Voting is open
Turn 5.1 - "Why Is The Header In German?"
There is something oddly... weird about going through the things your father left behind. As if you are doing something wrong, yet still right. Like you are putting the past to rest while dragging every last piece up. The time you spoke your first word commemorated in a small plaque side by side with his disapproval when you broke your leg while trying to climb a tree. When you tried to sneak out, and he caught you with your mother, both thinking that you had a lover you were ashamed of while trying to hide the squirrel you were trying to get out. When he beat you over a disagreement, when you screamed at each other, the day you discovered he had bought the sweets you loved from the mainland.

A thousand and one memories come forth, each trying to vie for your attention as you lay them to rest, both the few good and the many bad. And as you do, his diary catches your attention, the neat little black book with tiny characters inviting you with a single sentence on its front: "My Exile."

Curiosity burns and you open the small little booklet, eyes flying over column after column of characters as you devour the life of a man that once held nothing to his name but the clothes on his back, a single pence, and a 19cm long flounder. You cannot help but feel angry as he describes his exile from the now-defunct Queendom by the British over a tiny transgression, though it is tempered by the knowledge of what that action would bring the "ambassador" from the English crown. Laughter echoes within your private room (once his bedroom, now yours almost fully refurbished) as you read his trading of the flounder into a full fishing boat. There is irony in the founder and leader of a communist revolution being a capitalist in their early days. Yet, you remain riveted by his descriptions of life and living within post-war Europe. A bitter note springs over your tongue as he talks about the failed Spartacist revolution and the single letter he exchanged with Rosa Luxemburg over possible help for his people. The letter would send him to various communist clubs and cliques within London, where he would become a true believer and plan his return. It is also how you found out that the brick numbered "1" was the first, and last, part of his brilliant plan of stealing the actual tomb of Karl Marx. You had to take a minute at the sheer idiocy, ludicrousness, and disappointment you felt that he actually tried, failed and got booted out of England straight into Germany.

And into the open arms of the Institute of Sexual Science. Magnus Hirschfeld and Arthur Kronfeld delighted at the chance to talk with a person from the elusive Ghangchou, picking his brain for any pieces of information about sexuality, gender identity, and every other topic they could come up with. His time within Germany is one of both joy and dread, as he writes at length about the beauty of the country, the culture, and the arts and science, yet the growing radicalization and hatred against anything foreign begin to bleed through. Ultimately, on the 4th May 1933, the pages are stained with blood, and you read about him discovering a plot by the Nazies to destroy the Institute. He evacuated everything they had, at the cost of a shot into his body, a missing eye for Arthur, and Magnus being murdered by a SS officer. Some days pass as he tries to dodge the SS and officials while keeping the knowledge and materials rescued secure before the date springs six months and fifteen days into the future.

The day he arrived on your home with a large shipment of German guns, the saved materials of the Institute, several of the workers that once held jobs there, and the burning desire to bring the Queendom to its knees. A dream he would chip at for five long years, where he would see the Ghangchou Institute of Sexual Science flourish under the attention of foreign experts, and the revolution grow both within your (finally reborn) navy and the people.

And then, over three days, the people rose, and the Queen fell.

That day is where the diary ends, and you are left emotionally and physically exhausted, having read the life of a man you still despised yet loved. Perhaps not in equal measure, but not enough to wish him ill. Laying the booklet down, you see that there is only one thing left to read through and decide to do so before going to bed. Better have it all squared away than be upset in the morning, and with that resolution made up in your mind, you reach out and pick up the manilla folder.

Though why is the header in German?

[] Operation Walküre

[] Sonderkommando Untermensch

Projekt Laufpanzer
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 17, 2022 at 2:10 PM, finished with 56 posts and 28 votes.
Turn 5.2 - "Laufpanzer"
[X] Projekt Laufpanzer
[X] Plan: Ocean Man
-[X] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[X] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, shipbuilding, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Perhaps you should start searching for a significant other to create your own family with? Guangchou may be more progressive on these matters than the rest of the world, but as the nation's leader, you're still expected to set an example for your people. Staying single your entire life probably isn't an option.
--[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, which might still prove useful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the harbors and fisheries.
[X] Heavy Industry
-[X] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)

(4 - Optimal)
Despite what people may think, you can't plop down a harbor anywhere you wish to, and damn the location! There need to be several conditions for these structures to be practical, chief among them easy access to the open seas or ocean. With your island sitting on the borders of the Chinese Sea, that part is not difficult; you merely had to mark the areas where the reefs and sunken Japanese ships were and then work onwards from there. Nearby fisheries and industry factored into the construction, as did access to workers to both construct and then service the new facilities. Though the newly built harbor is anything but a work of art, ships can anchor, offload cargo and crew, be loaded with cargo once more, and leave without any hassle greater than anywhere else. The newly constructed fishing fleet has been permanently assigned docks there, as the cannery has been built nearby to reduce the need for transport from harbor to factory. Coincidentally, the port also allows an expansion to your naval slipways.

