I'd rather send escorts to the CBZ and SBZ than the Romulans and Klingons. The only thing we're really worried about there is cloaked ships slipping past, which a low science escort doesn't help with. They'd be more useful warding off raiders.

It's not that I think one more escort would help ward off an invasion fleet. It's more that those are important sectors where there is a lot going on, and if our Excelsior runs into trouble with a mission then it's healthy to have more than an Oberth for back-up. If you go back and look at those Captain's Logs, we've had a lot of Events in those sectors.

Briefvoice doesn't want to reveal the Rennies until we push out a massive wave of them.

That was actually Nix's suggestion, and I think it's a good one. At least make 'em blow an intelligence report if they want to see the Renaissance's stats.

Is the station at Collie a full blown outpost with actual self-defense capaiblity? I'd LIKE to drop a full up starbase therr for sensor coverage, on-site repair ability, and to use the various starbase in sector buffs as we get them, but an outpost would do for now.

It's not an Outpost yet, but Ainsworth promised us that if we gave her the extra freighters she wants (which we did), she would be able to upgrade it to a full Outpost.

I don't like the SBZ fleet consisting of two Connie-Bs. If nothing else trade one of them to Vulcan for the Sappho and the Bon Vivant or something. Still don't like the Amarkia sector fleet being two Centaurs either. Also if the Avandar is the replacement for the Endurance the Endurance can be assigned somewhere else.

I don't know, Amarkia seems to be doing fine with two Centaurs. They've been able to make the Orion Impact rolls so far, anyway. Possibly you have a good point about the SBZ fleet, though.

As for whether the Endurance should go somewhere else... well, let's take a look at what our Intelligence report says about Cardassian forces in the Expanse. Personally I like having overwhelming force there.

I would make just one suggestion. Switch the positions of the Miranda-A and Centaur-A in the KBZ and RBZ. The KBZ has both a affiliate and no starbase for support so it could use the Centaur-A with it's P3 and D3 more.

Good point.
I would like to move the constellation out of Ferasa, it has a P2 and the impact rolls from Ferasa and amarkia are presence tests.

Also the Renaissance has a better presence then a Connie b so it gets more mileage in a non combat sector
I like keeping the Renaissance in Sol sector for the first year for naritive reasons. It is the first totally new ship design in a generation, and having it near support while we really fly it is being safe. Also, good for sending updates to the yards so they can make QoL changes to the big wave underway by then.
Maybe we should put the Renaissance there instead. Ferasa sector is also "open" (no border zone covering it) which means you could end up making a First Contact roll with a non-EC ship there.
I was thinking about it and it would be a nice slots, move yukikaze and stalwart to Sol and you still free up the Hood. And it let's the Renaissance work with the Cheron and get some help from a veteran crew
Okay, here's an alternate arrangement that puts the Renaissance in Ferasa sector instead, and changes spiral out from there. One thing I really like is that it pushes higher-presence ships in our sectors with "open borders" where they might potentially have to do diplomatic missions to affiliates or even make their own First Contacts. Under this build, the KBZ, RBZ, CBZ, SBZ, and Ferasa sector are all reinforced by at least one Presence 3 ship.

Fleet Strength Changes
Endurance (Excelsior) returns from repair 2314.Q2
Shield (Miranda-A) returns from repair, 2314.Q2
2 Centaur-As complete, 2314.Q2
Constitution-B complete, 2314.Q2
Refit of Bon Vivant and T'Kumbra (now Miranda-A) complete, 2314.Q2
Renaissance complete, 2314.Q2
3 Miranda-As complete, 2314.Q3
Intrepid and Eketha (Mirandas) go into refit, 2314.Q3

