Speaking of the Tkon, are you going to make use of the Q Continuum series' interpretation of their empire's fall?
Well, most of the cabins we see in TNG are the Main Characters, Flag Officers, or VIPs, right? The non-skylight rooms are probably the "prime" real estate, and thus where those folks would go.
Some of the horizontal windows we see may actually be wall-screens of some kind, too. Although it actually makes a lot of sense to put crew quarters right out on the rim of the saucer. At battle stations, nobody would be in the crew quarters, so the saucer rim would be 'ablative' volume that doesn't need to be protected so heavily, Putting things like crew quarters, storage compartments for nonessential materials, and so on out there would help a lot with design. It would reduce the weight of armor plating you'd need to make the saucer reasonably sturdy.
Some of the horizontal windows we see may actually be wall-screens of some kind, too. Although it actually makes a lot of sense to put crew quarters right out on the rim of the saucer. At battle stations, nobody would be in the crew quarters, so the saucer rim would be 'ablative' volume that doesn't need to be protected so heavily, Putting things like crew quarters, storage compartments for nonessential materials, and so on out there would help a lot with design. It would reduce the weight of armor plating you'd need to make the saucer reasonably sturdy.

I'm pretty sure the Redshirt Preservation Society would throw a fit at that.
2312.Q3.M3 - Master of Orion
Duaba Daily News

The announcement of martial law arrived came as no surprise, but nonetheless a torrent of panic. Combined with a complete blockade on inter-stellar travel, and a ban on all non-food and essentials intrasystem transport, it is clear that a protracted and violent campaign against Syndicate assets on Duaba is planned. Those who can afford it are leaving the cities for locales in the hinterland, hoping to be away from the potential bombings and urban combat.

Forces are continuing to arrive on the planet, and it is believed that no less than two ISSU units, plus the Aerocommandos and a number of military ground forces have deployed, plus the reserve SSD units. The delay in kicking off the campaign is being taken as a sign that this was not preplanned. Opposition parties have been railing against the coming action, accusing the government of plotting cold-blooded slaughter to resolve a problem that does not exist. Many suggest that the Syndicate involvement in Duaba is blown entirely out of proportion, and that the government is simply trying to deflect from their complete inability to assert its sovreignity over its own citizens in Amarkia.

Duaba's colonial government is activating emergency low-interest rate survival loans and the emergency credit stores for those who are looking to purchase goods in preparation for potential upheaval. Representatives of the Retail Services Council sharply criticised this move, pointing out that emergency price hikes are an important part of ensuring profitability during crisis moments, and requesting compensation for government actions.


Times of Amarkia

Trials for those involved in the Nahan Lor raid have begun hearing evidence of their involvement. Most notable of these is for Horod na Lodar, an Orion male from Celos who is accused of being a very highly ranked member of the Syndicate. Mr Lodar is rumoured to have attempted suicide on no fewer than four occasions, and is refusing to cooperate with investigators. Nonetheless, the Magistrate's Office believes that there is a clear case to answer for, and sufficient forensic and circumstantial evidence to proceed.

Most of those accused of being financial backers are contesting charges, and many have protested that they should be subject to Orion law, rather than Amarkian law. These requests have thus far been denied.

One businessman, the expatriate Tellarite Ufgar Kladoc, has pled guilty to offenses after reaching an agreed Statement of Facts with the court. As a result, he is sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

On our own front, we have some positive news. After bringing in the full task forces from United Earth and Andoria to blanket the Freedom system in sensors, Office 24 conducted a daring raid and captured a woman whom we believe to be a Shodar of the Syndicate. Her presence on Freedom was suggested by the analysis conducted by Office 8, and they have allowed their colleagues to locate the fortification. Although transport inhibitors were in effect, a daring shuttle assault allowed for a high-speed insertion into the complex undetected. As a result, the Shodar and her staff were arrested and transferred to the brig of the Lexington for safekeeping. Office 24's Team 3 suffered minor casualties, but all are expected to make a full recovery. [+4 Impact, +2 Cost, Minor Corruption Reduction on Freedom]

