Turn 9 - Baby On Board
Unverified Monstergirl
[X] Plan: Infrastructure
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct Freezer Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Construct Electrical Stove Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Train Network (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[X] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[X] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.))
-[X] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Actions
---[X] Test out the new transit system yourself (incognito, of course)
---[X] Try living in the first of the new houses to be built as a test case and give your thoughts on both the good and bad, hopefully in time to enact any necessary alterations in the design, as needed.
--[X] Lover Action
---[X] Go on a trip into some of our native jungles. Have her show us around some of our country's most difficult terrain and make our security details work for their paychecks.
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[X] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[X] Construct Freezer Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Construct Electrical Stove Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Train Network (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[X] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
-[X] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.))
-[X] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT
-[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Actions
---[X] Test out the new transit system yourself (incognito, of course)
---[X] Try living in the first of the new houses to be built as a test case and give your thoughts on both the good and bad, hopefully in time to enact any necessary alterations in the design, as needed.
--[X] Lover Action
---[X] Go on a trip into some of our native jungles. Have her show us around some of our country's most difficult terrain and make our security details work for their paychecks.
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
(2 - Compounded Failure)
One should think that having a few busses made, distributed, and set along with schedules of transit between and in your cities alongside fueling and routine maintenance. Now, to be fair, your planners and logistical personnel managed to do the latter three without fail and no problems; the island isn't that big. However, what did matter was that there was a slight problem in acquiring the busses. Namely, the factory that produced the steel and turned that into vehicles exploded.
...oh yeah. THAT put a complete stop in a lot of projects for you. A SHITTON of plans, gone and blown away into the mists of confusion and panic. Because it didn't just end there, oh no.
(See Rudimentary Train Network)
-[X] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[X] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
(9 - Optimal)
Unlike your recent headache-inducing madness that is the Foundry exploding, the expansion of your urban centers goes fluidly and without interruption, people moving away from the construction-sites to pre-arranged homes before settling into the new complexes with about a third again their number, allowing for more inner-city space to be freed up for more construction and denser urban planning to be feasible.
-[X] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
(6 - Optimal)
Some of the space you freed by increasing the population density is taken up by several new police officers and stations, soon staffed by enthusiastic cadets fresh from the academy and paired with experienced officers for their training within the force. As a result, the people feel safer from criminals, the criminals are suitably intimidated, and you have added another way to exert power across the nation, excellent.
-[X] Construct Freezer Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
(4 - Subpar)
While the chemicals needed to construct freezers are dangerous, you are suitably impressed by the ingenuity of your engineers to minimize the risks and impact on the health of the workers who are busy assembling the new model designed for the new housing complexes. At about one meter tall, fifty centimeters long, and sixty centimeters wide, the freezer offers more than enough space for all things needing refrigeration, from food to water and even medicine, with some apparently using the freezers to cool their pillows for the night.
-[X] Construct Electrical Stove Factory (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
(6 - Optimal)
Metal goes in; stoves come out. Stoves go into a home, and food is being prepared without having to use coal, gas, or wood, reducing smog, fires, and risks to health and life in the process.
[X] Heavy Industry
-[X] Build A Rudimentary Train Network (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
(1 - Compounded Failure)
You see, the thing with that particular Steel Foundry wasn't just that it produced a lot of steel; it also doubled as a factory to shape the made steel into various bits of machinery, vehicles, and stuff like rails. Rails that happened to be exceptionally brittle when engineers tested them the day before they were supposed to be laid. Rails that had been produced in the same factory where, for years before, nothing but exceptional work had been done. One thing was a horrific accident; two made you wonder...
(Continued in Personal Actions)
[X] Secret Projects
-[X] Iron Tiger Assembly (1/3 to produce Iron Tigers)
(10 - Boosted)
What more can you say about the effort, other than It Is Done! The amount of expertise, work-hours, materials, and money shoveled into the Iron Tiger Project are mindbogglingly gigantic compared to any other initiative or project you have undertaken since becoming the Leader of the nation, and you expect that to remain that way for possibly the rest of your life. And with every part of the assembly done and a native Iron Tiger now fully developed, you can start manufacturing them for the Military. (In secret!)
