Captain's Log, Stardate 26931.5, USS Korolev, Captain Hofra R'Cyo
This is Captain R'Cyo.
To my great relief, the Taranis conference has been successfully completed without further incident.
However, it turns out that the Tauni security minister's ride is late! The cruiser scheduled to pick him up is reported to have suffered an engineering casualty.
So, uhm, after a suggestion from one of the minister's aides, I've sorta let the minister "volunteer" Korolev to return him and his aides to Kelowna.
It's uhm, it's good diplomacy to do so.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26933.3, USS Thirishar
As part of Commodore Saavik's harassment strategy,we've been tracking the Orion Ascendant and her battle group as they move rim, and slightly spinward, of our last encounter near the Lamarck system.
Along with Bull, we will be shadowing Hayant's course to wait for an opportunity to pick off the Orion Ascendant's escorting drones.
Personal Log, Stardate 26934.5, USS Yukikaze, Lieutenant Marco Kendig, Mission Specialist
I've been dispatched to Memory Alpha to help expedite the search for leads on Continuation Project facilities. This should be rather easier than Captain Taggart's recent mission to Borath; I've read Specialist Segal's report, and hoo boy, I'm glad I don't have to deal with the Klingon approach to archives. I'm sure it has some cultural value to them, but give me finding aids, sensible arrangement, and an actually helpful staff, thank you very much.
That said, I've been in touch with the chief archivist, and she thinks there's nothing to be found. Says her searches have found nothing relevant in the computer banks. They're going through partially processed materials from the Orion collections, but that could take weeks.
I'll have to see about that.
Personal Log, Stardate , 26936.3, USS Yukikaze, Lieutenant Marco Kendig
There's an old adage - a query only finds what you ask it to find. The archivists at Memory Alpha had been focusing on searching Orion records. Logical enough - we're looking for information on Orion projects, after all.
But ... these facilities have been intact for a millennium. More than enough time for signs of them to be found by other groups. Even if the facilities themselves are gone, Hayant won't know that til she's checked them out. We know what these facilities look like; we can search for traces of them in scans taken long after the fall of the Orion Empire. And we can then check those traces by searching for those planets within the Orion records.
That said, I think we're going to need a bigger research team.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26938.2, USS Voshov, Captain Demora Sulu
Having concluded multiple weeks worth of talks, and set the foundations for a diplomatic exchange with the Shanpurr government, I am planning to leave Shanpurr space to continue our mission to map the coreward edge of the GBZ.
Sadly, we'll be alone, as Captain Adar informs me that he intends to follow up on the success of this First Contact by staying in place to support a formal contact team and diplomatic embassy from Chara that will be arriving next week.
In the meantime, however, both of our ships have been invited on a tour of all three major Shanpurr planets which all feature young but swiftly growing Shanpurr colonies.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26940.1, USS Thirishar
We've tracked the Orion Ascendant to the empty star system of Pryana 394, where she has inexplicably stopped for over a day now.
The Pryana 394 system cannot house another depot. There is simply no room for it, the system is just the star itself and dust.
However we can faintly detect the warp traces of her escort drones as they run a patrol loop of the neighbouring stars.
I hope to ambush one of them and flee before the Orion Ascendant or the other Dreadnaught can react.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26944.4, USS Voshov, Captain Demora Sulu.
We've received a panicked call from Captain Ishiliuanatha of Pathfinder. She tells me that she's just received a message from the first colony on our tour: A Shanpurr scientific team has disappeared while on a mineralogical survey.
She's asking Captain Adar and I to help them find and recover the team. I've ordered Voshev to high warp and am communicating with Captain Adar about setting up a joint search pattern when we arrive.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26945.2, USS Thirishar
We've completed a near textbook ambush. Thirishar and Bull hid in the rings of Pryana 361 IV until the drone approached on a scanning run.
Thirishar only managed a glancing blow to the drone, enough to take down a section of shields. But Bull was then able to hit the drone with a full salvo of torpedoes, breaking the ship in half.
We've withdrawn back from our ambush spot to a spot inside Quolothi space. Hopefully, when Orion Ascendant investigates, our wake masking attempts succeed and she'll not be able to track us.
[1x Eternal Empire Drone Destroyed]
Captain's Log, Stardate 26945.5, USS Kearsage, Captain Eros Korrem
Kearsage and I have been invited to Vulcan to participate in a conference of Vulcan High Command starship captains. I've been asked to attend as Kearsage is currently assigned to the Vulcan sector and the High Command wants to have a Starfleet perspective in their deliberations.
