I think we've finally found the right job for Rachel Ainsworth. FINALLY. This is gonna be a war zone. This is NOT a counterinsurgency campaign like the conflict in Orion space. This is a conflict with people who have already decided they want to fight us, at least in this immediate area. It's pretty clear that we are going to be fighting a highly localized war in this sector.

We need officers with a strong combination of guts and aggression. That said, I'm voting Suarez for the field repair capability. Again, this is a war zone for all intents and purposes- being able to patch up ships without having to tow them clear back to Apinae (or farther) would really help.

I understand people's concern about "High Aggression" Thuir, but... Honestly, the man's famously not stupid. If he was going to get sucked into a trap he'd have done it at Ulith III, or that time he narrowly avoided getting bounced by Infested Miracht.

Indeed, this is why I keep arguing for the man to have high Nerve and medium Aggression, not the other way around. It would be totally out of character for Thuir to either charge recklessly into a dangerous situation, OR for him to have a breakdown of nerve. Whereas I can totally imagine Thuir persisting through sheer calm determination and "four o'clock in the morning courage" after almost anyone else would have been stampeded into making a mistake. Or, for that matter, Thuir missing an opportunity due to lack of aggressive willingness to take risks.

Insufficient 'aggression' could plausibly lead Thuir to make a mistake. Insufficient 'nerve' never would.

That said, he still has the massive liability that a large fraction of the entire Sydraxian species would like to personally mount his head on a pike. He's exactly the sort of person I'd want as the new CBZ commander, but not here. I'm going to vote for Lecras to handle Escort Command, because we can rely on her to follow orders and RoE a bit better than Revak. High "Rule-Abiding" isn't necessarily a drawback- ask one of our explorer captains about what happens when you forget the rules about keeping your shields up when approaching a strangely quiet Miranda, for instance.

[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Constance Lecras
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity

There are almost certainly benefits to finishing the Hospital ship project early, like there are benefits for finishing the Ambassador early.
The Ambassador is a Starfleet ambition and we get an explicit mechanical boost for starting the project/prototype.

There is no corresponding boost for the hospital ship that justifies burning RP, at a time when we may not actually have enough RP to operate all our own teams on existing ongoing research.

[By the way, thanks for the vote of confidence. :) ]
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[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][TF2] Commodore Revak
[X][AUX] Captain Maeth th'Irnyar - 10% Discount off required Logistics level
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral John Harriman
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Michel Thuir
[X][AUX] Captain Maeth th'Irnyar
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Constance Lecras
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral John Harriman
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Constance Lecras
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral John Harriman

[X][TF1] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas

[X][TF2] Commodore Constance Lecras

[X][AUX] Commodore Charlotte O'Dea - 1 Free GBZ Intel Report
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Revak
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity
Another deployment post, another chart. This time I've gone and made a lot of changes to the format, hopefully it works.

Also holy shit that warfleet in Gabriel :o
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[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Michel Thuir
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez

I think this is the best option open to us. I'd rather have somebody with better diplo than Ainsworth in case of dealing with local polities or even to defuse the situation from going onto a full on war before we are ready but realistically? diplo is not going to be that much of an option here.
Quite frankly, Gabriel Expanse is a limited war and showing our mettle, might actually earn us some points with the Cardassians.
Another deployment post, another chart. This time I've gone and made a lot of changes to the format, hopefully it works.

Also holy shit that warfleet in Gabriel :o
In order to fill in those empty spaces we need 14 more starships to be just to have enough coverage in those sectors.
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Waafrinch Iorin Skef
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Revak
[X][AUX] Commodore Charlotte O'Dea - 1 Free GBZ Intel Report
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This is very smart and I agree with it eleven jillion percent.

Just saying, this is like... stereotypical abuser behavior from the Cardassians and it should be well known to the galaxy. Sorry, Dawiar, we WOULD negotiate sharing of this mining colony site we just found near your space, in fact we'll be delighted to if the Celos Treaty didn't apply to you, but the CARDASSIANS DON'T WANT YOU TO TALK TO US. Talk to them, they'll sort it all out with us, I'm sure. They have your best interests at heart, right? Sorry, Sydraxians, we WOULD negotiate reparations with you but CARDASSIANS DON'T WANT YOU TO TALK TO US. Talk to them, they're your overseers, right?
"We could have made great deals, they would have been the best deals! But the Cardassians won't allow it. Sad!"
In order to fill in those empty spaces we need 14 more starships to be just to have enough coverage in those sectors.
Eh, you mean the purple boxes? Those represent Starbases and Outposts.
Another deployment post, another chart. This time I've gone and made a lot of changes to the format, hopefully it works.

Also holy shit that warfleet in Gabriel :o
Very much a warfleet. 49C vs the ~180C of the Cardassian navy puts our Gabriel forces at equivalent to 27.2% the entire Cardassian navy, IE: over a quarter. I bet seeing that force like that concentrated in one area must be giving the Cardassians serious second thoughts about this idea.
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth

I agree with Rachel for overall command, but I'm not sure on the Commodores, so I'll just leave that.
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral John Harriman
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Revak
[X][AUX] Commodore Charlotte O'Dea - 1 Free GBZ Intel Report

Fleet-Diplomacy low makes me a bit wary and Laura, the other medium diplo has low aggression which we want at least medium so they are willing to claim a good sized area of the GBZ

TF1-High nerve from Jessica to make it harder to back down but a balance of risk vs caution

TF2-This is an escort slot so we do not want a high aggressiveness, we want someone who will stick with the convoys they are guarding, also Sydraxians have issues with Thuir which makes it ideal

Aux-Free Intel Report is nice, that will let us have a better idea on what forces the other sides are committing along with any targets they may have. For repair we have the Apiata yards closeby we can send ships to, and we can setup a repair base there during the 2314 snakepit
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Revak
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez
Very much a warfleet. 49C vs the ~180C of the Cardassian navy puts our Gabriel forces at equivalent to 27.2% the entire Cardassian navy, IE: over a quarter. I bet seeing that force like that concentrated in one area must be giving the Cardassians serious second thoughts about this idea.
The flip side of that is that this also represents about a quarter of our navy, not counting member world fleets we can't readily tap into for this kind of operation. It's hard to say if an equitable casualty ratio benefits us or them, too, because their navy lends itself a bit more readily to mass production of ship types than ours.
Allowing an equitable exchange of casualties is surely not desirable.

After all, if you're playing war fair, you're pkaying it wrong.
[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Jessica Rivers
[X][TF2] Commodore Michel Thuir
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez
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[X][FLEET] Rear Admiral Rachel Ainsworth
[X][TF1] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
[X][TF2] Commodore Constance Lecras
[X][AUX] Commodore Alejandro Suarez - Expanded Field Repair capacity
Right. High agression on FLEET and TF1, low aggression on TF2 and Alejandro's special ability should shorten off time for battle-damaged ships.

After all, if you're playing war fair, you're pkaying it wrong.
P-K-ing it wrong? Pretty funny typo.
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