Tellarite Super-Heavy Equipment
But what's the intended tradeoff? Fewer deployable units for a bigger pp bonus, or higher quality troops but less of them? Because if it's the latter, I'd vastly prefer a smaller but more elite/well equipped force over just having an excess of deployable troops.

Alternatively, is this a tradeoff between static defensive ability and number of deployables?

And on another note entirely, I'm a way bigger fan of whatever fluff "Tellar super-heavy equipment" means than the other options. But the +40 pp is making me wary. Is it due to it making Tellar really happy or because we're loosing out somehow?

Media - Starship Images - Leila Hann
Easy solution: the next 3 ships of yours have to have front-mounted nacelles, to drag the ship along behind.

I did that with the Sydraxian escort ship. I suppose it could use some company.

I also wonder if other species complain about how it takes forever to get down to engineering or the shuttle bay on Starfleet ships, because you have to walk over to the 'neck' of the saucer section where you go down to the secondary hull and then take the turbolift down, and then maybe walk the length of the secondary hull to arrive at where you actually want to be.

Unofficial Starfleet engineer advice: "Wear comfortable shoes."
Who's to say the turbolifts don't run sideways and diagonally as well as up and down?

Well, come to think of it, walking the length of the saucer section, going down a turbolift, and then walking the length of the engineering section isn't necessarily more inconvenient than just walking the length of one very long hull section. And a lot of alien ships are longer than Starfleet ones.

TNG era Romulans must get a lot of exercise.

Oh, okay. Sorry, hard to keep track since you've done so many designs. Maybe you should put a link to your art collection thread in your signature.

I haven't actually posted my full shipsheet yet, because its continually a work in progress. Since you asked though, here's what it looks like right now.
