Voting is open
A Tiger 🐅 design would have plenty of mobility.

On open terrain. In dense forest and jungle, on mountains, maybe hills, especially muddy or swampland terrain, and especially urban terrain, a quadruped design would suck. In long-range firefights on grasslands or deserts, though, they'd be in their element.
Adhoc vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 8, 2022 at 9:33 AM, finished with 64 posts and 10 votes.
  • 11

    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model (small))
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 5 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model)
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 10 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    -[X] Sextupedal
    -[X] Anti-Ship
    -[X] Anti-Air
    -[X] Height Of 4.5 Meters
    -[X] 🐅 Shaped. Entire design worked with biomimetics of Tigers with perhaps a few choice bits from other felines. Erika Fat-Kai called in and was made to sign dozens of NDAs for her silence to get her help insured the chassis was optimized perfectly and the gait at will work almost like a natural born Tiger even with a 3rd pair of legs. The 3rd pair of legs was added to the middle to help support extra weight for a heavier ordinance. A tail was added for style as a counter weight so the chassis can run faster with tighter turns. A head was added on as well. Erika took creative control and lead the development of the head to be an entire sensor suite for the rest of the body\weapons\pilots. She intends for it to be entirely articulated with a powerful jaw. With this and the retractable claws, this may not be the sleekest Mecha. Nor really designed for melee. But it is still a huge mech with tons of weight behind it. You pity the fool that dares to gets too close!
    [X] +4 to a Weapon of your choice from the winning plan
    [X] Iron Tiger assault
    -[X] Quadrupedal
    -[X] Anti-Infantry
    -[X] Anti-Tank
    -[X] 6 meters

Alright guys, less than an hour left. Cast in your votes!
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Feb 5, 2022 at 3:35 PM, finished with 40 posts and 10 votes.
  • 12

    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model (small))
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 5 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    [X] Plan: Modular Man (Mass Production Model)
    -[X] Chassis Locomotion
    --[X] Humanoid
    -[X] Chassis Specialization
    --[X] Modular
    -[X] Height
    --[X] Height of 10 Meters
    [X] Chassis: Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
    -[X] Sextupedal
    -[X] Anti-Ship
    -[X] Anti-Air
    -[X] Height Of 4.5 Meters
    -[X] 🐅 Shaped. Entire design worked with biomimetics of Tigers with perhaps a few choice bits from other felines. Erika Fat-Kai called in and was made to sign dozens of NDAs for her silence to get her help insured the chassis was optimized perfectly and the gait at will work almost like a natural born Tiger even with a 3rd pair of legs. The 3rd pair of legs was added to the middle to help support extra weight for a heavier ordinance. A tail was added for style as a counter weight so the chassis can run faster with tighter turns. A head was added on as well. Erika took creative control and lead the development of the head to be an entire sensor suite for the rest of the body\weapons\pilots. She intends for it to be entirely articulated with a powerful jaw. With this and the retractable claws, this may not be the sleekest Mecha. Nor really designed for melee. But it is still a huge mech with tons of weight behind it. You pity the fool that dares to gets too close!
    [X] +4 to a Weapon of your choice from the winning plan
    [X] Iron Tiger assault
    -[X] Quadrupedal
    -[X] Anti-Infantry
    -[X] Anti-Tank
    -[X] 6 meters
Welp, draw.
1= Tiger-Pult Long Range Mecha
2= Modular Man (Mass Production Model (Small))
HeroCooky threw 1 2-faced dice. Reason: Roll-Off Total: 2
2 2
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And we have a winner! 5 meters it is.

Fun Fact: Titanfall Titans are 6 meters tall. 😉

Ru Hiro's Mech Brawling Fantasies are slowly coming to fruition…
Turn 9.1.2 - Iron Tiger Weapon Time
Here you'll be designing three weapons to be either available or mounted to your first Iron Tiger.

You'll be creating proposals for weapons, their weight, caliber, destructive power, and general looks, as well as any drawbacks such as higher heat, difficulty to maintain, or other things to make the creation of the weaponry easier (read: gain bonuses) for you.