-[X] Create A Modern Iron Tiger (Create A Basic Design (Height, Weaponry, Crew, Safety, Body, etc.))
Developed Systems:
-"Lightningbolt" 115mm Automatic Smoothbore Anti-Armor Gun (Back-mounted)
-"Thunderfire" 57mm Tri-barrel Autocannon (Mech Rifle)
-"Dragon's Tooth" Bayonet/Combat Knife
-"Tigerlink" Terminal
-"Dragonbone" Stability System and Gyroscope
-"SCARS" Self-Contained Atmosphere Reclamation System
-Modular Armor Plates
-[X] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT
(1 - Subpar)
Most of your attention was on the crisis with the Steel Foundry, meaning that you caught the fact your orders to look into WEISOFT further for more applications had never been sent. Well, that's half a year wasted with you wondering what the hang-ups and delays in reporting mean.
[X] Wei Jungming - (RP)
--[X] Personal Actions
---[X] Test out the new transit system yourself (incognito, of course)
(Nat 1 - Compounded Failure)
The explosion within the Steel Foundry (and subsequent halting in the production of rails, trains, and busses) threw a giant wrench into your plans to make sure that the programs would work as you wanted them to and that they were able to provide you with the benefits you were making the for in the first place. While transporting people between Point A to Point B in a much shorter timeframe and higher quantity to boot was lovely, the military logistical and agricultural sides were of much more serious concern to you. The first was self-explanatory; moving soldiers and material to where you needed them in the case of an invasion within minutes or an hour was titanically better than having to send them marching for who-knows-how-long. Additionally, they would have to rest before entering battle or do so exhausted and miserable already, impacting their combat capabilities.
The latter had been a linchpin in your Five-Year Plan. You see, moving fresh produce within an hour of being harvested into a freezer or cannery would reduce your food waste even further than it currently is, allowing you to retain more of the produce and increase the median caloric ingestion and vitamins your people would be able to eat. Unfortunately, with that shortcut in increasing efficiency now significantly hampered, your effort to fulfill the promises you made to the people is in serious jeopardy now. Meaning you will have to start sprinting in your agricultural efforts rather than the jog you had planned.
---[X] Try living in the first of the new houses to be built as a test case and give your thoughts on both the good and bad, hopefully in time to enact any necessary alterations in the design, as needed.
You couldn't do anything more than have some tours around the buildings to familiarize yourself with the layout and space offered to the people that would soon live within the buildings, but it was enough to get an opinion. Frankly, the new complexes are kilometers ahead of what your father managed to construct, offering amenities and space in excess of what most people possess. For example, the laundry rooms are very impressive, as is the floor where people can partake in essential services such as medicine, haircutting, news, and even a tiny store without ever leaving the complex! Downright futuristic!
--[X] Lover Action
---[X] Go on a trip into some of our native jungles. Have her show us around some of our country's most challenging terrain and make our security details work for their paychecks.
Your wife had a good time climbing all over the island, showing you the hidden nooks and crannies of the island as well as giving you a good workout. You had a good time climbing all over her and not regretting the aches that produced when she got too excited. Unfortunately, your security detail had a miserable time trying to keep up as they were run ragged and stress-tested even more.
However, the best thing is that you can now tell your in-progress children that, if they ask, they were made in a lush cave behind a waterfall and not with the help of cosplay, bondage, and a tiger costume.
[+2 to 1(one) random Action - One Gyro-Stabilized Step for Man…
+4 to Investigations - Within The Steel
+4 to new Complexes - New Homes]
Reputation - (34/100 Reputation - A Hard Climb To The Top, But Not Impossible)
People's Opinion - (55/100 Reputation - You Know, Maybe He Will Make Things Better For All Of Us...)
Chinese Opinion - (6/10 - Aha.)
History Page - (A name, a small paragraph of your life, and three dates. Birth, reign, death.)