[X] Military
-[X] Re-Found Your Anemic Navy (The People of Guangchou's Liberation Navy (PGLN)) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion
(8 - Optimal)
Your people had always found pride within your navy, the one area where none could hope to hold a candle to your blazing bonfire, be it in quality, courage, or genius. Slightly exaggerated maybe, but none can deny that your navy had covered itself in glory from its earliest days to the last years under Admiral Azure "Iron Dragon" Ju, a man whose story and legend is told to this day. The Gunners of Nine, Xa Li's Gambit, the Scorched Trail, and countless other stories about sacrifice and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds are constant reminders of the pride you once held within your navy. However, none other remind you of such as the Battle for the Iron Reef created by Admiral Azure. He was the one that played with the Imperial Japanese Navy like an adult with a child, handed them defeat after defeat, slipped their grasp, and turned traps onto them every time they tried to kill him and cow you into becoming yet another colony to their Emperor. The story of his last sally is practically a mandatory topic within your schools, one demanding no less than two weeks of attention from all involved. After all, it was when the Iron Dragon sallied forth to face the entire might of the IJN in one last suicidal hurrah and prevail, beating them back at the cost of his life. For two days did the guns thunder across the waves, for two days did your people die to Japanese guns and airplanes, yet they held, crossing the waves with speed and grace unmatched. Even as ships sank beneath the waves, they refused to die. Their crews sent shell after shell into the Japanese until their guns were submerged fully, and some not even then when they had intentionally breached themselves unto a reef. When your weapons finally ran dry, Admiral Azure ordered his flagship to accelerate to ramming speed, crashing into the carrier Zuikaku, where he would find his end detonating internal munitions, taking the ship with him to the grave. Mauled and their ammunition depleted, the Japanese decided that losing 21 ships to your nation was too much and retreated, deciding to kill you from the air. The only reason why you had such little industry as the Japanese destroyed everything above ground from their bombers for nearly six years.

A legacy you hope the new navy will prove capable of upholding.

[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
-[X] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)

(7+1=8 - Optimal)
What is there to say besides you now bringing in more fish? Building boats is easy for your people, and when those same are intended to ship in more food for their bellies, the workers of Ghangchou do so with a passion. Laying down the keel before rapidly constructing the rest, they reinforce the large holds from any harm to keep their precious cargo of fish safe until they can be disgorged back home.

-[X] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
(9+1=10 - Boosted)
A few words here, some insinuation to Zhao Chin, a bit of oversight, and the newest factory in Ghangchou now stands proudly next to the harbor, filled with the best machinery you could obtain within. And within a single day of operation, the first cans of tuna leave, soon filling stores and the workers' bellies. Of course, you are a bit proud of what you managed to create in such little time and how you improved the food situation, though your Minister of Nature and Nutrition quickly brings you down with the revelation that ~49% of the people still lack two meals a day. A further ~20% can only eat one full meal per two days together, and ~4% are on active starvation rations.

[X] Wei Jungming
-[X] Call for the Technocrats to assign a team to begin researching Oceanography, local aquatic wildlife, the value of a fish, health benefits, shipbuilding, and you've heard fish and fish poo works wonders as farming fertilizer, so you want to learn all that can be obtained from the ocean and what you can use to improve your future farming endeavors. (Helpful) (+1 Reputation for 2(two) Turns)

(8 - Optimal)
Having called upon your contacts among the Technocrats, you had a small favor to ask of them: bring me what you know about using fish and the ocean. They went at it with abandon, and you soon found yourself swarmed by translated texts from Europe, America, and China, though none of them are sorted. You will probably have to wait for your staff to get through the massive amount of scientific materials obtained before you can apply anything.

--[X] Perhaps you should start searching for a significant other to create your own family with? Guangchou may be more progressive on these matters than the rest of the world, but as the nation's leader, you're still expected to set an example for your people. So staying single your entire life probably isn't an option.
(Nat 1)
With the recent madness stemming from discovering your father's secret project, you had zero chance to commit to, or even search for, any romantic entanglements. But such is life.

--[X] Spend time going through your father's belongings and files. The man possessed many secrets in life, which might still prove helpful. It's also probably wise to make sure he didn't leave any surprises to deal with before they blow up in your face.
(Nat 100)

Walking. Tanks. would call anyone that would have tried to sell the idea to you a madman, and yet you cannot help but stare at the fifty Laufpanzer within a secret base underneath our island sporting nazi-decals! It is insane; it is madness, the very definition of the Nazi Wunderwaffe! Something completely useless with no practical application!

That is if the Laufpanzer would be useless. It is anything but, cheaper than any tank by nearly half and capable of wielding an equivalent in firepower. Their armor is shockingly advanced, capable of resisting modern tank fire with moderate difficulty despite its amateurish application across the machine. The hydraulics and internal machinery are so incredibly rugged you were shocked to see one half-rusted Laufpanzer function with nearly no loss in mobility despite half of its internals nothing more than rust. To say nothing of the electronics within that can hold up to modern equivalents with ease but beat those by miles in durability.

And you have all the notes and blueprints to make more of them. To make better versions. To make your versions.

You only need a name.

[] Laufpanzer is fitting.
[] (Write-In Name.)

--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the harbors and fisheries.