As you decided to make your Iron Tiger [Modular], you won't have to roll with any maluses for a weapon-type or equipment, as they'll be intended to be swapped out in exchange for being less capable overall.

With a Height of 5 Meters, you have 20 Tons of Lift for your Mecha, which will need to hold any equipment and armor you'll be adding in the later votes. Though be advised, thanks to the [Modular] tag, your Iron Tigers won't be equipped with everything you'll design at once, for better and worse.

To ensure you won't have three bad rolls ruin everything, you'll be rolling with 2d10 for both weaponry and equipment.

[] (Weapon Write-In)

Anti-Material Rifle "Kiss of Guangchou"
This upscaled rifle's primary use is combating military vehicles or fortifications with its large caliber, stopping-power, and long-range. However, due to the large caliber and material science limitations, it had to be designed as a single-shot weapon. Weighing at 1500kg and 4.7 meters long, this weapon packs a punch unseen for native weaponry.

"The Fang"
Designed to be used in CQC, this 300kg "dagger" is one meter long and, through the use of several chainsaw-blades and superior motors, has its primary use in the dismantling of fortifications and disabling of tanks through ambushes and maneuvering. But, "surprisingly," it is also helpful at incapacitating enemy infantry and engineering tasks. However, due to its separate fuel system and lacking armor, it is susceptible to being disabled by enemy fire and running out of fuel after an hour of operation.

Howl Mortar
Attached to the back of the Iron Tiger, this 3.4 Ton weapon system can lob its ordinance from 150 meters up to 5 kilometers with "acceptable" accuracy. The Howl Mortar can throw rounds ranging from smoke for allies to marking for the navy and airforce to standard explosive shells against enemy infantry. Most of the weight is due to an oversized and delicate rapid-load system allowing even a moving, unbraced Iron Tiger Pilot to provide fire missions to their allies with only a moderate reduction in accuracy.
+4 To one Winning Weapon System (abominable)
Weapons Package: Ranged Assault

[] "Lightningbolt" 115mm Smoothbore Anti-Armor Gun (Back-mounted)

Inspired by the Soviet U-5TS tank gun mounted on the T-62, the world's first tank-designed smoothebore cannon has been adapted to fit on a deployable arm behind a bipedal chassis. While capable of firing conventional USSR-made shells, the gun's alloy and loading system are modified from the anti-tank variants among the laufpanzer prototypes. Featuring a 10-round magazine and autoloader mechanism, the Thunderbolt system is capable of delivering a rapid burst of anti-armor devastation at the cost of having to manually replace the spent magazine with a new one. A "Two-Mech" system is advised when deploying the chassis it's mounted on, with one unit to fire, the other two load, or both units taking turns firing and reloading their own systems.

Weight: 2.35 tons (original weight) >>> 3.2 tons (new alloy, weapon addons)

[] "Thunderfire" 57mm Tri-barrel Autocannon (mech rifle)
Soviet-made, the 57mm AZP S-60 short-to-mid range single-barrel autocannon has been adapted into a tri-barrel configuration capable of shredding not only aircraft but even some armored vehicles, albeit from more vulnerable angles. One of the laufpanzer alloys described amongst the original notes has allowed for a tri-barrel rapid-fire mech-sized autocannon rifle that can fire in respectable bursts without risk of overheating while also offering considerable protection from collision and kinetic damage. The robust internal mechanisms in the original laufpanzers has also been adapted into an ammunition feed that is quite resistant to jamming. The belt-fed system, however, prevents on-the-fly switching between anti-armor and anti-aircraft ammunition.

Weight: 5.14 tons (original) >>> 3 + 1 tons (4 tons, rifle + 300 rounds ammo)

[] "Dragon's Tooth" Bayonet/Combat Knife
Made with the most durable alloy present in the current designs, the Dragon's Tooth is designed primarily for survivability. It is meant to last through multiple uses before even beginning to show signs of stress. A last ditch weapon, it can be used to destroy enemy armor from close range, or to take down hostile mechs in close combat, in a worst-case scenario.

