Voting is open
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 2, 2022 at 7:05 PM, finished with 33 posts and 13 votes.
  • 14

    [X] Plan: Infrastructure
    [X] Plan: Can Fish Get Political Deux?
    -[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 2(two) Turns - Plan, +2 to Farming/Animal Husbandry (Chinese Experts), +2 to Farming/Fishing/Animal Husbandry (Technocrats))
    --[X] Assemble A 2nd Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
    --[X] Assemble A Scuba Team to farm seaweed\kelp for additional food.
    -[X] Light Industry
    --[X] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
    --[X] Build A Rudimentary Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
    --[X] Design a Rudimentary Public Transit Train\Subway system for later.
    --[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing For cities and densely populated towns.
    --[X] Construct Freezer Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
    -[X] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
    --[X] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
    ---[X] Cannery, Fishery, and Farmers
    --[X] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
    ---[X] Support for future plans for development of electric grid, road(tunnel?) construction and mining efforts.
    --[X] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Political
    --[X] Populists & Internationalists
    ---[X] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
    --[X] International
    ---[X] Trade canned goods with NV to gain materials to buy food. (+2 Reputation) (+NV Relations) (-4 People's Opinion)
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Take a nap from all this running around.
    --[X] Find a hobby to destress
    --[X] Check on the Iron Tiger researchers to see if they haven't killed each other what design concepts the different schools of thought have come up with if any.
    --[X] Lover Action: Simply take the time to enjoy each other's company! You just got married. You should just enjoy that fact without any expectations.
Turn 9.1.1 - Iron Tiger Chassis
-[X] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.))
[X] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.))
(4+4=8 - Optimal)

'This is it,' you think, hard at work suppressing the gigantic smile that seems to insist on growing on your face. 'With this,' your inner thoughts continue as you look upon the growing factory underneath the mountain, workers, parts, machines, and excitement everywhere, 'we will not be a mere vassal.' And how right you are, for this is the culmination of nearly three years of concentrated work, devoted to this one moment where Guangchou steps up from a mere island.

And become a power in its own right once more like it had been nearly five decades hence.

Turning around and away from the hub of activity behind you, you turn to look at the gaggle of engineers, scientists, military designers, test-pilots, theorists, and economists talking animatedly about the upcoming project.

"Friends," you speak in an amicable tone, causing every voice to halt immediately, all eyes and heads turning to you. "Let us begin a work for which the world will never forget us. Let us create..." you speak, looking into the round of eager expertise and hungry ambition.

"An Iron Tiger."

Welcome to this discussion, where we will decide what the first native Iron Tiger can do, how it will look, what armaments it has, and the role we want to design it for. In that regard, civility is required, Zu; I'm looking at you, and above all else, this is not the place to push agendas. This machine will be our people's legacy. It will be the first that we can proudly declare to be brought by the people and the one that will ring forever in history.

So lets us begin with those heavy expectations in mind and finish with grins on our faces and satisfaction in our hearts!

The first thing on our agenda will be the Chassis, which will define everything following this point. As a reminder: One Meter of Height requires Three Tons of Machinery and Alloys to stabilize and uphold the Iron Tiger. Currently, we can only have a Height of Ten Meters. Therefore, we have Four Tons of arms, armor, and equipment per Meter.

With the creation of the Chassis, we will also define the role of the Iron Tiger and what armaments and equipment it can wield and field.

A chassis designed for long-range fire will have a better time firing, using, and aiming long-range weaponry. In contrast, a close-range Iron-Tiger will have the opposite, both suffering stress in their systems from mounting weaponry and equipment they weren't designed to hold.

After that, we can test and install all the fun toys R&D has cooked up in the last few years. So let's get going!

