Just a thought. While we're out obtaining this information on two potential Cardassian clients, let's also get information on other Cardassian rivals or enemies? If they only have two clients on their spinward border that's not nearly enough for that space. That means they have neighbors who aren't particularly friendly too.
Just a thought. While we're out obtaining this information on two potential Cardassian clients, let's also get information on other Cardassian rivals or enemies? If they only have two clients on their spinward border that's not nearly enough for that space. That means they have neighbors who aren't particularly friendly too.

I assume the Enterprise crew will steal all the data they can get.

[X] S'harien

Probably a bit too late to change anything but I find this the least risky option. Failure of the first two options could easily lead to a start of a war (which I for one am against), while failing the Sydraxians could destablize the peace progress. The Lecarre meanwhile are a minor race that also have tried to do the same thing for us so even if we fail we are less likely to cause a galactic war.

Its not the Lecarre we're afraid of offending. This op would involve infiltrating a Lecarre embassy on the Qloathi homeworld.
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Omake - A Responsibility to Accomplish the Impossible - AKuz
A/N said:
Hasty and and posted without usual proofreaders. Enjoy

A Responsibility to Accomplish the Impossible

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B, Stardate 24974.7

Captain Samhaya Mrr'Shan, CO USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B, steps out onto her bridge. She supposes that she should have dismissed the three junior officers she'd been talking to. But she'd always internalized the phrase, "If you have nothing nice to say: don't say anything at all" and she had nothing nice to say at the moment.

Mrr'Shan quietly shakes her head at her XO, Commander Allen Jenson, who is sitting in the center of the bridge. Jenson's only been XO for a couple of weeks -since Leaniss's promotion to Captain and assignment to command Riala on the Orion front. Jenson had been a good tactical officer for the last couple of years and was shaping up to be a good XO.

Samhaya leans over one of the mission stations on the side of the bridge and presses the panel, "Mrr'Shan to Doctor T'Les"

"T'Les here Ma'am"

The Captain speaks softly at the panel, "Doctor, how is Lieutenant Whelan's health?"

"My current analysis is that he will survive -though due to the exotic nature of the Iconian exposure I am unable to make accurate predictions as to the long term effects of his actions. However..." the doctor pauses for a moment and the Captain can imagine her Vulcan officer stepping away from her patient, "Without prompt treatment from specialists Lieutenant Whelan may remain mute for the rest of his life as he is suffering from a type of aphasia that is not in any Starfleet database that I have access to"

The Captain's tail briefly swishes from side to side as she processes the information. Stupid. So stupid, "Thank you Doctor. Please keep me appraised of the situation."

"Commander Jenson" the Captain returns to the center seat, "I assume that everything is still well?"

The powerfully built and magnificently bearded man nods, "Yes ma'am. No notable changes. No sign of Cardassian detection", Jenson is surprising calm for a man who will be risking his life in less than a day. He'll be pitting his computer intrusion and electronic warfare skills against the Cardassians armed with only the computers of a shuttlecraft.

It's a good thing then that Jenson's widely regarded as one of Starfleet's best hackers. He'd even cross trained with Orion government 'runners before his assignment to Enterprise.

"Good. I want you to look at something" the Caitian reaches down to touch a few keys on the Captain's chair armrest, "Do you see this data?"

The XO tucks his chin low and puts a hand thoughtful hand to his mouth as he reads the data, "The Lieutenants' discovered this?" his gravelly voice is pleased and surprised, "Should I begin writing up commendations?" he says with amusement once he's reached the end of the report.

The Caitian's tail continues to swish in agitation, "No, they'll be lucky to avoid discommendation after the stunt they pulled" she says darkly, "Just by going by eye I think we can reach those coordinates just as the "Temporal dead zone" period begins."

The XO tilts his head in thought, "Certainly doable, and much easier than our current plan. I know that Kenichi was worried about us having the leftover warp power to reach the station in good time. This solves that problem"

"Good. Do it. Call me back to the bridge before we reach the relay's location. I'll be making sure that everything else is in place" she looks over at the ready room doors, "Though I have something else to do first"

Mrr'Shan steps back into her ready room, heading back to her seat, her Junior officers still in their own spots. For a moment she has a temptation to say something Nash-like. Something like, "At least you remembered to follow discipline when it involves sitting in place and not moving." Well that was much crueler than anything Nash would say.

