- Location
- madison
well, they did achieve their primary goal of letting the cargo ship escape.
I mean, they put up a pretty good fight, not just as good as we'd expect. The dice went rather poorly for them, while the Jaldun performed slightly better than one would expect just by statistically averaging their damage output.
A minor nit pick that jumped out at me.
Saratoga doesn't have Phaser Arrays. We haven't invented them yet.
OopsA minor nit pick that jumped out at me.
Saratoga doesn't have Phaser Arrays. We haven't invented them yet.
Looking at the forces we can rally:
USS Atuin - blooded Excelsior with +1H - last seen near Lecarre space
USS Odyssey - blooded Excelsior, should have veteran upgrade with Enterprise crew - last seen in Caledonian space, booked there to resolve tensions for another quarter but this could be important
USS Sh'arien - blooded Excelsior with +1C +1L - last seen in Qloathi space
USS Endurance - Excelsior-A
USS Bull - Centaur-A
Qloathi Senatorial Fleet:
2 Torqui Leb Lagan - explorers equivalent to a Renaissance, at C5 H4 L5
2 Qalla Leb Tigran - cruisers equivalent to a Jaldun, at C4 H4 L4
5 Arquilla Leb Lioathi - patrol frigates equivalent to a combat Takaaki at C4 H3 L3
3 Quital Leb Quitan - patrol frigates equivalent to a pre-refit Centaur at C3 H2 L2
3 Harqui Leb Adiquan - C2 H2 L2 frigates
Caitian Grand Fleet:
1 Excelsior
4 Fathership - explorers with C5 H3 L7 - one slated for GBZ
14 Modern Swarmer - frigates with C3 H1 L4 - four slated for GBZ
3 Old Swarmer - frigates with C2 H1 L3
Seyek Space Service:
1 Sunrise - explorer with C9 H4 L5 - the Sign of Rethelia is unlikely to be deployed
4 Audacious - explorer with C7 H3 L5
3 Constrictor - cruiser with C6 H3 L4
4 Peacemaker - patrol frigate with C3 H2 L2
2 Soxistin - patrol frigate with C3 H1 L2
So to note, the Seyek are likely to want to leave a fair garrison behind to make sure the Cardassians don't get any ideas and to keep a lid on civil unrest. If we can convince them to help I'd expect a battlegroup based around one Audacious, maybe one Constrictor, two frigates. The Qloathi are more directly threatened and we could see a large force from them with the right diplomacy, I'd expect one or two explorers one cruiser and at least four frigates. Although if I were them I'd throw in the whole damn fleet, because guess who is next?
The Caitians move in squadrons of 1 Fathership 4 Swarmers, depending on if they want to fight we could see as many as 2 Fatherships and 8 Swarmers from them, or as few as just their Excelsior. Starfleet anchors this force with 4 Excelsiors.
Total Optimistic:
5 ~C7 explorers
~5 ~C5 cruisers/explorers
~4 Heavy Frigates
~10 Swarmers / Light Frigates
Approximately 106C.
Total Pessimistic:
4 C7 explorers
~4 ~C5 cruisers/explorers
~4 Heavy Frigates
~2 Light Frigates
Approximately 70C.
Eh, it seems more than a tad optimistic to me to expect those guys to mobilize to that level (and perhaps even risk losing significant part of those fleets) to help (or take revenge for) a minor pre-FTL civilization. I mean I expect them to step up their border patrols and make it clear that such actions will not be tolerated in their own space but I doubt they would be very enthusiastic to go to such lengths to help a non-entity outside of our space. In the case of Starfleet you can at least argue how intervened a certain set of morales and ethic is with the rest of the service but I don't think that is necessarily true for the affiliates. Hell in the case of the Seyek you don't have to go that far back to have them be on the opposite of such an event (as in the race that conquers) and while they are opinion seems to have changed I doubt they have changed to such a massive degree that they will now support such an operation while the Cardassians are growing in strength and the Konen make appearances near their border...
