Okay I feel like the pacifist options is worth it:
[ ] Accept the Pacifist Proposal (Earmarks 100pp)
-New Member World 3mt berth to be built at Chelok-An (Vulcan) -32 PP
-New Member World 1mt berth to be built at Rixx Loxhanda DY (Betazed) 18 pp
-New Nacelle Assembly Facility to be built at Sar Alpha -Tellar Sector (between Tellar and Vulcan) 60 pp
-New Starbase at New Seoul - Sol Sector (Next to Gaeni on the eastern edge of Sol sector) 39 pp (this would be the third starbase in Sol)
-New Pacifist Spec Constellation refit [+2 S, +1 P,L,D, for 25br 25sr, 4 turns, new unit cost of 70/50] 18 pp
So normally these options would cost us 167 PP, and of that only 50 pp will not be used by us directly. We are saving 67 PP
The Constellation refit is amazing as it gives us a great garrison ship (3 C to 4 D, also 4 S and 3 P) plus it benefits from the +1 response roll from Lone Ranger. And at a total cost of 70/50 I could actually see us building a few. These would free up Mirandas, Connie-Bs and Centaur-As for combat duty. (Even if the proposal does not go through I want to pick this up at the next snakepit)
Starbase at New Seoul, this is a great location, one it is just a bit north of the Neutral Zone so it provides a location to keep an eye on the Romulans, in addition it is also near the Licori so we can keep an eye on them, plus another 5D for Sol sector.
Member Worlds- this gives the Vulcans the ability to build Excelsiors and expands the yards at Betazed so they can build larger member fleets- very useful as bigger member fleets help in times of crisis. Also the Vulcan expansion means another yard we can repair Excelsiors at if need be.
New Nacelle facility- This is located in the heart of the Federation and provides a safeguard against a strategic strike against the other Nacelle facility which would remove our ability to construct ships.