Of course it would be risky. But in the hypothetical where the Federation never existed or never came this far, such a fight would be existential. That adds another dimension to it.

Having affiliates on side is one result of winning the peace so hard. In another universe, all these fleets could be enemies on the Cardassian side.
I remember Ironwolf saying that the Seyek had been planning to build a sort of "Non-aligned" block, hopefully containing themselves the Bajorans, and the Qolothi, and the Dawair, between us and the Cardassians but that the Occupation of Bajor had pushed them over into full exasperation with the Cardassians and more fully into our camp.

Getting the Apiata onside would have bee-n a bonus but stupid sexy Nash ruined that too.

Well, on the one hand, it makes asking the Indorion for help a lot more appealing.

On the other hand, the arguments for sticking with Sydraxian diplomacy ARE still in force. It would be great if we could secure their neutrality or even just negotiate a quick end to the war after fighting a short sharp battle or two against them, rather than having to send in a big fleet and physically occupy their space.

We COULD just hope that the Indorions will listen to our polite requests anyway, and/or have enough good sense to know that it's a bad idea for them to abandon a Starfleet fortress and task force to be defeated in detail in the opening week of a war that's going to be fought on their doorstep. So I dunno. On the one hand I feel vindicated, on the other hand, I respect that people like Briefvoice have their own reasons for proposing what they do.

The Indorians are planning to join the Federation within the year. Regardless of whether we ask them to help defend a particular starbase, they kind of have to take part in the war unless they've changed their minds.

The main reason for keeping the Sydraxian diplomacy going, in my mind, isn't to deter the Sydraxians; we're very unlikely to accomplish that within the next two weeks. It's to keep communication open with the Yrillians, so that they don't also join the war. We don't know how big the Yrillian fleet is, but considering that they're a race of master shipwrights and adventurers I would really rather not find out.

Maybe, but it sounds like it would be risky. The numbers add up, but it'd be three disparate fleets against a single unified command structure. If their fleet coordination broke down, or if the Cardassians got lucky somewhere, we'd be in trouble.

Plus, for all we know the Cardassians may have actual allies we haven't even heard about- we just discovered one new affiliate of theirs, albeit one that probably isn't going to be doing a lot of fighting against us.

I doubt many races would go to war with someone they've never even met before purely on an ally's say-so, unless they had a mutual defense pact and the ally was a clear victim of aggression. Which the Cardassians are very blatantly not.
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*grumble* Bunch of zerglings... *grumble*

Risa is up to 8 ships, 4 Corvettes, 4 Heavy Corvettes. Only 12 C but a lulzy 28D. (...both those numbers feel like there should be a that's what she said joke in there)
Seyek are 1 Battleship, 2 Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, 8 Escorts for 55C
Apiata are 1 Queenship, 5 Little Queenships, 12 Mod Stingers, 6 Old Stingers, 6 Forager Science ships for 96C.
Qloath are 2 Explorer, 2 Cruiser, 7 Escorts for 37C.


EDIT: Seriously, they're edging into Tier 1 territory.

I am REAL GLAD that we got them on side so early.

If we added the EC to the Apiata fleet, I'd give them good odds of fighting Cardassia to a advantageous peace on their own.
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*grumble* Bunch of zerglings... *grumble*

Risa is up to 8 ships, 4 Corvettes, 4 Heavy Corvettes. Only 12 C but a lulzy 28D. (...both those numbers feel like there should be a that's what she said joke in there)
Seyek are 1 Battleship, 2 Cruiser, 2 Destroyer, 8 Escorts for 55C
Apiata are 1 Queenship, 5 Little Queenships, 12 Mod Stingers, 6 Old Stingers, 6 Forager Science ships for 96C.
Qloath are 2 Explorer, 2 Cruiser, 7 Escorts for 37C.


Good old Risans. Always ready to give us the D.
It feels a bit odd when we keep saying how strong Amarkia is and what a tier 2 power they are, but at last count that I know of, they have total C only in the mid-50s. If UFP and RSE and Klingon Empire are all tier 1 powers, and Cardassians tier 1.5, then Apiata would be a proper tier 2 power, while Amarki, Caitains, Seyek, and Rigel are all tier 2.5 powers.

Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 1111 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.9

Task: SOE

[X][SOE] Arrange for an SoE immediately following a Cardassian guarantee for Celos
No. of Votes: 37

[X][SOE] Do not request a State of Emergency
No. of Votes: 10

[X][SOE] Do not request a State of Emergency
-[X] Maintain High Alert and consider a SOE when Cardassian intentions become clear but do not be beholden to a "Red line"
No. of Votes: 4

[X][SOE] Request a State of Emergency now
No. of Votes: 2

Task: SFTF1

[X][SFTF1] Support Operations on Celos
No. of Votes: 37

[X][SFTF1] Support Operations on Freedom
No. of Votes: 12

[X][SFTF1] Picket Federation Border
No. of Votes: 1

Task: SFTF2

[X][SFTF2] Hunt and Destroy Syndicate Space forces.
No. of Votes: 39

[X][SFTF2] Conduct blockade at Celos
No. of Votes: 9

[X][SFTF2] Picket Federation Border
No. of Votes: 2

Task: UETF

[X][UETF] Support Operations on Freedom
No. of Votes: 36

[X][UETF] Escort shipping
No. of Votes: 11

[X][UETF] Conduct blockade at Celos
No. of Votes: 3

Task: ATF

[X][ATF] Escort shipping
No. of Votes: 39

[X][ATF] Hunt and destroy Syndicate space forces
No. of Votes: 8

[X][ATF] Conduct blockade at Celos
No. of Votes: 2

[X][ATF] Support Operations on Freedom
No. of Votes: 1

Task: CBZ

[X][CBZ] Focus on defence of Starbase 9 at Lapycorias
No. of Votes: 44

[X][CBZ] Skirmish with Cardassian ships
No. of Votes: 4

[X][CBZ] Focus on defence of Square 0d
No. of Votes: 1

Task: SBZ

[X][SBZ] Focus on defence of Square 0d
No. of Votes: 34

[X][SBZ] Focus on defence of Starbase 8 at Vega
No. of Votes: 13

[X][SBZ] Skirmish aggressively
No. of Votes: 1


[X][DIPLO] Remain focused on Sydraxians
No. of Votes: 35

[X][DIPLO] Request the Indorians send their forces to Starbase 9 at Lapycorias
No. of Votes: 11

[X][DIPLO] Request the Qloath to try to hunt the Cardassian Frontier Ships
No. of Votes: 1

[X][DIPLO] Change focus to attempting to keep Dawiar neutral
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 53
Really hoping the conditional declaration doesn't bite us in the ass. It hopefully won't, but I can think of at least two ways off the top of my head, both of which come from classic movies or real life incidents. :(

I doubt many races would go to war with someone they've never even met before purely on an ally's say-so, unless they had a mutual defense pact and the ally was a clear victim of aggression. Which the Cardassians are very blatantly not.
It probably depends on the kind of ally you're looking for.

For example, the Cardassians might have located some warlike space nomad types who just need to be pointed in the general direction of a target. Or a species that values combat but has been battered into a condition of fighting-slavery by the Cardassians to the point where they fight who the Cardassians say, because the alternative is not fighting at all. Or they could have managed to hire straight-up mercenaries. Who knows?

I'm not saying any of this is certain, but it's possible. There are a lot of hidden X-factors in Cardassian space and on the other side of it. I for one would prefer not to assume we've seen every trick in their book.

Good old Risans. Always ready to give us the D.
My mobilization plan basically tells the Risans "Uh, yeah. Fleet should go to Minimum Chill condition. Be ready to help patrol Federation space while the rest of our ships are off doing something else."

There are going to be a lot of very happy distressed Federation spacers in a few months, aren't there...?
If the Syndicate ships thought they had it rough before, now they're in for a whole new world of hurt with Commodore Nash, Hero of the Federation on the case! :D
It feels a bit odd when we keep saying how strong Amarkia is and what a tier 2 power they are, but at last count that I know of, they have total C only in the mid-50s. If UFP and RSE and Klingon Empire are all tier 1 powers, and Cardassians tier 1.5, then Apiata would be a proper tier 2 power, while Amarki, Caitains, Seyek, and Rigel are all tier 2.5 powers.
I feel that something that does need to be kept in mind is that Amarkian ships trade off a bit of their combat for toughness. Combat oriented explorers are a rare and valuable breed, and the Amarki have three of them.

