There could also come up an option with the ISC.
typo: Weapons and Offesnive
Errors corrected, thanks. I suppose there might be an ISC option, but I have my doubts. Interactions with great powers are rarely the domain of the Snakepit.
There could also come up an option with the ISC.
typo: Weapons and Offesnive
I suspect the ISC have had a planet bombarded from orbit, which would explain them having such a strong reaction to photon torpedoes. To them it's like we sent a tool of genocide with our ships.
So that comes to 406, leaving a 5 pp contingency if the cost of Academy Development has bumped up to 40 pp (it tends to increase over time). If we get another 15 to 20 pp in the next two months, there are a number of options for the final picks
I know we've been talking about making the Explorer Corps a Vice Admiral berth, but it's not really that urgent. We've recently added a truckload of Vice Admiral positions, so promotion pressure has eased considerably. We can get to it a year or two down the road.
We haven't been pushing affiliates lately, but I think it might actually be profitable to get the Yan-Ros to 300 a year or two sooner given that they are our closest contacts to the Interstellar Commonwealth.
Starting a Shipyard in Ferasa because getting another 3mt berth there in 3 years or so will work well. It's a good part of the Federation for it.
By the required seniority, her and ch'Tharvasse were literally the only two candidates meeting requirements.
Really like the effort you're putting in to flesh Chen out and give her some personality.
@Briefvoice research colonies are 7 PP so there is some savings. I do agree with another shipyard though my thoughts were on Amarkia or indoria. As for starting the Kepler I want to know how quickly we can add the geo sensor in a refit and what the part stats are.
Eh, I know it's a plan for mining colonies, but I'd still skip the BR colonies in a final plan and I won't vote for one that has them. The trickle of pp isn't really worth-while and no, we don't need BR, just look at the designs we're going to be building. We'd have a better return on investment for a 4th diplomatic push.
Does that take into the account the potential for trades?Eh, I know it's a plan for mining colonies, but I'd still skip the BR colonies in a final plan and I won't vote for one that has them. The trickle of pp isn't really worth-while and no, we don't need BR, just look at the designs we're going to be building. We'd have a better return on investment for a 4th diplomatic push.
Does that take into the account the potential for trades?
@OneirosTheWriter - would it theoretically be possible to trade ressources with other powers (minor or major)?
As said before I'd pick Proxima Eridani for the easy logistics. Kappa Tau has rather difficult logistics and with the outpost there we already have staked a claim on the system.What do you think of this Snakepit plan?
[no vote] 2316 Snakepit – Plan KEPLER TIME
Currently 411 pp (could have 10-20 more in final two months of 2316.Q1)
- Request new Starbase I [KBZ – Shrantet III] 25pp for KBZ
- Request new Starbase I [Indoria] 15pp +12pp = 27pp
- Request Mining Colony at Kohl II, 8pp, +25 / +25 br/sr per year, 4 turns
- Request Mining Colony at Acacia V, 5rp/yr, 8pp, +5 rp per year, 4 turns
- Request Mining Colony at Piara V, 8pp, 25 (35) br/yr, 4 turns
- Request Mining Colony at Kappa Tau, 8pp, 15 (25) br/yr, 4 turns
- Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 40pp
- Request Academy Development, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
- Request Start of Science Frigate project, receiving one-off boost of Research Points and go-ahead for some projects, 10pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, {Weapons and Offesnive Doctrine] - 20pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, {Starbase and Defensive Doctrine] - 20pp
- Request new Shipyard at Ferasa, 22pp, (12 turns, 1 3mt Berth)
- Sponsor efforts to create Heavy Industrial park to reduce construction times by 1 month/year in that system, 115pp (Sol System)
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Ashidi]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [The Tauni]
- Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 20pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) [Yan-Ros]
So that comes to 406, leaving a 5 pp contingency if the cost of Academy Development has bumped up to 40 pp (it tends to increase over time). If we get another 15 to 20 pp in the next two months, there are a number of options for the final picks
I know we've been talking about making the Explorer Corps a Vice Admiral berth, but it's not really that urgent. We've recently added a truckload of Vice Admiral positions, so promotion pressure has eased considerably. We can get to it a year or two down the road.
