Voting is open
Skies Unknown
Skies Unknown
You could barely stop the shaking in your palms after the general dismissed you from the brief but intense meeting. By the looks of things, your two other compatriots were no better, and the three of you quickly filed into one of the complex's cafeterias for some breakfast. Perhaps a cup or two of tea, as well… for the nerves, of course.

For a long while, the three of you do nothing but eat dumplings and congee in peace and quiet, none willing to break the silence. Until…

"What should—", Jin began, the faint tremors in his voice betrayed the anxiousness he still felt from the briefing.

"Quiet!", Kai hissed quietly. "Not here. Not with so many people. Later." That had put a lid on any other conversation. Now in absolute silence, the three of you finished your breakfasts and your teas. Then, without a single word, you bring your trays, dishes and cups to the assigned counter for collection and shuffle out of the room.

It does not take long to find an empty meeting room so early in the morning.

"Duc", Kai calls, "Lock the door, please." You do as requested, agreeing with the logic. "So, what now?" Jin asks, starting to calm down, now that you're all out of anyone else's earshot.

"Now, we do as asked. Nothing more, nothing less." Kai reasoned. He was good at that, getting people to focus on the problem and working together to find a solution. Only his young age had kept him from immediately being selected as the project lead for his team, too unproven. But with this opportunity, maybe that'll change.

"Jin, you know the numbers and the technical knowhow, so we'll leave you to that. No doubt that's why the general handpicked you." Jin was timid and frail-looking, but there was no doubting his knowledge of mathematics and, more recently, computing technology as well, making him well-suited to figuring out the physics and aeronautics calculations involved in their new secret project.

"Due, we're counting on you and your experience working on the new Iron Tigers for the materials and alloys you think we'll need. No need for samples, just the necessary data to come up with mock-ups. I imagine we'll be in the theoretical phase for a long while yet. But hopefully, not too long."

"Sure", you reply. "Our team lead's had us focusing more on getting a heat resistant and lightweight alloy for your team's Hot Seat. There are a few we've yet to present but think are very promising."

"Good, we'll need those. Meanwhile I'll compile all the pertinent data on the engine and structural tests. Captain Hiro's giving us some great data. And despite his complaining, I imagine he'll buckle down and keep doing it with how stubborn he gets."

"Now," Kai began to finish, "If that's everything we should—"

"What do we call it?" Jin's interruption is as surprising to Kai as it is to you, he's never done that. Not even to his own team.

"What do we call what?" Kai asked.

"Our project. It needs a name." Jin replied.

"Well… we haven't even started yet. We can list appropriate ones in the meantime then present them when we meet—"

"Zhuque." Now it was your turn to interrupt Kai.

"What." he blurts out.

"Zhuque. A name for the project. For the craft."

"Vermillion Bird." Jin rolls the name across his tongue, then smiles. "I like it."

"Huh." Kai muses, "It does feel appropriate. Project Zhuque." Then he, too, grins. "Alright, that'll do for now. Let's get to it."

And with that, the three of you exit the room and get to your tasks, nervousness gone, and ready to fulfill the general's "request."

To come up with a design to beat the Blackbird.

Note: Zhuque. The Vermillion Bird of the South. One of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations. Also known as Suzaku to the Japanese. Jujak to the Koreans, and Chu Tước to the Vietnamese. It's symbol is fire and a design that could potentially fit the role of a high-speed, high-altitude scout and a space plane capable of going even higher than the Blackbird, perhaps even up to space. In theory, at least. Who knows?

Again, this is just a design. At best, it'll be little more than theorized data on capability, equipment, alloy, etc. Maybe a sketch as well. The general decided to go ahead and ask some talented personnel to think up a design they can all use in a proposal for the Great Leader.

Also, I REALLY love Ace Combat. Hence the name.
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Negaverse - AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest!

AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest!


