OOC:So like, I know I kept saying I would do profiles for Hydrans and Lyrans, but with Cardassians popping out of woodwork, I figured I'd do this instead. It was also going to be shorter, so I figured I can get it out of the way first.
This is also my first time making an omake for this, so please forgive me if I'm stepping on anyone's toes.
From: Starfleet Intelligence First Directorate
To: Admr. Kahurangi
Cc: V-Admr. Eriksson, R-Admr. zh'Rhashaan, R-Admr. Sulu, Cmm. Uhura
Subject: Cardassian Early Analysis and Threat Projection
As requested, we've begun to compile a formal brief detailing our current total of knowledge on the Cardassians, as well as possible threats, issues and solutions pertaining to their encounter. However, we feel this time professionally obliged (and inclined) to note that the information we currently have on hand is highly limited, largely constrained to the first-contact package received by the
Enterprise, and our repeated, though limited contact with Cardassian representatives. We've reached out to our associates beyond Federation space, such as various Orion free traders, but information about Cardassians is generally scarce. Thus, I'm afraid we can only present results that are conjecture based on information available and our own experience; none the less I believe that this brief might still include valuable pointers that will make our dealings and plans towards Cardassians much easier.
Analysis and Assessment of Cardassian Union
Biologically, Cardassians appear to be the standard bipedal humanoid variant that has been seen the galaxy over, albeit with distinctly reptilian or amphibian traits, such as hardened, scale-like ridges prominent on the back of their necks, foreheads and around eyes. They appear to be slightly taller and bulkier on average compared to typical Human, suggesting development in environmental similar to Earth's, but possibly with marginally thicker atmosphere and higher gravity. Their most prominent feature however, is a specific dip in their skin in the center of their forehead, likened by some of our human colleagues to a spoon, for lack of better reference.
Cardassians are bi-gendered, with males and females. Beyond that however, the specifics of their biology remain unknown to us, as available Cardassian data includes no medical records, and we posses only a few cursory scans to go on.
Society and Culture:
It should be noted that majority of information on the society and culture of Cardassians comes from Cardassians themselves. Given their subsequent behavior, this means that this information should be treated with certain suspicion; that said however, we believe that its basics are more or less true.
Cardassians are ruled by a global planetary government called "Cardassian Union". The Union espouses a distinctly utilitarian mindset, albeit somewhat different from the famed Vulcan logic. The Cardassian utilitarianism trends more towards the authoritarian, state-centric bent which could had been seen in any number of early and late XXth century Earth nation-states; focusing on the devotion of personal efforts towards the state, and the overall prioritization of state's survival and expansion as the primary goal of state's society. To that end, Cardassians are driven and ambitious, encouraged to serve in whatever capacity they're capable of. Loyalty and willingness to serve are stated to be the primary virtues of any self-respecting Cardassian. The individuals we have so far observed certainly display this mindset, being highly disciplined, loyal and dedicated towards Union's goals. The state of Union in general is seen as benevolent, all-seeing and knowing guardian of Cardassian people; its presentation implying a certain degree of what might be interpreted as religious reverence. The Union itself does not appear to have any significant threats within or without as far as we know, but the reluctance of Cardassians to provide either detailed information about the Union, or even its precise location, means that we cannot be sure whether this obedience is universal, or whether noticeable dissent exists.
The precise form or organization of Cardassian government is currently unknown.
Socially, Cardassians place huge importance on family, which is without a doubt the primary social unit of Cardassians. Multiple generations are purported to often live together in same house, helping each other and reinforcing the discipline and traditions. By all accounts, filial loyalty is an enormous piece of Cardassian mindset. There is currently some debate in Starfleet Intelligence over whether this has been an intentional social manipulation on the part of the Union, or whether Union values have directly grown out of the strict, family-centric mindset of "average" Cardassian, or even whether the two had mutually influenced each other over a period of time. Certainly, the way a Cardassian household is run, is not too different from how Union supposedly operates.
While each individual Cardassian is expected to do their utmost for the state, they are also expected to use this service for betterment of their family, with skills and knowledge that one picks up in the service being used to improve the standing of the family. Parents and the extended family are expected to pass on these traits to the next generation, and help them overcome potential difficulties. In theory at least, it leads to each successive generation of Cardassians to begin with a much larger knowledge base than the last, which is then further developed in their service to the state. While not a caste-based society, this would, and likely does, lead into a sort of "dynastic" behavior, as children are likely groomed to assume positions equivalent to their parents knowledge and skill; However, this is seen as a positive factor for the Cardassians, who greatly prize the value of continuity and dependability.