We haven't been pushing affiliates lately, but I think it might actually be profitable to get the Yan-Ros to 300 a year or two sooner given that they are our closest contacts to the Interstellar Commonwealth.
Starting a Shipyard in Ferasa because getting another 3mt berth there in 3 years or so will work well. It's a good part of the Federation for it.
Anything is possible, but if a minor power isn't an affiliate yet then either we don't know them very well or there's a reason we won't or can't trade them materials useful for making starships. As for Major Powers, I certainly wouldn't want to make any Klingon/Romulan trades that might be interpreted as taking sides, the Cardassians... (laughs heartily), and we don't know the ISC very well yet.
The thing is, they're not too far away from the Yan-Ros or the Honiani, and they have the entire Gabriel expanse between themselves and the Cardassians. The neighbors that we know about don't seem so awful.
So it stands to reason they are located on the opposite side of ISC. Otherwise, I think the Yan-Ros/Honiani would have mentioned them.crap, your right. I thought they were over by the Sydraxians and Yrillians. I hope they didn't encounter the Honiani while they were in one of there more crusadey periods, might make things awkward.
So it stands to reason they are located on the opposite side of ISC. Otherwise, I think the Yan-Ros/Honiani would have mentioned them.
Wait what if they are talking about the Ferengi?!
So it stands to reason they are located on the opposite side of ISC. Otherwise, I think the Yan-Ros/Honiani would have mentioned them.
Wait what if they are talking about the Ferengi?!
As said before I'd pick Proxima Eridani for the easy logistics. Kappa Tau has rather difficult logistics and with the outpost there we already have staked a claim on the system.
I also don't see why we would push the Yan-Ros rather than the Honiani or Ked Paddah who would probably both offer greater benefits as advanced affiliates.
I'm not particularly opposed to a shipyard at Ferasa, but I'm not sure what you mean with "good part of the Federation for it". It's close to our border and would potentially cut down the distance an Explorer has to be dragged for repairs, but the same applies to Rigel, and we should have Rethelia, Fiiral or Arqueniou available as options in a few years. It's close to the Dawiar, but I'd hope they'd stay neutral if we end up at war with the Cardassians, and if they don't we should be able to isolate them rather than allowing the Cardassians to base there, so I don't particularly expect the major battles to be fought there.
As for requesting the start of the Science Frigate project, fine if we don't take that as a commitment to definitely start researching the project this year. I'd want to know the stats of survey sensors and have the question whether to use a module and what that means for the usefulness of upcoming parts resolved before such a commitment.
I still want to see what the new stats for the heavy industry are before I vote for it. 115 pp could get us a lot of other things. A budget increase would be nice, for instance.
At this point I'm hoping desperately that the survey sensors are a huge sized part that's not practical to fit on anything but an Explorer, just so they'll stop being this awful anchor on our ability to get a Science ship going. Curse their existence in the tech tree! Curse it!
I thought the plan for the Romulan-Klingon War was to wait for the Romulans to be loosing and desperately looking for a way out and then offer them Affiliate status.
For me I want to know what they do fully before making a decision. With all the other parts it is easier to see the impact of another tier opening up on ship design.At this point I'm hoping desperately that the survey sensors are a huge sized part that's not practical to fit on anything but an Explorer, just so they'll stop being this awful anchor on our ability to get a Science ship going. Curse their existence in the tech tree! Curse it!
ADMIRAL WENLAI: Yes, because the Senate is well known for reacting sanely to extortion tactics rather than, say, lashing out wildly in self-destructive ways using us poor Imperial Star Navy as their club. (puts feet on desk) Please don't make me fight the Federation and the crazy tactics they love to pull with their "Explorers". The only way to stop that unpredictability is to turn it back on- Hmmm. Hmmm. Well, okay I have a few ideas, but I'd really rather we could all live in peace.
UFP (2314)
The United Federation of Planets' membership - and fashion paradigm - as of the year 2314. From left to right: Rigelians, Humans, Andorians, Caitians, Vulcans, Tellarites, Apiata, Indorians, Amarki, Betazoids.
For us it's better if the Klingon's "absorb" them.I'm just saying, if the Romulans had to choose between being conquered by the Klingons and being absorbed by the Federation, I think they'd chose us.