively and if Mbeki is backing this I'm inclined to support it. Also, free discount!

Really looking forward to the Pacifists being in power. Development ended up being kind of terrifying warmongers.

Sousa had better have published that tell-all memoir about President N'gir, who thinks that Starfleet has battlecruisers, now that she's retired.
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I'd actually want to put ship design and ship construction under a shared Admiral, given the two cross link so much. Otherwise, one promoted over the other may result in it pushing on the other element too much.
How... Diplomatic of her.

I really hope nobody lets her close to the Klingon Ambassador.

I can understand the latter part of her reasoning, the former fills me with dread and makes me think these are going to be "interesting" years for the CNO.
Iunno, I liked her?
What's the problem with Pacifist President eyeing the Tactical enlargement sideways?

I mean, UFP was entangled in hella lot of wars, and while it made sense for us, it does not mean it didn't have bad optics - or maybe even that it was the best option every time, although that's other question entirely, one way harder to gauge.

Besides, optics matter. Federation where a generation of kids grow up on stories of war is less likely to birth another Stesk or Picard than one where they grow up on stories of peaceful exploration. Optics (aka stories and "myths") are extremely important.

So I totally see her reasoning.
[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

So will Starfleet Tactical be big enough in a few years to get an Admiral billet?
I'd actually want to put ship design and ship construction under a shared Admiral, given the two cross link so much. Otherwise, one promoted over the other may result in it pushing on the other element too much.
Im pretty sure our "ship design" section is actually our entire research division. But even if they are not, design and production are two very different beasts.
So Admiral, Tactical got blocked by the Executive. I'm not sorry, I was never in favour of it.

So we have 3 choices, Shipyard Ops, Ship Design & Personnel. In choosing which one to prioritise we should consider what we need at the moment, more ships, newer designs or more people. We don't need newer designs, the Ambassador is done, the Kepler is in the pipeline. We always need more ships and the people to crew them though so in my opinion it's a tossup between Shipyard Ops and Personnel. Ops is effectively a 5pp bonus, while Personnel is 15pp back. I think we need both though and Personnel will be easier to squeeze into the next Snakepit.

[X] Admiral, Shipyard Ops
Besides, optics matter. Federation where a generation of kids grow up on stories of war is less likely to birth another Stesk or Picard than one where they grow up on stories of peaceful exploration.

Worth remembering that Picard was still captain of the Enterprise-D during Yesterday's Enterprise where the Federation had basically spent its entire existence on the edge of a second war with the Klingons and was actually fighting one for a decade or so.

Picard will apparently always be Picard.
[] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau
[] Admiral, Shipyard Ops
can someone please explain the reasoning behind these V making VA personal, from out large fleet with multi bases and outposts standpoint that we have at this point??
Accursed pacifists. And accursed Temporal Prime Directive preventing saner minds from SHOWING said accursed pacifists the TRUE costs of their pacifism.
Worth remembering that Picard was still captain of the Enterprise-D during Yesterday's Enterprise where the Federation had basically spent its entire existence on the edge of a second war with the Klingons and was actually fighting one for a decade or so.

Picard will apparently always be Picard.
He also got stabbed through the heart by a Nausican during a bar fight. Heh.
Worth remembering that Picard was still captain of the Enterprise-D during Yesterday's Enterprise where the Federation had basically spent its entire existence on the edge of a second war with the Klingons and was actually fighting one for a decade or so.

Picard will apparently always be Picard.
Honestly discussion's of like how say Picard is going to turn out is moot till the GM's post updates that show how Picard view's what the role of Starfleet is and whether he view's himself as an explorer, a soldier or something in between.
[X] Admiral, Ship Design Bureau

nor should be important enough
OK, this is the part where I lost any confidence in the new president. Other reasons make sense and are sufficient to block this, but this just pisses me off. I did not really care much(not sure if I even voted for it), but for Sulu to IC decide that it is needed it made sense. You do not decide that something should not be important enough. The "should" or "should not" does not even enter the equation. You determine if it is needed or not. To not make it a priority - fine. But in the current climate of Cardassia waiting to ignite, and the Klingon and the Romulan empires on verge of collapse to let your "should not" influence your decisions... We even had a wake up call with the old Orions FFS! For me this willful ignorance is on the level of deciding that we do not need more medical research because I do not like it despite major epidemics in the neighboring countries. More diplomacy is good, great even, but to not shore up a fallback in case it fails is just ... urgh.

The thing that annoys me is the Retcons and new mechanics largely being introduced through retconning in a Starfleet fuckup.
Agreed, this is an unnecessary tarnish on Sulu's reputation. We should not have been offered the option if it was unfeasible. Same with the previous ones.

Which didn't convince me. The quest plays the politicians not directly as cut-throat, but with a very definite agenda. On the other hand, 'the big bad tactical part is so no-no'. When biophage, greetings from the past (Orion Empire), Cosmozoa, Star-exploding neighbouring empires and slave-holding peer powers that are not shy to use main force are a thing.

Really looking forward to the Pacifists being in power. Development ended up being kind of terrifying warmongers.
I like the change, and am looking forward to more diplomacy(at least I was, the recent actions do not inspire confidence). That said I do not remember any incidents of "terrifying warmongers". What are you referring to?
[X] Admiral, Shipyard Ops

Mainly based on the PP cost as this one was apparently more expensive than the rejected option, while Personal is a cheaper pick, making it easier to fit into an upcoming Snake Pit.