According to available information, both genders can serve the Union equally, but we have so far observed few female Cardassian in general. For one, this might suggest some sort of gender imbalance, but most our analysts agree that the intense family-centric mentality might actually discourage Cardassian females from assuming more active role in their society. As females are the only ones capable of giving birth to a child, and with Cardassians putting so much emphasis on filial continuity, it would make sense for their society to prevent their women from being put into situations where their lives (and consequently, the species legacy) is endangered. Whether this translates to women holding greater political or bureaucratic power is currently unknown; although official Union information insists that Cardassia practices "complete equality in the service to the Union", and encountered females appear to hold position of significant authority.
One of our analysts however, noted that none of the extensive familial topics in Cardassian databases touches upon orphans, or otherwise those without extended family of their own. Again, we cannot be certain whether this has been an omission or not, but it might be indication that these topics are not well-regarded by the Cardassians.
The single-minded devotion to duty, discipline, obedience and loyalty seems to extend to their culture as well. The few examples of works of fiction or philosophy that were included in Cardassian data packet heavily play onto these values, being typically generational sagas about fulfillment of duty to the state, or some sort of intrigue that virtuous clan must overcome by uniting and combining its skills in harmonious manner, as well as advice on subjects of capable service or loyalty to superiors. Our analysts note the very frequent use of "intrigue", often codified as a conspiracy by disloyal, degenerate and decadent pretenders that hide among the simpler and more loyal citizenry, which indicates a great deal of racial paranoia. Whether this is an inherent trait of Cardassian race psyche, or intentional method of fostering social control, we cannot say yet.
Overall, Cardassian society and culture shows strong collectivist tendencies, but with a worryingly authoritarian bent.
We've had very few opportunities - that is to say none - to study Cardassian tech up close. However, we have reasons to suspect that technologically speaking, the Union is behind the science curve of the Federation, although not to an overwhelming degree. USS
Enterprise certainly did not have any problems with hostile Cardassian vessel, and its defenses proved to matter little against our phaser banks. However, it should be noted that encountered vessels were generally smaller and underpowered compared to an
Excelsior. It is possible - if unlikely - that these vessels represent outdated or somehow second-hand ships; or that more likely the Union posses a more advanced ship class that we have yet to see. At the same time however, our information suggests that Cardassians appear to be mildly unnerved at the apparent superiority of Federation vessels and crews compared to their own explorers.
Analysis and Contact Speculation (work in progress):
The first contact with Cardassians has been peaceful - if markedly careful and hesitant - at the very least. Our other interactions with them had been less so, although the Union is yet to formally contact the Federation. In fact, we currently do not know where Cardassian Union is located, although all the evidence points to a generalized region of space approximately West of Federation core space, especially out from Tellar sector (as viewed on 2D top-down galactic map).
This limited contact however - and the information gleaned from it - does paint a somewhat worrying picture.
The first and foremost is of course, that Cardassians appear to treat us as a threat, and are not amenable to cooperation at this point in time. Furthermore, we have reasons to believe that the Cardassian Union is in itself a long-standing authoritarian dictatorship, whose paranoia and need for control might make coexistence implausible in the long run.
We realize that this might sound farfetched, and that it is certainly not what the Federation Council would like to hear.
However, the behavior of Cardassians - in particular their hesitance to provide even basic navigation information, information control and extensive study of us, suggests a strong degree of state paranoia, which fits with our predictive assessment of Cardassia as an autocratic dictatorship. Information control has always been the hallmark of such social systems, and it is beyond likely that their first contact team attempted to gleam more information from us than previously assumed. Even if they didn't, then they certainly tried to do so through our affiliates. The fact that they did so behind our backs, and that such questioning were done in negative fashion (that is, implication that Amaraki are being colonized as a subordinate client rather than a peer member), suggests that Union sees us as a clear threat to its interests. Certainly, if they are indeed a dictatorship, our free, open nature and commitment to moral principles, coupled with technological edge, must make for a political nightmare for Cardassian equivalent of high command.
The manner in which Cardassians had engaged us should not be understated. While they themselves had been reluctant to share information with us (which is not as strange in and of itself when meeting previously unknown cultures), Cardassians should have known from their first encounter with
Enterprise that we're quite willing to share our information regardless. Had they been curious about us, all they had to do was ask. And while second contact with Cardassians had been more hostile, this would likely have not impacted our discourse with them. Incidents like that simply happen. However, rather than engage with us openly, Cardassians instead chose to aggressively scout ahead towards our space, and begun to engage with our affiliates for information, while simultaneously trying to seed sows of dissent, despite the fact that Federation and Union had minimal contact beforehand.