Chassis Locomotion
(1=Low, 5=High)

[] Humanoid
Piloting Skill: 2/5
Stability: 2/5
Production Cost: 1/5
Design Difficulty: 1/5

[] Quadrupedal
Piloting Skill: 4/5
Stability: 3/5
Production Cost: 2/5
Design Difficulty: 2/5

[] Sextupedal
Piloting Skill: 3/5
Stability: 4/5
Production Cost: 3/5
Design Difficulty: 4/5

[] Octapedal
Piloting Skill: 1/5
Stability: 5/5
Production Cost: 5/5
Design Difficulty: 4/5

Chassis Specialization (Choose 2)
(Reduces Cost, Weight, and Design difficulty for Weapons and Equipment in that category.)

[] Modular (Takes Two Points)
(No boni, no mali.)
[] Sniper
[] Artillery
[] Anti-Tank
[] Anti-Air
[] Anti-Infantry
[] Anti-Ship
[] Hunter-Killer
[] Support
[] Engineer
[] Melee


(1M=3Tons Weight+4Tons Free)
[] Height Of XXX Meters

Actually, I have another idea...
[] (Write-In)

AN: Basically, describe the Iron Tiger, how high it is, its morphology, and the role you envision it will occupy. Your Chassis has a certain amount of tonnage free per meter, which you can assign to either armor or specific equipment. In the sense of Long-Range Guns, Melee Weaponry, Sytems like Night Vision, Targeting Computers, etc.

As this is the first Turn, you will create the Chassis only, followed by a Turn for Equipment and Weaponry each, culminating in the name and category vote.
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Iron Tiger Compound Wars
Iron Tiger Compound Wars

Heinrich Braun was a humble man. He did not aspire to much, only to contribute something of worth to his new home and adopted peoples.

Having migrated to Guangchou along with the Institute's staff and their families as a young child, he'd grown to love the island and it's grim but compassionate people. He hoped to prove that welcoming him and his family was not a mistake. To earn his place here, even if no one demanded such a price for their welcome.

Having learned engineering, manufacturing and the design of machines from both fellow German expats and more formal education, he was naturally chosen to become part of the Iron Tiger project.

He'd been ecstatic, more so after learning about the true origins of the prototypes from his father's colleague, Dr. Smith. Not even he knew the full details of how the previous Great Leader acquired the plans, but their originating from Germany itself had been confirmed.

It was an honor, then, that he'd been chosen to help conceptualize then design the final look and technical details of the first native model, the first to be manufactured en masse, or at least as numerously as feasible. It would both give him a chance to repay his new home, as well as to redeem, at least in small part, a tool that had once been meant to inflict untold suffering and death in the name of genocide. It was an honorable task. A worthy goal.

Heinrich continued to repeat these thoughts as he tried not to go mad with stress.

He'd known the conflicts between the research groups. The conflicting design philosophies. The rivalries.

That there had yet to be a death was a miracle. The Great Leader's efforts to keep the peace a valiant, and ongoing, battle. But now this brewing conflict had nestled at his shores.

He glanced at the pile of notes, sketches and diagrams detailing what the research groups thought he should include in the design. Something about it being the "smart" and "logical" thing to do. Each and every one of them.

But Heinrich Braun had seen the "prototype" the research teams had created. He knew better than to simply acquiesce.

As he tried to massage his temples and the revitalized headache within, he thought back to the eclectic collection of ridiculous promises, scandalous bribes, and subtle threats hidden within the research teams' missives. While he could not outright agree to all of them, he couldn't just outright tell them no.

One of the teams proposed an all-terrain model. One that could navigate their island home's soil as if it were a native animal perfectly adapted to it. A challenging requirement, but reasonable and worth pursuing.

But then came more ideas. A second team was insisting they mount the heaviest and longest-ranging guns they could on the model. With the most amount of ammunition it could carry, for ranged warfare. Also a reasonable demand. Equally worth pursuing. But not as much if it needed to be combined with the first requirement.

Then another team suggested they make a quadrupedal model. Another headache, that. While the original notes theorized on such a model, it had never reached prototyping stage. It would require a completely new design, a new prototype and further refinement before they could even begin making a mass production model.

It certainly didn't help that yet another team insisted on adding another pair of legs.