And she's not Nash anyway, "Lieutenant Whelan is in stable condition, though Doctor T'Les is uncertain of his full recovery." she looks at a small frame on her desk. A frame with the NX-Enterprise mission patch that Nash had given her, "I must impress on you exactly how dangerous and ill advised your actions were." she allows the Lieutenants' thick auras of guilt slide off of her fur, "However, due to the sensitive nature of our mission you will not be facing disciplinary action at this time."

Sam knows that her officers' actions were stupid, hasty, and ill advised. But… That is a problem for future Mrr'Shan to deal with. In the moment she needed her crew working as well as they can, "Dismissed Lieutenants. Return to your posts" she doesn't watch them leave, preferring instead to be relieved by their silence. She has no desire to listen to excuses or explanations right now.

Sam looks back at the mission patch, "Nash. How did you do this for ten years? If I could I would have you back here right now -and I'd be back at tactical again." she closes her eyes as her ears droop for a moment.

After a moment Mrr'Shan reaches out for the frame. There is no point in wishing. She's an Enterprise captain… and that meant certain things. She opens the frame and takes the mission patch out; placing it in her hand and looking at it for a long moment.

She stands up with the mission patch in hand. An Enterprise captain has responsibilities. A responsibility to accomplish the impossible.

The Captain marches out of her ready room and into the turbolift which she directs to the shuttle deck.

While waiting she pulls out the mission patch again and turns it over over and over again in her hand. How many crisis like this has this patch seen? It gives a certain sense of calm just thinking about that. Whatever the situation; Enterprise has always come through for Starfleet and the Federation.

As the turbolift comes to a stop the Caitian Captain steps out of it onto the shuttle deck. At the far end of the deck is a small crowd of figures. Most are engineers going over the shuttle with a fine tooth comb; going over every part of Robert April.

There are two other figures as well.

The first moves with grace and absolute confidence. Enterprise is his domain, and the shuttle Robert April is his project. Well his and the transferred engineer Bazeck's.

Stol is instructing the engineers, with Bazeck gone, no one else knows the shuttle as well as he does.

Following him is another figure: Ensign Lwaxana Nixa; Betazoid.

Enterprise also has a Betazoid counselor, Lieutenant Commander Jolna Nu, but her skills are in xenopsychology and therapy. Not exactly skills needed for the mission ahead.

Instead, this particular Betazoid, Ensign Nixa will be assisting Commander's Stol and Jenson in their attempt to break into the subspace relay's comm net. She's been intently focused on studying the information given to Starfleet by a top secret source. (A source that Mrr'Shan herself knows personally: Penelya Miran; Cardassian defector) Nixa has been busy for hour after hour absorbing all known information on Cardassian procedures and attitudes towards security.

Mrr'Shan knows that the Betazoid will not be a magic torpedo against the Cardassians. But her telepathic and empathic abilities as well as Starfleet security and tactical training might make all the difference between war and peace for the Federation.

Mrr'Shan hopes that the officer is up to the challenge.

"Mr Stol" says the Captian as she draws near, "I trust that Robert April will be ready for the mission on time?"

"Captain." says the Vulcan with a nod of greeting, "Indeed it will be. I am currently taking Ensign Nixa and the shuttle maintenance team through a third check of the shuttle systems. Due to the crisis it is imperative that we ensure that Robert April is fully operational"

"Good. Good" Mrr'Shan feels the rough texture of the NX-patch on her hands as she tightens her grip, "It is a great relief to know that such capable officers are serving under me" she nods respectfully at her officers.

She leaves shortly afterwards, NX patch held loosely in her hand, not wanting to disturb Stol and Nixa as they prepare. She has more rounds to make. More officers to talk to. There is much to be done. And, perhaps, if there is time; she'll be able to take a short rest too before Enterprise once again sets out to accomplish the Impossible.
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The fuck kind of ship is the Enterprise-F supposed to be?


Odyssey class. I've always though that they fucked up when they chose that design.