On Duaba, however, all eyes are turned. The Syndicate is digging in frantically. Their forces were chopped up pretty heavily in earlier confrontations, but we believe they were regenerated. So far outbreaks of violence are limited; the Syndicate is inviting the pressure, and preparing to make use of the defensive. None the less, there is considerable sympathy on the planet. The blockades and martial law are not popular, as may be expected, and Duaba has always thought very highly of the Syndicate. Expect this to get bloody. [+6 Cost]

[Total +4 Impact, +8 Cost, Minor Corruption Reduction on Freedom]

Some of the horizontal windows we see may actually be wall-screens of some kind, too. Although it actually makes a lot of sense to put crew quarters right out on the rim of the saucer. At battle stations, nobody would be in the crew quarters, so the saucer rim would be 'ablative' volume that doesn't need to be protected so heavily, Putting things like crew quarters, storage compartments for nonessential materials, and so on out there would help a lot with design. It would reduce the weight of armor plating you'd need to make the saucer reasonably sturdy.

That's all-or-nothing armor, the same kind of armor scheme that is used on battleships.
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Say is there any way for the Anti-Slavery Task Force to relive the damage to the govt forces on Duaba?
I feel like they not applying pressure fast enough considering what's going to happen.
Duaba's colonial government is activating emergency low-interest rate survival loans and the emergency credit stores for those who are looking to purchase goods in preparation for potential upheaval. Representatives of the Retail Services Council sharply criticised this move, pointing out that emergency price hikes are an important part of ensuring profitability during crisis moments, and requesting compensation for government actions.
How did a company this pointlessly evil even get off the ground? The more I learn about the Orions the more I think an invasion is in their populations best interests.
Duaba's colonial government is activating emergency low-interest rate survival loans and the emergency credit stores for those who are looking to purchase goods in preparation for potential upheaval. Representatives of the Retail Services Council sharply criticised this move, pointing out that emergency price hikes are an important part of ensuring profitability during crisis moments, and requesting compensation for government actions.

wait a tick. the government isn't setting price caps, they are just providing access to sources of credit. The banks and predatory loan places are going to get pissy, but why are the people who own the places where this is going to enable more spending getting pissy?
Welp. As predicted, Duaba's gone straight into the taggart.
wait a tick. the government isn't setting price caps, they are just providing access to sources of credit. The banks and predatory loan places are going to get pissy, but why are the people who own the places where this is going to enable more spending getting pissy?
Presumably retail and predatory loaning aren't separate businesses.
Trials for those involved in the Nahan Lor raid have begun hearing evidence of their involvement. Most notable of these is for Horod na Lodar, an Orion male from Celos who is accused of being a very highly ranked member of the Syndicate. Mr Lodar is rumoured to have attempted suicide on no fewer than four occasions, and is refusing to cooperate with investigators. Nonetheless, the Magistrate's Office believes that there is a clear case to answer for, and sufficient forensic and circumstantial evidence to proceed.

Woah, a male Shodar? How progressive of the Syndicate!

Most of those accused of being financial backers are contesting charges, and many have protested that they should be subject to Orion law, rather than Amarkian law. These requests have thus far been denied.

Oh for goodness sakes Amarkia just repatriate the financial backers and share evidence, we can let the Rixx Scrutineers at them and have a field day.

How did a company this pointlessly evil even get off the ground? The more I learn about the Orions the more I think an invasion is in their populations best interests.

Anarchocapitalism is a hell of a drug. :(
Well that was rough.

Captains Logs:
40 pp
5 rp
6 impact
+25 Qolathi, Honiani, Gretarians
gained approval with Romulan Senate
15 SR
BR Colony Site in GBZ 15 BR/year

Master Of Orion:
12 Impact
Corruption reduction on Freedom
16 Cost
At this point the best thing to do with Duaba is "suddenly, everyone disappears back to the capital and the offensive takes place there".
How did a company this pointlessly evil even get off the ground? The more I learn about the Orions the more I think an invasion is in their populations best interests.
It sounds like the Retail Services Council is basically a Political Action Committee or lobby. And thus, as with all political action committees or lobbies, asshattery they participate in is only diffusely thrown back on their constituents, providing a powerful voice and mask for multiple greedy assholes to exert power without responsibility.
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Brought to you by Budget Security Solutions, the company that replaced all your city walls with apartment buildings.
The heck of it is, things like this actually work. For example, real world naval battleships had their fuel tanks at the outer edges of the ship, next to (and just below) the waterline. Reason being, that way if a torpedo exploded underwater against the hull, one of the first things it'd exploderize would be one of the gas tanks. Having a fuel tank rupture is inconvenient, but nowhere near as bad as having hundreds of tons of seawater pour into your engine room.