OK, its spring 1974 guys, and you have quite a few crisis points to resolve, before I get into the policy decision phase

So here are the various crisises:


Unfortunately, the Iwo Jima has beeched on the shores of a small country off the shore of China called Guanchou. Now, you need to formulate your response to the situation. How will you be retrieving your carrier and your sailors
[] Send a UN diplomat to negotiate release of sailors and ship
[] send Diplomat directly to China to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[] send Diplomat directly to USSR to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[] Demand UN investigatory commission to confirm well-being of sailors
[] use spy planes to confirm well being of sailors and ship
[] use spies to confirm well being of sailors and ships
[] Extract High risk personnel before they are captured and tortured (write in how)


North Vietnam is possibly finishing its conquest of South Vietnam. Congress has started the process of cutting off all monetary support for Vietnam. Will you reverse this decision in light of the renewed conflict
[] Support South Vietnam with more Funding
[] Continue to draw down funding support
[] maintain current level of monetary support until armed conflict ends


As stated in the last results post, your attempts to downplay your election interference didn't work at all. Now, everyone is demanding you to release the tapes unredacted, as they state that your record will be clean if you really aren't at fault here
[] release the tapes
[] refuse to release the tapes; Strong likelihood of impeachment next turn
[] resign; Gain the trait Untrustworthy government (-10 politics rolls) for the next 5 years

The Carnation Revolution

Now then this is Intereasting their Appears to be a Coup Deta in the Works in Portugaul...mayhaps its time to get involved? Be warned events in this revolution may flow quickly
[] Send in Troops to support government
[] send monetary support for government
[] refuse to support the Portuguese government in its civil war
[] support rebels with weapons


Kissinger has finally been able to hammer out a deal with OPEC. IT will mean losing all rewards from the Yom Kippur War, and returning all lands. Refusal to sign will mean you will continue to experience a severe (-50) debuff on any economic rolls.
What should we do with the deal he negotiated?
[] Accept the deal
[] REJECT THE DEAL! Stand Strong against OPEC and its vile actions!
[] Attempt to renegotiate the deal to keep some lands.


So it all started with Eisenhower ruining a perfectly reasonable ally who had questionable land reform policies at the request of a Corporation that was lying on a Tax form and being undercut. And the Puppet we put in charge went off the deep end due to racial and political tensions? Great, this is not looking good, the PR alone will ruin us and drain money we could be using for something productive?

Question is...What do we do with this?


Goddamn, do you remember in the first thread, when we were punching nazis? This sequel really ain't living up. We really need to commit to an invasion
[X] - BLOW UP THE CARRIER! Refuse to let them have the ship
[X] - INVADE! Make sure we free our boys! and have their captors at gunpoint!


[X] Reinvade Vietnam!
[X] Invade Cambodia Again! We need to send a proper message!

Ben Franklin:

Oh god, please no! No no no! No invasion!

I mean, don't our Carriers have nuclear bombs in them too! We can't bomb the carrier either. We need safe extraction immediately. no one must know that we were carrying nukes. We also need to make sure none of our sailors give any information away

[X] send Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials
[X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome

Vietnam is obvious. QM made it clear to stop dicking around with our promises. We keep our promises and continue to draw down.
[X] Continue to draw down funding support

The tapes need to be redacted. We can just give some bullshit about curses being removed, but we should be able to remove direct evidence for our worst crimes if we make strategic redactions
[X] release the tapes

OK, who wants to do Vietnam again. Or perhaps Bay of Pigs? But this time in Europe? No one? Yeah, lets not do this again. I honestly don't even care if its a communist plot. I just want us to not start terrible conflicts for no reason again
[X] refuse to support the Portuguese government in its civil war

Oil crisis is a no brainer. We can't survive these debuffs on our economy anymore.
[X] Accept the deal


You know its some bullshit we won the war, but we had to give everything up right?
And wow, the Guangchou options are shit. We need to send a spy, and try to setup a puppet leader. I do agree with Franklin that we need to remove our nukes ASAP!
[X] send Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials
[X] use spies to set up revolution against communist tyranny



Where the fuck did nukes come from?! I know this quest is different from the first one because of nuclear weapons are common, but that doesn't mean they should literally involved in every crisis.

Whatever, there have literally been 7 people already voting for extracting the nukes already, so I guess I'll accept it.

Well, lets rolls for results:

Portugese Revolution Roll:D100 => 100 |Crit: D100 => 97 + 5 | CRIT: D100 => 98 | D100 => 84
Total: 384
OK, Good news guys. You didn't decide to get involved in the bloodless Portugese coup. That means they won't hate you!

The Carnation Revolution

Now then this is Intereasting their Appears to be a Coup Deta in the Works in Portugaul...mayhaps its time to get involved-

Ohh...they got rid of the government and restored Democracy?

Good for them.