Sadly this was the best picture of multiple Enterprises (That I could find in a hurry while tired late at night) that wasn't covered with text or random crap.

To clarify, there was a design contest for STO that the Devs badly mishandled. Completely fucked up the whole thing. (You can probably ask around if you want details.)
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@Briefvoice, I see you have constructed a new omake... using some of my characters. ;) Do you mind if I scan over it and PM you some recommended dialogue changes, after I'm caught up with the thread discussion?

No one wants to see the entire crew of the Courageous put on a musical number in front of a gob-smacked Sydraxian Admiral?
I for one would LOVE to see that. I truly would. The problem is that I don't especially want to see McAdams having to frantically outrun half a dozen Sydraxian ships in case they were off key.

As distasteful as allowing the Cardassians to puppet Bajor this is actually a semi fair trade. Bajor is, to the best of my knowledge, already under complete Cardassian control and Celos will be under complete Orion control very soon.

The only concerning bit is that recognizing the Bajoran government means we're acknowledging they control the entire species while them recognizing the Orion Union as the lawful government of Celos is only acknowledging the control of a single world. So under this agreement the Cardassians would be free to support rebel groups on other Orion worlds while we wouldn't on any Bajoran colony.
Furthermore, it seems very doubtful that there will BE a viable "government in exile" for Celos or any other Orion world within a few years. The Syndicate is going down, slowly but surely.

By contrast, even doing everything in my power to discount OOC knowledge about the Occupation... MICRO-OMAKE TIME!


Council Discussion Chambers
Paris, Earth

Korelis scowled at Stesk, his ears quivering as he reviewed the text of the Cardassian opening proposal. He felt almost inclined to dare the old dove to approve of what the Cardassians had put down on the table over Celos. "This is a horrible arrangement. Insultingly poor, even."

"I am aware. Even were we to disregard the Prime Directive-" and the wrinkled Vulcan's head tilted, silently saying a law of ours that you, an Amarki, know to value as highly as we do. "-Stipulating General Order One as irrelevant to developments between the two distinct cultures of Cardassia and Bajor, interference in Bajoran internal affairs would seem disadvantageous at this moment, even for the Bajorans. But this is subject to change. Logic dictates that the passage of time will make the Cardassian Union a more onerous, and less welcome, master. Agreeing to restrain ourselves in the future is a considerable concession, one both we and the Bajorans might one day regret. Conversely, the Cardassians sacrifice little by agreeing to restraint in the matter of the 'corporate republic,' which has a life expectancy of days, regardless of anything the Cardassians attempt. And you have of course observed-" Stesk allowed those finely controlled features to shift ever so slightly, donning a mask of curiosity.

"That the Cardassians have offered no such promises for any of the other nineteen Orion worlds." Korelis finished the sentence, feeling his lips draw back in a dagger-grin that held not even false humor.

"Precisely so. Do not fear, Councillor, that I am unaware when the Federation is being offered a pittance in exchange for a thing of high value."

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Odyssey class. I've always though that they fucked up when they chose that design.

Sadly this was the best picture of multiple Enterprises (That I could find in a hurry while tired late at night) that wasn't covered with text or random crap.

To clarify, there was a design contest for STO that the Devs badly mishandled. Completely fucked up the whole thing. (You can probably ask around if you want details.)
I personally favor the Sovereign-class. It looks streamlined while bearing the trademark Starfleet appearance.
Aaaah no time to read omakes... MUST... GET... CAUGHT... UP... [gasps]

This actually works out in our favor. Given our limiting diplomatic powers for the near future not being able to diplomance their clients isn't a real issue since we wouldn't be doing so anyway. Hell we probably wouldn't without that thanks to the whole Bajor mess.

Meanwhile I highly doubt the Cardassians will be able to convince the Lecarre to stop being paranoid spies or the Sydraxians from seeking vengeance against us. Every time they fail here gives the Federation more ammunition to use against them at future negotiations.

Remember, we FINALLY got through to the Sydraxians diplomatically. We're making progress with the Yrillians, who are fractious enough that every little bit helps, because it shifts the percentages on Yrillian support for fighting us. And the Dawiar are pretty obviously not amused with Cardassian clienthood and a little more effort may see them persuaded to declare armed neutrality a la Switzerland.