Light Industry - Meh - (Slight Improvement)
Heavy Industry - Adequate
Military Industry - Adequate
Agriculture - Bad - (Tiny Permanent Improvement Up To Meh)
[] Light Industry (+4 to new (Large-Scale) Energy Efficient Housing - Omake)
-[] Improve Roads (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Build A Rudimentary Public Transit Bus System (Helpful) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Create New Housing (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
--[] Use Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (+1 Reputation)
--[] Use Large-Scale Energy Efficient Housing (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design New Housing Concept (Design)
-[] Improve Medical Infrastructure (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Build New Police Stations (Helpful) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Electrification (Helpful) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Consumer Goods Factory (What) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Improve Your Water Management Infrastructure (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Heavy Industry (+2 to Geothermal Power)
-[] Construct A Tractor Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Build A Rudimentary Train Network (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Repair The Destroyed Steel Foundry
-[] Construct Another Steel Foundry (Harmful) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Construct A Geothermal Power Plant (Helpful)
-[] Improve Your Metallurgical Institute (+2 Reputation)
-[] Construct A (Iron Tiger Derived) Electronics Factory (+5 Reputation) (Harmful) (Highly Suspicious) (Steel Foundry Needed)
-[] Expand Your Mines (Harmful)
-[] Construct Another Harbor (Helpful) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Vehicle (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Ship (Describe) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Design A Civilian Aircraft (Describe)
-[] Construct Five Merchant Marine Vessels (+1 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Military (+4 to Design A Native Ship)
-[] Design Two Iron Tiger Systems (Describe) (Still Secret)
-[] Design A Native Tank (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Plane (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Vehicle (Describe) (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Ship (Describe) (+4 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Design A Native Artillery Piece (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design A Native Sidearm (Describe) (+1 Reputation
-[] Design A Native Main Personal Weapon (Describe) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Design Native Equipment (Describe) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Design Infantry IT-Alloy Bodyarmor (+4 Reputation)
-[] Design Police IT-Alloy Bodyarmor And Shields (+2 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Import (What) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Construct A Dedicated Naval Slipway (Ship) (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Coastal Defences (+3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct Interior Defences (+2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct An Airfield (+1 Reputation)
-[] Construct Military Building/Factory (What) (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-1 People's Opinion)
-[] Expand The Military Academy (+3 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A New Military Formation (What) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-2 People's Opinion)
-[] Raise A Iron Tiger Formation (Organization/Loadout) (Secret) (Suspicious)
-[] Recover Your Sunken Fleet (Harmful) (+4 Reputation) (+4 People's Opinion) (+4 to any Naval Action)
-[] Intimidate Taiwan (+5 Reputation)
-[] Commit Exercises (+3 Reputation)
-[] Secure Trade Routes (+1 Reputation)
-[] Raid International Shipping (What Goods) (Helpful/Harmful) (Roll above five, and you won't be caught.)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Agri-, And Aquaculture (+1 to Dice for 2(two) Turns - Plan, +2 to Farming/Animal Husbandry (Chinese Experts), +2 to Farming/Fishing/Animal Husbandry (Technocrats))
-[] Construct A Fertilizer Factory (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Clear Jungles For Farming (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Increase Farming Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Increase Herd Space (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-3 Reputation)
-[] Assemble A Fishing Fleet (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Construct A Cannery Factory (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Social (+4 to One(1) Roll - Omake, +4 to Investigations - Omake)
-[] Search For The Cause Of The Explosion In Your Steel Foundry
--[] Focus: Faulty Parts (???)
--[] Focus: Human Error (???)
--[] Focus: Deliberate Action (???)