Guangchou Crisis

[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials, Make sure secrecy of extraction is maintained and no one knows about this
Congratulations guys! all fissile material is retrieved successfully, and all officers charged with handling said nuclear materials (Petty officer Derrick Thompson, and Chief Petty Officer Matthew Barton) were all able to be retrieved from the island without any real records being left behind. Derrick just left behind his lucky bottlecap, but nothing that could actually identify him.

[X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome (THIS ISN"T A REAL THING BY THE WAY)
D100 => 3
How do they fail?
Guangchou Torture: D100 => 2; Ummm no torture, but one soldier complained about the lack of hershey's kisses, I guess
American Party Time Guangchou: D100 => 91; Americans partied like there was no tomorrow
"What do you mean they're demanding An Embassy and Tourism Leave!" "TOO FUN!! YOU GO to JAPAN ON LEAVE!"

Information released during partying?: D100 => 16; Guangchou was able to learn about about the number of sailors that were supposed to be on board, and that was it
So, not great news, buts its not like Guangchou got the keys to your ship or anything.

[X] send US and UN Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors; Have them investigate sailors and ensure their well being; Make sure that every sailor is accounted for. We will leave no one behind
D100 => 92 - 10 = 82;
The diplomats find everything. Including the fact that 2 sailors are missing. Your diplomats do not know that you have extracted these sailors, and are demanding access to the rest of the island to find them

Guangchou reaction: D100 => 18;
This did not go over well. They continue to point out that they allowed sailors limited access within the island, and that they ensured that all sailors who left the ships each night were returned in the morning
Chinese Reaction: D100 => 11;
China is extremely unhappy, and believe that you may be framing this country so that you can arrange a regime change

So, umm... your choices kind of contradicted each other and created this situation. Now, the UN diplomat is attempting to find the sailors you extracted earlier. How will you resolve this situation:
[] Attempt to deescalate the situation (write in exact details)
[] escalate situation and make more demands out of Guangchou

Oh shit! What can we do. Our diplomat should be able to inform the UN guy about this. We do not want to escalate

Neither the UN nor US diplomat know about the extraction mission. I think any rolls would have to be with CIA themselves.

We loaded all the diplomacy debuffs on the CIA. I think its something like a -50
[X] Deescalate the situation; Attempt to reinsert the missing sailors to the ship

Ben Franklin:
You are kidding, right FDR? that would take weeks. We need to do the diplomacy check.

I say we burn out the 'The Best We Have' Reroll on this choice. This is looking like another cuban missile crisis, and we burned 3 rerolls on that event. We can burn our only remaining reroll this year on Guanchou.
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now

Are you crazy? The CIA does not do diplomacy checks.

We made sure the CIA are the only ones that know about the nukes and the sailors. They have to do the diplomacy check. However, we don't need to tell everything
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat; explain soldiers are in Japan now

You know, I honestly can't believe we fucked up because we made a 93 roll. Of course we have too much success

Walt Disney:
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now

[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now

Davy Crocket:
[X] - publicize the extraction mission to UN diplomat and to Guangchou; explain soldiers are in Japan now

CIA Roll:D100 => 1 | natural one: 1 #CIA Madness
The Best We Have Reroll:D100 => 92 - 48 = 44 #CIA Madness

Good thing you used the reroll. That would've had an explosive accident occuring during your stay in japan

You know what, You guys should be encouraged to make more detailed plans, so i don't want to punish you too much for this event, so you are able to get the message out. Guangchou may rightly demand reparations for extracting the sailors, and the UN will support payment, but otherwise, diplomatic efforts don't break down.

The handling rules for nuclear material are such bullshit. Nat 1's shouldn't lead to us just randomly exploding nukes

Benedict Arnold:
Wait, are we allowed to reroll in japan? Don't they have a trait that doesn't allow for rerolls when its anything involving nukes? Its a land bonus, I believe

Fuck that. I am not applying the bomb trauma debuff, just so that a nuke can go off in Tokyo. I'll come up with something more reasonable.

edit: here, the repercussions for your 1, that the japanese somehow remember.
Japanese Defectors: The Guangchou crisis of 1974 once again involved japan in nuclear turmoil. This event radicalized many japanese, who saw america once again involving Japan in nuclear troubles, with some stories about how the americans almost set off the bombs while in Tokyo. Unfortunately, many have been raised in stories based around themes of pacifism. Many in that community now argue against the divide between east and west, and some secretly work to undercut the arms race.