Throughout it all, the Great Leader had deigned to remain silent, simply allowing the various teams to verbalize their opinions and insults. And Heinrich had no choice but to field those verbalizations himself as representatives from the teams continued to barge into his corner of the facility at all times of the day. They'd even taken to posting sentries around his little hole so as to ensure the other teams didn't steal a march on them.

Heinrich couldn't even go out anymore. He risked being ambushed and cornered by one of the teams. All the while, he continued going through multiple designs, revisions and crumpled paper, his mind fraying as he lost sleep to worry, stress and the constant, 24-hour "visits" from his so-called colleagues. In the end, he could only hope for one thing.

He dearly hoped the Great Leader would forward his opinion soon. Only he could overrule everyone and insist on his own decision without inciting a civil war within the compound, at least from the research teams. Everyone else was too busy being morbidly enamored by what was currently happening. So really, only the Great Leader could save him from this predicament.

After all, while he would gladly toil and bleed for his new home, he could very well be martyred if this situation continued as it is.

A noble, yet regretful end for Heinrich Braun, indeed.

Note: lol I couldnt help but remember Pentagon Wars when reading through everyone's opinions on the new model. XD
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 5, 2022 at 3:35 PM, finished with 40 posts and 10 votes.
  • 12

    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model (small))
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 5 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model)
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 10 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    -[X] Sextupedal
    -[X] Anti-Ship
    -[X] Anti-Air
    -[X] Height Of 4.5 Meters
    -[X] 🐅 Shaped. Entire design worked with biomimetics of Tigers with perhaps a few choice bits from other felines. Erika Fat-Kai called in and was made to sign dozens of NDAs for her silence to get her help insured the chassis was optimized perfectly and the gait at will work almost like a natural born Tiger even with a 3rd pair of legs. The 3rd pair of legs was added to the middle to help support extra weight for a heavier ordinance. A tail was added for style as a counter weight so the chassis can run faster with tighter turns. A head was added on as well. Erika took creative control and lead the development of the head to be an entire sensor suite for the rest of the body\weapons\pilots. She intends for it to be entirely articulated with a powerful jaw. With this and the retractable claws, this may not be the sleekest Mecha. Nor really designed for melee. But it is still a huge mech with tons of weight behind it. You pity the fool that dares to gets too close!
    [X] +4 to a Weapon of your choice from the winning plan
    [X] Iron Tiger assault
    -[X] Quadrupedal
    -[X] Anti-Infantry
    -[X] Anti-Tank
    -[X] 6 meters
Welp, draw.
1= Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
2= Modular Man (Mass Production Model (Small))
HeroCooky threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Roll-Off Total: 2
2 2
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Turn 9.1.2 - Iron Tiger Weapon Time
Here you'll be designing three weapons to be either available or mounted to your first Iron Tiger.

You'll be creating proposals for weapons, their weight, caliber, destructive power, and general looks, as well as any drawbacks such as higher heat, difficulty to maintain, or other things to make the creation of the weaponry easier (read: gain bonuses) for you.

As you decided to make your Iron Tiger [Modular], you won't have to roll with any maluses for a weapon-type or equipment, as they'll be intended to be swapped out in exchange for being less capable overall.

With a Height of 5 Meters, you have 20 Tons of Lift for your Mecha, which will need to hold any equipment and armor you'll be adding in the later votes. Though be advised, thanks to the [Modular] tag, your Iron Tigers won't be equipped with everything you'll design at once, for better and worse.

To ensure you won't have three bad rolls ruin everything, you'll be rolling with 2d10 for both weaponry and equipment.

[] (Weapon Write-In)

Anti-Material Rifle "Kiss of Guangchou"
This upscaled rifle's primary use is combating military vehicles or fortifications with its large caliber, stopping-power, and long-range. However, due to the large caliber and material science limitations, it had to be designed as a single-shot weapon. Weighing at 1500kg and 4.7 meters long, this weapon packs a punch unseen for native weaponry.

