Eddie Leslie, Mistaking Oneiros for a Q:

"Well, I didn't know that kind of crap could happen to you guys, but my heart goes out to you, neighbor, it really does. Take good care of yourself, beat one problem at a time, and thanks for not breaking the universe or anything."
Huh... Lora & Deva took place two or three in-game years ago?

More time's passed than I thought.

I wonder if they're government was deposed because the Sydraxian economy & stock market crashed from the war...
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Huh... Lora & Deva took place two or three in-game years ago?

More time's passed than I thought.

I wonder if they're government was deposed because the Sydraxian economy & stock market crashed from the war...
That was probably one of the things that happened.

Basically, it is now early 2315. The Treaty of Celos was early 2313, more or less. So it's been a total of roughly two years that the Sydraxians have been working on trying to seize the Gabriel Expanse, and probably about the same length of time that they were in a state of true war mobilization. They've been at least trying to wage a limited-mobilization war against us for several more years, though. There were Sydraxian raiders attacking us as early as... 2308 or '09, as I recall.

I'd chalk the government falling apart to multiple factors:
-The public being upset that the government has been fighting a war so long and losing.
-The public being upset about the ongoing cost of the war mobilization program.
-The public being upset about the perception that the government has sold out to the alien Cardassians, even compromising Sydraxian sovereignty to do so.

There may be still other factors, but I'd bet on AT LEAST those three being in play.
You can add a possible the Syndraxian Government found out it was the Cardies not the Feds who burned down that grove and instead of letting people know doubled down and it came to light.
Didn't they also have a code of honor which wasn't particularly well reflected in their fighting, and their surviving soldiers know that? And may have talked?
You can add a possible the Syndraxian Government found out it was the Cardies not the Feds who burned down that grove and instead of letting people know doubled down and it came to light.
Didn't they also have a code of honor which wasn't particularly well reflected in their fighting, and their surviving soldiers know that? And may have talked?

More cynically, we've also cut off the trade route that they had with Cardassia through the Gabriel Expanse. It could be that the Hierarchy was buying popularity with the trade/aid packages the Cardassians were sending them, and once we cut those off the people started wondering exactly what the point of all this was.
There's a number of ways it could go. Like, if they were sending raw materials to the Cardassians in exchange for weapons (a petty typical exchange for the Ashalla Pact imo) then ending the shipments of weapons could have destabilized the military, burgh positively in terms of removing influence or negatively in terms of pressuring commanders to support a coup. It's impossible to say without more information.
As much to the point, none of these explanations are even mutually exclusive. You could easily have a situation where different factions are rejecting the old government for different reasons, or for a combination of reasons.

Or where there are six or seven different problems ALL directly or indirectly coming from the old government's handling of the war and the Ashalla Pact. And they all merge into a single general sense of "wow the old government is a worthless mess," and it takes a genius political scientist to sort them all out into their component parts.

It's like asking "why did the communist government of the USSR break up?" The answer isn't one thing, and there are a lot of totally unrelated and yet still entirely correct answers to that question.
You can add a possible the Syndraxian Government found out it was the Cardies not the Feds who burned down that grove and instead of letting people know doubled down and it came to light.

My (unlikely) fringe theory is that the Syndraxian administration in power throughout the 2300s-2310s helped cover up what happened and helped blame the Federation. The casualties we inflicted on them resulted in a new crop of officers being promoted and flipping their shit when they learned about the coverup.

As much to the point, none of these explanations are even mutually exclusive. You could easily have a situation where different factions are rejecting the old government for different reasons, or for a combination of reasons.

Or where there are six or seven different problems ALL directly or indirectly coming from the old government's handling of the war and the Ashalla Pact. And they all merge into a single general sense of "wow the old government is a worthless mess," and it takes a genius political scientist to sort them all out into their component parts.

It's like asking "why did the communist government of the USSR break up?" The answer isn't one thing, and there are a lot of totally unrelated and yet still entirely correct answers to that question.

Yeah, we've seen that a lot in the 20th & 21st centuries and (in pop-culture) the Galactic Republic falling into corruption and Palpatine rising to power.
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My (unlikely) fringe theory is that the Syndraxian administration in power throughout the 2300s-2310s helped cover up what happened and helped blame the Federation. The casualties we inflicted on them resulted in a new crop of officers being promoted and flipping their shit when they learned about the coverup.
That's pretty much our best case scenario because it's very likely to result in the Sydraxians leaving the Pact.
My (unlikely) fringe theory is that the Syndraxian administration in power throughout the 2300s-2310s helped cover up what happened and helped blame the Federation. The casualties we inflicted on them resulted in a new crop of officers being promoted and flipping their shit when they learned about the coverup.