Weight: 0.8 tons (very dense, but also very durable)

Note: I'd also like to point out that the weapons I adapted the ranged weapons from have also been exported to China and have their own Type-Number designation. It shouldn't look strange if we buy them from our neighbor.
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What if we mix and match? For example, I pick one weapon from Plan 1's trio, then another from Plan 2 and the last one from Plan 3. Then we get the three most voted weapons?

If need be we can also limit weapons to 1 per category. 1 long rang, 1 mid, 1 close range, for example. So if the two most voted are long range, we only pick the most voted then we pick the most voted for the next category and so on.
What if we mix and match? For example, I pick one weapon from Plan 1's trio, then another from Plan 2 and the last one from Plan 3. Then we get the three most voted weapons?

If need be we can also limit weapons to 1 per category. 1 long rang, 1 mid, 1 close range, for example. So if the two most voted are long range, we only pick the most voted then we pick the most voted for the next category and so on.
Each Weapon is voted on individually, no plans are needed, only lobbying and the power of write-ins.
Do we need to vote for arms and hands too? Can those be replaced with gun mounts? Or do arms and hands come automatically?
Gotcha. Also lemme know if my write-ins are too… OP? Unfeasible? I'll just introduce another drawback or remove a feature or something.
I'll block anyone going OP, but you are putting forward desings here which'll get rolled on later, with maluses being added for complexity and bonuses added for drawbacks. If you feel that a weapon is too unfeasable/op, you can alter it on your own. But I'll voice my opinion below for you to see. :V

Lightningbolt" 115mm Smoothbore Anti-Armor Gun (Back-mounted)
I love the drawback to this system being "Crew Served Mecha Weapon" instead of more weight. Inventive enough that I'll allow it just for that. I'd put the weight at a comfortable 3.2 tons.
"Thunderfire" 57mm Tri-barrel Autocannon (mech rifle)
Inventive use of established lore and capabilities of the Laufpanzers, so I see no reason to forbid this one. You can note the weight at anywhere from 1 to 4 tons.
"Dragon's Tooth" Bayonet/Combat Knife
Now this is a knoife!
Do we need to vote for arms and hands too? Can those be replaced with gun mounts? Or do arms and hands come automatically?
As abominable noted, you can just replace the hands/arms with guns/equipment thanks to the [Modular] nature of the first Iron Tiger. Though please note that it has those in its standard configuration.
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'Drill' 30mm 7 barrel rotary autocannon.

Named for the piercing drone heard when it fires, alongside its anti-material usage, this weapons system is actually remarkably light for its destructive potential, only requiring a paltry 281kg, leaving a significant weight allotment for ammunition.

Hydraulicly driven, it is capable of firing 3900 30mmx173mm rounds per minute at a muzzle velocity of 3,324 ft/s. It is effective not only against enemy armour but also has potential as a mech carried AA defense against low flying aircraft and air to surface missiles. Though it specialises in its anti tank role. It has an effective firing rate of 4000 feet, and a maximum firing range of 12000 feet.

Did I rip off the GAU-8? Yes.

Am I sorry? No.
Weapons Package: Support

[] "Dragonhide" Deployable Shield

Coming in at 4.2 meters tall and 0.75 meters thick, the combat shield is made of a similar alloy as the Dragon's Tooth combat knife. Focusing on hardness, the shield is cumbersome to wield and greatly decreases mobility. It is best used with a long-range artillery or anti-armor weapon, greatly increasing survivability in prolonged long-range engagements with hostile armor. A last minute modification in the form of hydraulics-powered stakes and deployable baseplates allow the shield to be "activated" as a mobile wall, absorbing enemy fire while the mech is free to fire back and take cover. DRAWBACK: The mech requires both arms to properly carry the shield, relying on shoulder or back-mounted armaments for offense while on the move. Handheld weaponry must be holstered unless deployed. This locks in the mech as a mobile bunker of sorts that requires it to enter "siege mode" before firing, increasing defense at the expense of maneuverability.

Weight: 5-6 tons (???)

[] "Slingshot" 90mm Short Range Launcher
Designed to fire rockets of 90mm caliber, the Slingshot offers a 3x2 configuration with multiple munition types ranging from anti-armor to incendiary to high explosive. Converting the launcher to fire missiles requires a separate targeting and tracking system.