It was refreshing to be among the people, away from the stress and intrigue of the upper echelons. To see them be unaware that you were their leader and be treated as yet another worker amongst workers. (You had long since learned how to disguise yourself properly.) The people appreciate your attempts to better their lot, and there is cautious talk about how you seem a better man than your father. You also uncovered a corrupt official that tried to inflate prices and deflate wages of the workers alongside a drug smuggler while you tried to juggle three fish and an octopus.

[+5 People's Opinion]

Reputation - (25/100 Reputation, +1 for 4(Four) Turns, +1 for 1(One) Turn - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (36/100 Reputation, +1 for 4(Four) Turns - Ours is to do and die, but at least we can complain. Quietly.)
Chinese Opinion - (8/10 - I like your witty words.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)

Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Abyssal - (Improving)

[] Light Industry
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 4(Four) Turns - Plan)
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
-[] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Electronics Manufacturing (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
-[] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Assembly (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
-[] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Research Group (Allows Modifications)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)

A Tank On Legs
You are just a soldier among many, yet the Great Leader chose you to test these machines. Now the scientists ask you to voice your opinion. What needs to be improved, what is working, and how can they be used?
(+2 to first native Laufpanzer design)
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A Tank on Legs
A Tank on Legs

Ru Hiro, 29 years old, regular army soldier, beamed with pride as he stared at the 11-meter-tall amalgam of steel, aluminum and titanium alloy. The tall behemoth he was looking at was but one of the smaller variants found amongst the armory, and he was being given the honor of being the test pilot.

Hiro was a fisherman's son. He'd been born to the salt spray and calls of seagulls on a humid, tropical night. To a mother born to native fisherfolk, and a father brought to his homeland's shores by a Japanese Invasion.

His father, a sailor, had been shown mercy when his mother had found him on the beach. He hadn't been wearing the uniform of Japanese soldiers who'd tried so hard to spill blood on their soil. That he had been conscripted in the waning days of the great war, taken from a family of fellow fisherfolk earned him some begrudging sympathy. He would be spared. For now.

And thus began long years of earning their trust. Earning his keep. But in this, he had the aid of Hiro's mother, who felt it her responsibility that he prove his worth. And their budding and slow-burning romance had been years in the making, but eventually, Hiro was born.

His father had understood when he spoke of his decision to join the army. While he had been conscripted, even he understood the duty of fighting to protect one's home. And this was his home. Not Japan, not some place he had never set his eyes on.

His mother had been more reluctant, afraid of losing her boy to some terrible battle, but she, too, relented.

Ru Hiro, Nakamura Hiro if his father had not been taken into his mother's family, had flourished in the army. While earning the trust of his warrior brothers and sisters had been slow-going at first, time and hard work had come through for him. In that same vein, he also proved his competence and fervor to his superiors, steadily climbing the ranks from lowly private, to a respectable captain.

That promotion, had come on the heels of a new assignment. A SECRET assignment. That his leaders would entrust him with such a confidential task was a great honor, both to him, and to his family, though he'd have to make sure not to spread it around. Regardless, it was why he was here, now, in this secret military installation deep within the island. He would pilot one of these… laughpansers… and pass on his recommendations on how it could be made ready for actual use.

From where he stood in front of it, he could already spot some key weaknesses and gaps in the armor plates; moving joints and parts that could cripple certain parts of the machine, if not immobilize it outright. He also understood there wasn't a truly viable way of shielding those parts without hindering their function, nor adding more weight to the machine.

For the weapon systems, this particular model had grappling claws, more suited for utility functions, while possessing some hardpoints for weapon attachments to the machine's back and the sides of its arms. But whatever loadout it was given at the beginning of a battle, it was locked into until it could get back to a hangar or armory of some sort.

The interior was fine, even if it wasn't pristine. Despite the rust, the machine seemed fully functional, up to a point. Though it may need some additional add-ons, like a firefighting system for the pilot, night-fighting optics, an updated control system, and maybe some cupholders, it had at least proved robust and reliable, even after years in storage.

Speaking of which, there rumors going around as to how these got here in Guangchou, for they were clearly German in origin. Some believed they had come from a Japanese transport vessel, sent to their mainland for the Germans to assist their Asian allies. Some believed the previous Great Leader stole them from the Axis in his younger days. A few even spoke of how nazi scientists and engineers had come to island to bribe the Great Leader to join the Axis forces with military wonders.

It was with these thoughts that Hiro started up the machine, the powerful engines and motors whirring and purring pleasantly, as if they were brand new. No doubt it would go towards some stealth when approaching enemy targets, to an extent. But as he took his first step, Hiro realized the first, serious problem with the machines.

He calmly braced himself in his seat harness as the machine fell upon its own front. And as the brief shaking died down, he nodded approvingly as he noted no serious damaged had been dealt to the internals. And while the externals may prove a bit dented, it was still a good sign.

Yet even as he confirmed his safety to the engineers and support crew outside, he mentally summarized the machine's flaws.

In addition to his earlier musings, he noted the foremost problem: falling down. The machine had no reliable means of getting back up. The utility claws weren't exactly built for such a thing. And the machine lacked a towing and grappling system to right itself, or for other units to tow and right others. Not to mention, it would only take some digging, clever positioning and cunning disguises to conceal a pit and disable the machine. Something a few, well hidden infantry could accomplish.

