Sure, but we're going to finish at least 3 of the 4 techs in it this turn if it stays active. All of them if the inspiration bonus falls on Tactical Analysis I.
Which means we'll get them all. You can't get inspiration boni on a tech that finishes without them that turn.
I'd suggest turning off tactical analysis. It is useful, but does not limit dependencies or impair the economy to slow.
I think we need to keep it on, first to finish most if not all of the first level romulan techs and the second to move onto the Cardassian techs next turn. It is also low skill level so we need more XP for it to get the techs out quicker and I think we may see a dustup with the Cardassians so having the analysis done will be good since their combat power will be reduced while ours can be raised. Also a better chance of dealing with their intelligence service.
[x] Maintain Course for the Rennie

Warp technology is the most important tech for ships, the warp core is the biggest cost factor in pretty much any design.
Warp technology is the most important tech for ships, the warp core is the biggest cost factor in pretty much any design.
This, so much. When designing ships, there's no such thing as too much weight-saving research.

It pains me to my very soul to put aside mineral resource acquisition, but we can rob Peter in order to pay Paul, so long as we don't do it too often. However, we cannot afford to let up on improving and expanding our research capabilities - this quarter is a perfect example as to why. I therefore propose the following plan:

[X] Peter and Paul
-[X] Deactivate San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau - Ship Design (Explorer)
-[X] Deactivate Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Minerals
-[X] Deactivate Starfleet Medical Command - Medical

This allows us to continue focusing R&D efforts for our upcoming major project - the Renaissance - and do everything in our power to maintain our greatest advantage over all comers in the form of superior Dalek Federation technology.
[X] Peter and Paul

I don't remember if I voted for a plan already, nor do I care. The name sold it for me.
This, so much. When designing ships, there's no such thing as too much weight-saving research.

It pains me to my very soul to put aside mineral resource acquisition, but we can rob Peter in order to pay Paul, so long as we don't do it too often. However, we cannot afford to let up on improving and expanding our research capabilities - this quarter is a perfect example as to why. I therefore propose the following plan:

[X] Peter and Paul
-[X] Deactivate San Francisco Fleet Yards Design Bureau - Ship Design (Explorer)
-[X] Deactivate Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science - Minerals
-[X] Deactivate Starfleet Medical Command - Medical

This allows us to continue focusing R&D efforts for our upcoming major project - the Renaissance - and do everything in our power to maintain our greatest advantage over all comers in the form of superior Dalek Federation technology.
I'd prefer to cut comms instead of the Explorer team, given it's not far from L2 techs, but The Intermediate Generation is still years away, so we have time.

[X] Peter and Paul
Shipbuilding Calculator

So I made a thing. It's kind of crude and hacked together, but it's a shipbuilding spreadsheet that calculates crew and resources cost year by year. Note that this includes the resources from full Amarki membership.

Here is the link.

You have to manually enter (shipcode)1, (shipcode)2, and so on for each year of build in the shipyard you want. When it sees a (shipcode)1 it deducts br and sr, and when it sees (shipcode)(end year of build) it deducts crew. It adds back income at the beginning of the next year. I made some (very conservative I think) assumptions about how much br and sr come from missions, but you can adjust.

Also, I cheated a little and assumed that the delayed Excelsior build in 40 Eridani A Berth A would deduct crew in 2307Q1 rather than 2306Q4 and open the berth back up in 2308Q1 rather than 2307Q4. It doesn't end up mattering that much.

Feel free to save your own copy and experiment.
Shipbuilding Calculator

So I made a thing. It's kind of crude and hacked together, but it's a shipbuilding spreadsheet that calculates crew and resources cost year by year. Note that this includes the resources from full Amarki membership.

Here is the link.

You have to manually enter (shipcode)1, (shipcode)2, and so on for each year of build in the shipyard you want. When it sees a (shipcode)1 it deducts br and sr, and when it sees (shipcode)(end year of build) it deducts crew. It adds back income at the beginning of the next year. I made some (very conservative I think) assumptions about how much br and sr come from missions, but you can adjust.

Also, I cheated a little and assumed that the delayed Excelsior build in 40 Eridani A Berth A would deduct crew in 2307Q1 rather than 2306Q4 and open the berth back up in 2308Q1 rather than 2307Q4. It doesn't end up mattering that much.

Feel free to save your own copy and experiment.
Pretty handy looking. Main suggestion would be put a Conditional Formatting the Resources area to show a red background if value is under 0 to help spot black holes in the build policy.
[X] No Medical, No Comms, No Warp Technology

Feel free to save your own copy and experiment.
My initial test indicates that row 17 on the calcs sheet should be filled in. Also, we might have an upcoming officer shortage (at least if you're building as many Excelsiors as I want to).

Features to consider adding:
  • A PP for explorer crew option just like the current PP for Excelsior resources option.
  • The Amarki shipyard, with it's two 2.5m t berths and two 1m t berths
  • Totals for each ship type built.
  • A way to calculate the total combat, defense, and science of the fleet.
  • A way to model future personnel increases that don't take place immediately.
I'm currently modeling personnel increases as mission increases, but I know that's not optimal at all.
[x] Maintain Course for the Rennie

Prefer this over the Peter and Paul one, because communications tech isn't as immediately attractive. The RP bonus will get less and less important and the only really important thing IMO is the intel stuff, which is far from leveling up.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 207 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] No Medical, No Comms, No Warp Technology
No. of Votes: 11
Void Stalker

[x] Maintain Course for the Rennie
No. of Votes: 7
Random Member

[X] Peter and Paul
No. of Votes: 5
Steven Kodaly

[x] No Minerals, No Explorers, No Warp Technology
No. of Votes: 2
Nervos Belli

Total No. of Voters: 25
[x] Maintain Course for the Rennie

Switching to this, Explorer design isn't as universally useful as better Warp tech right now. As long as we don't cut minerals I'm ok with either winning.
[x] Maintain Course for the Rennie

Hmmm, ok. Having thought it over, I feel the same way.