The task force looking into the sensor anomalies encountered with the Konen ships is proceeding swimmingly. My fellow sensor boffins are starting to narrow down the investigation towards a series of interconnected hardware and software issues that have been present in the past few generations of senor technology. Exactly what mechanism is being employed to generate the effect, and how it is spoofing our sensors, is not yet known, but we strongly suspect that this is the cause. Very detailed analysis must have been required to develop this exploit - and that's what it is, a deliberate exploit. To accidentally stumble upon the extremely precise combination of necessary factors would have been terribly rotten luck.

How the heck did the Konen get this? They've had the opportunity to work with our ships before, but to pull off an exploit like this based on a few encounters?
Looks like I was right. Either space magic reverse engineering where they got a single sample and extrapolated it to several generations of sensors, or someone gave them several generations of our sensor schemes, given how they're abusing an exploit that wasn't even common knowledge among our specialists, accurately enough that there's pretty much no way they could have found it by accident.

I'm more surprised that the exploit has gone several generations without being fixed yet myself, to the point where it's omnipresent among Starfleet ships. Only way that makes sense if hardly anyone even was aware that it was a thing and the ones who did notice never reported it.
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@OneirosTheWriter you still haven't clarified whether the Games & Theory team not getting Lathriss' bonus last year was a mistake and will be fixed or Lathriss' bonus not applying to offensive doctrine. As this decides whether we need to boost Games & Theory this year it's something we absolutely need to know.
How the heck did the Konen get this? They've had the opportunity to work with our ships before, but to pull off an exploit like this based on a few encounters?

Didn't we at some point gift away the blueprints to several previous generational models of starships to an affiliate?
Maybe they got the detailed blueprints from them via espionage or purchase, found all them had the same vulnerability?
So, what research branch needs to be investigated in order to patch the bug we are suffering from? I mean, I know it is likely to be in the Sensors research, but what area in sensors would provide us with ending the problem?
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  • Daystrom Institute [Skill 5 Computing/Shields]: Automated Shipsystems [unchanged]
  • Amash Hagan Research Office [Skill 3 Computing/Personal]: 2320s Research Centers [unchanged]
  • Generic Team 4 : Primitive Isolinear Computers[unchanged]
Warp Tech:
  • Yoyodyne [Skill 5 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2320s Core Power [complete] -> 2310s Warp Propulsion
  • Ana Font Design Group [Skill 2 Warp Tech/ Cruiser Design] [new] -> 2320s Warp Core Safety
Starship Construction:
  • Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: 2320s Starship Armour [unchanged]
  • San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 5 Capital Design/Starship Construction]: 2320s Starship Safety [unchanged]
  • Caitian Frontier Police R&D [Skill 3 Personal/Communications] : 2310s Personal Protection [complete] -> Primitive Integration
  • Aerocommandos Research Corps [Skill 3 Personal] : [new] -> 2320s Equipment
  • Generic Team 1: 2310s Long -Range Sensors [unchanged]
  • Inid Uttar Institute [Skill 3 Sensors / Propulsion] : 2330s Anti-Cloaking Sensors [unchanged]
  • Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 4 Weapons/Starship Design]: 2320s Penetrating Nadions [unchanged]
  • Starfleet Tactical Prograde Operations Team [Skill 2 Weapons/Offensive Doctrine] : 2310s Torpedo Development [unchanged]
  • Generic Team 2: Primitive Phaser Arrays [unchanged]
  • Andorian Academy [Skill 5 Shields/Communication]: 2320s Deflector Emitters -> [Plan dependent]
  • Oreasa Yards Design Group [Skill 2 Shields / Frigate Design] : [new] -> [Plan dependent]
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 5 Computing/Communciation]: 2320s Decryption [unchanged]
  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 4 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2320s Long-Range Comms [unchanged]
  • Generic Team 5: 2320s Signal Intercepts [unchanged]
  • Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 4 Minerals/Personal]: 2320s Special Refining [unchanged]
  • All Pyllix Geological Institute [Skill 3 Minerals/Sensors]: 2310s Bulk Resources [unchanged]
  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2320s Geological Sensors [complete] -> 2310s Xenopsychology
  • Spock [Skill 6 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2320s Diplomacy [unchanged]
  • University of Betazed [Skill 4 Xenopsychology/Personal]: 2320s Affiliates Research [unchanged]
  • Starfleet Medical Research Command [Skill 5 Medical/Personal]: 2320s Preventative Care [complete] -> 2320s Multi-Species Care
  • Starfleet Infectious Diseases Institute [Skill 3 Medical] : 2320s Trauma Medicine [unchanged]
  • Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D [Skill 4 Propulsion/Frigate Design]: 2320s Fusion Power [unchanged]
  • Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau [Skill 2 Propulsion / Capital Design] : [new] -> TASK PROPULSION
Ship Design:
  • 40 Eridani A [Skill 4 Frigate Design/Warp Tech]: Kepler Project [unchanged]
Frigate Design:
  • Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Combat [unchanged]
Capital Design:
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 6 Cruiser/Capital Design]: 2320s Explorer - Science [unchanged]
Starbase Design:
  • Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 4 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : 2310s Starbase Design - Control [complete] -> 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
  • Henn-Makad Engineering Institute [Skill 3 Starbase Design / Minerals] : 2310s Starbase Design - Combat [unchanged]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 4 Fleet Design/Defensive] : Mutual Support [unchanged]
  • Apinae Protective Engineering Bureau [Skill 2 Starbase/Defensive Doctrine] : To Boldly Go [unchanged]
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 4 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Decisive Battle Doctrine [unchanged]
Foreign Analysis:
  • Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 5 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis] : Klingon Research [tier complete] -> Horizon Research
  • Technocracy Interstellar Ministry [Skill 3 Xenopsychology / Foreign Analysis] : Cardassian Research [unchanged]
I'm continuing to target either 2319 or 2323 as start of the next design, the selections all make sense with either year.
The following plans differ by what we do with the shield teams, which can't easily be factored out into a TASK.
  • Prioritize Nav Deflectors only really makes sense if you want to make sure to have T3 Nav Deflectors available in 2323, the higher tier part is always benefitial but not terribly important. Currently it does not seem to make a difference for the best designs, but a previous design required it and that could very well end up being the case again. It means a relatively high risk of SR discounted T3 shields not being available in 2323: Deflector Emitters will only finish in 2322 and we would need to somehow arrange for 2320s Deflector Shields to finish exactly the same year as there is no room to finish later, which would require a new skill 2 shield team next year and just the right amount of event bonuses (or quite a lot of boosts and a little bit of luck), or getting a skill 3 team and no event bonuses.
  • Test the Shields assumes that we are going to get an event bonus to shields, which seems fairly likely. Without an event bonus we need another shield team and either tagging in the Andorian Academy or a lot of boosts.
  • Prioritize Shields would be what the plan used to be, but carries a slight risk of missing out on the SR discount for T3 shields if we get too much of an event bonus to shields this + next year. 10 points to each tech (which is the usual "large event bonus" amount) would be fine, but 15 or 20 would mean finishing 2320s Deflector Shields too early.
Nav Deflector availability for later designs shouldn't be an issue, they should become available around 2326 at the latest in any case.