(On off note, one of our agents noted that the expertly handled talks Cardassians had held with Amaraki, and their argumentation, suggests a certain hypocritical familiarity with the subject. He believes that it is beyond likely that some of the Union's supposed "core worlds" are in fact said "clients".)
Cardassian aggressiveness in asserting its borders - based on spurious claims at best - also suggest an authoritarian bent of the Union government. One only needs to look back on Earth's XXth Century history, where various totalitarian states (especially of Communist bent) sought to aggressively expand and formalize their borders, often for internal reinforcing of their own image. The frequent recurrence of plots or conspiracies to be undone by virtous that are frequent fixture of Cardassian culture (as far as we know), also suggests a certain degree of enforced paranoia, again consistent with totalitarian-collectivist states. In this context, it is likely that Cardassian leadership sees Federation in same light as itself, and is seeking to aggressively solidify its dominance of the region in order to contain Federate expansion.
We again acknowledge that of course, our assessment of Cardassian socio--political government may be off mark, but it does not change the overall conclusion that for whatever reason, we have been determined to be a threat that has to be contained.
In this light, Cardassian actions have been more or less consistent - we can assume that their current strategy is based on triple pillars of understanding, expansion and containment: Understanding of us, the enemy, Expansion of Cardassian territory, which in turn Contains the expansion of us, the enemy. Although the methods vary - from subtle diplomatic inquiries, to clumsy saber rattling, the overall pattern remains in place.
In the short term however, war is unlikely - there are too many unknowns for the Cardassians to consider, together with presumed distance between our respective territories. The clear technological discrepancy has also given them pause.
However, we can expect to see continuation of disruptive behavior, and skirmishing over remote areas of space, especially in situations where Cardassians are somehow assured of their success. They are likely to continue diplomatic harassment of our efforts for closer associate integration, and will likely aggressively contest any contacts we make in this sector. We should be prepared that they will do so in underhanded fashion, as we've already seen with Indorian affair.
More worrying, and consequently uncertain, is the prognosis for future. If our initial assessment of Cardassian Union is proven to be mistaken - or that their government is authoritarian, but only mildly paranoid of alien influence, then we might yet gradually overcome Cardassian distrust. It would likely be a full-time effort requiring deft diplomatic maneuvers, and likely acquiescence to exploration restrictions in Cardassian space, but it is doable.
But if our current prediction prove correct, the relations with Cardassian Union may prove to be permanently troublesome and strained. Many totalitarian states tie the perception of their success to the concept of "strength", often expressed as the ability to force outsider to concede their position. Outmatched, in diplomatic and scientific efforts, the Union would be likely to turn to military solutions in order to enforce its image in order to prevent internal discontent.
It is also unlikely to cooperate with us in such scenario. Our cultural analysis also suggests that Cardassians in general are stubborn people whose culture makes them quite willing to self-sacrifice and endure hardships for sake of victory; economic or diplomatic pressure is unlikely to affect their political stance, and even military defeat might not immediately change their minds.
However, I stress that all these points are pure conjecture based on very limited data we've worked with. If we are to make more accurate,
relevant analysis, we simply need more data.
Thankfully, Cardassian's own caution gives us that opportunity. For the time being at least, it's unlikely that Union would be capable of meaningfully opposing our own agressive deep space exploration towards their territory. This period is unlikely to last, and should be exploited to the maximum by Explorer Corps and Intelligence in order to gather as much evidence as possible on nature of Cardassians.
It is not a recommendation that we make lightly. This course of action will inevitably produce some form of confrontation with Cardassians, and we do not wish to take this lightly. Lives may be lost. But we need this information, and Cardassians own response can tell us many things on what to expect from them.
It is of course, theoretically possible to loudly insist at establishing permanent diplomatic link with Cardassians. However, given our historical experiences with entities such as the Romulan Star Empire, we believe that Cardassians will refuse our overtures; if they do not, we're currently almost certain that they will attempt to heavily curtail the information available to our envoys, which will likely force us to take potentially risky actions that, if discovered, might be politically exploited by the Cardassians.
This is also unlikely to be the answer that Federation Council expects, or wants to hear. But the fact remains we have been challenged, and if we do not rise to it, Cardassians might be inclined to not only
not treat us seriously (damaging efforts of diplomatic overtures), but also make us a target.