I'll try not to disappoint the Vulcans.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26946.3, USS Voshov, Captain Demora Sulu
I've just discovered that our Translators have made a major error due to a quirk of Shanpurr biology and language.
The colony below isn't a Shanpurr colony. Or at least isn't a purely Shanpurr colony: It is also home to two separate pre-warp species.
The Shanpurr are enthusiastically in the middle of attempting to uplift these two species plus a third species on the second colony. The translator's error comes from the Shanpurr legitimately considering these species to be children in need of education and a proper upbringing. They consider these pre-warp peoples to be a much loved part of the Shanpurr family.
I've just... broken off an argument with Captain Adar who is, in principle, a proponent of uplifting, especially when it's undertaken for altruistic reasons as the Shanpurr certainly seem to have.
There is still the issue of the missing Shanpurr expedition who disappeared while surveying one of the mountain ranges for mineral deposits.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26946.5, USS Korolev, Captain Hofra R'Cyo
This is Captain R'Cyo.
I'm, um, trying not to worry the Ambassador and his staff. But Korolev has been suffering from a series of, uhm... Power. Issues.
Well, it's that the grav plating on deck nine keeps losing power for minutes at a time, and one of the EPS taps at the base of the Starboard nacelle just blew out and sent two of my best engineers to sickbay.
Doctor Ahanle says that both women will be alright, but now we've got to figure out what's causing this.
There's some sort of corrosion going on, but, uhhm... we can't figure what's, ah, causing it, nothing shows up on internal sensors, and there's nothing on internal surveillance. We simply can't find the mechanism that's causing this.
We've got engineers going over every centimeter of every deck, followed by security sweeps -just in case, hopefully we can get a handle on this before it gets worse.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26946.7, USS Kearsage, Captain Eros Korrem
One of the Vulcan Captains has been killed, and another one is missing!
Commander T'Vek was found dead in a conference room. There is no sign of a struggle, but Dr. Valentine believes that he was killed in a blitz attack with no time to defend himself.
To add to this Commander Tolek, the director of Vulcan's orbital security network, is missing. He simply walked out of the the conference around the same time that T'Vek is believed to have been killed. He's dropped out of communications since. We need to find him.
We currently have no evidence or signs of any intrusion. I am co-operating with Vulcan Law enforcement and we are currently pursuing all possible leads, including this being a Lecarre, Syndicate or even KLC operation or even that Tolek killed T'Vek for some reason before fleeing.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26947.2, USS Voshov, Captain Demora Sulu
We've recovered the missing survey expedition. It was simple to locate the team by triangulating our sensors with the two Pathfinders.
They'd become trapped in a cave system when avoiding a flash flood. It was a simple matter to cut into the cave system with our equipment and transport the expedition out.
The Shanpurr are overjoyed with our quick response and are trying to get us to extend our stay in their space. I am, however, sticking with our old schedule.
Personal Log, Captain Demora Sulu
I don't know what to think. The Shanpurr are not exploitive overlords. They've brought medicine, education, and peace to these three species. There are no work camps, no taxes, no exploitation. They're incapable of even considering harming these peoples in any way. They believe it is their moral duty to raise all three species to be peaceful, productive and kind.
They are no Cardassians, and never will be.
But… they are killing the native cultures. The native languages are dead, their religions nearly extinct. The leadership, the food, even the architecture, is Shanpurr. They view their evolved and peaceful ways as best, and like overbearing parents they are smothering out the independant creativity of their charges.
Captain Adar and the Padani have a few quibbles with the way the Shanpurr are going about their uplift. Matters of efficiency mainly. But no disagreement in principle, Adar considers this to be a solved moral question. One where they sharply disagree with the Federation and our Prime Directive.
Diplomacy with both Padani and Shanpurr will be much harder than we thought.
[+10PP, +5 Shanpurr Relations]
Captain's Log, Stardate 26947.4, USS Korolev, Captain Hofra R'Cyo
This is Captain R'Cyo
My ship's got furmites.
It was Ensign Lianiss who made the critical find. It's, well, it's not actually furmites, but some kind of burrowing parasite… thing that looks like a furmite that's as big as my hand.
They were feeding on Korolev's EPS systems and Ensign Lianiss discovered a batch of, uhm, what are best described as "eggs" in main engineering that are causing a major power drain there.
