No Role has stats attached. I could conceive of a system where Roles had stat requirements, but it isn't the system I proposed.

See the post I just made. I put it up mostly for discussion, but I believe there's some value in driving stat requirements from roles rather than from profiles. After all, the stat requirement for a role should be the same no matter what profile is filling it, right? Take a look and see if maybe you want to try incorporating some into your proposal.
Some food for thought. Keep in mind that my GMing roles overlap only very, very minimally with the ship design and combat mechanics, and so my analysis here may or may not actually be worth anything.

The way I see it, there are ship roles, and there are ship scales, and there are phases of combat. The combat phases are what most necessitates having ships of multiple scales, because only frigates can participate in Scouting and Skirmish (though there may be some exceptions to this, as the goshawnar Warhawk cruiser can also skirmish), only cruisers can enter the battle as early as Vanguard, and the size of a capital ship allows it to outfight the others when it finally enters the battle during Heavy Metal.

So. Here's a table of all the roles that can be filled, and what scale of ship I think we should want to/are allowed to fill them at.

  Frigate Cruiser Capital
Garrison Yes Yes Yes
Science/SIGINT Yes    
Explorer Corps     Yes
Scout Yes    
Skirmish Yes Maybe  
Vanguard Yes Yes  
Metal Maybe Yes Yes
All of our ships need to be useful while we're not at war, so every class should be well rounded enough for garrison/event response duty.

Within the garrison fleet, we also want a science-focused ship in particular to respond to Science events and do sigint missions like the T'Mir's. Since we will also need a high S and high D frigate to be the scoutships in times of war, we should make this class be that frigate.

We need a well rounded capship to be our five year mission Explorer. Any such ships that do not go to the EC can serve as sector flagships for our garrison fleet. These ships will also be our heavy metal in battle. Ditto for cruisers, only without the 5YM role.

We may or may not want to have two types of cruiser in service at one. A purely garrison/support cruiser that is not sent into battle, and a (probably more expensive) heavy cruiser that is around as good at garrison duty but also fights well, which makes up the bulk of our vanguard/metal fleet in battles. Another possibility is to have a well rounded light cruiser that fights well and can participate in Skirmish like the goshawnar warhawk, but that may require doctrine techs so probably not.

So. These roles are the ones I consider important, and some reasonable requirements:

SCIENCE SHIP: a high S vessel that can respond to science events and perform SIGINT operations. Requires: S6+

LIGHT GARRISON SHIP: a well rounded ship that can perform policing, diplomatic, and low level scientific missions in and near Federation space. Requires: D, S, and P of 3+

HEAVY GARRISON SHIP: a well rounded ship that can perform more difficult, higher stakes policing, diplomatic, and scientific missions in and near Federation space. Requires: cruiser or capship scale, all stats 3+, S, D, and P 5+

EXPLORER: a well rounded capital ship with very high capabilities to be operated by the Explorer Corps. Requires: capship scale, all stats 5+.

SCOUTSHIP: a high S, high D frigate to serve during the Scouting phase, and withdraw before the Heavy Metal phase. Requires: frigate scale, S6+, D4+

SKIRMISHER: a frigate with good combat and D stats to fight during the Skirmish phase. It may, potentially, withdraw before the Heavy Metal phase. Requires: frigate scale, C3+, L3+, D3+

VANGUARD: a frigate or cruiser with good combat stats to fight during the Vanguard and Heavy Metal phases. Requires: frigate or cruiser scale, C5+, L4+, H4+

BATTLESHIP: a capital ship to dominate the battle during Heavy Metal phase. Requires: capital ship scale, C7+, L5+, H4+.

EDIT: its been pointed out that, for the sake of any battles we have during the next few years, I should add another role that makes use of the Miranda-A.

DESTROYER: a frigate that lacks the D and S scores needed to participate in Scouting or Skirmish, but can join during the Vanguard or Heavy Metal phases to add a bit of extra firepower. This is a non-essential role that only exists as long as we have low S and D frigates that we need to keep out of the Skirmish phase. Requirements: none.

To fill these roles, we're looking at:

Science Ship: Kepler

Light Garrison: Kepler, Centaur-A, Constellation-A, Conniebee, Renaissance, possibly Miranda-B

Heavy Garrison: Excelsior-A, possibly Ambassador when and if we have enough of them

Explorer: Ambassador

Scoutship: Kepler

Skirmisher: Centaur-A, possibly Miranda-B

Vanguard: Renaissance

Battleship: Excelsior-A, possibly Ambassador

Destroyer: Miranda-A
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Plan Leila Hann

This is the clearest layout of functions and roles I have seen so far. I am definately in favour of doing things this way.
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And I'll add my own thoughts, if that's okay.

