True, although we wouldn't need that so much if we weren't so hard up for repair berths ourselves. But yeah, the auxiliaries' commander probably spends more time interacting with civilians and member world officials than anyone else in the task force except maybe the task force commander. Political savvy is definitely a good thing in that role.
Still a little vague, though, on which kinds of issues involve Diplomacy and which kind involve Politics... Though what you said helped a fair amount.
The problem is, it's going to be a long time before we have 'surplus' crew in large enough numbers that we can even think about crewing more ships than we can build. Therefore, ships mothballed now for lack of a crew will probably remain mothballed for years. At best this is an inefficient use of berth space, and has drawbacks like making repairs harder. At worst, it might cause political trouble if we have ships sitting around for years doing nothing