Oh no - he's going to unleash Australia on us all!

You thought the magnetyrants and fluffy-puffies were things he made up.

You were wrong.

Also um... word to the wise for the players still talking about racism etc, Oneiros has a broad interest in politics on a global scale. We're both fairly political animals and have interests in global politics with emphasis in different regions and we talk to each other constantly about these sorts of things because marriage. So maybe take him seriously and go back to talking about.... looks like weaponised anti-matter? You know, the calmer, less dangerous topics :V
It'd also be nice if one wasn't mugged for them either. Chop-shops you know? I guess the occasional packet of antimatter could act as a deterrent there, but still.
Maybe more work with less power is the way to go.

"We have our own approaches to stopping anyone from getting mugged over spare parts. But I can see why it's a problem for the Orions; they've got true-crime novels about organleggers older than the Parthenon."
So... does this mean Nash is going to do something before her reinforcements get there?
Possibly. Agile is a Miranda-A captained by Nash's old helmsman, Stol. He was one of the most reliable, steady, capable members of a crew that excelled in all three attributes. Saved the Enterprise-B's asses more than once. Even before Stol's captaincy, which I suspect has put so much fine tuning and more than a little performance pressure on her own helm personnel...

Well, the Agile struck a miraculous blow for the cause of nominative determinism at the Battle of Lora III by being the first ship the Sydraxians targeted in the first round of the battle- and dodging the shot. :p

Sydraxian Captain:

So I'd think of her as a very tightly run and competently crewed ship, captained by a very skilled and resourceful officer (if perhaps not the best we have at command experience or personnel management). Plus, Nash also referenced the Appleseed, which is Starfleet Intelligence's main operations ship in the Gabriel Expanse. This sounds like it could get interesting.

...also, are we going to need to spend an intel report to find out where the Cardassians keep their POWs?
It might be a good idea to do that on general principles- a report like "Conditions and Distribution of Cardassian Penal Colonies and Interrogation Facilities." Among other things because it'll synergize with what we're learning about what's happening on Bajor, and any further information we gather that way.

But we probably wouldn't get a comprehensive answer, since the Obsidian Order is fairly good at keeping secrets and it's not like we have any highly placed moles in their ranks.

That said, it's likely that if the Republic survivors were pulled deeper into Cardassian space, into their "gulag archipelago," that we may never retrieve them all. Even if we won a huge war with them, the Obsidian Order could do much the same thing that quite a few real-life powers have done and falsify records so as to retain some if not all of the prisoners.

They may be within reach of a prompt rescue attempt by Nash. But that window of opportunity is probably finite.
A reminder in case anyone is like me and needs to look things up.

USS Appleseed (NC-2653) is a Civilian Ship that is the main mobile Starfleet Intelligence asset in the GBZ. She runs around placing and servicing the Listening Posts and whatever else Intelligence needs a vessel on station for.
So the most likely cause of the Republic's doom are mines with cloaking or some other type of advanced sensor spoofing. Doesn't completely rule out sabotage or treachery (of sensors, for instance), but it's no longer as likely.

First things first, last I checked the E-A was still one of the most potent (if not THE most potent) ships around, and was likely to win a 1v1 match against just about anything. It'll compete quite favorably for a while yet, methinks.

This is both true and false.

True in that the elite USS Courageous at C11 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8 is most likely the baddest mofo in the (Federation-)known galaxy.

False in that there exist ships that have superior base stat lines for the phases of battle that capital ships play in. The top contenders that we know of:
Starfleet Excelsior-A: C7 S6 H4 L6 P6 D6
Ked Paddah Aggadah: C6 S? H6 L6 P? D?
Rigel Megatortoise: C6 S4 H8 L9 P3 D3
Honiani Basilica of Lakhept: C8 S5 H? L? P? D5
Seyek Sign of Rethelia: C9 S6 H4 L6 P4 D5
Amarki Riala-A: C8 S5 H6 L9 P5 D6

The Aggadah is arguably on par with the Excelsior-A, and the Megatortoise, Sign of Rethelia and Riala-A are unquestionably superior at the battleship role. We don't know how the Basilica of Lakhept compares given its unknown stats, but at 4mt tonnage, it's very likely superior to the Excelsior-A, and possibly on par with our upcoming Ambassador.
edit: Megatortoise definitely superior as well (D is meaningless, S only slightly improves hit accuracy)

Then there's all the capital ships that we just don't know the stats of:
Konen Whisper
Padani Pathfinder
Horizonite Liberator
Romulan Khellian Heavy Warbird
Klingon Tar'chak

At least I'm confident that the Excelsior-A beats out the Cardassian Lorgot and Kaldar-bis ;)

That all said, I completely agree with the rest of your post.
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Well, Nash might be getting close look at a Konen Whisper class vessel soon. They have one in the GBZ and the only way it is isn't going to part of the upcoming fireworks is if it is deliberately withheld behind the fixed defences.

The Konen are believed to have a capital ship, two cruisers and five frigates in the GBZ.
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So the most likely cause of the Republic's doom are mines with cloaking or some other type of advanced sensor spoofing. Doesn't completely rule out sabotage or treachery (of sensors, for instance), but it's no longer as likely.
"Mines" in the usual sense (big bombs you plant and wait for the enemy to stumble across) wouldn't explain it. The explosions that crippled the Republic were small and precisely placed by someone who knew exactly where to hit her. That suggests either some very, very smart drone munitions, shots fired from a combat-cloaked ship, or that they somehow transported* a team to the surface of the ship to plant explosives by hand.