Of course, if we do force the Hismeri into Klingon territory the Klingons are not going to be happy.
It may also stop the Klingon advance and reverse their gains or force a stalemate.It's probably a good idea to warn the Klingons about the potential Hishmeri threat. [snip] They'll have to garrison their borders against Hishmeri attacks, drawing forces away from the Romulan front.
However, this situation is a little unique. For one, we know that the prewarp civ is in some sort of danger. Turning the blind eye is, at this point, willful ignorance, which I really refuse to tolerate. More importantly, if this were any other civ, say a small starfaring civ, they could have the option to ask for help. Which I think we would likely grant. This prewarp can't. They're like the child in the middle of the road in front of an oncoming car. Because they can't ask for help, we are morally obligated, in my opinion, to help. There should be no "help range" limit. If we know, and help is requested, we act, and do as much as is practical, given distance and other concerns.
The Hishmeri aren't likely the type to stick around in a brawl, because their ships are the most precious things they have. If they see a large force coming, they may well fuck off.
It may also stop the Klingon advance and reverse their gains or force a stalemate.
Sure, for the sake of argument let's strike the Seyek from the list entirely.
Starfleet will almost certainly commit the entire local fleet. That's ~31 C right there. We borrow two Qloathi frigates and a Fathership team and that brings us to 56C in a very pessimistic estimation. Still a lot.
I think we will get a larger intervention, though. This is a present threat to places like Risa, Caitian colonies, and the Fiiral won't like it either.
Seyek actually feel some level of cultural guilt over how they went about pacifying the Fiiral, so it's entirely possible they'd be interested in preventing someone from doing something similar.I doubt they have changed to such a massive degree that they will now support such an operation while the Cardassians are growing in strength and the Konen make appearances near their border...
The thing is, this isn't just an idealistic thing. It's practical.Eh, it seems more than a tad optimistic to me to expect those guys to mobilize to that level (and perhaps even risk losing significant part of those fleets) to help (or take revenge for) a minor pre-FTL civilization. I mean I expect them to step up their border patrols and make it clear that such actions will not be tolerated in their own space but I doubt they would be very enthusiastic to go to such lengths to help a non-entity outside of our space. In the case of Starfleet you can at least argue how intervened a certain set of morales and ethic is with the rest of the service but I don't think that is necessarily true for the affiliates. Hell in the case of the Seyek you don't have to go that far back to have them be on the opposite of such an event (as in the race that conquers) and while they are opinion seems to have changed I doubt they have changed to such a massive degree that they will now support such an operation while the Cardassians are growing in strength and the Konen make appearances near their border...
The Federation's rimward border is long and lightly fortified, and there are by nature a bunch of 'soft' targets in the area (such as some of the mining facilities in the Ferasa Sector, or Risa). Deploying our fleets along that border for an extended period of time, awaiting a threat that may trickle in over a period of months or years, isn't necessarily easier or cheaper than showing up once to confront the forward-most fraction of their fleet.The thing it is far safer, easier and cheaper to deal with this threat by "fortifying" the Federation border than it would be to send an expeditionary force to openly confront the Hishmeri over their actions. It seems far more logical to increase the garrisons in that region of space and step up the military readiness than going for the most extreme option right of the bat...
The Hishmeri, hearing about the Federation, are probably asking themselves:And both the Hishmeri Septs and the Federation should be aware that there is very massive difference between attacking a helpless minor civilizations and attacking one of the most powerful faction in this region of space, one being despicable the other suicidal, which is why I don't think that the threat is that big... The last thing the Hishmeri should want to do is to give us a ironclad casus belli.
My whole point here, is that they can't even ask for assistance, and that we know without a doubt that they do require some form of it.I dont think there's anything unique in this situation. They are not affiliates, we have not expanded our borders to defend them, hell we havn't technically even talked to them yet. I dont see why we would pick a fight here when there's plenty of atrocities occurring nearby that we deign to ignore.
