Was not expecting that. I expected the Hospital ship option to win because we made a big deal about of needing more/new hospital ships.
Another point is that, by having the auxiliary yard, we
have made provision to increase the number of hospital ships. We already have a plan for dealing with this.
One danger in a game like this that involves a lot of long-range planning for events 5-10 game years in the future is that if you find out you have a problem
right now, the reaction is to commit ALL THE RESOURCES to solving it.
The problem is, due to the nature of long range planning, committing resources today does not mean the problem goes away tomorrow. Or next year, even. Even if you suddenly double the amount of effort you're putting into doing something, that won't automatically make the problem go away in half the time, because growth curves and learning curves can only be forced so far. No matter what you do about a problem, it takes time for the new solution to take effect. During that time, the problem still exists, and thus the player temptation to use ALL THE RESOURCES on it still exists.
Trouble is, that means the player is neglecting other problems and long-term concerns and generally adopting an unbalanced strategy. Neglecting other problems tends to result in new crises blowing up, at which point suddenly the player has a new problem to hit with ALL THE RESOURCES. Possibly cancelling the old plan intended to solve the first problem.
This results in zig-zagging around, lurching from crisis to crisis like a drunken sailor.
To avoid this, it's necessary to recognize that just because a problem has been pointed out, and just because the problem hasn't gone away yet, doesn't mean it's wrong for us to do "less than our utmost" to solve the problem. Because there will always be many things that need to be dealt with, simultaneously, and resources need to be apportioned among the various tasks and problems one is dealing with.
Applying that to this problem... Basically, we did what we need to ensure that new hospital ships enter production Real Soon. Namely, we set up a new design, and a new shipyard, for the purpose. Those two things cost us 65pp. Rushing one (repeat
one) more hospital ship that may or may not be of the modern design, so that we get it some years sooner than we otherwise would... That's not a productive reaction to this situation.