This quest's USA has more in common with Lind's christian-taliban state of Victoria than OTL's USA. One of the series that we voted for Commiewood to produce had a marked focus on the homosexual relationship of the protagonist (or something of the like), the effects of this series was told from POV of a US citizen who kind of noticed that they were homosexual because of it and once their sexual preferences were discovered she ended up in a "re-education camp" (I don't remember if the camp was runned by any christian denomination or not).
Point one, there are a lot of right-wing dystopia outcomes that on numbers seem 'better' than Victoria (in which the bulk of the United States winds up a burned-out ruin and I strongly suspect that
most of the population by numbers is actually dead) but still horrific enough to be the one we see. Nothing I recall seeing about that particular omake-ish thing suggested to me that the US had
obviously gone full Gilead/Victoria, and indeed if they had, Americans getting to Internet to post like that would be pretty difficult.
Point two, I already mentioned my caveat of "if HeroCooky isn't putting his thumb on the scales to force the outcome."
HeroCooky can choose to make sure that in this timeline, American history ends up in a place where in the early 2000s
all LBGT people the state finds are being shoved into state operated re-education gulags, as opposed to only the ones who have the disastrous misfortune to have conservative parents that shove them into a privately operated for-profit gulag.
But he won't
inherently get there just by rolling dice and making quasi-realistic modeling decisions about the outcomes.
There's also the fact that the KKK seems to be both stronger and more violent than it was in the 70's. They seem to not be satisfied with only commiting terrorist attacks against the african-american community and instead decided to also attack immigrant communities, non-christians and non-protestant christians. Given that no effort on stopping them has been noted we can safely assume that they have some kind of endorsement from the establishment.
Possibly. On the other hand, we tend to see events inside the United States very much through the wrong end of the binoculars, so high profile acts of KKK terrorism and them having a bit of a resurgence into the 1970s don't
necessarily mean the US as a whole is that much more right-wing.
Hell, the bare fact that Carter could even
win the 1980 election... That's something I never would have imagined plausible in any America that
didn't contain some pretty serious center-left pushback to right-wing neo-segregationists and so on. There may be more numerous, fiercer, nastier, more organized right wingers in this timeline than historically, but if they were running the show unopposed in the quest's timeline circa 1980, we'd be looking at things pretty different than they are now.
Is Hoover (J. Edgar) even still alive? Fucker died in 1972 OTL. He was born in 1895.