"The Fang"
Designed to be used in CQC, this 300kg "dagger" is one meter long and, through the use of several chainsaw-blades and superior motors, has its primary use in the dismantling of fortifications and disabling of tanks through ambushes and maneuvering. But, "surprisingly," it is also helpful at incapacitating enemy infantry and engineering tasks. However, due to its separate fuel system and lacking armor, it is susceptible to being disabled by enemy fire and running out of fuel after an hour of operation.

Howl Mortar
Attached to the back of the Iron Tiger, this 3.4 Ton weapon system can lob its ordinance from 150 meters up to 5 kilometers with "acceptable" accuracy. The Howl Mortar can throw rounds ranging from smoke for allies to marking for the navy and airforce to standard explosive shells against enemy infantry. Most of the weight is due to an oversized and delicate rapid-load system allowing even a moving, unbraced Iron Tiger Pilot to provide fire missions to their allies with only a moderate reduction in accuracy.
+4 To one Winning Weapon System (abominable)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 8, 2022 at 11:05 AM, finished with 25 posts and 6 votes.
Turn 9.1.3 - Iron Tiger Equipment Time
[X] "Lightningbolt" 115mm Smoothbore Anti-Armor Gun (Back-mounted)
Inspired by the Soviet U-5TS tank gun mounted on the T-62, the world's first tank-designed smoothbore cannon has been adapted to fit on a deployable arm behind a bipedal chassis. While capable of firing conventional USSR-made shells, the gun's alloy and loading system are modified from the anti-tank variants among the laufpanzer prototypes. Featuring a 10-round magazine and autoloader mechanism, the Thunderbolt system can deliver a rapid burst of anti-armor devastation at the cost of manually replacing the spent magazine with a new one. In addition, a "Two-Mech" system is advised when deploying the chassis it's mounted on, with one unit to fire, the other two load, or both units taking turns firing and reloading their systems.
Weight: 2.35 tons (original weight) >>> 3.2 tons (new alloy, weapon addons)
In a rare moment of sheer genius, ingenuity, and economic viability, every single team assigned to create the Lightningbolt Anti-Armor Gun pulled on the same string, working nearly every component into a work of art. The loading mechanisms, mechanical arm, and even loading system have all been refined and prototyped beyond what the initial estimates have projected. Credit where credit is due, those assigned to the project were good, but they have outdone themselves, creating an autoloading system beyond even those currently being developed within the USSR and USA, eliminating the need for magazines in exchange for a minimal increase of weight to armor the belt and loaders. They even managed to incorporate automatic loading of different ammunition types and limited ability to shoot in a 270° arc at pre-determined targets independently. The latter capability is still deep within the prototypical stage. It is best used while standing, against stationary targets, and in conjunction with rangefinders, unless an ambush in a prepared environment is enacted.

"Lightningbolt" 115mm Automatic Smoothbore Anti-Armor Gun (Back-mounted)

Weight: 3.2 tons (new alloy, weapon addons) >>> 3.5 tons (automatic reloader, early experimental independent targeting (prototype))

[X] "Thunderfire" 57mm Tri-barrel Autocannon (mech rifle)
Soviet-made, the 57mm AZP S-60 short-to-mid range single-barrel autocannon has been adapted into a tri-barrel configuration capable of shredding not only aircraft but even some armored vehicles, albeit from more vulnerable angles. In addition, one of the laufpanzer alloys described amongst the original notes has allowed for a tri-barrel rapid-fire mech-sized autocannon rifle that can fire in respectable bursts without risk of overheating while also offering considerable protection from collision and kinetic damage. The robust internal mechanisms in the original laufpanzers have also been adapted into an ammunition feed that is quite resistant to jamming. However, the belt-fed system prevents on-the-fly switching between anti-armor and anti-aircraft ammunition.
Weight: 5.14 tons (original) >>> 3 + 1 tons (4 tons, rifle + 300 rounds ammo)
Despite the difficulty in the production and design phases, the Thunderfire Tri-Barrel Autocannon has met all targets and leaves little to desire from its design. However, increases in weight and a lowered maximum of bullet-throughput had to be accepted as material constraints of the bullets could otherwise lead to premature explosions or jammings within heated Thunderfires. Still, this weapon will prove an adequate point of development for future endeavors into Iron Tiger-Deployed AAs.