For certain industries, any program within them will need to roll for how much information is leaked to similar communist programs for each innovation. High rolls (>90) will result in open collaboration between foreign programs and japanese leftist groups for civilian designs.

This only applies to 1 industrial field, but may expand to other fields if there are more nuclear incidents

bullshit! Its mecha right?

Ben Franklin:
Patton, please leave. Even the QM isn't that sadistic. You have no right to be mean, when he basically undid a nuclear explosion in tokyo

Goosemag said:
"Sweet Merciful heavens, our guys are treated well and we want to escalate the situation to crazy amounts of bullshit? Guys, what happened to 'Sensible' Policy following Americas path through the 70's? Have our 60's success under Big Dick Johnson really jade you guys into spending everything we have onto this stuff? Because even if we did invade a sovrign nation again, what point would we have this time? They beat us to the PR roll and that means that the good treatment of our sailors means we will be the baddies in this situation!

And we are suffering too many diplomacy Debuffs as is with Good ole Tricky Dick and that shit show in Israel that is still screwing us over. So lets play things historically for now, and just chill out, and deal with this properly.

Ugh, I hope our RND boys are doing better then our political turn, because we're fucked for the next year without a reroll."

AN: Tag with Negaverse Tags to Me or @Anon500 Enjoy and bask in both the Joy and Salt of American Power.
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Guangchou Threat Assesment
Guangchou Threat Assesment

Guangchou is a poor country with a long history of beating up any who dares try to invade their island, with WW2 japan notably giving up on any invasion and trying to bomb them to oblivion. Which. As we know didn't work. Normally, they likely wouldn't merit much attention if it weren't for how ever since Wei Cai died, they simply stopped trying any sort of sabre rattling, and hadn't meaningfully improved the military ever since, as far as we know. It is this anomaly that makes the nation so curious and so dangerous, because there is no way for us to gage whatever capabilities that give them the comfort to not try and intimidate everyone and anyone they can. Of which, the only notable case was the massive trials over the steel plant sabotage, where they paraded a MASSIVE amount of evidence on those arrested, with a likely significant part being real by virtue of how impractical forging so much in a short time-frame would have been.

Their people have a long history of kicking out invaders, and there is likely defenses and bomb shelters dating back to WW2, though it is unknown how well maintained they are. Their equipment are not much to write about based on what we found, with aircraft and tanks mostly being WW2 surplus, and their infantry also aren't notably equipped. Their training is hard to tell, but it is likely better than one may expect considering how the forces don't seem to flaunt their capabilities. Of course the hardest part is finding what is almost certainly been either finished, or being worked on in a level of secrecy that is so unlike what other communist nation's do. While others certainly hide how theirs are made, they will certainly make sure everyone know it exists for intimidation purposes. The big question though is of course what that something, or multiple somethings are they hiding for when someone else tries to have a go at the little island?

Well, there isn' any way to actually be sure about it, since whatever they have, they have really good opsec, which they use to make sure we have no idea what their ace in the hole is. Something I suspect even China may be unaware of, considering the only reason china hadn't outright replaced the leadership with puppets was because of the headache.

Though considering what little we know, they probably have worked out some AA measures, considering the devastation brought by aircraft in the last major conflict. Possibly using some previously unknown guidance system? Anti-tank weapons and all-terrain vehicles might also be part of whatever projects they are doing away from prying eyes, stuff that would allow them to fight really well on their home turf, which may very well be enough to repulse a very determined attacker given the level of confidence they seem to show.

A/N: Well, how does this work as an omake? didn't have much to work with. Though with the flag vote, we may soon be able to do polandball style comics set in this verse.
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Negaverse - AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest! Researching Mechs
So, our last post wasn't everything @Cyberphilosipher and I talked about for the negaverse thread. We actually had too many ideas to just fit into one post, so please enjoy part 2 of the american negaverse quest.