It's a good thing that we discovered what was going on, we were starting to lose power to key systems. We might even have wound up dead in space!
Commander fok Makphet and I are trying to come up with a method of fumigating Korolev. And maybe we can find out where these shipmites came from in the first place too.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26947.6, USS Salnas, Captain Sorek
At 15:43 Hours Starfleet Underway Time, my command left Starbase Nine with a cargo of three thousand doses of Strobolin-B for delivery to the mining colony at Gamma Canidae V to treat a sudden outbreak of Choriocytosis.
As this is a time critical delivery, I have ordered Salnas to proceed at warp 12.5 for the duration of the mission.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26948.1, USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
My Torch has been given the honour of escorting the Ashidi foreign minister and a constellation of high ranking government officials as they return to Ashidi space from the Seyek and Quolothi ratification ceremonies aboard the SS Noshar.
Cardassians, Hishmeri, and more patrol these starlanes.
While I would never wish for my ship and crew to see combat. I am, however, confident that if such a combat were forced upon us, we would acquit ourselves quite well.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26948.5, USS Kearsage, Captain Eros Korrem
The ShiKahr power grid just went offline. Kearsage tells me that someone blew up a substation and that somehow knocked the entire grid offline. Shields, sensors, surveillance, communications, transportation. Everything is offline or on onsite power.
There should be redundancies and backups built into the system. Whoever did this knew the security and power systems and knew exactly how to sabotage the grid for maximum effect.
Commander Tolek has just jumped to the top of our suspect list.
But it makes no sense. The man's been a respected member of the High Command since 2252, there is nothing in his history to suggest that he would snap and kill a colleague and blow up part of his own birth city.
I've used my authority to enforce a curfew in Shikar and have ordered my security department to beam down armed teams to defend key locations across the city. I have also called for reinforcements from Starbase 2, I'll blanket this city with uniforms if I have to. At the same time I have another away team searching Commander Tolek's quarters and usual haunts for anything that could explain erratic behavior. Trellium, early onset Bendaii, we're looking for anything and everything that can help us figure out what is going on.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26948.7, USS Korolev, Captain Hofra R'Cyo
This is Captain R'Cyo.
I had to give Korolev a bath in a gas giant.
We were able to develop a sort of spray of Nyocene gas with suspended Trellium particles. But that just forced them onto the hull, where they were eating the shields, and too rapidly to come up with another countermeasure.
So I, um, took a risk and had engineering use our Bussard collectors to release the mixture into the suitable upper atmosphere of the third planet of the Palania 32 system. Then we dropped our shields long enough to expose the entire exterior hull to the mixture.
Korlev isn't really designed to bathe without shields in a gias giant's atmosphere, but for the few seconds that it took, my ship bore the insult with dignity. Barely any shaking at all.
That's, uhm, actually when we caught the saboteur as well. When reviewing all the possible infection vectors I'd at first I thought that maybe the shipmites were something that had come up from inside Taranis and hid inside our drilling equipment. But I'd made sure to properly clean and decontaminate it per protocol. Then I thought about the other possible vector: our passengers.
So, uhm, when we gave Korolev her bath I, ah, let the Tauni know. One of the minister's aides snuck into the shuttle bay and tried to steal a shuttle! If she'd gotten the doors open... Well, our pressure seal would have broken, destroying Korolev, and letting her escape in the shuttle. But it was, uhm, a trap. We followed her and let her incriminate herself by trying to use a shuttle to override the bay doors.
It turns out that the aide was a KLC agent all along! This was all a Liberation Committee plot: the engineering casualty on the Tauni cruiser was caused by them, so that they could have an inside agent sabotage a Federation ship with a parasite from the gamma quadrant, and that would allow a KLC ship to destroy us while disabled.
I'm proud of my crew's performance today.
Personal Log, Hofra R'Cyo
Now that's taken care of I'm going to visit, uhm, Dr. Ahanle and get a bottle of the, uh, of insecticide shampoo, j-just in case.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.2 , USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
Brigands! Pirates of the Hishmeri variety!
We've detected a trio of their older frigates in pursuit of our two ship convoy. They have not yet responded to hails and their weapons are armed and ready. Clearly they believe that the Noshar harbours some great prize. Perhaps they think to ransom captive government officials?
