More Excelsiors in refit means less available in deployment, and we do have the Empress whazzername thing going on where we're going to need fast and buff ships for the inevitable showdown.
More awake now, so I rephrase my hypothetical question. After all, only time can possibly tell what was the right answer at this junction.

Do we expect to have a need for more vanguard capable cruisers in a war situation?

The Centaur-Bs are better event response units (+1S, equal P, equal D) for a lower price, but they cannot do Vanguard/Heavy Metal roles and some special circumstances that need a cruiser (like lead a task force).

If we have a war, we will need all the Rennies we can get. If we don't have a war, then they are sub-optimal usage of our resources and crew.
Why do the refits of the Centaurs a UP and spread the new builds out? I don't think refits benefit from Parallel Construction do they? Wouldn't it be better to do new builds at UP and refits at the other yards?
IIRC, we build Centaur-B in 1.75y and Rennie in 2.25y (Sol) or 2.25 and 3 elsewhere, so going for the C-B plans in the worst case will also save half a year of berth time. Or alternately we value an amortized rate, with continuous production they end up with about equal SR cost, the Centaur saves crew significantly, and we get almost 1.3 Centaurs for every Rennie.

Now, amortizing isn't necessarily relevant as build schedules usually don't plan around continuous production, but it is one way to calculate the value of berth time.

Personally, I'd almost favor a middle of the road plan. While we do need to close the cruiser gap (hah) we also do need more capable multuroles. The Centaur is currently pulling something like triple duty: scouting, skirmish, and covering sectors when more capable ships are drawn on elsewhere. Even with the deployment of the Kepler class we're looking at 5+ years until we get those duties covered in numbers. In comparison the Rennie is only really lacking for vanguard, its sector response duties are covered for by other classes including the Constitution and Constellation and Centaur, and the Miranda is a complement to it in fighting, being used for little else.

What I'm saying is a split would be fantastic. I think we need both these things.
What do we absolutely need to buy on the next snakepit? I think we should do what the Horizon guys are doing and spread our shipyard berths to prevent a decapitation strike from succeeding.
Why do the refits of the Centaurs a UP and spread the new builds out? I don't think refits benefit from Parallel Construction do they? Wouldn't it be better to do new builds at UP and refits at the other yards?

My guess looking at the sheets - there are 6 quarters between the end of the current build in those UP berths and when the Kepler wave is due to begin. What else, besides refits, can we put in there that will take 6 or less quarters to build?
New Centaur-Bs, as I understand it, will take 7 quarters at UP with parallel construction?
With the C-B platform in place, we won't be building new C-As.
Do you want more Miranda-As?
My guess looking at the sheets - there are 6 quarters between the end of the current build in those UP berths and when the Kepler wave is due to begin. What else, besides refits, can we put in there that will take 6 or less quarters to build?
New Centaur-Bs, as I understand it, will take 7 quarters at UP with parallel construction?
With the C-B platform in place, we won't be building new C-As.
Do you want more Miranda-As?
I have said it before and I will say it again. We can never have enough Miranda-As and we really need to start working on a Miranda-B refit.
Why do the refits of the Centaurs a UP and spread the new builds out? I don't think refits benefit from Parallel Construction do they? Wouldn't it be better to do new builds at UP and refits at the other yards?
Three of the new builds are being done at San Francisco, which also benefits from Parallel Construction.
Three of the new builds are being done at San Francisco, which also benefits from Parallel Construction.
I noticed.
My guess looking at the sheets - there are 6 quarters between the end of the current build in those UP berths and when the Kepler wave is due to begin. What else, besides refits, can we put in there that will take 6 or less quarters to build?
New Centaur-Bs, as I understand it, will take 7 quarters at UP with parallel construction?
Would delaying a few Keplers one quarter be not worth getting the Centaurs done sooner?
Would delaying a few Keplers one quarter be not worth getting the Centaurs done sooner?

Delay the new event responder for more old event responders? Nay, I say! Nay!


(I haven't checked it out, but there may also be issues with crew and/or SR constraints - refits don't require more crew and are much cheaper than new builds)
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(I haven't checked it out, but there may also be issues with crew and/or SR constraints - refits don't require more crew and are much cheaper than new builds)
I don't see how that is relevant? The plan I'm mostly talking about is doing 3 refits and building 3 new in dispersed yards, it would cost the same to shuffle them around. According to you doing so would reduce the chance of SR/crew restraints by delaying 3 Keplers a quarter.

Sort of irrelevant now though, having thought on it I do like the C plan the most and there aren't enough new centaurs in that one to make doing any in UP worth it.
My opinion remains thusly taht we should build multirole Escorts; Being able to respond reasonably well to all events means our taxed shipbuilding isn't taxed as hard, as we'll need less ships, thusly taxing logistics less as well.
I have said it before and I will say it again. We can never have enough Miranda-As and we really need to start working on a Miranda-B refit.


Uh, no, not really. Mirandas are good primarily for combat. They are next to worthless in peacetime. Much better to build... Just about anything else, really.

MB refit required that we get input from member worlds as to what they want.
Hm, do we want to refit all 3 of our blooded Centaur-A's right off the bat while they're all currently in the middle of an important event task force? Sure, it will give us some awesome rolls in 2021 from those ships, but you never know if an important event roll will come up in the next year, where we might have to pass a hard check or lose another colony or something.

Seems to me it would be safer to refit the 3 new Centaur-A's that just finished out of those same UP berths, and then have those higher statted Centaur-B's replace our blooded Centaur-A's next year, to reduce the potential bad rolls.
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More Excelsiors in refit means less available in deployment, and we do have the Empress whazzername thing going on where we're going to need fast and buff ships for the inevitable showdown.

Given that the berth in question doesn't open up until the end of Q4 and the good odds of damage...... Why not pencil in the Berth for a Repair/Refit of a damaged Excelsior
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