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I've put the focus on Healthcare for obvious reasons, and the other focus on transportation because there are a bunch of individual transportation projects that we can do before Dragon Rail to really drive the total project cost down.
We've already begun the dragon rail so I doubt we can promise to begin again, maybe change to continue?

I'm going to heavily argue against the minimum of 10 consumer goods factories because that seems like it's the soviet model and we know what the USSR's GDP/capita looked like.

I'm also going to argue against the dragons spine. We can ship via the sea for now and I shudder at the number of mountains the rail mega project will have to drill through. Especially since we're on the edge of the Ring of Fire.
I don't think we're getting a choice on the consumer factories...

We've already started the rail, we just need to continue plugging away at it.
Good news is that with the new Infra Rep bonus we can pair Improve Medical Infra with Pharma Plants to end up Rep neutral.

Good thing we finished the education reform last plan too as it sounds like we'll need a whole generation of doctors.
I vote that the first factory for civvie goods we build be for dice. And the second for board and tabletop games. :V

Im only partially joking btw.
abominable threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: First pair of factory dice Total: 59
47 47 12 12
So if we do:
  • One action on food
  • One action on Med Infra
  • One action on Parma Plant
  • One action on Con Goods
  • Two actions on rail
That's 6 actions per turn and about half of our action economy, which probably gives us enough room to do International diplomacy and fix whatever problem comes up that turn, plus maybe make the most of our advanced electronics and secret projects.
With the 2nd Chinese Civil War looming, I would say that one of the important tasks we must take is to prevent a Taiwanese intervention. If Taiwan gets involved, there is a large chance that the US backs them up and make any potential civil war worse.
@HeroCooky how's our aircraft and IT production going? We have to automation but resources will always give us a bottleneck. Do we have enough toys to give rivals like the US pause?
Say guys imagine if we support a Chinese party member that actually wants to fix china like not make it a third world nation that's is a first world but fucking let's the poor suffer and the rich prosper
"Xiànzài wǒ yǒu bīngqílín!"

-Wei Jungmin in his address to China to help reduce tensions, among other attempts, 1980
@HeroCooky how's our aircraft and IT production going? We have to automation but resources will always give us a bottleneck. Do we have enough toys to give rivals like the US pause?

The US is not a rival. The US is the Rocks Fall Everyone Dies option. We just need to stay under the USSR nuclear umbrella, and have a robust enough military to make it not worth it ala Vietnam.

Our military should really aim to contest the likes of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Edit: To get into the ballpark of actually giving the US pause, we'd need to do CyPac. With more nations bankrolling the military spending we can start developing a more muscular response.

Eedit2: If I'd does come to picking a side in the Chinese civil war, our best bet for intervention is to mimic the US in Ukraine. Provide weapons and AWACS coverage.

The later is especially attractive because china doesn't have any native AWACS at this point.
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I don't think healthy living shows are going to help, like at all.

In fact, with our current health system, it seems like our population are currently living under a perpetual darwinian regime of survival of the fittest. Like, I was of the impression that our doctors were prioritizing the most grievous cases, but now our doctors are prioritizing the "most efficiently salvageable" cases.

My opinion is try to lure away chinese doctors from the upcoming civil war, and throw money at the west to get medical supplies and equipment.

What a wonderful case study we are for socialized medicine. "We don't think we can salvage you so your current treatment plans are bullet or nitrogen." The American conservatives will be thrilled I'm sure.
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In fact, with our current health system, it seems like our population are currently living under a perpetual darwinian regime of survival of the fittest. Like, I was of the impression that our doctors were prioritizing the most grievous cases, but now our doctors are prioritizing the "most efficiently salvageable" cases.

That's uhh, actually pretty standard triage for emergencies.

When under severe stress and with lack of resources. Whether that's medicine, equipment, trained staff.

Technically, hospitals and medical settings always or nearly always practice a form of triage in that the most serious cases 'normally' get priority. If X will die without treatment but Y is only mildly injured, then the standard solution is to treat X first as you can always treat Y later since they're in no immediate danger.