We are winning on the diplomatic front, we are getting quite close to being able to break up the Cardassian strategic positions on our flanks, or at least render them far less effective. It is very much not to our advantage to agree to "cease diplomatic overtures." Furthermore, that is arguably a declaration of Cardassian intent to abuse some of their own client states- what kind of overlord wants to make outsiders promise to not even talk to their subjects?

There. Does that work? Plan submitted in (First Draft, presumably the writers workshop this. I imagine that this not only airs at the same time that ENT: Damage would have, but also explores similar themes.) Episode format for your voting pleasure. Time to write an Omake about this.

Don't be silly. To Boldly Go is so much better than Enterprise that it's still on the air in its sixth season. This airs in early 2007, about three years later than Damage.

[] Enterprise

-[] Episode Summary:

Amid delicate negotiations with the Cardassians over the fates of Celos and Bajor, the Enterprise is sent on a clandestine mission to steal vital data from a Cardassian communications hub. The stakes increase when they detect a Cardassian task force inbound, led by a formidable Lorgot battlecruiser. In the B-plot, Captain Mrr'Shan tries to catch a laser pointer.
To my eternal shame, I once did the laser pointer thing to a human being. And it worked, due to special circumstances. I had valid reasons for trying it, but I regret it in hindsight; it's a terrible trick to play on a sentient being, even if they're falling for a trick more normally used on nonsentients.

It literally just occurred to me that the random shuttle side project that Stol and Bazeck spent ten years on is probably going to be the shuttle sent on this mission.

For the meta that's some good foreshadowing, the TBG writers must be either making deep cuts to draw this episode together, or they've been planning this for /years/.

God, it's going to narratively come down to Stol's fucking project car I added in to give flavour and character to Enterprise's officers.
Alternatively, the project car has been To Boldly Go's answer to the Delta Flyer and has been appearing in occasional episodes whenever they had occasion to have the Enterprise-B launch a shuttle, ever since Season Three or so. ;)
I personally favor the Sovereign-class. It looks streamlined while bearing the trademark Starfleet appearance.

The Sovereign class has always been one of my absolute favorites. It just looks good you know?

Can you list which is which?

Going from top to bottom, left to right:

NX-Enterprise (ENT)

Enterprise 1701-A (TOS Movies)
(Constitution Refit)

Enterprise 1701-B (Generations. TBG)
(Excelsior Class)

Enterprise 1701 (TOS)
(Constitution Class)

Enterprise 1701-C (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")
(Ambassador Class)

Enterprise 1701-F (STO)
(Odyssey Class)

Enterprise 1701-E (TNG Movies)
(Sovereign Class)

Enterprise 1701-D (TNG)
(Galaxy Class)
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Also, @SynchronizedWritersBlock , your idea for a sing-off with the Sydraxians is effing magnificent, in case I forgot to say that in the scramble to get caught up. I love it. I just don't want to force McAdams to run a gauntlet of Sydraxian battle squadrons in case her ship's band turns out to be off key. If anyone could do it it'd be her, but I'm not sure anyone can do it.
Hmm, I just realised that I forgot to specify that Enterprise's Chief Engineer Commander Kenichi is the fourth member of our little shuttle team (Due to his experience with Cardassian stuff) but was busy elsewhere at the time.

Eh, I can add it in in the morning...

...though I don't know if it's safe to go to bed yet! > : V

(Edge of seat. Good show Oneiros)
NX-Enterprise (ENT)

Enterprise 1701 (TOS)
(Constitution Class)

Enterprise 1701-A (TOS Movies)
(Constitution Refit)

Enterprise 1701-B (Generations. TBG)
(Excelsior Class)

Enterprise 1701-C (TNG: "Yesterday's Enterprise")
(Ambassador Class)

Enterprise 1701-D (TNG)
(Galaxy Class)

Enterprise 1701-E (TNG Movies)
(Sovereign Class)

Enterprise 1701-F (STO)
(Odyssey Class)

Charming progression, Leila. Stick Figure Kirk looks so... weary, somehow. Like "so many space babes... starting to get... tired..."


