The point I'm trying to make is that we need to armor shit against what we they're going to be shot by, not what we want them to be shot by. It doesn't matter how much we build the mech to be specialized for urban indoor combat against infantry with assault rifles, it's going to attract a disproportionate amount of firepower heavier than 5.56 for no other reason than it's a mech. So we need to consider armoring it accordingly.
Cover isn't some binary, yes it can/no it can't thing either. So it can walk around indoors. Great! That's more that a lot of other mechs can say. How about that support pillar? Can it hide behind that? Or is the mech so wide it will poke out the sides? What about that alcove in the wall, is it too bulky to duck in there for shelter? Can it crawl behind that waist-high stone wall? If it tries to use a hedge to conceal its movements, is it big enough to he spotted anyway?
While the mech would be able to utilize more cover than other heavy metal, there is still going to be a significant amount of concealment/cover that a human sized target could utilize to avoid being spotted, shot at, or hit that the mech won't be able to use due to its bulk. Cover usable for something it's size is going to be less common, which means whenever the mech has to move it will likely have to travel farther than a human sized target to reach the next usable shelter. This means it will be spending longer out in the open for anything that can penetrate the mech's armor to take a shot. And if the mech's only armored against 5.56, that bar is as low as anyone with a full power rifle cartridge.
As the QM and smoothbrain of smoothbrains that made the various technology bits and gadets now infecting this once pristine world of Femboi Supremacy, I would like to mention that your first Iron Tiger, and your subsequent reaction on how to handle/integrate them into your forces, was not to declare them a shock troop, spearhead, combat engineer, or full replacement for your troops.
Instead, you decided to make them a large-scale prototype test to figure out what works, what needs to be done to improve them, and let your engineers figure out a solution to its teething problems until the next iteration is created.
Which will happen this turn (after these sub-turns). So you can declare some things a non-issue with write-ins' and I'll handwave the resulting abomination as "Functionable, but has problems like every other thing ever invented."
OH! And a fact that you(Enby)'ll be very unhappy to hear about as a suggestion to circumvent the armor problem with that most essential of Combat Mecha things: a slab of metal to prevent bullets from impacting the IT body. Also known as a shield.
A shield would actually work pretty good for breach and clear operations, yeah.
I've been throwing around the idea on STAB and this is what we've got so far:
1-2 ton weight
Turbine/FPLG block in a power egg that doubles as a balance tail
Landmate style layout, without the actual gloves on the operator hands - just balls like on an atmospheric diving suit
LMG in one hand and and automatic grenade launcher in the other (With humanoid body plan, rule of thumb is about 5% of curb weight as arm/handheld weapons, 10 % if you can get both hands on it)
Fiberscope headset feeding from binocular head optics for operator vision
Armored against repeated hits from full power rounds in torso and upper legs, lighter armor on the bits where there's no operator limbs like the arms and shins/feet.
Pincer prehensors for utility.
It also makes for pretty hilarious theoretical howitzers because you have a mini-mech to handle the shells.
155mm pack howitzer, lmao.
Knee mortar but it's 203mm.
I know, and that's why your artillery corp is trans, pilots either female or ace, and your black/gunpowder units were 100% women until you opened them up in the 1890s to male recruitment. Can't have volatile men around volatile substances, ya know?
Oh, and any chemistry profession is also seen as a first choice for scientifically interested women.
Back on the topic of the mechs, there's also a fairly convincing argument to be made for just armouring them against artillery splinters and just levelling the city after letting civilians evacuate - city fighting doesn't tend to leave the city standing anyway.
On an (we swear) unrelated note, what's the status on Iron Tiger scale double barreled shotguns? Have they figured out how to make the shell ejection fast enough to use as an antitank weapon yet?
On an (we swear) unrelated note, what's the status on Iron Tiger scale double barreled shotguns? Have they figured out how to make the shell ejection fast enough to use as an antitank weapon yet?
No, because automatic shotguns with barrel/backpack magazines are vastly superior in Mech-Hands. Double barrels are purely for style, and that can be delegated to mercs and militias with suspicious amounts of funding.