*Possibly not in the 'beam me up' sense of the word 'transport...'
Well the one of the author posts indicated that the Konen are as skilled as the Federation at hiding in natural phenomena - so I suspect that the ambusher of the Republic has a high S score, possibly on par with an Excelsior - certainly higher than any Cardassian design we've seen fielded outside of maybe their Science Frigate (have we actually seen one of those yet?)
"Mines" in the usual sense (big bombs you plant and wait for the enemy to stumble across) wouldn't explain it. The explosions that crippled the Republic were small and precisely placed by someone who knew exactly where to hit her. That suggests either some very, very smart drone munitions, shots fired from a combat-cloaked ship, or that they somehow transported* a team to the surface of the ship to plant explosives by hand.

*Possibly not in the 'beam me up' sense of the word 'transport...'
Yeah I'm using the term "mines" loosely. Given the vast distances involved and relatively tiny sizes of explosions, mines as they're traditionally thought aren't as practical anymore. I recall earlier discussion on how mines could be something like triggered photon torps with huge payloads, and we know that spotting mines isn't trivial from our Ixaria woes.

Could be something like what happened in the Amarkia ratification. But deadlier with transported antimatter charges instead of transported fusion ones, since you know, trying to kill a cruiser, not a shuttle. And instead of hiding in the crowd, so to speak, relying on some form of sensor spoofing or cloaking (or sensor/watch sabotage/treachery, as that's still possible).
When do we finalise Ambassador / Kepler stats?
I'm pretty sure we voted on the Ambassador a little while back; we were presented with a few choices which we selected from. That hasn't happened yet for the Kepler, but it probably will by the time we're ready to start the prototype.

Edit: from a recent Shipyard Ops
Ambassador 2315-Now [594m, 3m t]
C8 S9 H7 L9 P9 D8
Cost [300br 240sr, 4.75 years], Crew [O-7, E-7, T-6]
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The konen could have used a natural sensor-obscuring hazard like a nebula or an energy field to sneak up on our cruiser. However, there was no mention of such being in the vicinity of the wreckage. Its possible that they planted limpet mines that detonated later, but in that case we need to be asking how the ship could have failed to detect the mines at any point between them being planted and them being detonated. It was mentioned that the explosives were of Obsidian Order make, and undetectable explosives are exactly the kind of thing they would design, so its possible that this is a new "invisible bomb" technology.

They may have used some kind of psionic stealth system like Akuz suggested. If so, then their telepaths have better range and finesse than any betazoid, and we can probably expect to see many other forms of psychic attack from them.

A cloaked or otherwise technologically stealthed minelayer ship or drone could be the culprit. This possibility is the one with the biggest tactical implications, as it shouldn't be that difficult for them to go from cloaked minelayers or smartbombs to cloaked warships. I doubt this is the case though, as its unlikely that Oneiros would give the Ashalla Pact a technology that makes them too similar to the Klingons and Romulans. The cloaked minelayer could be a unique, ireplicable weapon along the lines of the Kadak Tor, but that would be repetitive for different reasons.

Last option is that they disguised the minelayer as something harmless, and our crew allowed it to fly up to the hull. Either a fake SOS, or something like a remote control implant and bomb attached to an otherwise harmless cosmozoan.
Last option is that they disguised the minelayer as something harmless, and our crew allowed it to fly up to the hull. Either a fake SOS, or something like a remote control implant and bomb attached to an otherwise harmless cosmozoan.

All of the theories thus far are good. Personally, I suspect they did something like prey on our good nature. Maybe they posed as an equivalent to the Sydraxian Concerned Citizens, or a fleeing ship of Bajorans and Cardassian dissidents, and used that cover to allow a team to plant charges in critical locations. If they were allowed to be beamed onboard it's not impossible a small demolitions team was beamed close to the hull at the same time.

Wonder if they were assisted by Kivaas from The Next Generation. This sort of precision strike seems like it'd be up his alley.
From Discord:

Oneiros: Need to roll for Captain's Logs, need to set up for Nash's campaign, and need to figure out when to schedule in The Surprise

Leila: The surprise is that Konen are actually living pinatas, and you get candy with every kill?

Oneiros: The first six words of that are true

Okay guys, I think we can figure this out. I have some guesses already though.

  • The surprise is that Konen are actually not so bad after all.
  • The surprise is that Konen are just a figment of our collective imaginations, and the Cardassians have been taking advantage of our mass delusion.
  • The surprise is that Konen are an r-selected holometabolous species that start their lives as spaceborne anti-ship mines. The Republic fell victim to Konen larvae.
  • The surprise is that Konen are sneaking up behind Sulu, with sharp objects, right now.
  • The surprise is that Konen are all about the base, about the base, about the base.
  • The surprise is that Konen are suffering from a species-wide sleepwalking disease, and soon they'll all wake up and wonder why they were helping the Cardassians.
  • The surprise is that the Konen are secretly puppeting the Cardassians at this point with their spooky mind powers.
  • The surprise is that the Konen are secretly the Lecarre with bodypaint, contact lenses and expert-level cold-reading skills.
  • The surprise is that the Konen are not actually responsible for this particular attack, it was the Dylaarians.
  • The surprise is that the Konen are no longer in the GBZ.
There's so many possibilities...