@Nix what is your plan for 2330s Starship Construction and the resulting Rapid Construction techs? Just wondering.
Between ONA and SFFY one of them will probably research lightweight frames next, the other 2330s Construction. Probably ONA on construction and SFFY on lightweight frames, because finishing in 2326 is early enough for any likely use for lightweight frames. For the rapid construction techs it really depends on what happens rule wise with generic teams, what teams we are able to recruit and when we are going to need T4 hulls etc, but we are probably going to research at least some of them immediately and possibly in parallel.
Recommended boosts: Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3

How about a boost to 2310's Long Range Sensors (Generic Team 1)? That would wrap it up a year early, and if the +1 D takes effect immediately, or relatively soon, it would be a nice boost to our starbases along the Cardassian border (and everywhere else, for that matter).
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How about a boost to 2310's Long Range Sensors (Generic Team 1)? That would wrap it up a year early, and if the +1 D takes effect immediately, or relatively soon, it would be a nice boost to our starbases along the Cardassian border (and everywhere else, for that matter).

They already get a +9 (1 (Standard Team) + 3 (Victoria Eaton bonus) +5 ) to them, so they will finish this year without a boost.

[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
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[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields

[x] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Civilian Warp Systems
Just to give the ship design perspective:

In ship design the parts research dates lead the design date by one year. So for a 2319 design, the parts must be fully researched in the 2318 research turn.

We have a handful of design date windows coming up where we think we can produce generationally better ships thanks to a combination of landmark parts or continuous incremental improvement.

The first we're looking at opened when we completed burst torpedoes and is further enabled by overall incremental improvements to parts up to the current turn. This is the 2319-2323 window for frigate designs, but a lot of the tech used here is actually the same as went into the Kepler project. The two designs I'm currently pushing for this window are a 2319 generalist frigate and a 2319 Centaur-B refit. Other potential designs are a later-year generalist (2323), a new combat frigate, or even a Miranda-B refit. Most of the research work here is already ticking along and very little vote wise will affect it anymore. What little is affected will matter for 2323 proposals. In fact, the 2319 proposals will be designed on tech that we unlock this turn.

The second design window is the one enabled by the completion of production phaser arrays in the 2327 research turn (correct me if the date is wrong, it might be 2326 or 2328). We're looking at designs such as a 2328 Ambassador-A refit, a 2328+ Excelsior-B refit, and in addition to those one of a 2328+ heavy cruiser or a 2328+ light explorer. It's a bit far off to consider exactly what we'll have or what designs are possible, but I see Nix is already planning the research to line up at that time, and the those parts that are much more affected by the current votes.

Again, parts need to be completed before the design turn, but having a part sooner doesn't necessarily do anything for us unless it matches with one of those landmark technologies that we think will enable a new set of designs. So take the example of lightweight frames, that's good to have before we hit the 2328 designs but getting it in 2324 might not really be an advantage at all compared to 2326.

Edit: Basically, thank Nix for doing god's work in getting the parts dates to line up.
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[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3

I really would like to have T3 Impulse and Fuel for a 2323 design, so...
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The task force looking into the sensor anomalies encountered with the Konen ships is proceeding swimmingly. My fellow sensor boffins are starting to narrow down the investigation towards a series of interconnected hardware and software issues that have been present in the past few generations of senor technology. Exactly what mechanism is being employed to generate the effect, and how it is spoofing our sensors, is not yet known, but we strongly suspect that this is the cause. Very detailed analysis must have been required to develop this exploit - and that's what it is, a deliberate exploit. To accidentally stumble upon the extremely precise combination of necessary factors would have been terribly rotten luck.

Didn't we at some point gift away the blueprints to several previous generational models of starships to an affiliate?

Maybe they got the detailed blueprints from them via espionage or purchase, found all them had the same vulnerability?

Shit. That was probably it.

2328+ heavy cruiser or a 2328+ light explorer.

Is there a difference between these? Heavy Cruiser and Explorer are pretty much interchangeable terms.
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[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3

Presuming this will get us what we want since Forgothrax is voting for it. Certainly, rushing T3 shields is unnecessary; we may not even use them.
So, a combination of Dylarrians having seen the blueprints, Lecarre infiltrators seeing the bug report tickets and quietly assigning them to a black hole so they aren't fixed and Konen science leads to invisible ships?

Now why is it only showing up on Konen ships?

Are there side effects to the bug exploiter? After all the Konen turned tail and ran as soon as the Amarki entered Collie.

Does the Pact (probably correctly) expect this to be a very time limited window of effect once known?
If so, did they waste it on the Collie attack? Or is the alpha version of a bug fix already existing and the Lecarre said use it now or lose it?
[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
[X] [PLAN] Test the Shields
[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[X] [BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
Presuming this will get us what we want since Forgothrax is voting for it. Certainly, rushing T3 shields is unnecessary; we may not even use them.