[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Nav Deflectors
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2310s Warp Propulsion
-[X] Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
-[X] Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
-[X] Andorian Academy : 2320s Deflector Emitters -> 2320s Navigational Deflectors
-[X] Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Deflector Emitters
-[X] Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
-[X] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
-[X] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2310s Warp Propulsion
-[X] Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
-[X] Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
-[X] Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Deflector Shields
-[X] Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
-[X] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
-[X] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Test the Shields
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2310s Warp Propulsion
-[X] Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
-[X] Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
-[X] Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Navigational Deflectors
-[X] Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
-[X] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
-[X] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

For the personal tech choices rushing for Personal Integrity Field is tied for the mechanically best option (you could make an argument for finishing Specialised Teams first because that got an event bonus, and you could also make an argument for prioritizing tricorders higher) and based on what people said in the thread at various times is exactly what most of us want role-playing wise, so might as well go for it.

[] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Sublight Motion
[] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Endurance
[] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

If the Intazzi Team ends up not being needed for either designing a new frigate themselves or researching a T3 subframe for a 2323 design next year they would be available for one of the projects not picked here.

Recommended boosts: Yoyodyne, Prograde Operations Team, All-Pyllix Geological Institute, Intazzi Team, Generic Team 3
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Through the power of friendship! Lecarre infiltrators pass the information to Cardassian engineers who help adapt Konen ships to take advantage. Isn't the power of inter-species cooperation glorious?
Can it really be called friendship if all parties involved hate eachother and only stay together because the Big Bad Federation might come after them if they don't?
[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields
-[X] Yoyodyne : 2310s Warp Propulsion
-[X] Ana Font Design Group : 2320s Warp Core Safety
-[X] Caitian Frontier Police R&D : Primitive Integration
-[X] Aerocommandos Research Corps : 2320s Equipment
-[X] Oreasa Yards Design Group : 2320s Deflector Shields
-[X] Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Xenopsychology
-[X] Starfleet Medical Research Command : 2320s Multi-Species Care
-[X] Taves Nar Orbital Engineering : 2310s Starbase Design - Repair
-[X] Kuznetsova's Tiger Team : Horizon Research

[X] [PROPULSION] Lor'Vela Orbital Drafting Bureau : 2320s Civilian Warp Systems
no specialist team?? for better away team stats?

out of these i think.
[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields
is the best choice
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[X] [PLAN] Base Plan Prioritize Shields

This plan has everything I want this.
Regarding the Commander vs Captain on frigates argument, if the point is create more EC candidates, that would still require new named Commanders to be created. If we just get more of the current Avandar's still-as-yet-unnamed captain for those frigate commanders, it's not going to help.