Agree with all this-sector response and frontier response are basically the same thing unless we include having a rec part in our requirements for frontier response...
The other significant difference is that ships on the frontier are more likely to end up in combat against peer-competitor warships. A ship doing event response in the CBZ is at risk of hostile encounters with a Jaldun or other similarly nasty ship; a ship doing event response in Tellar Sector probably isn't. Thus, "support cruisers" should not be used for frontier duties if there's a risk of them being opportunistically poached by enemy warships.

Semantics matter here. We need to communicate what a secondary role is clearly-to me, it's a role that while not a primary design consideration, can be adequately filled with either a slight tweak in the design phase or which is fulfilled accidentally by primary roles.
Yes- or a role that ships of this category can almost certainly fill even without design changes, the way our explorers can do the job of being battleships but are not, by nature, the kind of ship we'd design if we started out to build a battleship.

I mean, the Constellation-A isn't great as a support cruiser, and we have so many irons in the fire that it becomes something of a luxury class. A purpose-build Support cruiser would offer a more capable Science/Presence garrison ship than the Reneisance at the price of durability and combat capability, the ideal Pacifist starship. However, since it's a luxury class, there should absolutely be a Crew/ SR cap on it. Where the cap should lie is a good question.
I think the point is that the Constellations and (soon or now) the ConnieBees are "support cruisers" not because that's a clearly distinct category of ship from "old general cruiser," but because they are past generations of general cruiser that are no longer capable of adequate performance in that mission profile.

We could 'legacy' classify the Mirandas for now, but we are certainly in need of a new combat frigate. Should we enforce size controls or let it grow to the 1000 kt max size? Should we cost and crew control a relatively specialized design, or spend to make it more capable in peacetime? Do we want to build it faster, or at the normal speed for our ships? Do we prioritize redundancy and survivability over power and sensors, or vice versa? This is a category where we have a lot of issues to hash out and need to do so.
I think it might actually be best to vote on this separately, because "what should the next-gen combat frigate look like" is an area a lot of people will have their own opinions on. I wish there were a good way to accomplish that- or is there?

Additionally, there are a grab-bag of designs (Fatherships, Queenships, Turtleships, Swarmers, Patrollers) in our member fleets that Starfleet does not operate but which have their own unique roles that they may fill in a united fleet. Shouldn't we design our doctrine with room for our member fleets to contribute, and roles for their ships to slot into without undue effort? When a Centaur-B and a Patroller-A are in squadron together, who takes the lead, and who hangs back? Add a Appiatia swarmer and...well it's complex to say the least. We need jobs for these ships to do when we're operating together, even if we don't operate any ourselves. The requirement to 'fill' a role complicates this.
Most ships we might bring alongside our own fleet fit into one or more of the roles SWB described. This actually provides a quite good framework for employing 'exotic' member world ships, because it tells us "okay, Apiata Stingers aren't like any of our ships, BUT they can still fill the [snip list of roles] roles pretty well, so that is what we'll be calling on the Apiata to do in case of war."
@Briefvoice, how do you plan to handle the fact that for example a General Frigate is not as good at the scouting battle phase as a dedicated science ship, but can still do it reasonably well? Because under your system, without secondary roles a commander without a science ship would either have to follow regulation and accept that he simply doesn't have a fleet scout, or ignore regulation and 'mis'use his general frigates for it. Rather an obvious choice, yes, but when we're rewriting the rules anyway, may as well do it in the way that makes the most sense.
Alternatively, a simpler fix would be to add fleet scout to the General Frigate profile, but then that leaves the issue that our doctrine doesn't actually distinguish in which of GF and SF should be used prefentially, and if a commander asks for a Science Frigate as dedicated fleet scout gives justification for him getting the answer 'you already have plenty fleet scouts in your general frigates, don't be greedy'. Which yes again, rather stupid example, regulations are meant to be broken, but also again when we're rewriting them already anyway, may as well do it properly so that breaking them is as unnecessary as possible.
@SWB solves this by quite simply saying 'GFs are useable as Fleet Scouts, but SFs are better, so preferentially the latter should be used if possible.