Basically, the problem with a saucer is that if you try to armor the upper and lower surfaces uniformly, you expend a disproportionate amount of extra weight to protect the outermost edge of the saucer (as in, 50% of the mass of armor goes on the outermost 30% or so of the circular saucer, and 10% of the armor goes to the outermost 5%). Moreover, that part of the saucer is also very thin. So all that mass of armor plate isn't actually protecting very much of the ship's volume, unless you just happen to be getting shot at from "edge on," with the enemy's ship being in the plane of the saucer*

It'd be much better from a defensive point of view if you could just skip armoring that part entirely, and use the same mass to:
1) Thicken the protective dish of armor covering the central part of the saucer from shots fired 'above' and 'below,' and
2) Put in an internal "tuna can" of armored hull somewhere inside the ship, encircling the really critical parts of the saucer**.

Sort of like how with city walls (your analogy), you don't put JUST ANY city function inside the walls. Only the ones you foresee actually needing during a siege. Because the more area you enclose with a wall, the more expensive the wall as a whole becomes, and the more you have to reduce its protection in order to be able to afford a complete enclosure.

Although with city walls you have a problem a spaceship's armor belt doesn't have, because the enemy can theoretically use the city walls as cover to approach and scale the walls. There's no equivalent to that IN SPAAAAACE, of course.

*(Now in that specific case the armor works GREAT because it's so heavily sloped compared to the incoming fire... but big chunks of ablative hull material that don't matter to the ship's combat performance would also work pretty well for that purpose, especially right up against the rim. Plus, the enemy is under no obligation to stay right where you want them to be if they're shooting at you, especially not in three dimensions if there are multiple ships involved)

**Weapon systems, any reactors and propulsion systems the saucer has, any antimatter stored in the saucer (there may be none), key sensors, the main computer, shelters for dependents and noncombatant science personnel to crowd into during battle, and so on. The less critical stuff includes crew quarters, holodecks, big multipurpose rooms like movie theaters or the ship's gymnasium, deuterium tankage for the fusion reactors, cargo bays, a lot of the science labs, and so on.

This theory would add a sort of ironic note to @Simon_Jester 's omake about the brittleness of the Constitution -- the designers would have put the nacelles high and clear to help preserve the long-term integrity of the ship. However, in the end the most structurally sound components turn out to be the nacelles due to their interaction with the warp field, and most of the rest is metallic dust held together by SIF and prayers.
:D I like it.

Leslie: [grunts] "Yeah, it's held together by the structural integrity field and prayer... and most of our officers aren't exactly what you'd call religious."

I'm pretty sure the Redshirt Preservation Society would throw a fit at that.
No, because during alert conditions, the redshirts are all inside the armored hull manning important systems. They're not off sleeping in their bunks.

In the unlikely event that the ship is attacked while not at alert and with most of the crew not manning their battle stations... well, that's a very deadly situation to be in no matter what happens.

Leslie: "Hey, I don't know about you, buddy, but when the Enterprise got attacked I was always on the bridge manning that one station, or the transporter room, or doing something important. I wasn't asleep. So I'd rather have the armor protecting the parts of the ship I'm standing in, instead of the parts of the ship I'm NOT in, on account of not lying down on the job."
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Leslie: [grunts] "Yeah, it's held together by the structural integrity field and prayer... and most of our officers aren't exactly what you'd call religious."

"Now look here, I don't care whether you pray to the Tellarite god of arguments, the Ice Nymphs of Andor, or the Amarkian Star Goddess - there are no atheists in foxholes, and no atheists in the Enterprise's main engineering!"