*looks on recent Human history*
*looks on not-so-recent Human history*
*looks on ancient Human history*

Because there is alway that-one-asshole-in-charge. And his best frienemy that-one-idiot-in-charge. And they pal you-can't-tell-me-what-I-can-do. And mister oh-it-all-would-turn-fine. And mister $PROFITZ$. And legion of other assholes.
The prime directive makes sure that only the societies enter the galactic playground that survived until then. That should reduce the number of suicidal idiots because they had access to nuclear wearpons generations earlier. Either you manage to survive or you don't. Or luck out, which the Licori seem to have done.
People, the FDS appears to be getting plot fiat'd into a major screwup here. Not much they can do against the QM.

Take a look at this line, the first of the update.
QM/N: I was going to string a few of these reveals out more, but I've pushed it up since the thread discussion ended up cottoning on.
Now if thread discussion is causing reveals, it probably means that in universe events did NOT cause those reveals or lack thereof.
Well, unless there's a good reason for why the FDS was not able to figure this out after over a year of having an ambassador on Morshadd, my faith in Oneiros to weave a convincing narrative will have been broken.
As I said, it's entirely possible that the Emperor kept the FDS limited to very specific information outlets -- himself, mostly -- and they didn't feel strongly about doing some spywork.

Like if the Emperor doesn't let you talk to professors at all how are you supposed to learn the history? What if the databanks he gives you are chock-full of self-aggrandizing material?

It might speak to a lack of initiative on the FDS' part about sneaking out of the Embassy and "go" areas to get the truth but in an autocratic society where our Embassy is right under the nose of the Emporer, it is not totally unreasonable they were working with limited information.

What would the fish have to gain from this?
Since they work for the Cardassians I would imagine the answer is fairly staightforward: inflame internal tensions, draw focus away from the GBZ.
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One Mentat experiment we witnessed damaged a Licori colony if I remember correctly. Would be interesting how that was handled by the Licori (payment/restitution for the colony damage/deaths).

He didn't damage it though it needed to take precautions to shield it against increased radiation (once it arrives there in a few years I would guess).

And while history is full of ambassadors making mistakes and wrong assumptions I have to say I have rarely heard of them being as incompetent in gathering basic information as some here try to portray them - and that was in times when their heritage was the key factor in getting their positions. Our ambassadors/diplomats should be some of the best in their field drawn from a massive and varied population with ample experience in understanding alien cultures... getting a feel for the local politics and factions has always been and should be a priority for them and since they would have interacted mostly with the higher strata of society their contacts should have been able and willing to explain such a basic fact to them. (Or once again they could have asked the Gaeni who I think had previous contact with them and thus should know a lot of that already...)

And that ignores the large scientific society back in the Federation who should be busy researching exactly this kind of stuff...
As I said, it's entirely possible that the Emperor kept the FDS limited to very specific information outlets -- himself, mostly -- and they didn't feel strongly about doing some spywork.

Like if the Emperor doesn't let you talk to professors at all how are you supposed to learn the history? What if the databanks he gives you are chock-full of self-aggrandizing material?

It might speak to a lack of initiative on the FDS' part about sneaking out of the Embassy and "go" areas to get the truth but in an autocratic society where our Embassy is right under the nose of the Emporer, it is not totally unreasonable they were working with limited information.
That would require that we also be locked out of the Licori internet equivalent or LeCarre levels of obfuscation of it. And that should be noticable.

Mind the real reason appears to be railroading. Look at the QM note.
So getting back to the actual vote then, current consensus seems to be to handle the Ked Paddah ourselves, but that we need an extra diplo team for that?

[x] Plan 11th hour diplomacy
[X][PRESIDENT] Addressing Council Division
[X][PRESIDENT] Seek Individual Diplomatic Contact with Major Licori Houses
[X][PRESIDENT] Need to hold off and investigate further

What would the fish have to gain from this?

A Federation distracted and in chaos by war, I'd guess. If that is indeed what happened.
Because there is no common ground? As in if two-three houses say "yeah, no, we are keeping mentats" (which would happen or it would've been solved long ago) his options are either kill those houses himself and risk rebellion from others... or leave it be and every other house going "then we keep them too".

Agreement on such number of political players require 100% rational voting base with 100% assureness that it's only or at least best choice.

And yet, we expect a different result from the Federation trying to do this?

I mean, there may be a different result, but only after the individual house fleets have been damaged/destroyed enough for them to realize they have no choice.
I'm not going to outright blame the FDS without more information. But they did tell us that they need additional resources to negotiate properly, so let's get them those diplomatic resources. If we can turn even one house without bloodshed that is worth the investment.
So getting back to the actual vote then, current consensus seems to be to handle the Ked Paddah ourselves, but that we need an extra diplo team for that?

I don't know about "consensus". I don't think it's worth wasting the war support on an extra External Diplomatic team right now, and plenty of other voters still agree.

Plan Grey Lady
Plan Iron Lady

still have a lot of voters.
Who says they have a public internet? Who says they have an Internet at all?
Lack of imagination. Mine, for example. FTL is not trivial, self-contained biospheres also, and need a certain level of scientific understanding to be achievable. And also engineering - being a hyper-intelligent whale won't let you built spaceships.
That requires interaction between individuals, which means information transfer.

Without that, I don't see how a non-psionic race achieves space travel (and no, evolved in space doesn't count here).
We need to do a lot of diplomacy right now, and we only only have one team to do it with. Obtaining another is crucial to doing our due diligence to avoid as much conflict as possible, and crucial to unifying our commands to prevent needless loss of life during any conflict, and crucial to understanding and setting the groundwork for any exit strategy by canvassing the houses for any sympathetic.
And yet, we expect a different result from the Federation trying to do this?

I mean, there may be a different result, but only after the individual house fleets have been damaged/destroyed enough for them to realize they have no choice.

Yeah, the difference between the Emperor saying "stop your mentats from pulling this nonsense" and the Federation saying it is that the Federation can take on all the houses and win at once. In the precarious balance of power that is the Arcadian Empire we are a giant boulder that just drops from the sky onto someone's head.
Also, bluntly, if we convince one house to not fight us, then our job gets a lot easier. We will probably end up having to fight some of them, but not necessarily all of them.
Who says they have a public internet? Who says they have an Internet at all?
They're an interstellar society. They HAVE to some form of large scale wireless data transfer system.

And assuming they're not at MAXIMUM DUNE and not even using RL-equivalant computer tech its hilariously unlikely that largescale networks aren't a thing because needing only button-presses to transfer large amounts of information is just too useful.