Sol Sector – Requires D18
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Hood], 2 Constellations (6) [Selaya, Vigour], 1 Miranda (2) [Dryad], Starbase 1 (5) = 18D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Vulcan Sector – Requires D12
  • Current – 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 2 Mirandas (4) [Intrepid, Svai], Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 - 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 2 Mirandas (4) [Intrepid, Svai], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Bon Vivant], Starbase I (5) = 14D
  • 2314.Q3 - 1 Constellation (3) [Sappho], 1 Mirandas (2) [Svai], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Bon Vivant], Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • Notes: Bon Vivant sent here after refit in Q2, then Intrepid sent to refit in Q3.
Andor Sector – Requires D9
  • Current - 1 Constellation (3) [Docana], 1 Miranda (2) [Calypso], Starbase I (5) = 10D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • No change.
Tellar Sector – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Miranda (2) [Thunderhead], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Miranda (2) [Thunderhead], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 12D
  • Notes: Stalwart sent here in Q2.
Amarkia Sector – Requires D15
  • Current - 2 Centaur-A (6) [Blizzard, Lightning], Starbase I (5), Extra Outposts (5) = 16D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Ferasa Sector – Requires D15
  • Current - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 1 Constellation (3) [Stalwart], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], Starbase I (5) = 16D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Renaissance (5) [Renaissance], 1 Constitution-A (5) [Cheron], Starbase I (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: Renaissance moved here when it finishes in Q2. Stalwart moved back to Tellar Sector, and Yukikaze sent to KBZ.
Rigel Sector – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Centaur-A (3) [Gale], 1 Oberth [Suvek] (1), Starbase I (5) = 9D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Apinae Sector – Requires D12
  • Current - 1 Centaur-A (3) [Zephyr], 1 Oberth (1) [Torbriel], Starbase I (5) [Grand Hive of Apinae], Extra Outposts [5] = 14D
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.
Romulan Border Zone – Requires D12
  • Current - 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Excelsior], 1 Centaur-A (3) [new SF build #2], 1 Oberth [Hawking] (1), Starbase I (5) = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: New Centaur-A SF build #2 sent here after completion.
Klingon Border Zone – Requires D6
  • Current – 1 Excelsior (6) [Thirishar], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire] = D7
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Excelsior (6) [Thirishar], 1 Centaur-A (3) [Yukikaze], 1 Oberth (1) [Inspire] = D10
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Yukikaze sent here in Q2.
Cardassian Border Zone – Requires D10
  • Current - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], Starbase I (5) [Lapycorias] = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 - 1 Excelsior (6) [Salnas], 1 Constitution-B (5) [new Ana Font Build #1], 1 Oberth (1) [T'Mir], Starbase I (5) [Lapycorias] = 17D
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: New Constitution build sent here in 2314.Q2.
Sydraxian Border Zone – Requires D9
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 12D
  • 2314.Q2 – 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Centaur-A (3) [new SF build #1], 1 Miranda (2) [Eketha], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 15D
  • 2314.Q3 - 1 Constitution-B (5) [Defiant], 1 Centaur-A (3) [new SF build #1], 1 Miranda-A (2) [new 40E build #1], Starbase I (5) [Vega] = 15D
  • Notes: Centaur-A sent here after completion in Q2. Eketha sent to refit in Q3 and new Miranda build #1 replaces it.
Gabriel Border Zone – Requirement Left to Starfleet judgment
  • Current – 2 Excelsiors (12) [Kumari, Avandar], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Republic, Saratoga, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 1 Miranda-A (2) [Fidelity] = 46C
  • 2314.Q2 - 3 Excelsiors (18) [Kumari, Avandar, Endurance], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Republic, Saratoga, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 3 Miranda-A (6) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra] = 58C
  • 2314.Q3 - 3 Excelsiors (18) [Kumari, Avandar, Endurance], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Republic, Saratoga, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 5 Miranda-A (10) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, new 40E build #2, new 40E build #3] = 64 C.
  • Notes: Endurance and Shield return from repair and T'Kumbra comes here from refit in Q2. New Miranda-A builds #2 and #3 sent here in Q3.
Anti-Syndicate Task Force – No fixed Requirement
  • Current – 1 Constitution-B [Lexington], 1 Constellation [Kearsage]
  • 2314.Q2 – No change.
  • 2314.Q3 – No change.
  • Notes: No change.