Separate issue (@SynchronizedWritersBlock, @Leila Hann, this goes for you too), a role that might make sense to add: Fleet Flag. IIrc, for example during the Syndicate, it came up that only cruisers or larger have big enough command facilities to lead a squadron or fleet. Add it to all cruisers and explorers please.
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@Briefvoice, how do you plan to handle the fact that for example a General Frigate is not as good at the scouting battle phase as a dedicated science ship, but can still do it reasonably well? Because under your system, without secondary roles a commander without a science ship would either have to follow regulation and accept that he simply doesn't have a fleet scout, or ignore regulation and 'mis'use his general frigates for it. Rather an obvious choice, yes, but when we're rewriting the rules anyway, may as well do it in the way that makes the most sense.
Alternatively, a simpler fix would be to add fleet scout to the General Frigate profile, but then that leaves the issue that our doctrine doesn't actually distinguish in which of GF and SF should be used prefentially, and if a commander asks for a Science Frigate as dedicated fleet scout gives justification for hime getting the answer 'you already have plenty fleet scouts in your general frigates, don't be greedy'. Which yes again, rather stupid example, regulations are meant to be broken, but also again when we're rewriting them already anyway, may as well do it properly so that breaking them is as unnecessary as possible.

Separate issue (@SynchronizedWritersBlock, @Leila Hann, this goes for you too), a role that might make sense to add: Fleet Flag. IIrc, for example during the Syndicate, it came up that only cruisers or larger have big enough command facilities to lead a squadron or fleet. Add it to all cruisers and explorers please.

I think that falls under my Heavy Garrison role. A cruiser or capship that can perform high stakes garrison and policing duties.
I think that falls under my Heavy Garrison role. A cruiser or capship that can perform high stakes garrison and policing duties.

If you say so. Might still make sense to alter Heavy Garrison's description to include, simply to make it more explicit.

While we're at it, do you have no cost maximums anywhere in your plan on purpose or on accident?
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The methods and the, well: not ready for tech excuse. Quite frankly that is always the case with all tech. so this is always the case and makes it a pointless excuse.
While, here, it is more tied with the extinction bomb thing and unforeseen consequences the reactor might have (continuous operation, lack of spares and what not, which even with the initial instability would lead to the bomb issue)
It's not a judgement thing being made there. It's literally they do not have the tech base to maintain the reactor and it will kill them. They are like, objectively Just Not Ready.

why would they dissect him? I'd say odds are he died of his wounds, or even due to mentat complications.
A dissection is often done post-mortem, you know. it's deliberately left to imagination how much of a role the Hexolar had in his death.
If a frigate is commited to the scout phase does this mean it will be present for all phases of the battle that frigates participate in?

Can you hold back frigates from earlier phases of the battle and only commit them from a specific phase?
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If a frigate is commited ro the scout phase does this mean it will be present for all phases of the battle that frigates participate in?

Can you hold back frigates from earlier phases of the battle and only commit them from a specific phase?

I don't see why not.

However, I'm not sure why we'd bother. If we have a frigate that's tough enough to keep fighting throughout the Heavy Metal phase, then its in our interest to have it join the battle as early as possible and smash some enemy frigates during Skirmish/Vanguard.
One thing that I'd find interesting is if Presence could be somehow made relevant in or at least adjacent to combat; Specifically for convincing a losing enemy to retreat or surrender.

Or communications, to coordinate the fleet during battle. It makes sense too, given that we want Explorers to have high presence and to be the flagships of our fleets. Explorers also have the conference rooms to support meetings of fleet captains which isn't quite communications, but is vital for fleet coordination.

As such, a ship that emphasised high presence could be a command ship, as well as a diplomatic courier.

1b) Allow us to deliberately separate frigate classes into "allowed to scout/skirmish" and "like most cruisers, never shows up before the Vanguard phase if there's an alternative" categories.

2) Find some way to engineer the scouting/skirmishing phase so that ships with weak Science/Defense can somehow contribute usefully to the 'team,' rather than being a pure drag on its performance. I have suggestions, but I'd have to sit down and talk with someone who knows more of the details of how it works.

I am not sure how one might reasonably model your point (1a), but these two points sound like useful changes.