There was also the learning curve to think about. The controls would likely need simplification or streamlining in addition to updates, especially if they wanted to think of making replacements and training easy enough to make the machines widespread. Not to mention, the ability to easily and quickly correct your machine's posture or to pick yourself off the ground.

Perhaps a more traditional, humanoid hand? Maybe to allow for more varied weaponry and switching between them. Though it would likely add to the complexity. Something to think about.

Now that he thought of it, visuals would require improvement on top of improving night-fighting options. Hiro knew of the use of surveillance cameras. Perhaps such a system could be used here, to allow for complete pilot enclosure and fewer gaps, though he risked completely losing sight if the cameras were destroyed.

And finally, there was one other thing to consider. Agility. And speed. Two things.

It would be a good way to address some of the problems. Why block an attack when you can avoid it? It would make movement easier. Falling over would not be as much of a threat. And quickly angling the machine against anti-armor fire, especially for close-up, portable weapons carried by concealed infantry would be invaluable.

And rockets? Hmmm… strap rockets to the machine… for speed. Maybe jumping, either to rain down fire… or smite down on enemies from above…

But yes, to get in close… The machines seemed to favor long-range combat, but any artillery or tank can do that. Why not give it a sword? Or an axe?

Or a chainsaw… huh.

Regardless. The machines clearly needed a ton work before he'd even recommend them being used. And he was determined to be there ever step of the way.

And as the crew outside brought in a crane to lift the machine up, Hiro turned to dreaming of tigers with chainsaws…


Notes: EEEEHHHHHH it got longer than I'd have liked again! But I honestly couldn't just leave Hiro without some backstory. No, no, he's definitely not inspired by a certain Heero from a certain Gundam series. Don't be ridiculous.

Also, made one laufpanzer about three stories tall. 11 meters or so. I figured the 50 panzers were of varying sizes, built for multiple caliber weapons and roles. Also, Nazis like fighting at a distance, hence a lot of long-range weapons. And not as much need for agility I guess. So I imagine they're a bit front heavy, despite them supposedly being agile enough to be walkers.

Anyways, author, fellow readers, don't hesitate to mention if I should make any corrections. Also, I checked, chainsaws and surveillance cams were totes invented by the 1970. I just hope Guangchou has the industry to make its own versions.
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Diary of Rigoberto Rojo - 1970, 1 of June
Since I understood what the red color meant, I had been a communist. My great-grandfather was a victim of the massacre at the Santa Maria school; my grandfather fought within the Spanish civil war; my father fought alongside Fidel Castro. And all of them were killed by the revolution and the proletariat's struggle.

I decided that maybe there were other ways to build class consciousness, ways that would leave life rather than death. So, as I grew, I read The Capital as a bed book, studied its theory as if I were bourgeois counting coins, and I entered the University of Chile as a mechanical engineer. Not to bring forth more revolutionaries from within, but to make the engines of the revolution, because someone had to, right?

So imagine me when, days after the election of comrade Allende, a man from the party told me that there could be a unique assignment in a foreign country. I was in the clouds; it was finally my time to show my family that it is unnecessary to die for the revolution to be a "true revolutionary!" And maybe I was also a bit attracted to the idea of the beaches of Cuba or the pretty girls (or guys) of Germany; even the cold nights of Moscow seemed to warm my chest at the thought of them. But after saying yes and signing the contract, it occurred to me that it didn't say where I would go. It could have been a printing error, but what started to raise alarms within my mind was that when I asked the party, they gave me roundabout and forced answers, as if they were sorry for what would happen to me. Seeing it from where I am, I now know why. The port is a bit "exotic," with all the walls painted red, similar to the worker's blood, but I am also new and do not know the customs. Besides, all experiences are good experiences, right?

Walking off the boat, the interpreter awaiting me told me that I would work on a kind of German prototype, something about a vehicle with legs. Of course, they weren't the exact words, but what was clear was that if something of this "wunderwaffe" ever leaked, "I would be very sure that I would know my ancestors, and I see why the Guangchou people are so little known." But I think I can endure the four years of the contract and see again how much socialism has advanced in Chile.

Arriving at the hostel where I will stay for the rest of my work, I notice how it looks pretty deteriorated by the standards of a capital; perhaps with the new leadership, things may change.

I only hope it is for the better.