5 thanks to repair costs unless we get a lot of resource gains during q3 and q4 in which case we can build a 6th

Nah, the Ambassador prototype got pushed back at least one year (due to a minimum 3 year research time), so we can afford to start 6 of them next year.... assuming no more repair costs, of course!
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Okay, here's an alternate arrangement that puts the Renaissance in Ferasa sector instead, and changes spiral out from there. One thing I really like is that it pushes higher-presence ships in our sectors with "open borders" where they might potentially have to do diplomatic missions to affiliates or even make their own First Contacts. Under this build, the KBZ, RBZ, CBZ, SBZ, and Ferasa sector are all reinforced by at least one Presence 3 ship.

Yet again, just one suggestion. Put the Yukikaze in the Apinae sector while the Zephyr instead goes to the KBZ. That way we at least have something slightly better than just one standard Centaur-A and a Oberth in such an important sector.
Yet again, just one suggestion. Put the Yukikaze in the Apinae sector while the Zephyr instead goes to the KBZ. That way we at least have something slightly better than just one standard Centaur-A and a Oberth in such an important sector.

The trouble is, it would take the Zephyr about 9 weeks+ (depending on where it starts) to fly to the KBZ from Apinae sector. It's literally on the other side of the Federation.

I don't make a huge point of it, but I do try to shift ships by only a sector or two when possible.
The trouble is, it would take the Zephyr about 9 weeks+ (depending on where it starts) to fly to the KBZ from Apinae sector. It's literally on the other side of the Federation.

I don't make a huge point of it, but I do try to shift ships by only a sector or two when possible.

Move Yukikaze to Apinae, Zephyr to Amarkia, and Blizzard to the KBZ. Would that be short enough in your opinion? Should just be 3-5 weeks for any of them.
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Nah, the Renaissance prototype got pushed back at least one year (due to a minimum 3 year research time), so we can afford to start 6 of them next year.... assuming no more repair costs, of course!

I think you mean the Ambassador prototype ....

2314.Q3 - 3 Excelsiors (18) [Kumari, Avandar, Endurance], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Republic, Saratoga, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 5 Miranda-A (10) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, new 40E build #2, new 40E build #3] = 64 C.

I assume the offensive task force gets all the Excelsiors and Constitution-Bs, and the Escort Task Force gets the Constellation and all the Centaur-As, but who decides which task force gets which Mirinda-As? Both can use them, especially if we are adding more freighters to the logistics train.
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[x] Base Plan Continuity 2313
-[x] Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Durability
-[x] Weapons Fabrication Division : 2310s Phaser Development
-[x] Generic Team 2 : 2310s Torpedo Development
-[x] Utopia Planitia : Ambassador Project
-[x] 40 Eridani A : 2310s Escort - Science
[x] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Lightweight Frames
[x] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[x] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Geological Sensors
[x] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - 2320s Civilian Warp Systems
[X] Plan Continuity 2313

[X] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Construction Techniques
[X] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[X] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources
[X] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D : 2320s Fusion Power

[X] [BOOST] Generic Team 3, Daystrom Institute
2314.Q3 - 3 Excelsiors (18) [Kumari, Avandar, Endurance], 4 Constitution-B (20) [Korolev, Republic, Saratoga, Valiant], 1 Constellation (3) [Challorn], 2 Centaur-A (6) [Bull, Winterwind], 5 Miranda-A (10) [Fidelity, Shield, T'Kumbra, new 40E build #2, new 40E build #3] = 64 C.

I assume the offensive task force gets all the Excelsiors and Constitution-Bs, and the Escort Task Force gets the Constellation and all the Centaur-As, but who decides which task force gets which Mirinda-As? Both can use them, especially if we are adding more freighters to the logistics train.

Hm, looking at the current force chart I'd say that the Offensive Task Force gets all three Excelsiors, two Constitution-B's, and four of the Miranda-A's which gives them 9 ships and 41 combat. Meanwhile the Escort Task Force gets to have two Constitution-B's, the Constellation, both Centaur-A's, and one of the Miranda-A's which gives them 6 ships and 23 combat. It's just a guess though. The Escort Task Force could easily get another couple of Miranda-A's instead.
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I'm changing my boosts to include the Andorian Academy. I realize it's expensive to boost, but it's the shield regen project, which is directly useful to what we are doing today in the GBZ. A 10 RP expense here could save multiple crew units worth of lives. Please consider changing your own boost vote if you agree!

