Honestly, I like the idea that this thing is basically just any other Trek ship, only they decided to put it on its side for giggles. Maybe represents a transition from models to CGI among To Boldly Go's special effects team, because there's no reason NOT to put the ship on its side if it's CGI.
I find it bemusing to think it has the decks laid out typically -- from the port side they're layered on each other like a cake, etc -- but then it's flying under warp it's basically on it's side relative to the propulsive force, as if the two nacelles are rocket motors dragging the rest of the ship along underneath them.
Can't wait to explain the tactical systems. I came up with some very insane, and very Gaeni, tricks that justify this thing's Combat score.
Deflector Disc shenanigans? Other exotic energy projectors? Good sensors for aiming and the government made them stick actual weapons on so they'd have an actual navy?
"Move your stupid tower so we can use the deflector to shoot exotic particles at them!"

"Never! It is a critical part of the experiment you fire through the tower!"
2315.Q2.M2 - These Are The Voyages... Pt2
"...the Fourth Planet."

"Aye, Captain. Fourth planet," replies Chekov, fingers flying over the console. "Course plotted."

"Take us out, Mr Sulu, half impulse," orders Kirk.

"Yes, Captain, ahead half impulse," you reply.

The old girl accelerates, powerful engines coming on-line, and the view screen begins to shift. You can feel the motion through the deck, and you can track the ship's response almost faster than the system indicators on your console. You recline a little in your seat with a satisfied smile as you confirm everything is on course. Kirk stands from his chair and goes to consult with Spock, discussing the temporal anomaly. You can't quite make out the technical details, and you have own tasks to perform, however. But before long the fourth planet, a Class N planet, much like Venus, an ochre and brandy-hued marble of whorls and swirls.

"Captain," announces Uhura, and both the Captain and Spock look to her station. "The other distress signal is under way ... signal has terminated, Captain. I can't get a reading on it any more."

Kirk and Spock exchange a glance. "Let us hope that they resolved their distress, and not the reverse," says Kirk. "We have our own task for the moment. "Are we able to identify this ship yet?"

"Yes, Captain," speaks up Spock. "It appears to be an old Daedalus-class starship. Its transponder reads as USS Enterprise, NCC-134."

"A Daedalus?" asks Kirk in surprise, rearing back. He leans forward, resting an elbow on his knee, propped up on the edge of the command pit. "Spock, there hasn't been one in service for over sixty years."

Spock simply nods at that. "I would presume, then, that we are not the first ship to encounter this particular anomaly. The computer indicates that this ship was recorded as lost in this sector of space in 2182, and its fate was never ascertained."

Kirk mulls that over for a moment, then asks, "Are there any lifesigns aboard?"

The science officer checks his console again. "Yes, Captain, a full crew it seems. But power is fluctuating aboard. And I believe they have casualties."

"Understood," says Kirk, before turning aside. "Inform McCoy to prepare for a possible away team."

"Captain, we're being hailed," interrupts Uhura again.

"On screen," orders Kirk.

The viewscreen changes to a bridge unknown, yet not unfamiliar. The customary leitmotifs of Starfleet design are there, but a little rougher, less refined. You can tell there are lessons in shipmastering that have not been learned yet in her design, consoles inefficiently placed. They wear jumpsuit style uniforms of mostly blue, but with shoulders blocked out in ship division colours. The Vulcan woman in the centre of the screen wears gold across her shoulders. She steps forth the moment the viewscreen flicks over, and enters confidently into her spiel.

"I am Captain T'Vin of the Starfleet vessel USS Enterprise," she begins before she seems to register the bridge of the Enterprise. I re... quest ... aid... Ah. I see."

You are looking forward, but you can hear the smile in Kirk's voice behind you. "Captain T'Vin, I am Captain Kirk of the Starfleet vessel Enterprise. And I suspect you have already worked out what I am about to tell you."


"You're kidding," you blurt at Sulu. When he shakes his head, you fall back into your chair. "I did a paper on that Enterprise when I was in the Academy. To this day we didn't know what fate befell it."

"Then I'm glad I could fill in a few missing details for your paper," replies Sulu. "Of course, that wasn't the only surprise the anomaly would throw up at us."

"I think I could spend some time figuring out the odds of having three ships named Enterprise all caught by the same anomaly," you say as you digest the tale so far.

Spock speaks up from behind the various Admirals. "I assure you, I spent a long time attempting to do just that. You will no doubt be unsurprised to hear that the odds are very, very low."

"Of course," you say. "So, you sent a team across and got their Enterprise sorted out. Then what happened?"


Sickbay on a Daedalus is a spartan affair, but Bones' know-how was working wonders in getting crew on their feet and out the door. In a few short hours, just enough time for one Montgomery Scott to help stabilise the power systems, McCoy had cleared enough space to hold an impromptu meeting of command staff. Much to his frustration as he tried to work around them, of course.

"Well, I admire the ship, but I'm not so sure I understand what was behind the uniform change," quips their first officer, a bemused old Andorian.

"They're very comfortable, I assure you," you happen to remark to the officer.

"I see that," replies the Andorian.

"Captain Kirk," begins the Enterprise's captain. "As your computer holds no record of our fate, I must assume that we either find a way back with you to your time, or we do not find our way back. To presume upon failure would be illogical, however."

From over your left shoulder, you hear McCoy's muttered voice. "Give Vulcan credit for one thing, their officers are consistent."

"Of coruse, Captain T'Vin," replies Kirk. "Have your science officers send through your data on the anomaly, our computers will be able to collate them and hopefully give us a lead on how to reverse this thing. Maybe even determine what caused it in the first place."

"That's a wonderful idea," declares Bones, genteel voice strained with irritation. "How about you all go and do that somewhere that isn't sickbay and let us doctors work in peace?"


The engines on the Daedalus flare into life once more as the ship finishes restoring power, a beautiful sight on the viewscreen.

"You know," says Chekov, currently occupying the sensor station. "I once visited the USS Intrepid museum ship at Vega. But you could easily see the age in that ship. It is peculiar to see such a well-preserved Daedalus."

"It is not a well preserved ship, Mr Chekov," notes Spock as he steps forth onto the bridge. "Simply new. Lieutenant Uhura, I have the bridge."

"Yes, Commander," replies Uhura.

"Have we heard anything further from the other distress signal?" continues Spock.

"No, Commander, but I have picked up some scattered signals from the direction of where the dormant anomaly currently is."

"Understood," says Spock. "Mr Sulu, take us towards the anomaly, half-thrusters. Lieutenant Uhura, signal the NCC-134 that they are to follow. Mr Leslie, standby to activate shields if the anomaly responds."

A series of beeps comes from the science stations and Chekov is suddenly in a race, fingers flying over the controls. "Captain, the anomaly is activating again. It didn't seem to be tied to anything we did ... in fact ... Captain, a vessel is coming through!"

On the view screen, the anomaly burst up like some manner of temporal wormhole, vomiting forth a new ship, and this one was definitely not Starfleet.
"Understood," says Spock. "Mr Sulu, take us towards the anomaly, half-thrusters. Lieutenant Uhura, signal the NCC-134 that they are to follow. Mr Leslie, standby to activate shields if the anomaly responds."

A series of beeps comes from the science stations and Chekov is suddenly in a race, fingers flying over the controls. "Captain, the anomaly is activating again. It didn't seem to be tied to anything we did ... in fact ... Captain, a vessel is coming through!"

On the view screen, the anomaly burst up like some manner of temporal wormhole, vomiting forth a new ship, and this one was definitely not Starfleet.
Aw yeah, sounds like R. Admiral Leslie has another story he can't tell :D