No, because automatic shotguns with barrel/backpack magazines are vastly superior in Mech-Hands. Double barrels are purely for style, and that can be delegated to mercs and militias with suspicious amounts of funding.
[X] CyPac: The Consequences Of My Own Actions
-[X] Invites
--[X] Big Dogs: India, USSR
--[X] East Europe: Yugoslavia, Albania
--[X] ASEAN: North Korea,Vietnam, Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh, Kampuchea, Mongolia
--[X] West Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria
--[X] North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Mauritania, Western Sahara, South Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia
--[X] West Africa: Ghana, Togo, Benin, Guinea,Guinea-Bissau,Mali, Burkina Faso
--[X] Central Africa: None.
--[X] Southern Africa: Mozambique, Zambia
--[X] East Africa: Tanzania,Madagascar, Somalia, Ethiopia
--[X] Mesoamerica: Cuba, Nicaragua
-[X] Core Principles:
--[X] Developmentalism: Members will aid one another in the sustainable development of their native forces of production. [1]
--[X] Anti-imperialism: Members will present a united block in the face of imperialist forces, internal and external. [2]
--[X] Mutual Aid: Members will provide humanitarian aid in other member states in case of natural or artificial disasters. [3]
--[X] Conflict Resolution: Members will not coerce other members through military, economic, or covert means but agree to resolve their conflicts via negotiation and consensus building. [4]
--[X] Nation Building: Members will work towards creating robust social and political institutions that encourage peace, stability, and good governance. [5]
--[X] Socioeconomic Justice: Members will work towards ensuring that their economic gains are shared equitably with their population and that people are not put in danger due to things like their race, sex, orientation, etc. [6]
[1] For instance, Guangchou would provide electronics and computation time for economic planning, Egypt might build a shit tonne of concentrated solar plants and export ammonium fertilizers, etc.
[2] For instance, West Sahara joins up; the others would be supposed to put diplomatic and economic pressure on Morocco to pull out. Or provide each other with aid in countering western covert operations against each other.
[3] Is somebody his having a famine? Send them food. Disease outbreak? Send them meds. Etc.
[4] Many of our members have been at war with each other at various points or exist in unstable locations. We want to avoid having them go at each other's throats.
[5] A bunch of nations we're inviting are very, very young and need more social and political infrastructure in place; working on that and creating conditions where they can work on that is critical.
[6] Basically, don't kill people for being gay (seriously, if you don't like them that much, send them to Guangchou), and don't let a small elite hoard wealth.
The Formation of the Cybernetic Pact
-[X] Core Principles:
--[X] Developmentalism: Members will aid one another in the sustainable development of their native forces of production. [1]
--[X] Anti-imperialism: Members will present a united block in the face of imperialist forces, internal and external. [2]
--[X] Mutual Aid: Members will provide humanitarian aid in other member states in case of natural or artificial disasters. [3]
--[X] Conflict Resolution: Members will not coerce other members through military, economic, or covert means but agree to resolve their conflicts via negotiation and consensus building. [4]
--[X] Nation Building: Members will work towards creating robust social and political institutions that encourage peace, stability, and good governance. [5]
--[X] Socioeconomic Justice: Members will work towards ensuring that their economic gains are shared equitably with their population and that people are not put in danger due to things like their race, sex, orientation, etc. [6]
-[X] Invites
--[X] Big Dogs: India, USSR
Having sent the invites to the appropriate offices in India and the USSR, you begin to mentally prepare for the arrival of their diplomats and the upcoming "discussion" with Hua Guofeng. It is not every day that you have the "privilege" of saying to a nation that they need to release territory to have any hope of acquiring foreign aid in their (near-unavoidable) upcoming civil war.
However, no amount of preparation could have prepared you for the fact that Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, and Leonid Iljitsch Breschnew himself would arrive to personally intercede or take part in the negotiations.
The entirety of your security apparatus suffered a quick and immediate nervous breakdown when they were informed before the people of Das Capital woke up to the sight of security agents crawling over every square meter of the city to secure the arrival of those two heads of state, beyond the extensive preparations done for the rest of the Lake Laogai Diplomatic Conference.