Diary of Rigoberto Rojo - 1970, 1 of June

Pd: Sorry if this seam a little out of nowhere but this is my 1st time writing anyting apart the difference in idioms, so
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Vote closed
Here's the results but in block mode
Adhoc vote count started by CedeTheBees on Jan 22, 2022 at 9:23 AM, finished with 58 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Feeding The People
    -[X] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
    --[X] A small fertilizer plane or helicopter. Something that works well in a small area. Guangzhou isn't a very large island so you don't need anything fast.
    -[X] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
    -[X] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
    -[X] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
    -[X] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
    -[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
    --[X] Keep trying to find a significant other. You might have better luck this year.
    --[X] Plan a surprise tour of the new factories.
    --[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, in order to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as a ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades
    [X] Iron Tiger
    [X] Mech Name: Type 1 Cobra
    [X] Mech Name: Actually, for this I think we'll need to establish some kind of military designation for our small arms, equipment, armored vehicles, utility vehicles, transport helicopters, gunships, aircraft, and of course, our mechs.
    [X] +1 Reputation
    [X] Mech Name: Iron Dragon
    [X] Iron Menagerie
Turn 6.1 - "Tag der Toten Rosen"
After the second world war, Germany and its people found itself within the grasp of two superpowers, both with legitimate and vaunted interest in keeping the nation and those that had supported the Nazi Regime from collapsing, or starting another war. Both powers, the Allies and the USSR found their own way to ensure that Germany would, or could, never pose such a threat again, with two different strategies implemented by both sides. The Allies forged ahead with the thought that integrated and dependent cross-European economies would block any attempt at invasion or war. Such an attempt would do far more damage than any gains gained by fighting. The USSR wasted no time to establish a puppet state, and, before the widespread use of the Internet, the singular most effective secret police, the Stasi, also known as the Ministerium für Statssicherheit (Ministry of State Security).

However, both sides implemented anti-Nazification campaigns and measures to varying degrees of effect, accuracy, and damage. The Allied approach was criticized for its lack of results, often unable to prosecute even the large and prominent figures within the Nazi Regime. At the same time, the USSR had to weather (from the outside) accusations of random massacres of scapegoats and innocents for political gains. However, one of the measures implemented by the Allies was the strengthening of political systems and the re-introduction of "uncorrupted" agencies and institutes after the war, one of which was the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) after Magnus Hirschfeld and his staff returned from exile within Ghuangchou. Having wasted no time with the re-building of his Institute, Magnus Hirschfeld started to apply the insights and knowledge gained from the people of Ghuangchou and that of their Institute predating his by three days.

Though he was able to help many people struggling with their sexuality and gender identity, the government of the BRD tried to shut down his Institute to "Safeguard the morality of the people" in 1953. An action that would spark the Studentenproteste (Student Protests) starting on the 24th of March, as several liberal papers focused on the government's attempts to shut the Institute down and discovered that the 104 politicians that championed and introduced this measure had worked for the Nazi Regime. Further investigations uncovered the extent to which the "De-Nazification" had not only failed but provided coverage for those that had worked for the dismantled Regime.

Yet, despite growing anger and protests from the youth, police were ordered to protect the construction crews that had been attacked by protesters when they had tried to dismantle the Institute on the 5th of July. An action that would result in the Tag der Toten Rosen (Day of Dead Roses), where the police murdered 25 students as they held roses to display their peaceful and unarmed nature.

Due to immediate outrage from nearly everyone at the actions of the police, from every age group or political spectrum, further attempts to dismantle the Institute ceased.

Despite this, the outrage continued, culminating in the founding of Die Pinken (The Pink), a political party focused on clearing out any trace of the Nazi Regime from Germany and holding high the freedoms and rights of the people trampled under the current government.

Within their first election, they gained 72% of the votes of those under 25 and a total of 8.8% nationwide. Wei Cai, then leader of Ghuanchou, sent a personal card of encouragement to the party's founders, with congratulations for their success, citing their work to better human rights "both critical and inspiring to many.". Currently, the Regenbogenallianz (The Rainbow Alliance), the fusion-party of the Greens, Pinks, Party of the Humanists, and Party Human Nature Protection of Animals holds 27.8% of the Bundestag.
Source: Popular History: The Free Generation

Reputation - (23/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (39/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Ours is to do and die, but at least we can complain. Quietly.)
Chinese Opinion - (8/10 - I like your witty words.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)
--[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as an ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades
You cannot decide if you were merely giddy for your upcoming meeting and mingling with the Chinese Party or nervous due to the secrets you now hold. It was one thing to walk into a country with backward notions of identity when you were a child, another to do so as the leader of a nation whose existence could be snuffed out if said nation wanted it so. Yet, you needed to present a strong front and one of competence despite such. Especially when faced with Mao, you could only guess what would happen if you angered him.

But, as the ship on which you were traveling slowly entered into the harbor, with you seeing the welcome party arranged with press nearby, you could not help but be giddy at the prospect of the contacts and resources to be gained with a bit of talk and ego-stroking. A few promises here, some favors there, an assurance to this politician, some big speech over yonder, and some late-night dinner and talks with some admirals, and you could make out like a bandit, with all happy, thinking they got one over you.

Now, onto the greasy work of politics.

(As part of your visit to Beijing, you can spend Reputation and Chinese Opinion to gain materials, trade, information, knowledge, experts, instantly completed Actions and more. Alternatively, you could trade favors, either to complete an Action now (like a Mandate) or be called upon later.)