AMERICA AD ASTARTE: An American Cold War Quest! Researching Mechs


1974 SUMMER Research Policies:


Dealing with insubordinate blackbird pilots (Guangchou crisis):

[] dishonorable discharge; You don't have room for 'flying spies' who are loose cannons
[] Discretely 'dispose' of the Blackbird pilots; The CIA cautions that this knowledge must not escape, by any means necessary
[] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots

Surveyor (mech) program:

[] Start a Surveyor (mech) program (Opens up 1 Research slot next year for Mech Development free. Pursuing more than 1 research option requires taking on either an economy debuff or civil order debuff for your rolls)
[] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret. Will need to roll counter intelligence for this program, but enemies will be unable to 'copy' any traits in your design for a decade, unless you critically fail counter intelligence rolls
[] Infiltration; The CIA assures you they have a new infiltration program (FUR-RIE) which is specialized for east asian operations.
[] Diplomacy; Demand the mechs during negotiation; will lead to Chinese and Sovit Union learning about your program
[] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits
[] Korean Help: Demand Korean Help. Due to the situation, you can demand help from Korea for free. Get cheap make (costs less money but less durable) for any american design if using korean help
[] French Help: Ask French for aid from French engineers. Bonus to Aesthetics and marketing. bonuses will not apply unless program is made public. Will require either high roll, or diplomatic or military favors for French to buy into the project
[] English Help: Ask English for aid from english engineers. Bonus to CounterIntelligence rolls, and high design rolls will allow American design to adopt the 'resistant to cold weather' trait from english technological traits. Will require either high roll, or diplomatic or military favors for english to buy into the project

If America will be starting its own Surveyor program, it will take time before resources can be fully allocated. Mecha research will begin properly next year (1 die, only +10 research bonus). However, you can focus limited resources on 1 research area this year to get a head start in said area. What do you believe is the priority for mecha research:
[] - Control Interface: A mecha will require a completely new way to interface with controls. Will the mecha use a joystick, or will it act like a gigantic armored suit? write in the exact control schema for extra bonuses
[] - Stability Gyro: An Upright mechanized vehicle is incredibly unstable. The first priority must be making sure pilots don't just fall over
[] - Powered Limbs: The wheel was one of the first advancements of human civilization, and now you're trying to replace it. Obviously, you must spend time to ensure that you mode of locomotion will be an improvement over traditional weapon platforms, like tanks and trucks

Andrew Jackson
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Hire the cowboy pilots as our first Mech operators

Guys, Are we really going to let our texan cowboys down?
I don't care this is a write-in, No way we aren't rewarding these damn pilots for a job well done.

Also, what are these options for mech research

[X] - BIG ASS CANON; Figure out how to mount large weapons and handle recoil

Davy Crockett
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Hire the cowboy pilots as our first Mech operators
[X] - BIG ASS CANON; Figure out how to mount large weapons and handle recoil

Guys, we know Germany is super good with weapons. And the japanese are just obvious. We need to get their help. We can count on our CoIntel rolls without english help though.
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[X] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits

Guys, we know those island guys were acting suspicious. This is their secret weapon. We need to outdo them at their own game!

I don't even.... They almost crashed a SR-71... Do you even care about that.

Neil Armstrong

[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[X] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits
[X] Hire the cowboy pilots as our first Mech operators

Guys, every mech needs to go to space. And we are going to return to the moon, to build the space base, and when we do, we will need some sort of defense. Mechs would be perfect
[X] TO THE STARS; Movement and locomotion in low-gravity and vacuum environments must be a priority

Tim Curry:

We need to go to the one place that hasn't been corrupted by Communism. SPAAAACE!
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Hire the cowboy pilots as our first Mech operators
[X] TO THE STARS; Movement and locomotion in low-gravity and vacuum environments must be a priority

Gene Roddenberry:

[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots

Guys, maybe we could not make machines of war, or at least use this to bolster our diplomacy rolls. I'm sure the japanese and the germans could help, and we could rebuild some of the bridges we burned
[X] - Control Interface: A mecha will require a completely new way to interface with controls. Will the mecha use a joystick, or will it act like a gigantic armored suit? Use a multiple joystick controls
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[X] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits

Alan Turin:
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[X] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits

Also, perhaps we should focus on communication? Mechs are just big infantry, so good communication means we should be able to leverage some of our awesome squad tactic bonuses
We could perhaps use ARPANET? and the mechs share targeting data?
[X] Apply Arpanet Research to our targeting system; Research a way for mechs share targeting data. If one mech gets a bead on the enemy, all the mechs on the field should have the capability of targeting it

Ben Franklin:
Mazinger? Isn't that a-
QM, did the japanese broadcast all the details about their mech program as an anime?!?!