My interpretation (which I've portrayed in a couple of omakes) is that some pro-Cardassian elements within the Sydraxian government were complicit in the black flag, but not all of them. There are also some officials who suspected the truth but didn't investigate because they stood to benefit from Cardassian partnership, and some who are honestly in the dark.

There have probably been conspiracy theories on the Sydraxian street about what really happened at the sacred grove of Kar-Akar from the beginning, but the recent string of misfortunes in the Gabriel has caused these theories to massively grow in popularity. From there, it wouldn't take much for a whistleblower to come out, or for a third party investigator to find the evidence they've been looking for.

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I think another element of the puzzle is that Sydraxian society is very much about talking. I get that they were furious with us and not amenable to negotiation. But I suspect that the longer the war went on with no attempt to negotiate or communicate, the more uncomfortable out a lot of Sydraxians became. I bet that if you look at 'normal' conflict within Sydraxian history, it's customary for both sides to communicate regularly, even if only to exchange boasts about how much ass they're going to kick soon.

Then the Treaty of Celos came in and poured concrete over this "not talking to you" status in a way that would tend to further disturb Sydraxians. I don't know if Sydraxian politics looks much like anything Earth would recognize as 'democratic,' but I strongly suspect they have at least as strong a tradition of free speech and negotiation as we do.
I think another element of the puzzle is that Sydraxian society is very much about talking. I get that they were furious with us and not amenable to negotiation. But I suspect that the longer the war went on with no attempt to negotiate or communicate, the more uncomfortable out a lot of Sydraxians became. I bet that if you look at 'normal' conflict within Sydraxian history, it's customary for both sides to communicate regularly, even if only to exchange boasts about how much ass they're going to kick soon.

Then the Treaty of Celos came in and poured concrete over this "not talking to you" status in a way that would tend to further disturb Sydraxians. I don't know if Sydraxian politics looks much like anything Earth would recognize as 'democratic,' but I strongly suspect they have at least as strong a tradition of free speech and negotiation as we do.

Yeah, trying to keep a regime propped up using secrets and conspiracy might work in the long term on some species, but not the Sydraxians.

Looking at the Megatortoise, I can easily imagine Red Alert or Command & Conquer: Generals unit quotes like 'WE WILL BURY THEM!' or 'They are nothing'.

Would be interesting to see what kind of quotes that can be used for a special unit like Enterprise or standard Excelsior and Oberth types.
Maybe Explorer ships have unique quotes base on their current captains?
Would be interesting to see what kind of quotes that can be used for a special unit like Enterprise or standard Excelsior and Oberth types.
Maybe Explorer ships have unique quotes base on their current captains?

"I've spent twenty years trying to get Excelsior to say anything except 'oh, my.' I think she's permanently frozen that way."
Looking at the Megatortoise, I can easily imagine Red Alert or Command & Conquer: Generals unit quotes like 'WE WILL BURY THEM!' or 'They are nothing'.

Would be interesting to see what kind of quotes that can be used for a special unit like Enterprise or standard Excelsior and Oberth types.
Maybe Explorer ships have unique quotes base on their current captains?

Arrival: "The megatortoise strides forth!"
Selected 1: "Bigger is better."
Selected 2: "Yagad-Tich."
Selected 3: "Megatortoise awaiting command."
Move 1: "Make way."
Move 2: "Clear out."
Move 3: "Advance."
Attack 1: "All deflectors to full!"
Attack 2: "They can't stop us."
Attack 3: "We'll see how long they last."
Losing Shields: "They've cracked the shell!"
Disabled: "Ejecting primary core, we need to pull back!"

Arrival: "We are ready for battle!"
Selected 1: "Send us forth!"
Selected 2: "Where is the target?"
Selected 3: "Just get us close!"
Move 1: "Forward!"
Move 2: "Onward to glory!"
Move 3: "You heard the commander, full impulse!"
Attack 1: "Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarge!!!!"
Attack 2: "Its a good day for THEM to die!"
Attack 3: "Let's share some torpedoes!"
Losing Shields: "We're still not done yet!"
Disabled: "We'll make 'em...regret...this..."

Still thinking about Corvette and Takaaki quotes, and whether the latter would have different lines for each variant.
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