Eastern Naval Attention
While Ghuangchou had never been a titan among the Asian nations or even the communist sphere there, it still occupies the minds and hearts of many important people. It stands as a critical port to lay claim to the Chinese Sea for the Chinese. Likewise, the Japanese see them in the light of a small island that withstood years of the Imperial Navy and Air Force bombarding them after the Iron Dragon handed their navy a humiliating defeat. The Taiwanese Exiles look at their eastern neighbor with unease and a close-by navy, wary of any movements in their direction. And now, Wei Jungmin's declaration of naval ambition has set them all on edge, each for their own reasons.
(+4 to Design A Native Ship)

Internal Naval Scheming
The Chinese Communist Party is not the block it presents itself to be. Schemers, plots, secrets, backstabbing and secret deals brim within the One Big Tent Mao created for those he deemed ideological pure. Now, with rumors of his waning health, his advancing age, and the ascendance of a new pawn in Ghuangchou, those with ambitions rear their heads and pens, ready to strike against those that think to stand in their way of ever-greater positions. And one man may be the linchpin for those Admirals seeking more resources for their projects.
(Reduced friction when Mao dies.)

Small Allies, Small Hopes
Ghuangchou may be seen as degenerate by many nations and more cultures for their acceptance of "unnatural" sexualities, gender identity, transitions, and much more. Yet it is a beacon of small hope for those who are oppressed for things they cannot control or have chosen. One of those has now set foot among the shores of a nation, now never having to fear being hunted again for their feelings and thoughts in that regard.
(+1 to 1(One) Social Roll)
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Eastern Naval Attention
Eastern Naval Attention
Lee Hui-chun stood resolutely on the deck as the Dahan cruised away from the docks, having rushed minutes earlier to stow the tugboat's moorings in preparation for an early morning search-and-rescue drill.

This was the fifth such drill the tug and her crew had taken in less than a week, the times ranging from blistering, sunny afternoons to rainy, pitch-black nights. Each time they'd set out with a few other vessels, perhaps even as much as half a fleet, to conduct several drills. Tonight, the sun had yet to rise despite it already being past midnight, they were to do their S&R drill along with one of the newer corvettes.

Word had come down from higher up that the sudden drills were a response to a declaration by one of their island neighbors, a declaration of renewed naval ambition, one that had alarmed high command.

The real problem, though, was Guangchou's close association with communists back on the mainland. A subject in all but name, the CCP Politburo could easily come up with some half-assed excuse to enter a war on the side of its "protectorate", and that meant one more possible excuse for the CCP to make a move on the Republic.

Lee Hui-chun was sure there were other political, military and economic ramifications to consider, but what would he know? He was a deckhand on the Dahan, a military tugboat, not some armchair admiral giving orders in some secret command center. His job was to maintain the tug's equipment, operate the machinery, keep her clean and generally make sure she was running in perfect form.

That was becoming a full-time job in recent years. The tug had served during World War 2, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. While she had been a very recent acquisition, having been sold to Taiwan by the Americans in '67 as Tawakoni, her real age showed. She was built to last, but only if she was given the attention she deserved.

As Hui-chun drifted through his tasks, Dahan sailed to the assembly point. It was her crew's job to make sure she stayed in tip-top shape, but it would be the captains and admirals who'd make sure the fleet was ready. Anytime, anywhere. And as the shadowy silhouettes of other ships grew larger and closer, Hui-chun contemplated his role in the coming exercises.

As one of the more senior deckhands, he'd been tasked with working the towing rigs. His younger colleagues would work as support, and serving as lookouts for hypothetical sailors floating on the water, requiring rescue after their hypothetical ship continued sinking. Meanwhile the captain would make sure the tug stayed as unobtrusive as possible, in case the rest of the fleet needed to continue fighting even as their sister ships called for help.

It was a sobering thought, wondering what it would feel like, when they were rescuing actual people jumping from actual sinking, perhaps even burning, ships. He was senior, compared to most, but Hui-chun had still been born in peacetime. The idea of war was as foreign as the idea of growing up with communism.

However, as Dahan cruised alongside a frigate, Hui-chun shook his head, and dispersed the pensive thoughts that had settled within. He was just a sailor. Not an admiral. Let others worry about wars that may not come.

He just needed to do his job, and do it well.

Note: Managed to keep it short. I saw the omake bounties on offer and figured I may as well work on one. We all need to do our part for laufpa— I mean, Guangchou. Also, Dahan is an actual tugboat in the Taiwanese Navy. Or rather, it was. She started out in the US navy but was eventually sold to Taiwan. She was decommissioned a few years ago, but I decided I may as well bring her back to life. No, I did not check the crew manifests. I don't know if there ever was a Lee Hui-chun onboard.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 23, 2022 at 10:24 AM, finished with 16 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Don't Touch the Military
    [X]The Bat on a Bamboo
    -[X]Spend some Chinese Opinion and Favor for the Following:
    --[X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
    --[X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
    -[X]Do some favors for the Chinese
    --[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
    --[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
    --[X]To exclusively integrate Chinese naval technology to our ships and to use China as our primary option in ordering a naval vessel.
    [X]Assistance in Energy projects using Chinese expertise.
    [X]Completion of Agricultural Projects to increase the land use as well as the efficiency of agriculture and long-term crop storage.
    [X]The Bat on a Bamboo
    [X]Don't Touch the Military
    -[X]You scratch my back:
    --[X]Survey assistance for sites ideal for hydro and geothermal power production and knowledge of grid expansion and electrification of rural areas
    --[X]Knowhow on agricultural techniques, different crop breeds, maximizing use of limited agricultural land, long-term storage and animal husbandry
    -[X]And I'll scratch yours
    --[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize the backwardness of the ancestors.
    --[X]To allow naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
    --[X]Propose exclusivity contracts for purchase of raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our own products to their markets.
Turn 6.2 - I Am His Paperwork
[X] Plan: Feeding The People
-[X] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
--[X] A small fertilizer plane or helicopter. Something that works well in a small area. Guangzhou isn't a huge island, so you don't need anything fast.
-[X] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[X] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[X] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep trying to find a significant other. You might have better luck this year.
--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the new factories.
--[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as an ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades

[X]Don't Touch the Military
-[X]You scratch my back:
--[X]Survey assistance for sites ideal for hydro and geothermal power production and knowledge of grid expansion and electrification of rural areas
--[X]Knowhow on agricultural techniques, different crop breeds, maximizing the use of limited agricultural land, long-term storage, and animal husbandry
-[X]And I'll scratch yours
--[X]To build a museum to store relics of the Four Olds to be used to criticize (and educate on) the backwardness of the ancestors.
--[X]To allow increase naval drills with the Liberation Navy on how to coordinate the defense of the People's waters.
--[X]Propose exclusivity contracts to purchase raw and exotic resources needed for projects from and sale of our products to their markets.
[X] Heavy Industry
-[X] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
--[X] A small fertilizer plane or helicopter. Something that works well in a small area. Guangzhou isn't a huge island, so you don't need anything fast.

(5 - Optimal)
The new plane had a bit of a rocky start. Before being informed of the mistake, your assistant had chucked its initial design to the military department, who created a design intended to spray chemical weaponry on a large area. Thankfully, that awkward mistake didn't leak because explaining why you are making a plane for chemical weaponry would land you in hot water very fast. Though the military designs proved very capable of being adapted to a civilian model, only having to take out the weaponry and several features unneeded for civilian use.

[X] Agri-, And Aquaculture
-[X] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)

(6+1=7 - Optimal)
The new factory has been built and has started production on the same day, the workers within being reported to you as happy that they are helping their fellow workers. As a result, farming yields are projected to increase by around 20-30% within the next six months.

-[X] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
(10+1=11 - Boosted)
Though international eco-organizations have taken slight notice of your clearing of the jungles growing over those spots less likely to lose nutrition by farming, they could do little more than slightly amuse you by sending a few letters. So the clearing continued and ended as you had planned, with new farming spaces available for your people.

-[X] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
(10+1=11 - Boosted)
Farming space was increased in the same tempo as it became available, with new acres of crops soon growing before the last of the lumber could be transported off to be worked into the houses and villages that will now provide the workers for the farming initiative. You can see the new fields from your windows, golden fields bordering fallow ones to be planted next season, framed by terraces of rice, with potatoes and other hardy crops growing in less fruitful locations.

[X] Secret Projects
-[X] Laufpanzer (Rename Pending) Armor Foundry (1/3 to produce Laufpanzer (Rename Pending))

(9 - Optimal)
The Iron Tige Armor Foundry has been established, slowly working out the mysteries of the armor that the Nazi Germany Scientists developed. Several plates have already been incorporated into prototypical designs for infantry body armor, though those have been more ramshackle and piecework than competent. Ordering the creation of professional armor for both your soldiers and police could be a worthwhile investment. It will accelerate the leaking of the secret, though.

[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Keep trying to find a significant other. You might have better luck this year.

You didn't have much time to focus on finding any suitable SO, though you did find two that, at least on the surface, seemed interested in the prospect. The first is Jing Mai, a soldier and bodyguard whose biggest strength would be her muscles and height. A strong wife for a strong man. The second is Mu Ji, one of the maids within the palace, notable for her small stature, cute face, and sense of order. She reminds you a bit of your mother.

[] Jing Mai, The Muscled Soldier (+2 Reputation, gain ??? Wife)
[] Mu Ji, the Small Maid (+2 People's Opinion, gain ??? Wife)
[] Keep Looking (Next attempt rolled with +26)

--[X] Plan a surprise tour of the new factories.

The visit went well, with several pictures of you or the various workers now adorning billboards and walls in a propaganda campaign to show the current efforts of you and the workers to increase food production.

--[X] Plan to visit either Beijing or Moscow, to consolidate recognition by either "communist" nations as an ally to the proletariat cause and possibly get either trade or investment from our comrades
Returning from your visit, you cannot help but smile as several dozen experts accompany you back, all for the fair price of naval drills and an expansion to your mining efforts.

--[X] Assign him an extremely attractive, swishy young man in a miniskirt as his personal liaison. Specifically, that one from the kitchens who you know will be delighted with the opportunity.

"Ah," you say, welcoming Zhao Chin into your office, "it is always a pleasure to see you! To what do I owe the pleasure?" The way his face barely remains polite instead of looking as if he had bitten into a sour lemon is just what you needed as a morale boost after a long day of work.

