...I actually kind of liked the Rennie having nacelles that went straight horizontal. I thought it was unique and different, and it sort of evokes what later happens with the Intrepids.
Failing that I'd rather it be more Connie-style than wash-shrunk-Ambassador/Galaxy-style.

(Galaxy-class is awesome class, bee-tee-dubs. Right up there with Sovereign, Defiant, and Akira in my heart.)
2312.Q3.M2 - Master of Orion
Duaba Daily

Tensions are running high with multiple starships arriving in orbit. Traffic incoming and outgoing has been suspended, and reinforcing units are arriving regularly. Leading strategists on Duaba are issuing warnings that a serious and prolonged bout of violence is on its way. This almost certainly heralds the start of a campaign to exploit and destroy Syndicate activity Duaba. So far the Union Government has completely failed to clear out any of the major worlds, only treading water while the Federation task force mops up surrounding worlds.

Exactly when the assault will start is unknown, but savvy business owners on Duaba are ensuring bumper profits by increasing rates for imperishables by anywhere from 100% to 1000% over RRP.


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

If the move on Duaba has caught you unawares, there is a good reason: it has caught all of us unawares. We are firmly of the belief that this is a spontaneously arrived at strategy. After the setbacks on Alukk and Celos, and with media pressure building on the Amarkian prosecution of financial backers, which is now beginning, the Union government clearly wishes to get on the front foot. We can only hope that they will meet with success. So far they are bringing in a lot of heavy forces, which has a dangerous potential for going wrong. They are making some use of the Rixx Scrutineers, but most of their target selection is coming from decryption of the confiscated information from the hypercorps.

On Freedom, the task force pushed the local Frontier Police battalion to swarm the streets and suffocate any attempt at Syndicate attacks. It hasn't earned many friends, but it has accomplished what it set out to do. Apart from very minor incidents, there has been no significant Syndicate activity over the last month. During this time, the Starfleet Intelligence agents are attempting to identify targets, using informants, surveillance, and wiretaps.

Duaba Daily

Tensions are running high with multiple starships arriving in orbit. Traffic incoming and outgoing has been suspended, and reinforcing units are arriving regularly. Leading strategists on Duaba are issuing warnings that a serious and prolonged bout of violence is on its way. This almost certainly heralds the start of a campaign to exploit and destroy Syndicate activity Duaba. So far the Union Government has completely failed to clear out any of the major worlds, only treading water while the Federation task force mops up surrounding worlds.

Exactly when the assault will start is unknown, but savvy business owners on Duaba are ensuring bumper profits by increasing rates for imperishables by anywhere from 100% to 1000% over RRP.


On Freedom, the task force pushed the local Frontier Police battalion to swarm the streets and suffocate any attempt at Syndicate attacks. It hasn't earned many friends, but it has accomplished what it set out to do. Apart from very minor incidents, there has been no significant Syndicate activity over the last month. During this time, the Starfleet Intelligence agents are attempting to identify targets, using informants, surveillance, and wiretaps.

This post might as well have been entitled, "The Calm Before the Storm". Duaba has the lowest population of the major worlds, but Extreme Corruption. I just hope that the Union Government knows what it's doing, because its results so far haven't filled me with a lot of confidence. But still, we think of this as a Federation effort but as pointed out our Task Force has really just been mopping up the small fish.
If we want a distinct look for the Renny, taking inspiration from the Abramsverse might not be a bad idea.

...I actually kind of liked the Rennie having nacelles that went straight horizontal. I thought it was unique and different, and it sort of evokes what later happens with the Intrepids.
Failing that I'd rather it be more Connie-style than wash-shrunk-Ambassador/Galaxy-style.

(Galaxy-class is awesome class, bee-tee-dubs. Right up there with Sovereign, Defiant, and Akira in my heart.)

OK. I'll put the Ambassador pylon design aside, and work on a proper Constitutiony one. For now, however, I've created a Sketchfab account, and put the original design up here. Materials didn't make it through fully intact, but it's not really worth fixing that for a draft design.
Okay, here's the deal on the promised post with the war-game exercises.

They basically are there to serve as a way to give you transcripts of the new combat engine, and progress for your doctrine research. However while the core engine is done, I'm still yet to finish the UI for it. So as a result, I'm temporarily delaying that part. Hopefully this weekend I'll have a chance to finish it off.

In the interim, I'll continue along with the normal posting order.
My only comment is that havig Linderly deal with memo editing like micromanaging.

Personally, I would change it to an Ensign or Lt passing it to PR (Can't remember the office) or Linderpy's chief of staff.

Also, those mistakes seem like an Ensign's.

You're probably right, but screw it. Maybe I'll do a stealth edit later. Or maybe it's just the usual problem where those guys you know have to be involved in everything.
Really, having Linderly be a ridiculous micromanager is kind of amusing.

EDIT: It would also be meta, in a way. We all got pretty annoyed with him once upon a time, so he's looking over his shoulder at the office of CINC-Starfleet, making sure everything that goes out of intelligence is just perfect, because he knows they're not giving him a second strike.
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Excerpt from Ensign Halloran's media update w/annotations:

"After reaching 100 episodes, Orion-produced series 'Phasers and Piety' is now eligible for wide syndication licensed broadcast on Yrillian subnetworks.

-No Syndicate References RAL"
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Excerpt from Ensign Halloran's media update w/annotations:

"After reaching 100 episodes, Orion-produced series 'Phasers and Piety' is now eligible for wide syndication licensed broadcast on Yrillian subnetworks.

-No Syndicate References RAL"

That could lead to passive aggression really fast. Words like "synthesis," "symbolic," "systemic," etc showing up everywhere.
The half-ass justification I had in my head was that this memo was supposed to be a big deal, sent out as a general briefing and reference with open distribution to anyone interested across the whole Federation. It was being written by guys in the Yrillian Office without much experience in writing something like that. So Linderly reads it because of its importance, and acts like a micromanaging editor because if you're taking the time to review it in the first place you might as well.
On another note, I was browsing memory alpha, and looked at the list of named Excelsior class ships. Anyone up for a USS Gorkon? Both a canon ship, and it fits the theme we've been using for our Excelsiors. It was named after the Klingon Chancellor who initiated the peace talks with the Federation. I'm up for the first Federation ship to be named after a Klingon, and it'll give Cardassian Intelligence a headache trying to determine the implications.
On another note, I was browsing memory alpha, and looked at the list of named Excelsior class ships. Anyone up for a USS Gorkon? Both a canon ship, and it fits the theme we've been using for our Excelsiors. It was named after the Klingon Chancellor who initiated the peace talks with the Federation. I'm up for the first Federation ship to be named after a Klingon, and it'll give Cardassian Intelligence a headache trying to determine the implications.

Given the state of Klingon Romulans relations, now may not be the right time for that. We don't want to signal strong Klingon friendship when relationships with the Romulans are thawing.
On another note, I was browsing memory alpha, and looked at the list of named Excelsior class ships. Anyone up for a USS Gorkon? Both a canon ship, and it fits the theme we've been using for our Excelsiors. It was named after the Klingon Chancellor who initiated the peace talks with the Federation. I'm up for the first Federation ship to be named after a Klingon, and it'll give Cardassian Intelligence a headache trying to determine the implications.

Hm. What was the senior-most Romulan military or civilian leader we interacted with positively during the biophage crisis?

Making minor diplomatic gestures like this to both sides could work out well long term. We can start setting ourselves up as a neutral party that can arbitrate the peace talks once they get tired of fighting.