It would be nice to be able to designate "ship teams" (say, a cruiser with some escorts, as a simple example, another example might be an all-frigate wolf-pack that specialized in hit-and-run attacks) and also to be able to tell ships to participate heavily in a given part of a battle, but to hang back in other parts that the ship isn't specialized for. That would especially be useful for faster ships that could evade the enemy as/when they needed to (so we could tell fast mine-sweeping ships to stay on the fringes of a battle when the other combat-specialized frigates were skirmishing heavily).

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However, I'm not sure why we'd bother. If we have a frigate that's tough enough to keep fighting throughout the Heavy Metal phase, then its in our interest to have it join the battle as early as possible and smash some enemy frigates during Skirmish/Vanguard.

Its more for the Miranda-A in that its main job is to absorb hits to extend the combat life time of larger more powerfull vessels and it really isn't a good skirmisher.
I don't see why not.

However, I'm not sure why we'd bother. If we have a frigate that's tough enough to keep fighting throughout the Heavy Metal phase, then its in our interest to have it join the battle as early as possible and smash some enemy frigates during Skirmish/Vanguard.

I suppose it could be argued that if we don't have any frigates that can survive fighting from skirmish to the end of heavy metal, but do have frigates that can last for less than that such as survive from start of heavy metal to it's end, doing so would let us cycle damaged and shield-depleted frigates for fresh ones.
It's not a judgement thing being made there. It's literally they do not have the tech base to maintain the reactor and it will kill them. They are like, objectively Just Not Ready.

Yeah, this is true and I acknowledge it as true as well, but I see you dropped my other comments. neat... The reactor had to be removed, yes. but I am tired of the argument of being ready for a technology, that one is a nonsensical trope that needs to die

A dissection is often done post-mortem, you know. it's deliberately left to imagination how much of a role the Hexolar had in his death.

yeah, thought it said vivisection... my mistake there
It's COINTEL. Linderley wanted to retire but saw an opportunity for One Last Big Operation before he settled down on a beach on Risa. He took advantage of a political situation and a crisis to engineer a departure from SFI on bad terms and used that as a motivation to join Section 31. Five years from now he's going to walk into Sulu's office and deliver a list of every person involved in Section 31 along with evidence that will tear the pillar out from under them and put them all behind bars.
This sounds really familiar. Didn't Julian Bashir do something similar?

To both @SynchronizedWritersBlock and @Briefvoice, I am wondering why you are retaining the 60SR limit on a Combat Frigate, rather than taking the opportunity to raise it, given that it seems to be difficult to keep to it. We're not going to take a Militarisation point for it given the sweeping review, are we?
Adhoc vote count started by Gravitas Hunt on Sep 10, 2017 at 3:19 PM, finished with 142 posts and 24 votes.
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FAILBOAT: a piece-of-shit frigate that can't scout or skirmish, but might be worthwhile to cycle into the battle as ablative armor later on. Requirements: lol who cares.

More seriously: I don't think that this is a role we need to make a point of designating, so much as its a way of getting a little more use out of an aging ship class before mothballing it. I don't think we should build any more Mirandas, unless a B refit is forthcoming.

Exactly so the Miranda was a cheap quickly producable low crew requirement frigate that was cheap and therfore relatively expendable and oh did I mention it was cheap.

This is why they are not being produced now; Centaur-A aree still being produced but its been some time since a Mirand-A has been produced.
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[X][ROLES] Plan Leila Hann

Looks good to me. It hits how I think I want the Federation metal to be distributed, albeit a bit more concisely (and with requirements that look reasonable) than:

* You have the roaming (heavy) Explorers out on five year missions; they're meant to take on whatever oddities or tests occur in the search for new life and new civilizations.
* You have the static (light) Explorers anchoring sectors, giving (ideally) a strong prime responder to any emergencies or events, and doing a bit of light discovery on the side.
* You have the static Cruisers filling out a sector, both offering reinforcement to the prime responder or acting as first responders if the prime isn't able to get somewhere immediately.
* You have the static Frigates acting as another layer below Cruisers to expand coverage and reinforce... and escorting science, hospital and cargo vessels as necessary.
* You have the semi-static Science vessels that roam much like Explorers, but with a focus on, well, science, and entirely within 'safe' Federation boundaries (so they can draw upon the protection of the garrisons if necessary).
* You have the semi-static Hospital ships, taking on a role like the science vessels but focused on humanitarian efforts.
* You have the cargo vessels, which ship materials to where they need to go along 'trade' routes.

Incidentally, in the rolls you define, @Leila Hann , are hospital vessels considered outside the roles (like cargo)?