Anyways, I think we should be focusing on stability
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots
[X] German Help: Ask The Germans and Brandt for aid from the West german industry. A high roll will allow any american design to adopt the 'well engineered' trait from west german technology traits
[X] - Stability Gyro: An Upright mechanized vehicle is incredibly unstable. The first priority must be making sure pilots don't just fall over

tell me, how much did you invest into that the manhattan project, and how did those counterintel rolls turn out

also, do not push me on these bullshit research options. I'm not just going to give you research bigger guns, and then allow you to apply that knowledge to tanks and artillery.


Benedict Arnold:

Hey guys, didn't we start a whole cointel thing with west germany last year, the whole guillarme affair? You know, one of the secretaries for the Chancellor is actually a spy? How are we going to get around that?

Listen, we should just rely on japan. Anime waifu's for the win
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] Infiltration; The CIA assures you they have a new infiltration program (FUR-RIE) which is specialized for east asian operations.
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program
[X] Hire the cowboy pilots as our first Mech operators

Ben Franklin:
Oh shit. QM, you gotta let us change our votes

NOPE. I told you guys it was on you to keep track of all your counter-intelligence efforts. You guys bought like 20 different actions all over the world last turn. You shouldn't do that unless you can actually keep track of everything. Since getting german support was so unanimous, I'm going to roll for it now.

D100 => 30

Yeah, the east german spy totally caught a glimpse of the mech blueprints, and have passed some of the data back to their handlers. You can't be sure what the effects of that will be.

edit: Also, Alan turin, How does that even work? ARPANET has nothing to do with mechs. Do you have cables linked up between your mechs? I don't even understand the crazy ideas you guys want me to implement.

Elvis Presley:
Oh thank god. not sure of what the effects will be means we've got some time until QM decides to let the east germans know the mecha are real, isntead of fake. We need to use the power of anime here to hurry our research guys!
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program


Ben Franklin:
I am changing my vote. We need to rely on the anime waifus
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program

Gotta agree. We need to use the power of anime.
[X] Start a Surveyor (mech) program
[X] secret research program; attempt to keep the program secret.
[X] nothing; leave minor reprimands and punishments to their commanding officer, but don't take any direct actions yourself against the blackbird Pilots
[X] Japanese Help; Your Japanese cultural expert assures you that the japanese already have a theoretical program to explore the viability of mechas. This 'MAZINGER' program is a super secret project, and the Japanese have already invested in counter-intelligence efforts for this program

What the hell guys? Seriously, you won't be able to fight if you need a wired connection;

fuck it, I'll figure out what the hell to do here later. Just, if you want really want ARPANET ... roll for expanding ARPANET into something wireless, and able to transmit targeting data. You need an extremely high roll to succeed

I don't even understand the crazy ideas you guys want me to implement.

Guys, I'm going to roll for it!
Project Expand: D100 => 95 +10 = 105 #ARPANET Expansion
Crit: D100 => 83 + 5 = 88
Total: 188

Uhh, QM? My Dice just made a thing.

Elvis Presley:

You have got to be kidding me....
fine, all your mechs can wirelessly communicate and target any enemy sighted as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. This system is special to mechs, and you'll need to perform more research to get it to work in other areas

Also, if you are so hellbent on anime I will allow you're pilots to now pirate gundam while within their mechs


Ben Franklin:
Guys, ARPANET was basically the prot-internet. It was used for research. We need to research this to expand it beyond mechs. REMEMBER THE GOALPOST REWARDS! INTERNET IS +70 Research rolls

Teddy Roosevelt:

Davy Crockett:

Do any of you even realize you just invented the internet?

Gene Rodennberry:
Guys, if we properly research the internet, we could have ALL THE ANIME!

Andrew Jackson:

Alan Turin:

George Lucas:

Ben Franklin:
Gene, I don't think they can here us. I think this is going to be another meme flood. I don't think some of these guys have even voted yet.

Babe Ruth:

Marilyn Monroe:

John Adams:

Fine, you guys get some traits for this ridiculousness:
Gain National Spirit: The World Wide What?: As the Inventor of the Global World Wide Web, you carry Great international Prestige and ability to shape global opinion on a mass scale. (Gain a Permanent +5 to Electronic Intelligence, Diplomacy, Research and Education Rolls Permanently. Will Evolve into the Global Digital Age with enough Time and Effort.)