This...will be interesting.
--[X] East Europe: Yugoslavia, Albania
Yugoslavia was having a debt problem. One that Veselin Đuranović wanted to desperately get rid of by ensuring that his nation's economy would be able to not merely hold up but grow to such an extent that the debts could be paid off without ruining the unity and brotherhood of his nation. Having already heard about the economic benefits Guangchou had reaped from Mingxiang and the leaps your people had taken in economic prosperity, he is willing and ready to work to ensure Cy-Pac will succeed.
(Yugoslavia joins Cy-Pac.)
That willingness to help the pact succeed showed readily when the man managed to ensure that Albania, despite Haxhi Lleshi's isolationist tendencies, came around from its cold showing and readily warmed up to the idea before agreeing to sign the accords as a member of the pact. The only point of contention is that Guangchou has somewhat become a center of Religious Socialism in their eyes, as you have steadily trained priests, printed primers and books, and influenced Middle Eastern and Middle/South American countries with your Liberation Theology. However, as long as you aren't inserting priests into Albania, they will consider it a closed issue.
(Albania joins Cy-Pac.)
--[X] ASEAN: North Korea,Vietnam, Burma (Myanmar), Bangladesh, Kampuchea, Mongolia
Though you are reluctant to work with a man such as Kim Il-sung (you are entirely opposed to the idea of a personality cult like the one he is reinforcing, you yourself have done much to dismantle the same your father has made), his diplomats have proven to be amicable to the idea of Cy-Pac, especially with the recent increase in military spending by South Korea and Japan starting several more military-industrial projects, one of them being a seeming crash-build program of their version of an Iron Tiger. Moreover, being able to draw upon more funding from international cooperation and Guang Technologies to expand their nation's economy to counteract a beginning slump is enticing. However, their nation's entry into Cy-Pac would be under a condition. They insist that the pact will finance a North Korean Supercomputer to allow them to better ensure taxation and enforcement of his societal structures. (The latter of which you are confident can be...eliminated. Be it by direct lead poisoning for Kim Il-Sung, or political pressure.)
(North Korea will join...under conditions.)
Having presented Nguyễn Hữu Thọ with your proposal of Cy-Pac, the man proved to be very interested...until he took one look at your plans with China and asked where to sign the dotted line to join Cy-Pac. ...okay then.
(Vietnam joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
Burma refused to even enter talks.
(Burma does not join.)
Ziaur Rahman seemed almost relieved to enter Das Kapital, as apparently, things aren't very stable within Bangladesh, with assassins on the loose everywhere. Despite that, negotiations were as promising as they were rocky, a back-and-forth of diplomats, negotiators, and lawyers examining every word and sacrificing more than one night of sleep to push the deal through on your side, with his side clawing every advantage they could gain from yours. Yet, after some weeks of negotiation, the end of the conference will see him sign onto the founding document.
(Bangladesh joins Cy-Pac.)
Pol Pot may not be the greatest statesman in the world. Still, even he can realize that personal feelings take a step back from the workers' interests, sending diplomats to the conference instead of going personally. After the requisite amount of negotiations, the people of Kampuchea will join Cy-Pac.
(Kampuchea joins Cy-Pac.)
Chairman Yumjaagiin Tsedenbal personally answered your invitation with a letter that boils down to a polite refusal to enter the Cybernetic Pact. Nonetheless, a diplomat delivered that letter in person, with the same man apparently having attended several meetings as an observer and relaying the matters and proceedings back home. This prompted an exchange between the two, some inter-Mongolian politicking, and some weeks of negotiations before he thawed to be amenable to join, as long as industrial aid was sent as one of the first acts of Cy-Pac.
(Mongolia will join...under conditions.)
--[X] West Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria
Moving on from the ASEAN section of Cy-Pac, Cy-Pac MENA is another beast than those nations Guangchou can relatively securely trade with, as any interdiction by the West (specifically: The USA) will make trade or material aid next to impossible. However, intellectual and personnel trades, exchanges, and help will be far more achievable. With various technological means on your end, alongside some more diplomatic maneuvers, binding these nations together within the Cy-Pac should be possible.