But, if you flip that around, and you have d,e,f,g,h who are all very serious cases likely to die soon, and you don't have enough resources for all of them, the choice becomes do you try to save H who is likely going to die first because they're most injured. Or, you could use the same amount of resources to help D,E and F.

It's... normally hospitals try to save 'everyone' and prioritise the most serious. But, if there's not enough resources or time for that, then the math switches, and Triage is changed to instead try and save as many as possible.

What this means, is that our hospitals are underfunded/understaffed. And have been for a while. And they've unfortunately had to make difficult choices.
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I am once again asking for at least some semblance of a National Parks program, a sort of internal ecological Commiewood.

A) It's great for international respect and helping people understand us as people of culture who understand that we live in a beautiful part of the world.
B) With more education, particularly with an eye towards biological sciences to patch our big huge doctors problem, there's always going to be the big triple-fork: some will like human biology and enter healthcare; some will like animal biology and enter animal-related fields; some will like plant biology and enter the assorted plant-related-fields. Point being, if we establish National Parks, we create a space for people in the latter two fields to end up where their work is valued and they don't get resentful of the "favorite child" human biology people.
C) With people thoroughly investigating the island and the properties of the plants and animals, there's a chance we find something really neat that could serve human biology interests.

Something between a megaproject and an action; a mini-project?
What did the Statistic Bureau results represent again? I can't remember where to find the post where it was explained IIRC that -1 means producing enough for ourselves and +1 means exporting.
That's uhh, actually pretty standard triage for emergencies.
Yes, I know that this form of Triage is pretty standard in emergencies.

This means that we are in a fucking emergency. I don't give a damn about "ideologically palateable" we need doctors, medicine, and medical supplies. And we have two years to shore up the system before the bloodbath that China's going to turn into sends waves of refugees to our little "less paradise than we thought". And if the medical system is not robust enough, we're gonna need to start making uncomfortable choices.

China is likely going to bloody no matter the way it goes.
What was once divided must unite. What was once united must divide.
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We do need to do Navy Modernization, but I didn't want to get stuck into specific promises there. We kind of haven't decided on a concept of operation yet.
I'm talking close in shore stuff for policing and emergency response. The ability to tell a Japanese fisherman to go away, give aid to civilian vessels transiting our waters and to shadow foreign vessels via radar in our EEZ. Frigates are the maximum size I can see at this stage, maybe a diesel-electric submarine or a destroyer.

The Bomb would be nice, but as long as we're under the USSR's nuclear umbrella, it's not really needed. Maintaining credible second strike capability as such a small nation is very expensive and I'd rather build up to it.
If we want the ability to truly act independently then we need the bomb otherwise we have to always agree with Moscow. We can delay a sophisticated delivery mechanism for strike capability and the cost of making specialised reactors can be mitigated by going in on nuclear power production.

The USSR's problem was more in the distribution and quality control of its consumer goods than the amount they made. We're probably not going to have too many issues if we only go for the essentials here because people are sadly used to a very low standard of living.
I'm sorry, I must have misheard because it sounds like you're saying we should be happy with a soviet situation when said situation was by all accounts pretty god damn terrible. I want to aim for a Western European standard. The US is out of our reach. It also means that our economy has greater liquidity which helps us get more value out of it.

The trains aren't that bad - we're probably going to have them follow the coast for a lot of the time. You just can't get away with just sea shipping in this day and age. Besides, we have a huge labour pool because of structural unemployment from automation - we need to set up a Labour Army and set it to work on big infrastructural projects.
I shudder at the casualties our giant infrastructure projects using unskilled labour will produce. I wonder if we can make a civilian IT or that giant boring machine for them. The one that goes at 1m/hour through granite or whatever it was.

I don't think we're getting a choice on the consumer factories...
You misunderstand me, I want more than ten factories on this.
All of them? ALL? Is this on a per-action or per-project basis?
*Insert EVERYONE Gif*

And on a per project basis, it's a pat on the back, not a revelation of huge proportions. :p
CyberEnby said:
Can we have more details here?
You remember the fuck-ups China did, particularly with its agriculture?

