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I assume the exact placement is either off or just not something most have thought about but hey I tried. This assumes Guangchong is 2.5 times the size of taiwan surface area wise.

-snipped for your screen space-
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Do wonder if Reagan is going to make a punishment Park like program so the mookumentary movie turns into a regular documentary in this timeline.
I could easily see the US' situation really going to shit. The Democratic President was assassinated and the other party then finagles things to get their person installed as President. Quite frankly, a large portion of the country should be pissed at that and, depending on the make-up of Congress, Reagen will probably not be getting anything done.

It's a bit distorted because i had to smoosh it for the M-Bam map projection but that's about what I'm getting from all this.

Man, that may projection is really doing a number on it.

I think those three tiny islands to the east might be ours too. Or they might be part of the list of disputed islands between us and Japan.
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I think those three tiny islands to the east might be ours too. Or they might be part of the list of disputed islands between us and Japan.
IRL, those islands (the Daito Islands) were settled by Japan in 1900 using settlers from Hachijo Island (much further south, and about as eastward as Tokyo), and incorporated under Okinawa Prefecture.

They're tectonically uplifted coral atolls basically 100% covered in rice paddies and sugar farms. Formerly had guano. Absolutely no freshwater resources other than rain.
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1981 - H1 - The Lake Laogai Diplomatic Conference Extended - What The Future May Hold.
[X] Plan: Political Sausage Making
-[X] North Korea - Counteroffer: Patience Is a Virtue
--[X] NK can borrow time on Guang SupComs and send over people to be trained on their operation and maintenance in the short term, but building one of their own will have to wait until the next 5 Year Plan due to foreign and domestic economic commitments.
-[X] Industrial Aid - Yes (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania)
-[X] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions: Sideline the Fundamentalists
--[X] Unite the leftists, Islamo-liberals, and nationalists (the OIPFG and tudeh) behind CyPac's platform of non-USA and non-USSR anti-imperialism and Islamic socialism and send representatives to inject some intersectionality theory directly into their organizational veins to get them to support the women's protests. The resulting coalition will force the fundamentalists to either grumble and fall in line or explicitly lay out their desire for an autocratic theocracy that has so far been hidden behind vague appeals to anti-imperialism and revolutionary fervor. If the Khomeinists don't play ball, the next arms shipment isn't going to the Kurds. It's going to the militant women in Tehran.
-[X] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
-[X] SY - Military Aid - Yes
-[X] Benin - Military Solutions: Strange Bedfellows
--[X] See if the Communists and the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations can agree to a negotiated ceasefire that allows for some political compromise in exchange for being supported in the fight against everyone else. If not, support the DSYLAs.
-[X] Mozambique - Other Solutions: Yes & Later
--[X] Military aid now. Training people in computer engineering will take time (Native Mingxiang will be completed before the end of this 5YP).
-[X] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
--[X] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.
-[X] North Korea - Counteroffer: Patience Is a Virtue
--[X] NK can borrow time on Guang SupComs and send over people to be trained on their operation and maintenance in the short term, but building one of their own will have to wait until the next 5 Year Plan due to foreign and domestic economic commitments.

It took some time, but even though the diplomats remained headstrong, they could not deny that the price they asked for was far too high for the value they would bring to the Pact. (Ugh, you can taste the slime of capitalist vernacular on your tongue. Bleh.) And although you didn't outright tell them "no," you also didn't say "yes," either. Instead, you both found a happy middle ground (you are, however, not a Centrist!) where Guangchou would aid North Korea with training and computation time. At the same time, North Korea would join and contribute to the Cybernetic Pact before you'd build a SupComp in the next Plan for them.
(North Korea joins Cy-Pac.)

-[X] Industrial Aid - Yes (Mongolia, Iraq, Tanzania)
With the unanimous agreement of the Founding Nations to send Industrial Aid to Mongolia, Iraq, and Tanzania as one of the first acts of the Cybernetic Pact, all three nations joined to aid in the metaphorical passing of the hat for the later portions of the conference.
(Mongolia, Iraq, and Tanzania join Cy-Pac.)

-[X] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions: Sideline the Fundamentalists
--[X] Unite the leftists, Islamo-liberals, and nationalists (the OIPFG and tudeh) behind CyPac's platform of non-USA and non-USSR anti-imperialism and Islamic socialism and send representatives to inject some intersectionality theory directly into their organizational veins to get them to support the women's protests. The resulting coalition will force the fundamentalists to either grumble and fall in line or explicitly lay out their desire for an autocratic theocracy that has so far been hidden behind vague appeals to anti-imperialism and revolutionary fervor. If the Khomeinists don't play ball, the next arms shipment isn't going to the Kurds. It's going to the militant women in Tehran.

You worked your diplomatic skills to the bones here, seemingly a dozen issues with the solution you had devised being raised whenever one was laid to rest. Still, in the end, though the result was nothing like you had started with, the resulting coalition seemed to be able to force the Khomeinists to fall into line or be outed as Imperialist Tyrants masquerading under the guise of religion and revolution.