-[] Expand Your Television Station (New Channel Name And Focus) (+1 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Vaccination Campaign (Disease)
--[] Native Production And Doctors (-2 Reputation) (+2 People's Opinion)
--[] Internation Production And Doctors (Helpful) (-5 Reputation) (+4 People's Opinion)
-[] Revamp Your School System (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Rural Schools (Helpful) (-5 Reputation)
-[] Expand Your Technical Schools (Helpful) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Arrest Dissidents (Harmful) (+1 Reputation) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Increase Surveillance (Harmful) (-3 People's Opinion)
-[] Purge Undesirable Citizens (Who) (Harmful) (+2 Reputation) (-4 People's Opinion)
-[] Search And Destroy Rebels (Harmful) (-4 People's Opinion) (+3 Reputation)
-[] Increase Social Control (How) (Helpful) (Harmful) (-2 People's Opinion) (+2 Reputation)
-[] Propagandize An Achievement (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Reduce Surveillance (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion) (-2 Reputation)
-[] Praise Workers From (Industry) (Helpful/Harmful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Boost (Social Statistic, example: Birthrates) (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Propagandize Workers Conditions (Helpful) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Implement A Social Policy (Write-In) (Helpful/Harmful) (+2 People's Opinion) (-1 Reputation)
-[] Reduce Social Control (How) (Helpful) (+3 People's Opinion) (-5 Reputation)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Political
-[] Populists & Internationalists
--[] Have our glorified paparazzi help the Nationalists by seeing the value of ad campaigning abroad to increase the desire of our trade goods to increase their market value. (-3 Reputation)
--[] Medical Student Exchange with Cuba (Helpful) (-4 Reputation)
--[] Bother the Cubans for their "Home Self-Reliance And Repair Manual" (-3 Reputation) (+1 People's Opinion)
-[] Progressives
--[] Have their experts focus on the economic issues and bring up suggestions on how to increase food supply and ideas for a healthier economy. (-4 Reputation)
-[] International
--[] Trade canned goods with NV to gain materials to buy food. (+2 Reputation) (+NV Relations) (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Trade canned goods with African Countries to gain materials to buy food. (-4 People's Opinion)
--[] Send volunteer trainers/observers to NV to act as a training force when, in actuality, they would instead assist our comrades in their liberation against the imperialist Americans (+4 Reputation)
-[] Technologists
--[] Form a Statistics Bureau (Focus) (-4 Reputation) (Political Consequences For Their Findings)
-[] Militarists
--[] Create a dedicated branch of Military Engineers (+Allies)
--[] Buy Russian Trucks for native logistics and the military (-1 Chinese Opinion) (-4 Reputation) (Knock-On Effects)
-[] (WRITE-IN)
[] Secret Projects
-[] Investigate Applications For WEISOFT Again
[] Wei Jungming - (RP)
-[] Personal Action (Write-In two things he does within the next six months.)
-[] Lover Action (Write-In one thing Wei Jungmin and Wei Mai do together in the next six months.)
Within The Steel
Was it an attack, a mistake, or pure rotten chance that had killed so many? Read on to find out!
[The Burning Steel - #1 Thriller about the Steel Factory Explosion Incident of Guangchou]
(+4 to Investigations)
Baby On Board
Wei Mai is pregnant, and with that, a whole load of issues has cropped up around her, much to her annoyance. From her husband worrying to doctors and nurses telling her what to do, to even Ru Hiro treating her differently, she honestly could do with a day away from all the others' stress right now.
(+4 to one Social Action)
New Homes
Assigning people to the new complexes may not be the most exciting job within the world, but showing families their new homes and seeing their faces light up when they see the titanic improvements sure make up for that.
(+4 to new Complexes)
Was it an attack, a mistake, or pure rotten chance that had killed so many? Read on to find out!
[The Burning Steel - #1 Thriller about the Steel Factory Explosion Incident of Guangchou]
(+4 to Investigations)
Baby On Board
Wei Mai is pregnant, and with that, a whole load of issues has cropped up around her, much to her annoyance. From her husband worrying to doctors and nurses telling her what to do, to even Ru Hiro treating her differently, she honestly could do with a day away from all the others' stress right now.
(+4 to one Social Action)
New Homes
Assigning people to the new complexes may not be the most exciting job within the world, but showing families their new homes and seeing their faces light up when they see the titanic improvements sure make up for that.
(+4 to new Complexes)
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