In contrast to what you were expecting, Babrak Karmal of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan seemed almost happy to see you. The man was amicable to nearly every proposal and was, to a suspicious degree, interested in pursuing further non-Cy-Pac dependent cooperation between Guangchou and his nation to spread "The Peoples Theology," as he called it. The impact Guangchou made with its Liberation Theology was far more significant than you had anticipated. It turned into a movement wholly endorsed by the government, adding to its spread within and outside its borders.
(Afghanistan joins Cy-Pac.)
Talla Ariyan, the President of Iran, was...a person. That is as far as you are willing to discuss him, as the man was a Centrist, and you would rather not waste what time you had in the day thinking about him. Nonetheless, matters of international diplomacy must be, so you attempted to sway him and his delegation to join Cy-Pac. An attempt that was... successful if hanging on strings and conditions. Being a...compromise candidate for the nation, his presidency is dependent on every side seeing him as better than the other side's candidates. As such, he cannot show favoritism to anyone. Yes, that means the Kurds you sent guns toward, who are glaring at the Khomeinists with their newly acquired means of self-defense. An entry into Cy-Pac would depend on you sponsoring a diplomatic solution that both sides would agree with, negotiated by a neutral third party so nobody would feel like they are taken advantage of. Or you could shovel more materials into Kurdish hands and watch the fireworks.
(Iran will join...under conditions.)
Saddam Hussein was...a person. Putting aside personal feelings, he was interested in joining for realpolitik reasons, with industrial aid at the forefront of his agenda. So as long as that is the first thing done by Cy-Pac, Iraq will join and play nice.
(Iraq will join...under conditions.)
Syria is...complicated. On one side, the Muslim Brotherhood; on the other, Socialist Islam and the government, with everyone else in the middle. Civilian Casualties are high because of a campaign against the former that isn't concerned with reducing its impact on the innocent, and the center is bleeding to each side, encouraging radicalization and a worsening of relations. So while willing to join Cy-Pac for the benefit of peace with its neighbors alone, Hafez al-Assad demands military aid in combating the Brotherhood as a condition.
(Syria will join...under conditions.)
--[X] North Africa: Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Mauritania, Western Sahara, South Yemen, Sudan, Tunisia
Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak has just become President of Egypt and has immediately come to realize the myriad problems assaulting his nation, from mass poverty, homelessness, unemployment, a failing economy, and pressure from the West, alongside a dozen social problems on the horizon, ready to strike should he let even one ball fall from the juggle he now has to do. From his perspective, Cy-Pac and its intended developmental purpose must seem like the opportunity of the decade, as the various breakthroughs and technologies Guangchou developed slot neatly into his programs to diminish or severely reduce the problems Egypt is now facing. With the LSEEHs created by Guangchou, alongside their modular and pre-constructive nature, and the electronics they could produce with your aid, he already has major reasons to join. (Besides that, you should look at building some more of those.)
(Egypt joins Cy-Pac.)
Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab looked at the document detailing that Gaungchou would help Cy-Pac member nations produce native electronics and took out a pen to sign Libya into the pact. Even the fact that his country wouldn't expand into Chad barely stifled his enthusiasm.
(Libya joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
The president of Algeria, Chadli Bendjedid, came to the conference with few expectations of it amounting to much. However, the weeks during the meeting changed his opinion, and the glut of aid his nation could receive for a comparatively low amount of repayment in a nebulous future convinced him that joining was the best thing to do to counteract the recent crash of oil prices his nation dependent on for the last decades.
(Algeria joins Cy-Pac.)
Haidallah greeted you like a good friend and acted in the conference as a welcome boost to convince those nations on the fence about the whole thing to join, though you suspected that he had less than altruistic reasons to act as he did. A suspicion that proved to be correct, as the instability of Mauritania and a potential risk of an internal coup via the military has made the man highly interested in shoring up his personal and political image with wins, internal and external. The developmentalist nature of Cy-Pac would allow him to push through several of his reforms that failed while additionally curtailing the ability of the military to potentially move against him with Intelligence training from Guang agents.