Well...they did out themselves. Iran is now very much asking for weapons instead of diplomats, and the threat has lit a fire under everyone's metaphorical ass, with the country drawing lines in the sand and joining the Cybernetic Pact without reservation, knowing that Guangchou is, while odd (and maybe heretical, some mumble), good on its words.

Welp, better call up your army to ready some guns for the Tehran Woman Revolutionaries!
(Iran joins Cy-Pac...and wishes for Military Aid.)

-[X] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
Oh boy, here you go funding a war on religious extremists again!
(Syria joins Cy-Pac.)

-[X] SY - Military Aid - Yes
While Guangchou themself cannot provide troops, several other nations have already floated rumors that they can send troops, those already trained and volunteer militias to be trained up before being sent, before confirming that their countries will render aid. Ali Nasir Muhammad Al-Husani is most pleased and has agreed to join, though he cannot take part in the symbolic signing of the founding Charter as most other nations' leaders can.
(South Yemen joins Cy-Pac.)

-[X] Benin - Military Solutions: Strange Bedfellows
--[X] See if the Communists and the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations can agree to a negotiated ceasefire that allows for some political compromise in exchange for being supported in the fight against everyone else. If not, support the DSYLAs.

It took a total of three hours for the leaders of the DSYLAs and Mathieu Kérékou to come to an agreement once on neutral(-ish) ground and with cooled heads. While bad blood remains, both sides agree that they can wait to duke it out (with words, right? ...with words, right?) until after the capitalists, tribals, and religious extremists have been shown who's in charge.
(Benin joins Cy-Pac...)

-[X] Mozambique - Other Solutions: Yes & Later
--[X] Military aid now. Training people in computer engineering will take time (Native Mingxiang will be completed before the end of this 5YP).

"Those terms are both fair and agreeable. We will join Cy-Pac without reservations."
-President Samora Machel
(Mozambique joins Cy-Pac.)

-[X] Somalia - Other Solutions: My Expectations Were Low, But I'm Still Disappointed
--[X] Guangchou will take in any Somali LGBT+ refugees who wish to immigrate and coordinate with other member nations to set up sanctuary cities in the more socially progressive parts of African CyPac nations that could take in the ones who don't want to uproot their lives to such a degree. Somalia will be accepted as a non-voting observer.

You had gone into the negotiations of Cy-Pac half-expecting to turn the sixth clause into a re-settlement, or diaspora/exile deal with many other nations less socially free as yours, only to be surprised by so many agreeing to the sixth Guiding Principle without reservation. Even if many are merely paying lip service to that idea, their agreeing to it is enough to give Guangchou an in with many a nation, alongside an excellent excuse to distribute propaganda without rankling egos too much. And yet, out of more than twenty-five nations, only one decided to make a fuss.

Well, if they didn't want to agree like everyone else? Then they didn't get to join like everyone else. Simple as.

When you told the diplomats that, you could pinpoint the very moment they realized you weren't going to haggle and that the other nations around them weren't pleased about them trying to do such a thing in the first place. At that moment, Mengistu Haile Mariam used that pause to strong-arm himself into the limelight by lambasting the diplomats about trying to prevent the single most significant step into an African Unity that had ever existed without outside interference, all over non-issues that would cost them nothing to agree to, and even less to observe.

That opened the gates for other nations to pile on, resulting in a meeting that resulted in the diplomats having to recuse themselves for a time before joining once more, having relayed their failed power play back home, all to agree to join without any reservations or modifications to the Guiding Principles.

(Somalia joins Cy-Pac. )

Now... all that was left to do was to sign onto the dotted line, ensuring that the Cybernetic Pact would become a reality, with legal power and official recognition from its member states. And as you do, the flash of cameras and photographs illuminating you among a group of proud statesmen and women, you cannot help but wonder what the future will hold for Cy-Pac and Guangchou.

Cohesion: 10% (+5% due to Hardline Against Somalia)
Advancements: 0/?​

What could the future of the Cybernetic Pact be?
[] Federation

The Long Dream of many a people to unite a vast region underneath a singular polity. The longest path by far, yet the one that yields the most when taken into the future. (12 Advancements are required before Federation Advancements are unlocked.)

[] Confederation
A union of states working closely together under a united directive, without giving up autonomy and independence, they do not wish to surrender. Though each nation remains distinct, they all work closely together to present a united front against those who wish them harm. (8 Advancements are required before Confederation Advancements are unlocked.)

[] Treaty Organization
Rather than merging or acting closer to a single entity, Cy-Pac will remain what it is intended to be, and any further cohesive or federative actions are left for the future to figure out. (6 Advancements total, +10% Cohesion is retained when choosing an Advancement.)

AN: 1-Day Moratorium.

Advancements require 100% Cohesion, and reset the same to 0%, with 1 Cy-Pac Action = +5% Cohesion. Cy-Pac has 1 free Action for its Actions to use, representing all nations working together. Each Advancement gains you another Action, and you can use Guangchou Actions as Cy-Pac Actions.

Advancements are stuff like Interlocking Military Commands (aiding you in military operations), Industrial Tooling Initiatives (improve industrial actions across the board), Pan-National Design and Research Charter (boosts in R&D), or a Cy-Pac Space Agency (SPAAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!).
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