Bearing in mind that every advancement yields an additional free CyPac action per turn... it'll start slow and get marginally less slow over time, I guess. 80 actions in, the passive rate of cypacening would seem to (assuming no abject failures) reach one advancement every four turns, then by 140 actions in it'd be at two every five turns.
Oh right.
Ok, so I've been budgeting three actions for the first two turns, then one of our actions plus however many free ones we have:
Advancement 1: 8 Turns (8 Turns)
Advancement 2: 6.6 Turns (6 Turns)
Advancement 3: 5 Turns (4.5 Turns)
Advancement 4: 4 Turns (3.6 Turns)
Advancement 5: 3.3 Turns (3 Turns)
Advancement 6: 2.8 Turns (2.5 Turns)
Advancement 7: 2.5 Turns
Advancement 8: 2.2 Turns
Advancement 9: 2 Turns
Advancement 10: 1.8 Turns
Advancement 11: 1.6 Turns
Advancement 12: 1.5 Turns
Total Time to Treaty Organization: (27.6) [2.7 5YPs]
Total Time to Confederation: 34.4 Turns [3.4 5YPs]
Total Time to Federalization: 41.3 Turns [4.1 5YPs]