I don't see any point in prioritizing T3 Shields, so the rush plan is out. Next gen deflector is meh. And I don't really see saving 1Q on Freighters is that valuable, as compared to pushing T3 Impulse and Fuel. If we end up going for a 2323 design, which I don't support, we'll want both.
There seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding: The Lor'Vela team won't finish T3 impulse engines or fuel tanks in time for a 2323 design, short of an event bonus (which isn't impossible but hasn't happened before). Impulse engines would require boosts every single year and some luck on top of that, and we can't afford that many boosts, particularly this year. Fuel tanks are straight up impossible. Intazzi could finish impulse engines in time for a 2323 design (requiring luck [45.15% chance] or two boosts), but that probably won't happen either as they will be needed for subframe research if we wait until 2323 with the next frigate design. T3 fuel tanks would be a similar longshot for Intazzi as impulse engines for Lor'Vela.

Without boosts Lor'Vela should finish impulse engines in 2324 (12.76%) or 25 (87.24%), fuel tanks in 2325 (43.62%) or 26 (56.38%) or civilian warp systems in 2326.
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[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields

[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

[X][BOOST] Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
The thing is, it's quite likely that the majority of frigates we build in the near future are going to be Keplers. And from the sound of it, future frigates are likely to look a lot more like the Kepler* than like the Miranda.**
A Kepler is a science vessel, not a frigate, though if we are going off their function, said classification is more akin to destroyers. You are suggesting using the equivalent of a minesweeper, or minelayer to fulfill the purpose of DD class vessels, especially when it is operating off a CA size hull! Big fat target that can't evade worth s*** is a better way to call them. Huh, I just realized that our Ambassador class vessels chart closely to that of BB type vessels.
Like, the thing about being worried about the Commander/Captain distinction and deciding to do a Captain/Line Captain thing instead is that....

Just do the Captain/ Line Captain thing and call it Commander/Captain.

Gently nudge TIR, let officers stay in ranks for much longer if they want, increase Lieutenant-Commander responsibilities slightly.

So that instead of an argument of "Commanders literally can't ever handle a ship unless the are Kirk, Blue or otherwise" it's you go "Oh, Commanders for smaller commands and Captains for larger ones"

Like, this isn't rocket surgery. It's just a semantic thing mostly around this level.
Given the culture that is implied in the Star Trek tv series how much being a captain is the desired state for Starfleet's officer corps, I don't see much of a problem with accepting that captains have much greater TIR leeway than you'd expect.

I mean, Kirk served as a captain for 3 decades. Starfleet, if anything, should have a massive glut of captain/commodore ranked personnel that can be recalled at any time to take command of a ship, task force or facility. It just has more trouble filling flag billets because so few captains have the wish to take flag rank.
A Kepler is a science vessel, not a frigate, though if we are going off their function, said classification is more akin to destroyers. You are suggesting using the equivalent of a minesweeper, or minelayer to fulfill the purpose of DD class vessels, especially when it is operating off a CA size hull! Big fat target that can't evade worth s*** is a better way to call them. Huh, I just realized that our Ambassador class vessels chart closely to that of BB type vessels.

I can't make heads or tails of what you're saying here.

The point I'm making is simple. If you look at the frigates people are actually physically designing in the SDB thread, they tend to be large, and they tend to have six or more units of crew. All these analogies you're making to World War Two naval combatants are kind of beside the point. Which is that the future trend is not moving in the direction of ships that are as small or smaller than the Miranda-class. It's moving towards significantly larger frigates, heavier than either the Miranda or the Centaur, and converging on the Renaissance-class in size if not in crew complement.


Still want to hang on Impulse and Fuel for Lor'Vela and Intazzi, if only for the Aphelion.
The Aphelion is your "super-duper-fleet-scout that you want to pass off to the Council as a slightly superior science vessel" concept, right?

Given the culture that is implied in the Star Trek tv series how much being a captain is the desired state for Starfleet's officer corps, I don't see much of a problem with accepting that captains have much greater TIR leeway than you'd expect.

I mean, Kirk served as a captain for 3 decades. Starfleet, if anything, should have a massive glut of captain/commodore ranked personnel that can be recalled at any time to take command of a ship, task force or facility. It just has more trouble filling flag billets because so few captains have the wish to take flag rank.
I think that would be stereotyping. There was certainly no shortage of commodores and admirals in Kirk's day or Picard's, it's just that Kirk and Picard personally weren't interested in becoming one of them.

Kirk in particular was a special case. He can't have achieved captain rank much before 2265. Kirk was promoted to flag rank by some time in the mid-2270s (while I've seen indications that TMP takes place in 2273, I've also heard it said it happens earlier, and I see no reason to claim certainty). He contrived opportunities to command Enterprise on two more occasions, the last in 2285, but not with the rank of captain.

His "demotion" to captain after the events of The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home was a very strange and unusual combination of circumstances, a way of simultaneously 'rewarding' Kirk for saving Earth that would appeal to his unique tendencies, and 'punishing' him in the eyes of the angry Klingons who were upset about the Genesis Device and the destruction of their ship. Since Kirk specifically desired nothing in the galaxy more than "a tall ship and a star to steer her by," this was a reward specially tailored to him.

That said, your core insight is correct. The Federation does not seem to be the kind of society that embraces the "rat race" ethos of hypercompetitiveness, or that goes out of its way to pressure people into retirement for loving and being good at their jobs for 'too long.'