However, in the case of the USS Courageous, we do hold grave concerns. Contact has still not been resumed. They were last in subsector 2c, between Arcadian and Laio space, in contact with neutral forces, and experiencing unusual photondynamic pressures. The Rigel Sector Fleet is searching, as Gaeni, Rigellian, and UESPA forces. The first force responding to the system they were last attending reports that the star there underwent some form of "limited artificial core collapse". UESPA is dispatching a research cruiser, and two Gaeni Tech-Cruisers are on hand. We are attempting to determine what sparked the incident, and to determine any sign of the Courageous or any signature that may give an egress direction.
I hope those bastards remember what happened last time someone blew up Courageous!
That's right we removed the problematic and dangerous elements from their society and helped usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!
Given that their society is so heavily Mentat based, we're going to basically have to end the current Licori culture if this is them.I hope those bastards remember what happened last time someone blew up Courageous!
That's right we removed the problematic and dangerous elements from their society and helped usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!
If this was the Licori? Well, I'm going to be pushing for informing the Licori that their options are accepting the Ked Paddah demands with joint UFP/Ked Paddah monitoring, or getting the shit kicked out of them by Starfleet, then accepting the demands after the option to say no has been removed by total annihilation of their fleets.
If they're doing things to stars that kill cap ships with no warning, and not establishing very clear warning systems, they're de facto at war with everyone.
I think the Romulans haven't been hit yet. Evidence: The Licori are still an independent faction, rather than vassals of the Romulans or Ked Paddah (after the Romulans burned the orbitals clear, then left).I wonder how the Romulans feel about having these lunatics as neighbors.
Watch us dramatically improve the quality of life of your citizens and peacefully expand towards a peaceful utopia!I hope those bastards remember what happened last time someone blew up Courageous!
That's right we removed the problematic and dangerous elements from their society and helped usher in a new era of peace and prosperity!
I wonder how the Romulans feel about having these lunatics as neighbors.
USS S'harien - Combat 8.00/8, Shield 13.46/70, Hull 50.00/50 - Crew 6-5-5/6-5-5 - Ships killed: 1 - Status:
Fired: 31, Fired On: 19, Hits Received: 18, Damage Dealt: 96.03
SFS Serene - Combat 0.00/7, Shield 1.00/50, Hull 0.00/30 - Crew 4-1-3/7-4-4 - Ships killed: 0 - Status: Disabled
Fired: 19, Fired On: 31, Hits Received: 31, Damage Dealt: 51.54
However, in the case of the USS Courageous, we do hold grave concerns. Contact has still not been resumed. They were last in subsector 2c, between Arcadian and Laio space, in contact with neutral forces, and experiencing unusual photondynamic pressures. The Rigel Sector Fleet is searching, as Gaeni, Rigellian, and UESPA forces. The first force responding to the system they were last attending reports that the star there underwent some form of "limited artificial core collapse". UESPA is dispatching a research cruiser, and two Gaeni Tech-Cruisers are on hand. We are attempting to determine what sparked the incident, and to determine any sign of the Courageous or any signature that may give an egress direction.
Somehow I doubt the Ked Paddah are running false flags involving induced stellar catastrophes.Reminder that the Ked Paddah have captured Mentats in their employ. We have much better relations with the Licori, so if I were them I'd be worried about the Federation defending the Licori. We're friends with the Gaeni, after all. If they thought manufacturing an incident was the best way to get us to side with them over the Licori they might just do it.
Even if Shields and Hull were as effective as each other in combat, Shields would still be the way to go - it increases the level of threat required to do any damage to a ship at all.