Enterprise: "He wasn't like they say he was. Johnny was a lovely boy and I won't hear a word against him." [folds arms]

[The way I figure it, in meta, TBG can canonize whatever it wants about Archer being as how it replaces the show he appeared on. ;) ]
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Charming progression, Leila. Stick Figure Kirk looks so... weary, somehow. Like "so many space babes... starting to get... tired..."


Enterprise: "He wasn't like they say he was. Johnny was a lovely boy and I won't hear a word against him." [folds arms]

[The way I figure it, in meta, TBG can canonize whatever it wants about Archer being as how it replaces the show he appeared on. ;) ]

Yeah, I'm all for mining ENT for its good ideas and ignoring the rest.

Hell, we could even say that Riker's simulation was just bad in-universe historical fiction.

EDIT: one thing that I think we should ditch from ENT, though, and this is relevant to AKuz's post, is the appearance of the NX class ship. It always bothered me that the human saucer-engineering-arms structure became the norm for Starfleet, despite the other three founding members having much more experience at ship design.

Before ENT, I always assumed that the Starfleet ship structure was the product of a multispecies design team, and that pre-Federation human ships looked totally different.
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Shipyard Ops - 2313.Q1

Worlds convulse in tyrannical uprisings.

Power like the wrath of pagan gods kisses the surface of planets leaving obliteration in its wake.

Cities wither under the perverted lights of twisted science.

The top levels of government play it double-bluff around the highest stakes game of poker the galaxy has seen in a century with the fate of billions in the balance, while your officers prepare to undertake missions so daring they ride the crest of history.

And here you are with all the usual old fuddy-duddies of Shipyard Operations! You sigh and mentally apologise to Patricia and the others for the unbecoming thought. But even in the direst moment, someone has to keep the little hamster wheels turning. Ships come in, ships go out. If that process stops, well, all the negotiating is for nought. This is the lifeblood of the fleet. On a high note, the time has finally come for the USS Renaissance to begin taking on crew! Competition for skippering the lead boat is expected to be fierce, with this being the first truly new ship seen in over a decade. And you can see from her mostly complete exterior that she is a thing of the utmost beauty, and a real sign of where the Ship Design Bureau intends to take their future efforts. You can't wait to see this bloom into the full family of new designs.



Starfleet Personnel Command Report - Furnishing Ship's Complements

Unnamed Excelsior-class (NCC-2014) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth A is deducting crews (6 Officer, 5 Enlisted, 5 Technician Required)
[ ][CREW] Standard Starfleet
[ ][CREW] Explorer Corps

[ ][NAME1] Name the Excelsior that will launch next year from San Francisco Berth A

USS Renaissance, Renaissance-class (NX-2601) @ Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards Berth 3 is deducting crews
3 Officers, 5 Enlisted, 3 Technician will be required


Starfleet Shipyard Operations Command Report

From: Captain Alicia Lei, Superintendent, Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, Berth B

To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Shrai sh'Cothyk, Director, Utopia Planitia Shipyards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a) and United Federation of Planets Edict, as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the construction of the USS Odyssey (Excelsior-class Explorer, Fleet Order NCC-2013) is complete, assessed, and ready to be presented to the Fleet Register.

Captain Alicia Lei

From: Commander Stolk, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 1
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS Defiant (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1746) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Commander Stolk

From: Commander T'Kariss, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards Berth 2
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the USS Valiant (Constitution-B-class cruiser, Fleet Order NCC-1747) is complete, assessed, and ready to be added to the Fleet Register.

Commander T'Kariss

From: Captain Cergun ag Hugac, Superintendent, Ana Font Shipyard, Berth A
To: Admiral Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Commodore Lofap Poll, Director, Ana Font Shipyards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Completion

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-12 (a) and United Federation of Planets Edict, as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the project under my command, the construction of the TSS Miracht Agrad (Excelsior-class Explorer, Federation Registry NCC-2018) is complete, assessed, and ready to be presented to the Tellarite State Forces.