(Mauritania joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
Mohamed Abdelaziz is a man fighting for his people's future and one not willing to allow the Polisario Front to fail in their war against Morocco, working to ensure that all materials to bring an end to the conflict are either found, purchased, or produced. He personally hopes that Cy-Pac will pass a swift resolution to bring military and material aid to his beleaguered nation so that peace can once more reign. Beyond that, the industrial portions are of interest but a problem for a future that is, as of yet, not written in stone.
(Western Sahara joins Cy-Pac and wishes for Military Aid/Intervention.)
Ali Nasir Muhammad Al-Husani, Chairman of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen, could not personally take part in the conference, internal matters taking up too much time while preventing any absence of his station. You see, the nation is as divided as it can be, a north rife with unrest and supported by the West, with the south plagued by terrorists sponsored by the north. Those diplomats sent to you regret that their nation cannot join yet, but have floated the idea that if Cy-Pac intervened militarily (with volunteer troops under South Yemenite control/command) to ensure order in the north, they would prove amenable to join.
(South Yemen will join...under conditions.)
President Nimeiry is between a rock and a hard place, though equipped with a hammer to chisel himself out. Nonetheless, even with his nation slowly coming together once more without any mass loss of life and limbs, alongside lakes of blood, the IMF has proven far more willing to squeeze if the people of Sudan are unwilling, or unable, to pay what it demands. However, with the limited amount given and offered, alongside the myriad strings attached to the money from the Internation Monetary Fund, Nimeiry is willing to take a leap of faith in exchange for direct industrial aid without having to go through the arrogant banks lording aid over him.
(Sudan joins Cy-Pac.)
Habib Bourguiba read the charter of Cy-Pac, the various ways nations within would help each other, read about the technologies to be given to member-nations by Guangchou, alongside the aid in his social reforms Guangchou will be able to provide, and promptly became one of the major supporters of the Cybernetic Pact, advocating many a nation to join and take a leap of faith if they were on the fence about the whole thing. "The worst that could happen is that nothing will happen," he said, ending with: "And the best is that we will all be freed of the shackles of colonialism and the arrogant superiority of those who wish to see us begging for scraps on our knees."
(Tunisia joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
--[X] West Africa: Ghana, Togo, Benin, Guinea,Guinea-Bissau,Mali, Burkina Faso
President Hilla Limann of Ghana is a man elected after a coup by the Armed Forces Revolutionary Council, propped up to lead the nation in this rocky period of its time. Dr. Limann, a proponent of democratic values and Pan-Africanism, joined the conference with high hopes of achieving substantial successes in bringing an end to the many conflicts plaguing the continent, alongside hoping to reduce or eliminate Ghana's dependence on the colonialist nations that had once ruled over Africa. Cy-Pac, especially its MENA and WSEA sections, have given him that hope, and with so many countries joining, he sees no reason to not do so too.
(Ghana joins Cy-Pac.)
Togo looked at Benin and decided that joining with the "Red Commies" was better than letting the West pump weapons into it and get killed by the crossfire before they would be forced to retire due to the direct application of lead poisoning.
(Togo joins Cy-Pac...out of fear?)
You are pretty sure that the invitation to the conference arrived in Benin. Beyond that, you would be hard-pressed to speculate, as the nation is currently undergoing a four-way...scratch that, five-way civil war between the communist regime (lead by Mathieu Kérékou), democratic socialist youth liberation associations, democratic capitalist insurrectionists, religious extremists, and tribalist conservatist traditionalists. Though you eventually do receive a reply, that takes the way of asking for direct military intervention by Cy-Pac in exchange for joining.
(Benin will join...under conditions.)
