Worlds convulse in tyrannical uprisings.
Power like the wrath of pagan gods kisses the surface of planets leaving obliteration in its wake.
Cities wither under the perverted lights of twisted science.
The top levels of government play it double-bluff around the highest stakes game of poker the galaxy has seen in a century with the fate of billions in the balance, while your officers prepare to undertake missions so daring they ride the crest of history.
And here you are with all the usual old fuddy-duddies of Shipyard Operations! You sigh and mentally apologise to Patricia and the others for the unbecoming thought. But even in the direst moment, someone has to keep the little hamster wheels turning. Ships come in, ships go out. If that process stops, well, all the negotiating is for nought. This is the lifeblood of the fleet. On a high note, the time has finally come for the USS
Renaissance to begin taking on crew! Competition for skippering the lead boat is expected to be fierce, with this being the first truly new ship seen in over a decade. And you can see from her mostly complete exterior that she is a thing of the utmost beauty, and a real sign of where the Ship Design Bureau intends to take their future efforts. You can't wait to see this bloom into the full family of new designs.
Starfleet Personnel Command Report - Furnishing Ship's Complements
Unnamed Excelsior-class (NCC-2014) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth A is deducting crews (6 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 5 Technician Required)
[ ][CREW] Standard Starfleet
[ ][CREW] Explorer Corps
[ ][NAME1] Name the Excelsior that will launch next year from San Francisco Berth A
Renaissance, Renaissance-class (NX-2601) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berth 3 is deducting crews
3 Officers, 5 Enlisted, 3 Technician will be required
Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report
From: Captain Alicia Lei, Superintendent, Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, Berth B
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Shrai sh'Cothyk, Director, Utopia Planitia Shipyards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion
To Whom It May Concern,
As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a) and United Federation of Planets Edict, as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the construction of the USS
Odyssey (Excelsior-class Explorer, Fleet Order NCC-2013) is complete, assessed, and ready to be presented to the Fleet Register.
Captain Alicia Lei
From: Commander Stolk, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 1
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion
To Whom It May Concern,
As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS
Defiant (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1746) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.
Commander Stolk
From: Commander T'Kariss, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 2
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion
To Whom It May Concern,
As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS
Valiant (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1747) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.
Commander T'Kariss
From: Captain Cergun ag Hugac, Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard, Berth A
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Commodore Lofap Poll, Director, Ana Font Shipyards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion
To Whom It May Concern,
As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a) and United Federation of Planets Edict, as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the construction of the TSS
Miracht Agrad (Excelsior-class Explorer, Federation Registry NCC-2018) is complete, assessed, and ready to be presented to the Tellarite State Forces.
Captain Cergun ag Hugac
From: Captain Rivonn, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards, Berth A
To: Admiral Vitalia Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Inspection
To Whom It May Concern,
As per Starfleet Regulations IV-13 (g), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the inspection conducted under my command, namely that the certification of repairs made to the USS
Kearsage (Constellation-class, NCC-1811) meet specification, and the ship is ready to be returned to active duty.
Captain Rivonn
Ships Commissioned:
Odyssey, Excelsior-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-2012
Defiant, Constitution-B-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-1746
Valiant, Constitution-B-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-1747
Miracht Agrad, Excelsior-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-2018 - Tellarite State Forces
[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to TWO ships of 3m ton and ONE ship of 2.5m ton and TWO ships of up to 1m ton mass that will commence in Q1. You may select up to TWO ships of 1m ton mass displacement that will commence in Q2.
To make a plan, pick a ship you would like to build and put it in one of the available berths that can handle the mass. All ships have a price in materials and time that are noted in the square brackets after the word "Cost". You can now build Excelsiors in any of the large berths at San Francisco, 40 Eridani A, Ana Font, Utopia Planitia, or Lor'Vela shipyards, while the small berths can make all of the others.