Captain Cergun ag Hugac

From: Captain Rivonn, Superintendent, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards, Berth A
To: Admiral Vitalia Valentina Sousa, Starfleet Command; Rear Admiral Vinan, Director, 40 Eridani A Fleet Yards; Vice Admiral Patricia Chen, Shipyard Operations Command
Subject: Certificate of Inspection

To Whom It May Concern,

As per Starfleet Regulations IV-13 (g), as Superintendent of this Shipyard Berth, I herein certify that the inspection conducted under my command, namely that the certification of repairs made to the USS Kearsage (Constellation-class, NCC-1811) meet specification, and the ship is ready to be returned to active duty.

Captain Rivonn

Ships Commissioned:
USS Odyssey, Excelsior-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-2012
USS Defiant, Constitution-B-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-1746
USS Valiant, Constitution-B-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-1747

TSS Miracht Agrad, Excelsior-class, Starfleet Build Order NCC-2018 - Tellarite State Forces


[ ][BUILD] Submit a Build Plan
You may select up to TWO ships of 3m ton and ONE ship of 2.5m ton and TWO ships of up to 1m ton mass that will commence in Q1. You may select up to TWO ships of 1m ton mass displacement that will commence in Q2.

To make a plan, pick a ship you would like to build and put it in one of the available berths that can handle the mass. All ships have a price in materials and time that are noted in the square brackets after the word "Cost". You can now build Excelsiors in any of the large berths at San Francisco, 40 Eridani A, Ana Font, Utopia Planitia, or Lor'Vela shipyards, while the small berths can make all of the others.

The amount of resources you have right now are listed below, as are the classes you can make, and the shipyards you have available.

Active Starfleet Shipyards
San Francisco Fleet Yards - one (1) large 3mt Berth, two (2) small 1mt Berths
40 Eridani A Shipyards [Vulcan] - two (2) large 3mt Berths, two (2) small 1mt Berths
Ana Font Shipyard [Tellar] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility [Andor] - one (1) large 2.5mt Berth, one (1) small 1mt Berth
Utopia Planitia Shipyard - three (3) large 3mt Berths, three (3) small, 1mt Berths

Current Resource Stockpile
Bulk Industrial Resources: 1265 br
Special Industrial Resources: 555 sr
Political Will: 78 pp
Research Points: 158 rp

Current Personnel Pool
Standard Starfleet: 26.35 Officer, 35.45 Enlisted, 24.05 Techs
Explorer Corps: 9.5 Officer, 11.65 Enlisted, 12.6 Techs

Current Construction
1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2014) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)
2 Centaur-A-class (NCC-2124,2125) @ San Francisco Fleet Yards Berth 1,2 (ETC 2314.Q2 - Crews deduct 2313.Q2)

1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2015) @ 40 Eridani A Berth B (ETC 2315.Q1 - Crew deduct 2314.Q1)

Tellarite Excelsior @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth A (ETC 2313.Q1)
1 Constitution-B @ Ana Font Shipyard Berth 1 (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)

1 Excelsior-class @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth A (ETC 2315.Q1 - Crews deduct 2314.Q1)
1 Constitution-B @ Lor'Vela OCF Berth 1 (ETC 2315.Q2 - Crews deduct 2314.Q2)

1 Excelsior-class (NCC-2021) @ Utopia Planitia Berth A (ETC 2315.Q4 - Crews deduct - 2314.Q4)
1 Excelsiior-class (NCC-2022) @ Utopia Planitia Berth C (ETC 2315.Q4 - Crews deduct - 2314.Q4)
Refit [USS Shield] @ Utopia Planitia Berth 1 (ETC 2313.Q2)
Refit [USS Fidelity] @ Utopia Planitia Berth 2 (ETC 2313.Q2)
1 Renaissance (Prototype) @ Utopia Planitia Berth 3 (ETC 2314.Q1 - Crews deduct 2313.Q1)

[ ][DEFIANT] Where to assign USS Defiant?
[ ][VALIANT] Where to assign USS Valiant?

A more comprehensive deployment plan will be asked for when the result of the Precipice Event Chain is known.