Weight: 3 tons

Note: Decided to add 2 more. Going to bed, will make any changes laters.

Added another drawback to the shield. Wasn't really sure our mecha could handle carrying it, much less absorbing cannon fire directly, with only one hand.
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maluses being added for complexity and bonuses added for drawbacks
That looks backwards to me. Why aren't drawbacks malus?

Now this is a knoife!
Pfft. Children.
Wait till I get done
Is there a name for the special metal alloy the Mecha are made out of?

Tiger Claw Gauntlet
A modified forearm with four 1.5 meter long blades made out of an tungsten-fenriserz alloy. Able to withstand and retain tremendous amounts of heat! All 4 are locked in the gauntlet with heating coils and torches. The blade itself has a secondary sharpness to it. It's deadlines coming from the power swing of the arm, the extreme heat transfer from the blades, and the tearing as it carves thru whatever is in it's way! The bluntside is reinforced with more of the same to braced against stubborn targets and maintain heat by being heated itself. Fuel lines can be connected to the gauntlet to keep the fuel level on full while heating it up till deployment then the gauntlet just needs to keep it up to temp. The gauntlet sticks out covering the back of the hand. Once the claw blades are deployed the mounting base acts as a conductor drawing heat from the furnace I to the blade to minimize heat loss. Best against flesh and non heat resistant materials.

Shapnel Kicker
A module foot with a surprise hidden in the toe area. One to two M134 Gatling Guns (depending on the proportional size of the Mecha) ready to smoothly pop out before mow down any enemy infantry in a surprise attack. With everyone looking up at the dangerous Mecha, nobody will look down till it's too late! The gun(s) can be preprogrammed to fire in a sweeping pattern, arc pattern, motion sensor, fixed straight ahead with the push of a button. Or even taken direct control for manual aiming. The bullet box has been modded so the Mecha can carry a spare or 2 and slide it in like a clip for easy reload. Recommended to have the other leg the same or modded till similar weight class to negate disproportionate stride.
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That looks backwards to me. Why aren't drawbacks malus?
Drawbacks are things that are built-in setbacks/problems by you for the design. Doing so makes any negative effects less likely to pop up in other parts and enables you to scrape by any additional problems by gaining +x points to the rolls for the weapon/equipment.

Basically, by making something bad, you roll better, and can maybe even negate the bad thing!
Is there a name for the special metal alloy the Mecha are made out of
Fenriserz. (Lit. Fenrir Ore)
Thermite Thermos
A cylindrical thermite bomb with a slight concave siding for easier gripping. Sized perfectly to fit in a standard Mecha hand and can be easily up\downscaled to size. One end is flat for placement. The other is rounded like a thermos cap and can be pressed down and rotated to start a timer up to a full hour. 1 full rotation is an hour. Forcing it to rotate the opposite way instead till one hears the sound of a seal breaking, will create a Shrodinger Cat effect where the bomb is only safe on it's flat side. Should it be disturbed and tip too far to it's side it will go off. This is originally a mistake in the design process but was kept as it can be left as a hair trigger bomb. To fit it to a Mecha a mount must be bolted to the Mecha then placed there. To press and rotate the dial or pull it off the mount requires a greater degree of strength than 2 standard humans can be expected to achieve on their own. This ensuring only Mecha may use it.
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"Thunderstrike" Hydraulic Armor-piercing Jackhammer
The "Thunderstrike" is a demolition tool as much as it is a weapon. It is supposed to be mounted on a mecha's arm, along with at least some kind of secondary weapon -documentation implies that a flamethrower might be an optimal addition for intended use cases - and mostly intended as an ambush weapon. The main piece of the weapon is a ultra-hard spike made out of a fenriserz-alloy, which is mounted in a hydraulic drive and used to punch a hole through armor - or walls. These hole can then be taken advantage of with the secondary weapon.
While powerful and not that heavy, the weapon is, on it's own, not suited for anty-infantry use - the high-powered nature of the punches make a delay between them necessary. Still, the numbers agree that the power should be enough that a penetration of all conventionally used armor should be expected.*

*when properly braced ; ideal striking angle assumed; targeting of weak spots might be required
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Voting is open