Furthermore, it probably takes time for a lesson taught to one group of nomads to disseminate among the other nomads. By getting an early start on the process, we increase the odds that the bulk of the nomads will learn "don't screw with the Federation" BEFORE actually reaching our space.Even if we end up having to teach the lesson "don't screw with the Federation" to several different groups of Hishimeri over a span of months or years, it is better we assemble a strong fleet and teach it as decisively as possible. Nomads neither want nor can prosecute pitched battles, they depend on speed and shock. If we convince them that they will have to stand and bleed and trade body blows, they will go elsewhere.
So basically, in order to avoid having a large fleet tied down for a year or so while the Hishmeri trickle in and through our space...I just feel as this is a random offshoot of their fleet and if we decide we are going to police outside our borders we are going to be at it for the next year (or foverever as similar opportunistic species do things we do not approve of) as this event repeats itself x1000.
Better to screen their fleet as it approaches our borders then send a starfleet / militia fleet to welcome them on our border, then let them know the borders closed to them and not to intrude on federation space.
That fleet can then shadow them as they move along our border. No fight, limited buildup and limited disruption from the GBZ dispute, CBZ fortification, or whatever insane idea the Catident expects us to push through.
I'm not opposed to doing this. However, I'm going to vote strongly against advising the politicians anything along the lines of "oh yeah, we're best off just deploying the ships in a big wall along our border." Because 'wall in space' tactics really don't work very well. Fleets have to be concentrated to be effective, or they have to vastly outnumber the opposition. We probably won't outnumber the Hishmeri as a whole, so we have to concentrate our strength and find ways to keep the Hishmeri away from the border as long as possible, while making enough of a show of force to convince them to seek less heavily defended pastures elsewhere.In reality though this response is above our heads and we should lock the Hawkes and pacifists in a room until they have a coherent federation response to this and similar events (third party threatening pre-warp civ outside borderzone). We could even call it the Stesk Doctrine which would be hilarious if he doesn't like the compromise.
So basically, in order to avoid having a large fleet tied down for a year or so while the Hishmeri trickle in and through our space...
I'm not opposed to doing this. However, I'm going to vote strongly against advising the politicians anything along the lines of "oh yeah, we're best off just deploying the ships in a big wall along our border." Because 'wall in space' tactics really don't work very well.
Then the plan makes even less sense, because you don't even gain the advantage of operating our fleet close to our own bases.Why would they be inside our space? I said we would aggressively direct them away from our border, but not skirmish in unclaimed space. And I said we would do a slow build of forces as their fleet approaches rather then panicking and scrambling a large response now.
The norm in a border zone is that we have like three or four ships in the whole zone, and when one potentially hostile ship approaches we send one ship to investigate or warn it off.You say walls in space doesn't work, yet every major startrek civ has starbases strung along their borders and patrols along them, we also often track and investigate ships on vectors towards our territory, why would this be any different?
You're saying "to avoid the trouble of having to keep a fleet Out There for a year, busily driving the Hishmeri away, let's keep a fleet Out There for a year, busily warning the Hishmeri away. Oh, and blowing up any Hishmeri that try to slip past us or just cluelessly press forward and react with bravado when challenged."
The problem is, Hishmeri ships won't be coming in individually. They'll move in squadrons, possibly in groups of several warships leading the way and scouting for the much larger wave of civilian ships following at a safe distance behind them.
"We then negotiated the treaty in Klingon. See attached transcript."
Attached: Combat log Stardate...
It's likely that the ships that just hit the pre-warp planet are the very 'tip of the spear' and we won't even see the main body of the fleet trickling in for a period of some months. It may well be a year before the last stragglers are obviously headed away rather than just loitering somewhere twenty light-years from the border and looking like they might try to cross into our space.Shouldn't take a year to see if they're going to comply or not.
That's basically what I've been proposing.I believe the idea is that they won't come at all. Put on a show of force to convince them that the Federation is too tough a pickings. That we can and will scramble a fleet to fight. So the Sept leaders or whatever government they have, take the fleet around in search of another path.