Also, watch for them to start pulling the You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry card after Lironh.
My mobilization plan basically tells the Risans "Uh, yeah. Fleet should go to Minimum Chill condition. Be ready to help patrol Federation space while the rest of our ships are off doing something else."


Red Alert ==> ???????????
Yellow Alert ==> Minimum Chill
Normal Operation ==> Chill
?????????????? ==> Maximum Chill
Omake Time

A Day's Work

One does not become a staff officer for a unit like the Aerocommandos or the Amarki Gendarme thinking they will be respected. You can do the PT and shoot well on the range and they may not talk about you as if you're useless, but you will never be respected. Staff work is like air to soldiers on the line; it's mainly noticed when there isn't enough of it. The supplies weren't available or the intelligence was faulty or there's a persistent personnel problem or the op orders were written by a lunatic. Then you get noticed.

Doing your job well means little acknowledgement from your peers. So currently a dozen Amarki and Orions were crowded in a room, pouring over all available data on the planet Celos. Weather patterns. Terrain. Planetary defenses. Governmental buildings. Civilian buildings of importance. What had been in the armories of the PPU. What the Syndicate would have needed to defeat them plausibly. What resources could be inferred by who was in the rebel government. And how best to neutralize all these things or bring them crashing down upon the rebel's heads.

They'd been working on it since before the deployment orders had come down, and they'd keep working on it until the first drop shuttles launched, trying to incorporate as much new intelligence and improve the plans and ensure all the specialized equipment that could help got to the right people. It was all they could do. And even then it was a massive task, possibly beyond their ability, though they would never admit such until after their failure had been underwritten by failures in combat.

They'd all be zombies at best by the time the first drop shuttle launched, barely sensate even with stimulants to keep them going. If they did their work well and with a dose of luck, then the odds were good at least a quarter of them would actually sleep through the retaking of Celos. You didn't become a staff officer here because you wanted recognition or respect. You made order of chaos, so that your comrades could use it to inflict chaos upon others. You became a staff officer for units like these because you enjoyed the challenge.

Red Alert ==> ???????????
Yellow Alert ==> Minimum Chill
Normal Operation ==> Chill
?????????????? ==> Maximum Chill
Hmm.... Well, they'll need a way to know when it's just regular Chill and when it's Maximum Chill so they could use something like this:

The back of it says "Proudly made with 101% Pakled ingenuity"

Red Alert ==> ???????????
Yellow Alert ==> Minimum Chill
Normal Operation ==> Chill
?????????????? ==> Maximum Chill
Part of me would really love to have any prisoners we take go to Risa just for the sheer "mess with your poor spoony head" potential, but honestly, thousands of Cardassian POWs on a planet like Risa would probably just manage to escape. Like, seriously, it's kind of sad that they'd even want to, but some of them would anyway. :(

If anyone can think of a way to make this work, I will be grateful.
I feel that something that does need to be kept in mind is that Amarkian ships trade off a bit of their combat for toughness. Combat oriented explorers are a rare and valuable breed, and the Amarki have three of them.

Also, watch for them to start pulling the You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry card after Lironh.

The CA Navy would really make great cores of large task forces. While they might not contribute so much combat potential compared to the Apiata, as long as the fleet keeps winning or at least surviving battles, their ships have amazing capacity to keep on trekking engagement after engagement.

Starfleet serves a similar capacity with the original 4 member fleets - lots of Starfleet battleships explorers supported by all the member fleet escorts (yes, I'm categorizing Consties as that here).

Rigellian fleet too, assuming their ships can keep up :V
Although Apiata ships are so heavily shielded for their tonnage they sort of defy normal classifications. Cruiser-weight guns and shielding on a fragile but elusive little hull can keep up with explorers and cruisers surprisingly well.

EDIT: The Amarki do HAVE escorts of their own, you know, it's just that their big ships get commented on more. Probably because we were so surprised to encounter a 'minor species' that had its own Excelsior-competitive ships.
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