Yeah, that (and most everything else) but 2x-2.5x times worse, with butterfly actors starting to grasp what they see as the only chance to free their nation from tyrants and mass murderers.
CyberEnby said:
HC, correct me if I'm wrong here:
We're on the tipping point to make Light Industry Adequate (I think literally 0 actions left?), 3 action to turn HI from adequate to good, and 7 action to turn Agriculture from adequate to good?

How many actions do we need to move the dial on healthcare to -2 or -1?
The first is spot-on.

The second would require around 35 Actions this Plan, with 11 for the jump to -1. Doing a -2 to -1 next would only require 4.
CyberEnby said:
Gods, I hope we get a Rep boost from IT reveal because those health care projects are expensive AF.
Of course. :V Or did you think, I, HeroCooky, forgot something like that? :V You wound me, Enby, you wound me! :V

(+35 RP)
@HeroCooky how's our aircraft and IT production going? We have to automation but resources will always give us a bottleneck. Do we have enough toys to give rivals like the US pause?
The US? Good joke.

Taiwan and Japan on the other hand? Yes, with the first very much so as they are within reach of two airbases staffed chock-full with your Type 3's and Type 1's.
What did the Statistic Bureau results represent again? I can't remember where to find the post where it was explained IIRC that -1 means producing enough for ourselves and +1 means exporting.
I'll be posting a info-card right after for this.
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Statistics Bureau And Breakthroughs Explained
The Statistics Bureau will, due to no focus being chosen, look loosely over your entire country and collate what it gets from the available information into a category (like Healthcare) and subdivide it into two numbers: What We Have and Future Projected Use.

Your unlocked Categories:
Available Recruits

What We Have has Five Stages: -3 to +1. These are, in order: -3 (Severe Shortage), -2 (Under Strain), -1 (Lacking), 0 (Exporting), and +1 (Overflow).

These translate as such:
-3 (Severe Shortage)
= Barely able to deliver the services/resources where they need to be.
-2 (Under Strain) = Though able to function, most things operate under a considerable lack of needed parts.
-1 (Lacking) = The Default State for most items in most nations. If you have this, you are not in a bad situation. For example, most countries have this for their food.
0 (Exporting) = You have enough things to start exporting resources or have foreigners use this category without noticeably decreasing the QOL of natives.
+1 (Overflow) = An abundance of the category leads to positive and negative effects, as an abundance of food can lead to unhealthy eating habits if not corrected via propaganda, etc.

Future Projected Use is easier to explain. This marks what the SB thinks is currently happening in that category, denoted with: ---, --, -, +/-, +, ++, and +++.


Real simple stuff. There's stuff happening all the time, and progress ain't a line. Rhymes, but that only means its true times two!

And when stuff happens, also known as 'work,' people go: "This sucks. Can't we do something so we don't have to do that?" Which usually gets answered with: "Stop being lazy, Jerry!" (And rightfully so, Jerry is a lazy ass!)

But sometimes, the answer is: "And how? (Sarcastic)"

Which leads to some people actually thinking about how to do stuff better. And most of the time, that "better" is a slight improvement, adding onto what has been done the last few centuries or millenia.

But sometimes, sometimes your door gets kicked in by a/a group of Jerrys' being all smug bastards as they scream: "BEHOLD! BETTER STUFF!!!"

And that "Better," comes in five flavors:
Minor, Medium, Major, Grand, Era-Defining.
(Year, Project, and Category can add/subtract to the threshold.)

12+Minor: A notable improvement of your capabilities/knowledge, but nothing jaw-dropping.
15+Medium: An impressive improvement of your capabilities/knowledge, yet not enough to change a field on its own.
19+Major: A Nobel-Prize-worthy improvement of your capabilities/knowledge, enough to change a field on its own.
24+Grand: Those that made this Breakthrough will be immortalized in the annals of history for their contributions to science and human understanding of the universe.
30+Era-Defining: On the same level as the taming of fire and the usage of agriculture.
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I'm talking close in shore stuff for policing and emergency response. The ability to tell a Japanese fisherman to go away, give aid to civilian vessels transiting our waters and to shadow foreign vessels via radar in our EEZ. Frigates are the maximum size I can see at this stage, maybe a diesel-electric submarine or a destroyer.