"Thunderfire" 57mm Tri-barrel Autocannon (Mech Rifle)

Weight: 5.14 tons (original) >>> 3.2 + 1 tons (4.2 tons, rifle + 300 rounds ammo)

[X] "Dragon's Tooth" Bayonet/Combat Knife
Made with the most durable alloy present in the current designs, the Dragon's Tooth is designed primarily for survivability. It is meant to last through multiple uses before even beginning to show signs of stress. A last-ditch weapon, it can be used to destroy enemy armor from close range or to take down hostile mechs in close combat in a worst-case scenario.
Weight: 0.8 tons (very dense, but also very durable)
Despite the latter use of the Dragon's Tooth indicating a titanic breach of security, as well as the outbreak of war on a possible global scale, it is an excellent hold-out weapon as every person within the military, from the generals to the planners, all the way down to the grunts at the bottom of the pole assures you. The reason soldiers are still being issued knifes today is that soldiers will still use them, despite engagement ranges often being more than a hundred meters.

"Dragon's Tooth" Bayonet/Combat Knife

Weight: 0.8 tons (very dense, but also very durable)

Equipment Vote

Same song and dance as last time. Create systems like targeting computers, additional chassis add-ons like underwater capabilities, and other things, three of which will be chosen from the winning vote and added to the systems your Iron Tigers can be equipped with in case of combat.

[] Equipment

Armor Vote

[] Modular Armor Plates
(Positives: Streamlined Production, reduced costs through economy of scale, Units can quickly re-enter combat, soldiers and technicians can adjust weapon/equipment loadout to armor, and vice-versa.
Negatives: Possible Logistical Issues, Reduced Protection, Requires An Action to Develop.)

[] Designated Weight Allotment (XXX Tons)
(Positives: Form-Fitting Armor, Increased Protection, Can be used immediately, weapon/equipment loadout needs to be adjusted to armor.
Negatives: Costly, Increased Maintenance After Combat.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 11, 2022 at 11:34 AM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.
One Gyro-Stabilized Step for Man…
One Gyro-Stabilized Step for Man…
The gears and mechanisms rattle as the lift carries you up the few meters to the boarding platform just below the gantry.

Your thoughts churn with them as the moments pass by and you begin to digest the fact that you are about to make history.

The lights above buzz with energy, as the shadows they cast loom ominously across the hangar, even as the largest one engulfs the personnel gathered below.

Your heart thumps, louder and louder, as all else save for the whining gears remains in silence.

And with a might clang, the lift stops. Your foot carries forward, and you feel the moment linger for what seems like an eternity. But then, you plant it onto the platform, one step closer to your destination.

The open cockpit lies just ahead, a few short steps, yet each feels longer than the first and each one before. However, like the first, they pass, one by one. Until finally, you enter the small space, planting your body onto the lone seat within.

Almost in a daze, a muffled voice sounds on the radio embedded into the machine's console; powered by batteries yet also linked to the machine's powerplant, a redundancy.

Your mind fails to comprehend the words broadcasted, yet countless hours of drills and training ensure your body responds correctly and precisely, your voice joining as your mouth seemingly operates on its own.

And just like that, the pre-ignition checks are done, and the cockpit doors begin to shut.

As the metal thuds shut and the hiss of the seals sound out, the fog in your mind dissipates. With alarming clarity, you lift the helmet you'd carried on the way and placed on your lap as you sat down. You feel the weight and the snug tightness of the headgear as your thoughts finally fall into place.

Your hands rise up, finding the controls without even looking, just as your feet find the leg controls close to the floor. Your smile widens as you speak the words.

"Iron Tiger to Control. I am go for launch."