BTW, there are still canon characters who seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle of promotions... Haven't seen hide nor hair of Saavik and Chekov since they got promoted off their ships. Do we really have many Commodore positions that are being added in as the Fleet expands? Sometimes it doesn't feel that way.
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(Ironically, I do support the whole 'frigates can have Commanders as COs' thing... just, maybe not necessarily for Keplers).
The thing is, it's quite likely that the majority of frigates we build in the near future are going to be Keplers. And from the sound of it, future frigates are likely to look a lot more like the Kepler* than like the Miranda.**

If we were planning to build a big wave of something like the Betazoid Patroller series or Apiata swarmers, I could see giving them to commanders. Ships that aren't intended to do very much, that don't take heavy responsibilities upon themselves as a matter of habit, or that are generally operating with a flag officer somewhere nearby. But given that the difference between our future frigates and what someone else might call a "light cruiser" is likely to be pretty much academic... yeah I'm not seeing it.

Unless, of course, the commander shows exemplary command aptitude and has prior XO experience.

*(Tonnage close to that of a Renaissance, crew of over 300, fairly heavy combat unit OR major event response unit OR both)
**(Tonnage in the 500-700 kiloton range, crew under 200, generally regarded as a 'small potatoes' support unit)

The best solution is to stop treating the Peter Principle as an instruction, rather than a warning, and axe up or out.

The next best solution is to spread starship command over multiple ranks. Whether it's making escort commands available to commanders or adding a skippable Senior/Flag Captain rank for veteran starship captains.
Basically this.

When you think about it, "up or out" is anathema to Star Trek's treatment of captains. Kirk committed piracy to get back into the chair. Picard could undoubtedly have been an admiral five to ten years before the events of Nemesis but he didn't even try, because he loved his job. Sisko was too busy kicking ass to care about flag rank.

The only Starfleet captain we know to have accepted a promotion to admiral with apparent contentment... is Janeway. :p

I can get why "up or out" applies among the flag officers. They're older, so "past their prime" is a more valid concern, and for the fraction of Starfleet officers that genuinely aspire to flag rank, it's frustrating having a bunch of superannuated people filling all the billets, especially since that system tends to result in having a high command that consists entirely of Vulcans.

But it shouldn't be a major pressure on captains, not in an era when the fleet is growing rapidly enough that there's plenty of room for new people to command new ships.

USS Docana, Constellation-class, NCC-1811, Oreasa Starfleet Yards Berth 2

"WHEEE I get to be a science vessel yaaaaay!"
But it shouldn't be a major pressure on captains, not in an era when the fleet is growing rapidly enough that there's plenty of room for new people to command new ships.
I am in 100% agreement with this. Up or out for captains made sense back in the early days of the quest because we had a handful of ships and new ones were rare. Nowadays we've got new ships coming out every single year. It's still somewhat an issue for the Explorer Corps because ships there are a lot rarer both in number and production but FYMs are generally stressful enough that most captains don't want a second go.
Didn't we at some point gift away the blueprints to several previous generational models of starships to an affiliate?
Maybe they got the detailed blueprints from them via espionage or purchase, found all them had the same vulnerability?
Given just how far the Tauni are from the Cardassians it seems rather unlikely- the entire bulk of the Federation is between the Tauni and anyone from the Ashalla Pact who is likely to spy on them. And they'd be a low priority for (for instance) Lecarre infiltration, because they're technologically primitive and lacking political power to sway our councils.

We may have problems because Mrr'shan and the Enterprise sent the Dylaarians information on our sensors about five years ago in an attempt to persuade them we weren't pirating their designs, in hopes of making them not hate us. That seems to have mostly worked though they're now willing to attack us.

Or, y'know, the Lecarre could FINALLY have managed to actually accomplish something meaningful against us directly, after ten years of being the setting's memetic spy-gods.

Regarding the Commander vs Captain on frigates argument, if the point is create more EC candidates, that would still require new named Commanders to be created. If we just get more of the current Avandar's still-as-yet-unnamed captain for those frigate commanders, it's not going to help.

BTW, there are still canon characters who seem to have gotten lost in the shuffle of promotions... Haven't seen hide nor hair of Saavik and Chekov since they got promoted off their ships. Do we really have many Commodore positions that are being added in as the Fleet expands? Sometimes it doesn't feel that way.
Saavik? Good question. I miss her. We never really did as much with the character as we should have, though she did have some shining moments during her captaincy of the S'harien.

I'm going to be honest, after what a horrible experience Chekov had in command of the Endurance, and given his relatively great age he may have simply decided to teach at the Academy as an alternative to retirement. Go somewhere that people do not, as a rule, die.

The other TOS-era characters we have still active in the fleet (Sulu, Uhura, and Leslie) have all been continuously employed and moving from strength to strength, as it were. Chekov has had a much worse time of it.

You can sort of see that coming out of his character arc even up through the movie era. He was always about as close to a Harry Kim as the original series crew had, and having Khan jam a brain parasite in his ear can't have helped his degree of comfort and morale within Starfleet.