[X] Plan Continuity 2313

[X] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Construction Techniques
[X] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[X] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2310s Bulk Resources
[X] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - Grand Hive R&D : 2320s Fusion Power

[X] [BOOST] Generic Team 3, Daystrom Institute, Andorian Academy
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[x] Base Plan Continuity 2313
-[x] Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Durability
-[x] Weapons Fabrication Division : 2310s Phaser Development
-[x] Generic Team 2 : 2310s Torpedo Development
-[x] Utopia Planitia : Ambassador Project
-[x] 40 Eridani A : 2310s Escort - Science
[x] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Lightweight Frames
[x] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[x] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Geological Sensors
[x] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

[X] [BOOST] Generic Team 3, Daystrom Institute, Andorian Academy
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I assume the offensive task force gets all the Excelsiors and Constitution-Bs, and the Escort Task Force gets the Constellation and all the Centaur-As, but who decides which task force gets which Mirinda-As? Both can use them, especially if we are adding more freighters to the logistics train.

Rear Admiral Ainsworth decides that, taking it neatly out of our hands and responsibility.
[x] Base Plan Continuity 2313
-[x] Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Durability
-[x] Weapons Fabrication Division : 2310s Phaser Development
-[x] Generic Team 2 : 2310s Torpedo Development
-[x] Utopia Planitia : Ambassador Project
-[x] 40 Eridani A : 2310s Escort - Science
[x] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Lightweight Frames
[x] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[x] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Geological Sensors
[x] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - 2320s Civilian Warp Systems
I like keeping the Renaissance in Sol sector for the first year for naritive reasons. It is the first totally new ship design in a generation, and having it near support while we really fly it is being safe. Also, good for sending updates to the yards so they can make QoL changes to the big wave underway by then.

"Don't worry, kid; that's why Utopia Planitia's holding on to her right now. We could shove her out the door soon if we didn't care, the ship's pretty closed to finished, but we spend a year and a half extra to make sure we worked the bugs out. We won't let Rennie out until she's good and ready for service- and when we do, she will be. Besides, I trust the Caitians to look after her if something goes wrong."

[OOC: all that is exactly why prototypes take extra time. And there's shipyard support in Ferasa Sector, too, if we need it]

I assume the offensive task force gets all the Excelsiors and Constitution-Bs, and the Escort Task Force gets the Constellation and all the Centaur-As, but who decides which task force gets which Mirinda-As? Both can use them, especially if we are adding more freighters to the logistics train.
Right now, the Constitutions and escorts are divided between the escort and combat task forces. There are good reasons to do that. Small ships have a role to play in a force that expects to fight a battle, such as "being the scouts."

An idle thought - how many ships do we have to send to the GBZ before we get a third task force? 1 Escort and 2 Offensive .....

"Which would you rather have, two dinky little rubber mallets or one big hammer? Ainsworth's a smart cookie; I'm pretty sure I know which answer she'll pick."
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[x] Base Plan Continuity 2313
-[x] Office of Naval Architecture : 2310s Starship Durability
-[x] Weapons Fabrication Division : 2310s Phaser Development
-[x] Generic Team 2 : 2310s Torpedo Development
-[x] Utopia Planitia : Ambassador Project
-[x] 40 Eridani A : 2310s Escort - Science
[x] [CONSTRUCTION] San Francisco Fleetyards : 2320s Lightweight Frames
[x] [FBS] Federation Broadcast Service : Federation Broadcast Service : 2320s LR Comms
[x] [GEOLOGY] All Pyllix Geological Institute : 2320s Geological Sensors
[x] [PROPULSION] Intazzi Team - 2320s Civilian Warp Systems

[X] [BOOST] Generic Team 3, Daystrom Institute, Andorian Academy

Yeah, boosting the Andorian Academy team so that the Shield Regeneration Project finishes looks to be a very good idea given that we're looking at even more combat in the near future.