Captain Samhaya Mrr'shan's ears perked up when she heard the tune. Her head craned around, eyes searching back and forth across the corridor. She hadn't heard that song whistled in years, since Nash had been promoted - kicking and screaming - off the bridge. Ensigns and junior lieutenants walked back and forth, some looking at her startled expression curiously as they passed, but not a hint of blue in sight.
Samhaya shook her head. Perhaps she should go to sickbay and inquire about sleeping pills. She knew she hadn't been getting enough recently, with all this worry about the Cardassians and Licori eating away at her, but if she was starting to hear things then that meant she was sleeping even worse than she realized. Letting out a long, low sigh, she turned back around and resumed her walk toward astrometrics, when suddenly she heard it again. This time louder, clearer, and coming from a specific direction.
The whistling led her around the curved, saucer section corridor and into the door of turbolift 3., the one that was still down for maintenance. From behind the steel door, she heard it. Those long, mournful, and yet somehow inspiring notes.
"Computer, override turbolift lockout. Mrr'shan omega six."
The voice recognition system gave an acknowledging beep, and the turbolift doors slid open. The lift compartment was nowhere to be seen, of course; just a tall, dark shaft stretching a dozen decks down into the engineering section. A section of the wall paneling was missing, and a willowy, gray-skinned man with vulcanoid ears and an ensign's uniform was perched on the maintenance ladder, whistling away as he replaced a set of optic cables. Upon hearing the doors swish open, he looked up from his work and nodded a quick salute.
"Oh, captain." He looked as surprised as Samhaya knew she must. "Um...yes, sir?"
What the hell was she supposed to say now?
'Sorry, I thought Commodore KaSharren had snuck back aboard and was hiding in a broken turbolift?' She thought quickly. "There was some....strange noise...coming from here. Ensign...?"
"Neroth, sir." The Indorian bowed his head again, as best as he could while clinging to the scaffolding. "I will work more quietly."
"Its alright, Ensign Neroth. Just, what was that, exactly?"
The Indorian cocked his mostly bald, gray head at her. "Just an echo of the
Enterprise's shade, sir. It's much clearer than I expected."
Samhaya's eyes narrowed. "Shade?" She paused for a moment, until the cultural briefing came back to her. "Your people's artifact-spirits?"
He shook his head. "Not my people's, no. The Enterprise came from Earth, once."
She bit back a culturally insensitive comment before it could pass her lips. "Ah. My...I heard someone I know hum that song, once."
"Of course. You must know her well, Captain."
"Yes. Yes, we're rather close, or at least we used to be." She still wasn't sure how this shade business was relevant, but her question was answered. "Sorry for the interruption; keep up the good work."
Ensign Neroth looked confused, but wordlessly returned to his work on the turbolift. As the doors swished shut again, Samhaya wondered where and when this green ensign could have possibly met Nash.
Just a little something for