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Some African nations, local nationsm Thailand some others? Vietnam is still at war and we may invade a few of the locals because their governments are stupidly corrupt and negligent
Invites for all the communists plus India and minus the big ones
USSR walks into the room and idly speculates about why you're trying to poach their Marches.

Anybody in the Warsaw Pact will vote as if they were the USSR.

Where's the states in Indochina & SE Asia? Laos, Thailand.etc

If you're looking at the Caribbean why are we ignoring South America? Where's Cuba?

India being in puts the organisation against China.
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[] Invites for all the communists plus India and minus the big ones
-[] Yugoslavia
-[] Albania
-[] Mongolia
-[] North Korea
-[] Palestine
-[] East Germany
-[] Poland
-[] Czechoslovakia
-[] Hungary
-[] Romania
-[] Bulgaria
-[] Vietnam
-[] Yemen
-[] Sudan
-[] Somalia
-[] Congo
-[] Ethiopia
-[] Mozambique
-[] Angola
-[] Benin
-[] Cambodia
-[] Afghanistan
-[] India
-[] Seychelles
-[] Grenada

No Laos, no Thailand, no Indonesia/Malaysia, and including Cambodia who still has a Pol Pot that low-key high-key hates us? No thank you.

Also like half of those countries are way away from us and aren't only "not within our sphere of influence", they're in the Warsaw Pact!

Vietnam, India, Seychelles, I could be on board with.

In OTL Grenada gets invaded by the US in 2 years so I really think getting connected to them feels like a bad idea.

On the other hand...
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How would it work if we did invite Warsaw Pact countries/Soviet marches?
I edited my post but they'd vote as a block on what the USSR told them to vote on and raise motions to assist the soviet agenda as they did in the UN.

Edit: Also I think half the African countries are in low key civil wars or would get the French involved.
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This. I might even be choosy about Africa because it's kinda at the edge of our reach.
The thing is that none of the big players commit that many resources to meddling in Africa. It's an area where second and third-rate powers like France and even Cuba can make their impact felt if they're selective about what they do and where, because the US and the Soviet Union only vaguely care; there's nothing in Africa they can't get somewhere else if they choose.
When you know which countries would be down to join, but can't say anything since it would spoil things for CyberEnby. 😔
POV: You watch a country organize an alliance for third-world nations to help each other stand against the superpowers and industrialize without looking at Africa/South America as even a second choice.
Many regions of Africa have immense promise, and there's also the plus that racism means a lot of factions will be indifferent and dismissive of their potential, which lets us continue to somewhat fly under the radar for a time, but yeah, the distance is something of a problem, and to truly grow the alliance we'll need a stronger navy.
I mean.

I think we should be reaching out LESS to, for example, Eastern European nations that are blatantly USSR satellite states, and MORE to countries that, while technically not socialist, might actually be interested in the question of how Guangchou is catapulting itself into being able to make first-rate high tech equipment despite being a small country that was very poor.

Among other things because it's an opportunity to woo countries that are still poor away from the capitalist bloc, as by this point it has become apparent that unless you are one of a very fortunate handful of exceptions, being a US ally in the Cold War is not a good way for a poor country to become rich.
I mean, I'm at work and I can't just drop everything to dig up all the info; I'm also undereducated in history and don't know who good picks would be.

South America and Cuba should probably get more play though, and we get enough South American / Central American / Caribbean nations interested we might actually be able to prevent Grenada '83 and if we're lucky Panama '89.

New goal unlocked.
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The problem with getting involved in South America is the US considers it their back yard, and they will absolutely fuck things up for us. We don't have the power to face them down yet.
the distance is something of a problem, and to truly grow the alliance we'll need a stronger navy.
CyPac is (from what @CyberEnby told me, correct me if I am wrong) an economic, research, and political alliance, not a military or defensive one.

Even ringing up Cuba wouldn't be a problem, as you aren't trying to Dark Souls the US of (middle north) A, but tech up, industrialize, and make the lives of people better through the powers of JOLLY CO-OPERATION!!! (and communism.)
I mean, yeah. Real talk, the US almost certainly isn't going to try and invade Cuba, so trying to help them get some of that economic mojo that they otherwise lack and languish for lack of is probably doing them a favor.
I mean, yeah. Real talk, the US almost certainly isn't going to try and invade Cuba, so trying to help them get some of that economic mojo that they otherwise lack and languish for lack of is probably doing them a favor.
The more Cuba backscratching we can do economically, the more backscratching they'll be willing to do for us medically.

Side note, as a person born in 1988, this stuff ended shortly after I was born, but...holy shit, here's a primer on US involvement in South American political EVENTS in the 20th century. Yikes that's a LOT.
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Maybe instead of inviting all the Warsaw Pact members just have a representative for the whole lot. At least this way we give them a say without stepping on the Union's toes as much.
CyPac is (from what @CyberEnby told me, correct me if I am wrong) an economic, research, and political alliance, not a military or defensive one.

Even ringing up Cuba wouldn't be a problem, as you aren't trying to Dark Souls the US of (middle north) A, but tech up, industrialize, and make the lives of people better through the powers of JOLLY CO-OPERATION!!! (and communism.)
For me, the navy is less about it being a military alliance, and more about guaranteeing trade routes and offering even a token defense against blockades and embargos.
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