Pretty much exactly the same. Amarki call for blood, Vulcans advise restraint.Curiosity. What do you think the political fallout would have been if it hit the other side of our political spectrum? Like if they'd blow up Vulcan's capital city instead.
I think there'd be a lot of McCoy/Spock style talks where they're accused of being cold-blooded bastards. Like I can see the Vulcan... Premier? Making a statement like "While the cost of light is regrettable, it was an attack designed to heighten tensions. Vulcan will not be led down the illogical path of anger wished for by the Syndicate. We encourage the other members of the Federation to not fall to this as well."Curiosity. What do you think the political fallout would have been if it hit the other side of our political spectrum? Like if they'd blow up Vulcan's capital city instead.
I'm not sure how I missed this.
Social media chose its own informal name before that speech was even done.Headcanon: Informal name is the result of an attempt at social media interaction.
Ooh! I like that. I am going to use that for my vote.I would honestly shorten VIGILANCE to VIGIL. It has the same meaning, is easier to use informally as it's shorter, is easier to backronym, and has a double meaning as a memorial. Which is fitting in memory of those who died to bring about this unit.
Federation Safety & Unity Act 2312
Starfleet-relevant digest:
- Creation of Joint Ground Operations with Gendarmes and Aerocommandos
- Much of CA-Navy deputised into Starfleet to run heavy patrols of outer-colony worlds and uninhabited systems, including CAS Riala, Friec, Hebrinda, Odala, and assorted escorts.
-- Proviso 1 - Commodore ka'Sharren takes command of the Task Force, with Commander Leaniss promoted as her Flag Captain, to command from the Riala,
-- Proviso 2 - Both are to be initiated into the Amarkian Order of the Lileac.
- ASTF will be placed under a civilian-operated Federation-Union Joint Command
- Very quietly, groundwork is being laid for a fast-tracked Orion Union membership into the Federation, approved by the Development faction. This includes a mechanism for immediate ratification in the even of the commencement of a Cardassian coup attempt to allow Starfleet assets to immediately oppose.
- Federation Resilience increases to 25.
- +1 Starfleet Action during Master of Orion turns
I'm sure they aren't not looking for them, but the Syndicate also has a bunch of asteroid bases and stuff hiding out in deep space. We found the Amarki captives on one of them. Finding more seems more likely to make a difference than finding ships the Syndicate is already not using.They're looking for the Syndicate's hidden fleet. We know the Syndicate has some real, dedicated warships. Not many (we hope) but some escorts, one or two or three cruisers. Thus far the Syndicate has been very carefully keeping them out of this fight, judging correctly that if Starfleet ever got a bead on them it would be all over. However, starships are big items. The Syndicate has to actually keep them at some physical location, preferably with enough support infrastructure to keep them repaired and ready to move out.
I don't think they'd mind this much, actually. The problem with expansion is that it spreads our resources too thin, and we're already dedicating plenty of resources to Orion. Their inclusion might actually make Development's goals easier.Oh my! Poor Development faction. This was their big concession in negotiations less than six months ago, and already they're being forced to compromise it. At this rate, the only thing they'll have accomplished is keeping the Risans out of the Federation an extra year or two!