"Well, I have been sent several vital documents from the mainland for you to peruse regarding your various agreements with the government and instructed to give them in person," he returns, smiling pleasantly with a tiny tick in his left eye. Ooh, he is angry! This is getting better by the second!

"Thank you; I'll be sure to send them off without bothering you," you return, making his smile even more strained! "is there anything else," you add in a slightly dismissive tone, causing a tiny bit of anger to appear on his faltering poker face.

[] "In fact, yes. I will be reassigned."
He speaks, causing a tiny bit of surprise and sadness in you. It'll be sad to see him go; annoying the fucker was a favorite past-time of you for the last few years.

"While I am sad to see you leave," you diplomatically say, "I am happy for your promotion. To where, if you don't mind?"

"Apologies," Zhao Chin returns, "but that has not been told to me. If you'd excuse me?" He says, barely waiting for you to dismiss him before he walks out.

Not even a second later, a man in a miniskirt enters your office through the door to your bedroom. "Guess," Li Jia speaks, a shit-eating grin on his face, waving a manilla folder in one hand, "who managed to get the Chinese Encryption?"
[Gain: Chinese Encryption for 4(four) Turns, revealing their actions.]

[] "No, if you'd excuse me, I have paperwork to do."

He speaks before looking at the door to your bedroom with confusion as something bangs against it.

"I am decorating," you swiftly lie, waving his confusion off as he leaves your office. The banging swiftly returns, along with muffled laughter. Confused, you stand up and go to the door, opening it to see Li Jia wheezing against the doorframe.

"Oh, that is golden!" He gasps, grinning up at you as he slowly composes himself, holding up a manilla folder in one hand. "You should look at these codes, Sir," he says, handing you the folder before grinning wider. "Well, I should hurry," he says, swishing around, "I am his paperwork!" He adds with a wink at you.
[Gain: Chinese Encryption for 4(four) Turns, revealing their actions.]

[+2 to first native Laufpanzer Iron Tiger design - A Tank on Legs
+1 Reputation - Diary of Rigoberto Rojo - 1970, 1 of June
+4 to Design A Native Ship - Eastern Naval Attention]

Reputation - (23/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Beware the Opportunists)
People's Opinion - (39/100 Reputation, +1 for 3(Three) Turns - Ours is to do and die, but at least we can complain. Quietly.)
Chinese Opinion - (6/10 - Aha.)
History Page - (A name, three dates. Birth, reign, death.)

Light Industry - Meh
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Horrible - (Improving)

[] Light Industry (+2 to Increase Electrification)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+4 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2 to Geothermal Power, +2 To Power Plant)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful) (Urgent)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military (+4 to Design A Native Ship)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design Infantry IT-Alloy Bodyarmor (+4 Reputation)
-[] Design Police IT-Alloy Bodyarmor And Shields (+2 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Recover Your Sunken Fleet (Harmful) (+4 Reputation) (+4 People's Opinion) (+4 to any Naval Action)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 4(Four) Turns - Plan, +2 to Farming/Animal Husbandry (Chinese Experts), +2 to Farming/Fishing/Animal Husbandry (Technocrats))
-[] Create An Agriculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Create An Aquaculture Institute (Name, Focus) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
--[] Have them begin creating a realistic paper trail showing your walking tanks are completely homegrown and have nothing to do with Nazis. At most, they were inspired by some pictures of a possible Nazi project, which is why the chassis look similar. But nothing else! (+2 Reputation, +Allies)
-[] Militarists
[] Find an older experienced general looking for expansion and can be trusted because they know the importance of OpSec! Let them in on the Mecha and Nazi secret. Let them look thru the blueprints and give a mech a test in the underground testing site. Once they are satisfied that the Iron Tigers are excellent and worthy (even if they need some modern weaponry and other upgrades), have them in charge. What personnel is assigned, how training will work, and how to handle them in your doctrine. AND THEIR FIRST DUTY IS TO SCRAPE, UNSCREW, BREAK OFF, AND SAND ALL SIGNS THESE BABIES CAME FROM NAZIES BEFORE A INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT OCCURS! So anyone they assigned to this can keep their eyes down and mouth shut. (+5 Reputation, +/-Allies)
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have the Nationalists look into trade regarding your fishing and other agricultural trade goods with other nations. Primarily where the value of our goods can net us a larger quantity of food coming in than going out to feed our people. (-1 Reputation)
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and bring up suggestions on how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-4 Reputation)
-[] Industrialists
--[] Thank the Unions for the help with the Harbor and fisheries by inviting a few of their trusted leaders to a private dinner. Trusted because not only have they earned their fellow common workers respect, but your people did some background checks and confirmed trustiness and loyalty. Plus any blackmail, just in case. Upon that, you will reveal that you have come into the possession of potential machines that could increase mining output to an unheard-of degree while employing fewer people in dangerous jobs. As this is a long-term project, see what they can throw together in terms of requirements and equipment before throwing those at your (soon-to-be) Iron Tiger Research Teams. (+Allies)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Iron Tiger Electronics Manufacturing (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[] Iron Tiger Research Group (Allows Modifications)
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] (Write-In three things he does within the next six months.)
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Voting is open