This will not happen. Not on my watch.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.3, USS Kearsage, Captain Eros Korrem
Commander Tolek's been sighted in the shuttle port. He cut his way through half the ShiKahr Spaceport Police barehanded and is attempting to hijack a prototype High Command courier shuttle.
I'm taking XO Jameson and a security team to stop him.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.4, USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
While excellently handled and marvellously maneuverable, these Hishmeri Thoroughbred frigates shy away from the open torpedoports of my Torch. Clearly they are more casualty shy than I expected. They refuse to close.
Or we are being herded into a trap. Into space of the Hishmeri's choosing.
Torch could easily evade even a full armada of these ships. Of that I have no doubt. But poor Noshar would need to be abandoned. And she is a fully enpassengered transport ship, a full evacuation would leave both of us open to attack from the fast attack frigates that nip at our heels.
I can play chooser of the slain in this tragedy. Alianiss to their Shoran Corsairs. Make a quick and hard choice. Let "many fine servants die in the stead of a few ignobles of consequence as 'tis the only fair compromise with defeat before us".
Well. I refuse to be Alianiss. I'm going to borrow a trick from one of the greats, a non fictional heroine who would never let impossible odds beat her either.
Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.5, USS Salnas, Captain Sorek
At 12:11 Hours Starfleet Underway Time, my command arrived at Gamma Canidae V with our cargo of Strobolin-B.
My medical staff was able to distribute this medicine to the entirety of the Gamma Canidae V colony by 16:32 Hours.
With this task completed, my command will be returning to our patrol of the Cardassian Border Zone.
[+10 PP]
Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.5, USS Torch, Captain Nalae Veraniss
I was but a girl when Admiral ka'Sharren visited Amarkia for the first time. Had only taken the first vows of my order. But I do remember studying Enterprise's first duel with Riala; both at home and at the Academy.
Her probes then were able to trick Riala's capable sensors long enough to give her victory then, and my probes tricked the much less capable Hishmeri sensors long enough to give me victory today.
The Hishmeri raiders briefly faced ten Torchs, but I only needed one to disable the engines on all three in confusion and be off with Noshar. It was not long before the fourth and fifth raiders realised that we were not coming and gave chase. But by then even Noshar had gained enough of a headstart to outrun those Brigands.
I've escorted my charge to safety even outnumbered five to one. With not a single sacrifice made to Corsairs. I'd consider that a good day's work.
[+10 PP]
Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 26951.5, USS Kearsage, Commander Mark Jameson
Doctor Valentine is with Captain Korrem as he and Chief Kapek are being transferred to Starbase 2 for immediate treatment. The Captain's injuries at the hands of the Romulan agent are severe enough that he is expected to have permanent disabilities even after recovery.
As for "Tolek", he died on the pad when I closed the bay doors and triggered a Baryon sweep of the bay. It's ironic, I would never have been able to run a Baryon sweep of an occupied shuttle bay if he hadn't already disabled all the port's security measures.
We don't know how long Tolek was a Romulan sleeper agent. Maybe from the very beginning. And we'll never be able to find out exactly how they pulled it off as "Tolek's" body was incinerated in the Baryon sweep.
All we know is that the man had a small arsenal of Vulcan state secrets, a batch of Romulan communication codes, and modern Tal Shiar encryption equipment hidden in his quarters on Starbase 2. The Romulans are going to have some very difficult questions to answer.
[ +1 Militarization]
[Chief of Staff's Note: The official Romulan response is that they are deeply disappointed that we are blaming a Vulcan killer on them. The unofficial response from the Romulan Consul on Vulcan is, quote "It's fascinating really. Our scientists have found that sometimes mental conditioning sometimes just snaps. Especially after more than seventy years. Maybe the same applies to Vulcan self-control?"]
Personal Log, Stardate 26954.6, USS Yukikaze Lieutenant Marco Kendig
Well, several bingos, in fact. Some in Vulcan records: A major shipyard destroyed by the Vulcans in 1945, supposedly Andorian, but by the records, far too large to plausibly have been built back then, and a warehouse they stumbled on in 1678, with images that clearly show 'Continuation Project' written in Imperial Orion (but which weren't tagged as Orion records). Others among early UESPA records, inherited by Starfleet with the founding of the Federation - including a possible site in what later became the Neutral Zone, cross-referenced as a depot site in a stray Orion Imperial Congress record that got misfiled long ago. Still others found within unprocessed Orion records after all.
In all, we have eight leads - well, six discounting Deneva and Benecia.
[Leads identified]