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Lets see what the fuck Agent Goose is doing?

Edit: Ah... Chaos all around!

I am an agent of Chaos, fear me!
Magoose threw 1 20-faced dice. Total: 17
17 17
This quest's USA has more in common with Lind's christian-taliban state of Victoria than OTL's USA. One of the series that we voted for Commiewood to produce had a marked focus on the homosexual relationship of the protagonist (or something of the like), the effects of this series was told from POV of a US citizen who kind of noticed that they were homosexual because of it and once their sexual preferences were discovered she ended up in a "re-education camp" (I don't remember if the camp was runned by any christian denomination or not).
Point one, there are a lot of right-wing dystopia outcomes that on numbers seem 'better' than Victoria (in which the bulk of the United States winds up a burned-out ruin and I strongly suspect that most of the population by numbers is actually dead) but still horrific enough to be the one we see. Nothing I recall seeing about that particular omake-ish thing suggested to me that the US had obviously gone full Gilead/Victoria, and indeed if they had, Americans getting to Internet to post like that would be pretty difficult.


Point two, I already mentioned my caveat of "if HeroCooky isn't putting his thumb on the scales to force the outcome."

HeroCooky can choose to make sure that in this timeline, American history ends up in a place where in the early 2000s all LBGT people the state finds are being shoved into state operated re-education gulags, as opposed to only the ones who have the disastrous misfortune to have conservative parents that shove them into a privately operated for-profit gulag.

But he won't inherently get there just by rolling dice and making quasi-realistic modeling decisions about the outcomes.

There's also the fact that the KKK seems to be both stronger and more violent than it was in the 70's. They seem to not be satisfied with only commiting terrorist attacks against the african-american community and instead decided to also attack immigrant communities, non-christians and non-protestant christians. Given that no effort on stopping them has been noted we can safely assume that they have some kind of endorsement from the establishment.
Possibly. On the other hand, we tend to see events inside the United States very much through the wrong end of the binoculars, so high profile acts of KKK terrorism and them having a bit of a resurgence into the 1970s don't necessarily mean the US as a whole is that much more right-wing.

Hell, the bare fact that Carter could even win the 1980 election... That's something I never would have imagined plausible in any America that didn't contain some pretty serious center-left pushback to right-wing neo-segregationists and so on. There may be more numerous, fiercer, nastier, more organized right wingers in this timeline than historically, but if they were running the show unopposed in the quest's timeline circa 1980, we'd be looking at things pretty different than they are now.

He coup hoover didn't he
Is Hoover (J. Edgar) even still alive? Fucker died in 1972 OTL. He was born in 1895.
In OTL Reagan pulled the kind of sweep no modern candidate could dream of because OTL Carter kinda got put in a lousy position and made some poor calls on top of it.

If Carter "won" before the "recount" ... I mean, I'm not sure what The American Troubles would look like but I'm thinking we're going to find out.
In OTL Reagan pulled the kind of sweep no modern candidate could dream of because OTL Carter kinda got put in a lousy position and made some poor calls on top of it.

If Carter "won" before the "recount" ... I mean, I'm not sure what The American Troubles would look like but I'm thinking we're going to find out.
I mean, it sounds like he uncomplicatedly won and knew he was going to be inaugurated in January 1981, with the outcome no longer in doubt.

In which case the recount is going to look very blatant as a move by specific factions within the political system to say "no no, democracy, you got the wrong answer, our guy's supposed to be in charge." Because I doubt Reagan would have been able to exercise enough media control to craft a "the election was faked" narrative that would stick against a sitting president before Carter was assassinated, even assuming that he was in any position to plan ahead for this.
1981 - H1 - The Lake Laogai Diplomatic Conference - CyPac Setup
--[X] (3 Actions) The Lake Laogai Diplomatic Conference
---[X] Promise Forces For China (Secret) (+5 Chinese Opinion) (Sub-Vote)
---[X] Form the Cybernetic Pact (-20 Reputation) (Sub-Vote)
---[X] Prepare for the International Congress For All Mankind (+2 Reputation) (Sub-Vote)

-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Action: Talk to Hua Guofeng
It is undeniable that, even with all the efforts in the world, Guangchou could never be a leading actor on the world stage as a peer next to powers like the USSR and the USA. Even if your home managed to fully mobilize every single centimeter of land in the most effective way possible and work as efficiently as practicable, with not a single source of power, production, and breakthrough of science wasted, you would still not be able to compare to the juggernauts of economic potential and power that were these two giants.

Then didn't need to do so on your own.

The power of communism lies inherently in its capacity for cooperative and communal action rather than individual progress and achievements. Guangchou didn't need to be equal to the world's superpowers; it didn't need to stand as tall and mighty as the two. It merely needed to join an accord of like-minded nations seeking to better themselves and each other through cooperation, collective action, trade, and scientific exchanges to better each other as they helped themselves in equal measures. A bit of realpolitik mixed with enlightened self-interest was sure to bring even those recalcitrant to the idea to the table, with ideological and diplomatic ties stringing along the rest.

All that is to say that an idea in your head was made not merely feasible but could potentially become something that would change the world's political landscape for the better.

The creation of the Cybernetic Pact.

The primary purpose is to help each other develop one's production capacity through industrial aid and the transfer of intellectual property. With the help of Guangchou, a dozen possibilities are opened, least of all the use of western intellectual properties.