If we want the ability to truly act independently then we need the bomb otherwise we have to always agree with Moscow. We can delay a sophisticated delivery mechanism for strike capability and the cost of making specialised reactors can be mitigated by going in on nuclear power production.

I'm sorry, I must have misheard because it sounds like you're saying we should be happy with a soviet situation when said situation was by all accounts pretty god damn terrible. I want to aim for a Western European standard. The US is out of our reach. It also means that our economy has greater liquidity which helps us get more value out of it.

I shudder at the casualties our giant infrastructure projects using unskilled labour will produce. I wonder if we can make a civilian IT or that giant boring machine for them. The one that goes at 1m/hour through granite or whatever it was

Oh, yeah, for policing we need to make the coast guard and give them patrol boats.

What I'm saying is that there are more immediate concerns for us with regards to nuclear power. We need reprocessing capability first anyway to even make the necessary isotopes, which means reactor rollout. Building a SSGN with built in SSBN conversion features would also be a good idea.

I said the Soviet issue with consumer goods was getting them from the factory to the consumer. This is something that we've seen Cybernetic Planning excel at in quest, so I'm not very worried about it. Also keep in mind that there are things we can do to decrease the overall amount of consumer goods necessary for a given quality of life. Durable Goods Libraries should be a priority because they mean we need less of a certain type of consumer good to meet the same demand. Likewise Reverse Engineer Western Durable Goods/Appliances lets us build derivatives of western goods that don't have built in planned obsolescence and last longer / have lower upkeep.

*Insert EVERYONE Gif*

And on a per project basis, it's a pat on the back, not a revelation of huge proportions. :p

At least it encourage us to finally work through some of our stand alone infra projects. :V

You remember the fuck-ups China did, particularly with its agriculture?

Yeah, that (and most everything else) but 2x-2.5x times worse, with butterfly actors starting to grasp what they see as the only chance to free their nation from tyrants and mass murderers.

Can I get costing for this:

[ ] A Quiet Revolution? Maybe? Please?
Taking advantage of the political connections made during Sino-Soviet Rapprochement talks, and Guangchou's reputation as a mediator, our diplomats are to reach out to the factions struggling for power in China to see if a less destabilizing solution to the conflict is possible.

After all, if a violent civil war does flare up in China, then they face India trying to take their claimed territory, and Taiwan at the very least aiding reactionaries with arms with US backing - if not trying for an outright beachhead on the mainland. All of which is only going to exacerbate the issues that sparked the civil war in the first place and kill of a lot of innocent people.

Let's see if we can arrange a less... bloody transition of power? There are a lot of people in power who will fight to the last because they expect to be executed if they lose, and there are a lot of people who want justice done for all the people the dies to the leadership's failings. Can we negotiate an agreement where the old guard gives up power peacefully and go into political exile in Guangchou where they will have to face restorative justice, but won't be executed or sent to a gulag and their families won't face reprisals?

The second would require around 35 Actions this Plan, with 11 for the jump to -1. Doing a -2 to -1 next would only require 4.

I'm not sure I understand. Can you break it down a bit more?
How many to go from:
a) -4 to -3?
b) -3 to -2
c) -2 to -1
d) -1 to 0

Of course. :V Or did you think, I, HeroCooky, forgot something like that? :V You wound me, Enby, you wound me! :V

(+35 RP)

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The Soviets had far more problems providing consumer goods than logistics alone.

Oh, for sure. In terms of picking what to focus on though, there were some that were responsible for a disproportionate amount of the dysfunction. Aside from logistics issues, the big one IIRC was quality control. To make the quotas, they would produce lots of really poor quality goods and not even QC them. This is a policy/leadership issue tho, and not really a 'quantity produced' issue.
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