After a series of bad economic and political decisions by Sekou Touré, his mismanagement of the nation came to a head in 1977 due to an enforced set of prices upon goods that ensured that women vendors couldn't make a living. At first a riot, merely two days saw this riot swiftly grow out of control, and after a series of improbable events, the Market Women's Revolution resulted in Sekou Touré being deposed and replaced by the Free Guinean Women's Council. Then, with an election in the early days of 1978, Ade D'Amboise, one of the vendors that threw the first punch, was elected with 53.7% of the nation's vote as Chairwoman of Guinea. Spearheading economic and social reforms, she dragged her country out of an oppressive chain of political and social repression, mass killings, and a declining economy. However, as she is a woman leading an African country, and so most of the world isn't looking at her (and her country) with anything but dismissive disinterest or arrogant assumptions that they can take advantage of Guinea. Therefore, after being elected for a second time with 63.1% of the nation's vote, joining Cy-Pac is seen by her and Guinea as an excellent way to ensure the country will be treated with the respect it deserves, alongside the economic benefits from Cy-Pac. Also, you were pretty amused at her reaction to your wife and horde of children.
(Guinea joins Cy-Pac.)
Nino Vieira, acting as part of his Military Council, is, like many a leader in Africa, one that stands before the imposing task of having to deal not only with geopolitical situations that have little positive effect on his nation if done right but also the after-effects of colonialism if not it's current effects. Under the deteriorating economy and unrest leading to his coup, the nation is under severe stress and urgently needed revitalizing factors, most of all industrial aid to ensure that the current downward spiral can be halted and reversed. With Cy-Pac founded on principles of mutual developmental aid and Guangchous diplomats promising such help, convincing him to sign was only a matter of weeks rather than months.
(Guinea-Bissau joins Cy-Pac.)
Food. Mali wants food, and the country is willing to sign any deal as long as you can get them some ASAP. So if joining Cy-Pac gets them food, they'll sign; just get them food!
(Mali joins Cy-Pac...and Urgently needs famine relief.)
Sankara is so on board with the pact that you barely got to talk to the man before he seemingly tried and convince you to join Cy-Pac. You appreciate the enthusiasm, but that man either had figured out how to breathe without letting it show, or you failed to notice him taking a breath with how much he was talking during the conference.
(Burkina Faso joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
--[X] Central Africa: None.
The Republic of the Congo had been briefly considered as a potential member, but its relationship with the USSR and it paying only half-assed lip service to communist ideas have seen it removed at once. Perhaps later, but not now. Other countries weren't worth serious consideration.
--[X] Southern Africa: Mozambique, Zambia
Having heard and closely followed the deployment of Mingxiang in Guangchou, President Samora Machel is on board with Cy-Pac, on the condition that you will aid the nation in deploying a native-made version of Mingxiang as a matter of pride for its people, alongside shipments of material aid for its civil war he is insistent the nation will fight on its own without foreign volunteers.
(Mozambique will join...under conditions.)
Though you invited Zambia, they politely declined. The nation is taking a more Western Outlook in its foreign diplomacy, aided by development aid from Europe arriving to bolster its economy. Not sure what you could do beyond a coup to get them to join.
(Zambia does not join Cy-Pac.)
--[X] East Africa: Tanzania,Madagascar, Somalia, Ethiopia
Though initially hesitant to the concept of Cy-Pac due to his stance on nationalist independence, Julius Kambarage Nyerere was eventually convinced to join on the grounds of the pact being founded on ensuring that member-nations would be able to secure industrial autonomy with its own forces of labor. However, such a thing was hard fought, and if no affirmative action is taken to assuage his doubts, he will leave Cy-Pac.
(Tanzania will join...under conditions.)
As long as Madagascar gets the money needed to pay its people once more, Ratsiraka will sign to join with the promise to pay back everything it has been given ten-fold to other nations. Helped by other countries, you eventually managed to ensure that those willing to join would provide an amount proportional to their means to stave off the IMF. With enough nations agreeing to join, this has become a non-issue, though the repayment will turn into a sore issue should Madagascar be unable to pay back in equal measure soon-ish.
(Madagascar joins Cy-Pac.)
The only thing standing in the way of Somalia joining is the Guiding Principle of Socioeconomic Justice, or rather, the inclusion of preventing laws outlawing/punishing/killing/discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community. Even with every diplomatic trick and means at your disposal, alongside many a head of state weighing in on your behalf, the government will not budge on this issue. The only way they will is by replacing their current soft-criminalization with "encouraged leave." Alternatively said: sending those convicted of """sexual deviancy crimes""" to Guangchou. Which...okay, but fuck you!