But there is always the problem of who to invite into this potential alliance and what it will entail in detail. But if Guangchou wants to step onto the world stronger than it could alone, a step must be made, starting with inviting nations of the world who are either communist or are willing to benefit while aiding your cause.

[] (Write-In at least 10 Countries you invite to the CyPac portion of the Lake Laogai Diplomatic Conference.)
(Note: This option has been changed to reflect what it is supposed to do.)

[] (Write-In and the initial articles of the CyPac.)

[] (Optional: Make a CyPac Flag/Emblem)

Edit: Am sick, so smol update it be. :sad:
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We should probably invite Yugoslavia and Vietnam, with a strong maybe on Cambodia if Pol Pot has calmed down a lot.
We should invitr nearby nations. Things like yogaslavia is a big no no. Just in case bring in a offer to the japanese. You know what. Do it to every pacific country besides Australia
Our focus should probably be the other nations which aren't already covered by USSR or China though both superpowers should be invited to the table. The former has been given charge of Eastern Europe so there's that.

What about India? They hold a position of neutrality in regards to Capitalist vs. Communist.
we should invite Iran, if only to not so subtly warn them of violating international territory and the potential consequences if they do,
Hmmmm obviously USSR, and all the members of the Warsaw pact. Vietnam and Yugoslavia. Albania.

Cuba, and whatever other communists out there. Maybe some south/central american states that would be friendly to us.

But let's not forget the colonial nations out there. We should invite middle eastern states like Egypt, and African states like Uganda and others, as they will undoubutely like to be part of such a collective, and provide a anti-colonial stance.

Maybe also invite places like Norway, Sweden who are "neutral" and not part of NATO I don't think.

Also bring a invite for our chosen Chinese faction to come.
Iran Hostage crisis was 1979 in OTL and for whatever reason doesn't seem to have happened here. (No Afghan war?) Loathsome as the act itself might be, we're not doing it and we have no pull on the people who would do it, and it would provide Reagan an opportunity to make a mistake and/or forget about us.

RADIO is 6 years out of date (and it's been a busy and high-variance-generating 6 years), but still a decent look at who would be good to try to bring on board. Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Sri Lanka all seem candidates. Not sure what flavor of trouble Sri Lanka's having, but we might be able to help with an invite.

India, Indonesia, Malaysia - Last we checked, @CyberEnby was hoping we'd have a stronger economy to be able to spool out soft power.

Afghanistan is someone we could definitely reach out to because they had a revolution not all that long ago and they could use some help.
[] Invites for all the communists plus India
-[] USSR
-[] China
-[] Yugoslavia
-[] Albania
-[] Mongolia
-[] North Korea
-[] Palestine
-[] East Germany
-[] West Germany
-[] Poland
-[] Czechoslovakia
-[] Hungary
-[] Romania
-[] Bulgaria
-[] Vietnam
-[] Yemen
-[] Sudan
-[] Somalia
-[] Congo
-[] Ethiopia
-[] Mozambique
-[] Angola
-[] Benin
-[] Cambodia
-[] Afghanistan
-[] India
-[] Seychelles
-[] Grenada

A few years too early for Burkina Faso but I think I got everyone who is communist in this time period plus india
okay speaking seriously now, we should also invite America. Disregarding them being on the opposite side. I'd like to at least invite the second superpower to the meeting.
okay speaking seriously now, we should also invite America. Disregarding them being on the opposite side. I'd like to at least invite the second superpower to the meeting.

But there is always the problem of who to invite into this potential alliance and what it will entail in detail. But if Guangchou wants to step onto the world stronger than it could alone, a step must be made, starting with inviting nations of the world who are either communist or are willing to benefit while aiding your cause.

The meeting to invite the US to is the one after this one. "Hi, we exist and we're all working together in a globe-spanning union of mutual assistance, there's enough of us here that we actually need to be taken seriously. You might be able to tread on one of us but the rest of us will make it really unpleasant for you."
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Sure, you can invite Mommy Russia. But you won't be a leading nation or very relevant within CyPac if you do.
yeastmobile said:
I have a feeling that they'll be a bit too preoccupied to make any sort of commitments in the near future.
yeastmobile said:

Why are you trying to get capitalist nations into an alliance of communistic/aligned/leaning nations who are trying to industrialise and better each other through mutual aid?


Minor retcon of this update to be about the CyPac portion of Lake Laogai only. Apologies about the confusion. As noted, am sick.
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Australia's been all but wearing a "We ❤️ the UK and US" hat since rrrroughly like 1860, going to a democratically-elected Federation in 1900.

They're about as Western-aligned as you can be that far east.
[] Invites for all the communists plus India and minus the big ones
-[] Yugoslavia
-[] Albania
-[] Mongolia
-[] North Korea
-[] Palestine
-[] East Germany
-[] Poland
-[] Czechoslovakia
-[] Hungary
-[] Romania
-[] Bulgaria
-[] Vietnam
-[] Yemen
-[] Sudan
-[] Somalia
-[] Congo
-[] Ethiopia
-[] Mozambique
-[] Angola
-[] Benin
-[] Cambodia
-[] Afghanistan
-[] India
-[] Seychelles
-[] Grenada

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