Time to make history.​

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Turn 9.1.4 - Iron Tiger Finisher
[X] "Tigerlink" Terminal
[X] "Dragonbone" Stability System and Gyroscope
[X] "SCARS" Self-Contained Atmosphere Reclamation System
[X] Modular Armor Plates
"Tigerlink" Terminal
Based on the interlinked Weisoft terminals back at the compound, Tigerlink is designed as an "overseer" system to monitor the Iron Tiger's subsystems, power levels, ammo count, fuel, and more. Experience from the Weisoft network's development has allowed the possibility of linking even weapons, tracking, targeting, and monitoring damage sustained, albeit in a rudimentary manner. The Tigerlink displays a sufficiently distressing ERROR page should a part be sufficiently damaged. Barely works. Issues remain. Bugs still need to be squashed.
Work on the software and hardware within the Iron Tiger to operate and oversee many systems goes and can be expected for experimental technologies in their infantile state. However, the systems now stand ready for further tests and refinement to assist your Iron Tigers combat capabilities further.

"Tigerlink" Terminal

(1 Ton >>> 0.7 Tons)

"Dragonbone" Stability System and Gyroscope
A necessary component in the original laufpanzer design, and an immense contribution to the design's success, the gyro is an internal mechanism used to counteract and direct the tremendous forces generated by the engine and moving parts within the Iron Tiger mecha. It also assists the mecha in executing precise maneuvers, as well as rebalancing the entire structure and restoring stability should an external force (such as projectile impacts) act upon the Iron Tiger. This gyro is accompanied by reinforced joints and loadbearing components to allow the mecha increased stability when under fire.
Work began on the gyroscopic system and stabilization mechanisms within the Iron Tigers practically within the same week that work on understanding the machines the Nazi scientists left was started. The same systems of particular interest for many systems within the military and civilian sector alike, as the thought of highly stabilized rockets and turrets for ships and tanks alike sent grins onto your general's faces. At the same time, improving machinery used for the production and manufacturing of goods was always something the people were looking for. The drive to produce more while working less a powerful motivator to any and all workers. Sadly, most of the work was stumped by the sheer technical edge the Nazi Scientists held over yours, their understanding of their machines eclipsing even the knowledge of people that had every vested interest in ripping out their secrets with highly advanced tools and nearly unlimited funding to do such. As a result of the Laufpanzer's stubborn refusal to divulge their secrets, your efforts to create gyroscopes natively were hampered, with the results being deemed 'acceptable' for a first foray into unknown technological grounds. Still, there is room to improve.

"Dragonbone" Stability System and Gyroscope

(5.5 Tons >>> 7 Tons)

"SCARS" Self-Contained Atmosphere Reclamation System
An integrated life support system was designed to allow the Iron Tiger to operate in areas with dangerous gasses or high levels of nuclear fallout. The SCARS consists of an air-tight sealed cockpit for the operators kept at a slightly higher internal air pressure to prevent the ingress of radioactive material and gasses, with the internal atmosphere filtered by a re-breather system to maximize the duration of the onboard air storage. To avoid the addition of yet another operational limit beyond fuel and ammunition, the SCARS should be able to be deactivated when not needed, opening sealed vents to allow for the refilling of the onboard air tanks mid-mission and ventilating the cockpit directly to the exterior to preserve the limited storage capacity of the C02 scrubbers for when it is needed. Such a system would also be helpful in mining operations where sufficient ventilation has not been established, and asphyxiation due to engine exhaust or other gasses is a risk, or possibly even underwater, if additional protections were developed to prevent water ingress to the other vital systems.
"You know," Ru Hiro said, looking at the prototypes currently undergoing stress-testing within the pressure chambers while they were flooded with water, "this is giving me ideas."

"Such as?" Wei Mai Responded, raising an eyebrow at him, silently thinking he may have had the same thought as her.

"If these things can go without air for about three hours," he spoke, nodding to some finished thought in his head, "what else would be needed to ensure they could walk underwater?"

"SCARS" Self-Contained Atmosphere Reclamation System

(4.3 Tons)
Voting is open