I think I understand now.
I don't feel up to addressing everything that's been said yet, as there are over sixty pages of thread I've yet to read. But I want to say two things:
Any new cruiser we build will be a class that is seriously intended to replace the Constellation-class and hopefully to eventually replace any refitted or unmodified Constitutions, including Cheron, our one Connie still in service. That 'eventually' may have to await refits and 2320-30 era technology, but we want it to happen.
That almost has to mean a hull of one million tons or less, even if that means sacrificing capability. Because otherwise, the new cruiser class will be in large part competing with Excelsiors for shipyard facilities. That's awkward enough in peacetime, but deeply problematic in wartime. Unless there are a lot of 1.5 or 2 million ton berths I'd forgotten about, we simply cannot afford to go over the million ton limit for this class of cruiser.
I agree with the logic of NOT putting a starbase on the Cardassian border zone at this time. At the same time, though, we need infrastructure in the area, not just ships. We really, really want to establish chains of outposts in the area. We need the sensor coverage, we need the general increase in information on what's going on "on the ground" in that sector. And...
This is also the beginning of the process of our formally asserting to Cardassia our claim to at least a moderate number of worlds in that region. They're already doing it to us, and if we don't do it to them we risk falling prey to "what's mine is mine, what's yours is mine too" reasoning on the part of the Cardassians. The Federation stands for cooperation and understanding between intelligent beings, but it also stands for refusing to allow ourselves to be bullied by militarists, foreign or domestic.