Available Non-obsolete Ship Classes
2287-Now [511m, 2.3m t]
C6 S5 H4 L5 P5 D6
Cost [230br 150sr, 4 years], Crew [O-6, E-5, T-5]​

Light Cruisers

2310-Now [289m, 1m t]
C5 S3 H3 L4 P3 D5
Cost [100br, 80sr, 3 years], Crew [O-3, E-4, T-4]​

Long-range Explorer
2260-Now [120m 150k t]
C1 S5 H1 L2 P1 D0
Cost[15br, 60sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-1, T-4]​

Miranda 2280-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S1 H1 L2 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 40sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Miranda-A 2312-Now [277m, 655k t]
C3 S2 H2 L3 P1 D2
Cost[60br, 45sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-1]
Refit Cost from Miranda [20br, 10sr, 1 year]​

Centaur-A Refit 2308-Now [315m 800k t]
C3 S3 H2 L3 P3 D3
Cost [80br, 70sr, 2 years], Crew [O-1, E-2, T-2]​


Member World Coordination Office

Andor - 2 Cargo Ship (1 of them for Amarki)
Vulcan - 1 Colony Ship, 1x1000kt Shipyard
Tellar - 1 Excelsior (TSS Miracht Agrad, NCC-2018), 1 Miranda-A Refit (NCC-1913)
Humans - 1 Miranda-A Refit (NCC-1904), 1 Engineering, 1 Cargo Ship
Amarki - 2 Centaur-A (NCC-2120, NCC-2121), 2 Cargo Ship
Betazed - 1 Cargo Ship
Caitian -
Rigel - 1x1500kt Shipyard Berth @ Lagan-Shir [Rigel VIII]
Apiata - 1 Forager, 1 Colony Ship, 1 Repair[Stinger]
Risa - 1 Civilian Freighter, 1 Corvette
Gaeni - 1 Tech-Frigate
Caldonia - 1 Cargo Ship
Indoria - 1 Large Escort, 2 Cargo Ships
Seyek - 1 Civilian Ship
Orions - 1 Cargo Ship, 1 Confiscated Patrol Escort*
Qloath - 1 Arquila Leb Hoiathi, 1 Civilian Ship
Honiani -

* Was Under Construction at Yards located at Celos, and was destined for the Syndicate. It has been confiscated as well as one additional Patrol Escort, ETC 2314.Q1

Starfleet Intelligence Report


We have reason to believe that new Shipyard complex has come on-line in Sydraxian space. Beyond this, we have few precise details. According to information relayed by friendly elements in Gretarian and Yrillian space, we know that the new shipyard is the Ballad of Valour Orbital Yards at Lox Matar, located coreward of Borandt.

Commander Onyeka Sun, Supervisor, Office 30, Starfleet Intelligence
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EDIT: one thing that I think we should ditch from ENT, though, and this is relevant to AKuz's post, is the appearance of the NX class ship. It always bothered me that the human saucer-engineering-arms structure became the norm for Starfleet, despite the other three founding members having much more experience at ship design.

Before ENT, I always assumed that the Starfleet ship structure was the product of a multispecies design team, and that pre-Federation human ships looked totally different.

Sometime in 2175...

Tellarite: Starfleet? It'll never take off.
Vulcan: It would be logical to continue to provide my designs to the Vulcan High Command.
Andorian: Look, as long as the Vulcans are still making their own designs, we're still making ours.

Human Starfleet Designer: AND THEN WE'LL PUT THEM ON STILTS, out of this bit here and ... man, this is going to be GREAT!
I saw that "1.7k" Update right before I turned off my PC and almost had a heart attack... I know how you feel Sousa... Though I guess this means I can sleep without worrying about the galaxy exploding as I rest.

I see that the Tellarites have thrown themselves on that Miracht grenade for us so that we don't have to use that cursed name.

[x][CREW] Explorer Corps
[x][NAME1] USS Victory


or Hood?

Hood's fine

[x][BUILD] Briefvoice
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[X][CREW] Explorer Corps

[X][NAME1] USS Aelin

[X][BUILD] Whatever it says on Briefvoice's spreadsheet


[X][CREW] Explorer Corps
[X][NAME1] Borass
After the leader of the Third Rebellion of Rigel and first Empress of Rigel. We need a Rigellian name, after all, and why not borrow from @Ato's lovely omakes?
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