The amount of resources you have right now are listed below, as are the classes you can make, and the shipyards you have available.
Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - two (2) large 3mt Berths, two (2) small 1mt Berths
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility [Andor] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Utopia Planitia Shipyard - three (3) large 3mt Berths, three (3) small, 1mt Berths
Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 1265 br
Special Industrial Resources: 555 sr
Political Will: 78 pp
Research Points: 158 rp
Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 26.35 Officer, 35.45 Enlisted, 24.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 9.5 Officer, 11.65 Enlisted, 12.6 Techs
Current Construction
1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2014) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)
2 Centaur-A-class (NCC-2124,2125) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1,2 (ETC 2314.Q2 - Crews deduct 2313.Q2)
1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2015) @ 40 Eridani A Berth B (ETC 2315.Q1 - Crew deduct 2314.Q1)
Tellarite Excelsior @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth A (ETC 2313.Q1)
1 Constitution-B @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1 (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)
1 Excelsior-class @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth A (ETC 2315.Q1 - Crews deduct 2314.Q1)
1 Constitution-B @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth 1 (ETC 2315.Q2 - Crews deduct 2314.Q2)
1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2021) @ Utopia Planitia Berth A (ETC 2315.Q4 - Crews deduct - 2314.Q4)
1 Excelsiior-class (NCC-2022) @ Utopia Planitia Berth C (ETC 2315.Q4 - Crews deduct - 2314.Q4)
Refit [USS
Shield] @ Utopia Planitia Berth 1 (ETC 2313.Q2)
Refit [USS
Fidelity] @ Utopia Planitia Berth 2 (ETC 2313.Q2)
1 Renaissance (Prototype) @ Utopia Planitia Berth 3 (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)
[ ][DEFIANT] Where to assign USS
[ ][VALIANT] Where to assign USS
A more comprehensive deployment plan will be asked for when the result of the Precipice Event Chain is known.
Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
Excelsior 2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]
Light Cruisers
Constitution-B 2310-Now [289m, 1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]
Long-range Explorer
Oberth 2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]
Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Miranda-A 2312-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 45sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Refit Cost from Miranda [20br, 10sr, 1 year]
Centaur-A Refit 2308-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost [80br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]
Member World Coordination Office
Andor - 2 Cargo Ship (1 of them for Amarki)
Vulcan - 1 Colony Ship, 1x1000kt Shipyard
Tellar - 1 Excelsior (TSS
Miracht Agrad, NCC-2018), 1 Miranda-A Refit (NCC-1913)
Humans - 1 Miranda-A Refit (NCC-1904), 1 Engineering, 1 Cargo Ship
Amarki - 2 Centaur-A (NCC-2120, NCC-2121), 2 Cargo Ship
Betazed - 1 Cargo Ship
Caitian -
Rigel - 1x1500kt Shipyard Berth @ Lagan-Shir [Rigel VIII]
Apiata - 1 Forager, 1 Colony Ship, 1 Repair[Stinger]
Risa - 1 Civilian Freighter, 1 Corvette
Gaeni - 1 Tech-Frigate
Caldonia - 1 Cargo Ship
Indoria - 1 Large Escort, 2 Cargo Ships
Seyek - 1 Civilian Ship
Orions - 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Confiscated Patrol Escort*
Qloath - 1 Arquila Leb Hoiathi, 1 Civilian Ship
Honiani -
* Was Under Construction at Yards located at Celos, and was destined for the Syndicate. It has been confiscated as well as one additional Patrol Escort, ETC 2314.Q1
Starfleet Intelligence Report
We have reason to believe that new Shipyard complex has come on-line in Sydraxian space. Beyond this, we have few precise details. According to information relayed by friendly elements in Gretarian and Yrillian space, we know that the new shipyard is the Ballad of Valour Orbital Yards at Lox Matar, located coreward of Borandt.
Commander Onyeka Sun, Supervisor, Office 30, Starfleet Intelligence