(Somalia will join...under conditions.)
Though you had prepared for a fight with Mengistu Haile Mariam over the matter of Eritrean Independence, the man proved to be 110% done with that part of the land and already in search of a way to chuck it to the side and let it be, rather than continue to bleed money and people with its doomed integration. As long as he can do a "Strong Man" posturing to his people, and aid is rendered in a negotiated independence, Ethiopia will join Cy-Pac as an enthusiastic member. The gains in aid to deal with their drought, refugee migrations, and various social issues outweigh any profits from forcing Eritrea into their nation.
(Ethiopia joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
--[X] Mesoamerica: Cuba, Nicaragua
"So, you know how the whole 'Neutrality Thing' isn't really helping keep the US off your back and stopping them from paying people to kill you? How about going in another direction and telling the First and Second World to get fucked by making the Third into an actual faction?"
"You son of a bitch, I'm in."
(Cuba joins Cy-Pac enthusiastically.)
"So we get money, development aid, people to show the world the US is killing our people, sponsoring terrorists, and human rights violations, alongside military assistance in the form of intelligence trainers and materials, and Cuba is joining?"
"You son of a bitch, we're in."
(Nicaragua joins Cy-Pac.)
Joining On Conditions:
North Korea will only join Cy-Pac if a Supercomputer is built within its borders.
(6 Action Within 2 Turns Required)
[] North Korea - Yes
[] North Korea - No
[] North Korea (Write-In Counterproposals)
Mongolia, Iraq, and Tanzania will only join if Industrial Aid is rendered by Cy-Pac as a matter of priority.
(1 Action (for all three) +7 REP, -2 PO)
[] Industrial Aid - Yes (Nation/s)
[] Industrial Aid - No (Nation/s)
[] Industrial Aid (Write-In Counterproposals)
Iran will only join if Diplomatic Aid is rendered.
(2 Actions, -11 REP)
[] Iran - Diplomatic Aid - Yes
[] Iran - Diplomatic Aid - No
[] Iran - Diplomatic Hindrance - Guns to the Kurds (+3 REP, Iran Instability)
[] Iran - Diplomatic Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
Syria will only join if Military Aid is rendered.
(1 Action, +3 REP)
[] Syria - Military Aid - Yes
[] Syria - Military Aid - No
[] Syria - Military Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
South Yemen will only join if Military Aid (in the form of volunteers+military materials) is rendered.
(1 Action, +5 REP, -3 PO)
[] SY - Military Aid - Yes
[] SY - Military Aid - No
[] SY - Military Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
Benin could join...if you intervene Militarily.
(War Turns Start, +10 REP, -8 PO)
[] Benin - Aid the Communists
[] Benin - Aid the Democratic Socialist Youth Liberation Associations
[-] Aid the Democratic Capitalist Insurrectionists
[-] Aid the Religious Extremists
[-] Aid the Tribalist Conservatist Traditionalists.
[] Benin - Military Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
Mozambique will only join with Military Aid and guarantees of Native Mingxiang Production.
(1 Action, +3 REP - Military Aid, 2 Actions - Native Mingxiang)
[] Mozambique - Provide Military Aid alongside guarantees of Native Mingxiang Production.
[] Mozambique - Provide Only Military Aid
[] Mozambique - Provide Only guarantees of Native Mingxiang Production.
[] Mozambique - Other Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
Somalia will join...under conditions.
(-10 PO due to Social Unrest/Refugee Integration)
[] Somalia - Accept
[] Somalia - Deny
[] Somalia - Other Solutions (Write-In Counterproposals)
An: Congratulations for Softlocking yourself out of the/Succeeding in the Fuck China, China Is Asshoe Win Condition.
I'll be writing the mechanics for Cy-Pac with the next update; for now, two days moratorium, and a good night to all!
All yes costs 14 Actions, +17 Rep, -23 PO. The supercomputer/Mingxiang can be put off for a turn, so 6 Actions for one turn and 8 in the next. We're at 81 Rep and 100 PO right now, so those changes are fine.