Trait: ARPANET Evolves into the INTERNET!

mecha pilots gain trait: BELIEVE IN THE ME THAT BELIEVES IN YOU: Pilots are inspired by anime. This can lead them to try and perform unrealistic feats, but sometimes they will succeed beyond your wildest expectations; (-20 on non-crit mecha rolls, +50 on crit mecha rolls)

Now can we get back to the voting!

King George III:

AN: Tag with Negaverse Tags to Me or @Cyberphilosipher. Enjoy and bask in the power of Anime! I mean, American Power!
Disappointment And Oppertunity.
Omake: Disappointment And Oppertunity.​

You are Peng Ru, Secretary to one of the ministers of the Interiors assistants and secretaries, most notably to Heavy Industry, in charge of building not only the many fortification bunkers but the parts to the Fabled, Iron-Tiger.

And you are in a bad mood over the last few years. Sure the Most Glorious Leader has done a good job in securing not only his rule but the love of his people, but the support of his many factions within the parties, but it also left you in a little bit of a bind.

Most notably, his very clear focus on the Agriculture sector, when compared to your sectors. And there was the fact that a massive aircraft carrier cleans up and maintains the perimeter, went to your most hated Rival, Mao Zhang, Secretary to a secretary of one of the garrison commanders, one that was not even an anointed member of the party yet! The fool was undermining the Most Glorious Leaders rule by appointing him as a watchman and immigration officer.

Every time you had tried to protest such actions, you were ignored, nay, you were laughed at, as the Most Glorious Leader was busy with other matters. Sometimes those matters went to the portrait of his blasted wife, a woman you despised for her-

Well, you despised her because your daughter was a candidate for marriage to the Leader. Instead, she lost that race to… The Glorious Leaders wife, and when you tried to scramble and maintain your position and promotion by offering her hand to another man, a lesser member of the party who would be … She ran away. That Harlot just did not understand everything that you have done to help her! She owed you for everything.

You took a deep breath and controlled your emotions, and looked back to Li Gen, who was, annoyingly, ignoring you. "Are you even listening to me?" You asked as he turned the page of his book, some imported novel that he got from one of the American Sailors.

Starship Troopers. In English, a language that you could not understand. A language you were sure, that before that Carrier showed up, your son had never read before, at least to your knowledge.

What a stupid book, as if the World could ever unite without the Most Glorious Leader and the Nation of Guangchou leading the world into the stars!

Another page turned and you snapped, slapping your son in the face. "I am talking to you." You took the book and held it in your hands.

Your son then took a breath and slapped you back, and stole it back. That insolent!- "Yes, you were, and I was ignoring you, I really have no idea why you continue to talk about your plans with me, I have no wish to actually help you. I mean, you killed my brother, so why should I, you'll just kill me too."


Your son then stood up. "Go on, vent, perhaps your old heart will finally give out and we can burn your corpse." He said. "But if you are going to join us for dinner, we eat in ten minutes."

He… He… He just left you, after he slapped you! And didn't even offer an apology!

You needed to discipline that boy, maybe you could see him drafted or… "Volunteered" into becoming one of the first Pilots of the new model of the Iron-Tiger. They were wishing for young blood to be brave enough to try it, and with your pull, he can 'Rise' Up into the ranks of the pilots.

If he lived, he would bring glory to the family, and make your promotion almost assured.

If he died? Well, you killed one son before, what's killing another. You knew it was for the glory and the greatness of the State!

He was a traitor that would have destroyed the State, and your position in it.

You took a moment to take a deep breath as you felt your heart calm. Tea… you needed tea.

You reached for the pot, yes, you can- "Peng, Comrade Minister needs you!" Your secretary made you drop the teapot and it shattered on the table.

"Dammit boy! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" You shouted rising above the broken pot as you grabbed your wooden walking stick and struck him in the face.

That idiot boy crumpled to the ground, and he did not move. "Goddammit boy, wake up and tell me what the minister wanted!" You hit him again, this time in his leg and his chest.

Still nothing. Still no movement.


Not again.

You killed another- Fuck! It was so hard finding replacement secretaries that were competent when they kept on dying!

Then his chest rose, and the boy convulsed, coughing in a fit as he regained consciousness. He was not bleeding… good, you could hide your little outburst and just make it seem like he fell over.

Oh good, he survived. You'll make sure he is tortured later. He made you ruin that fine teapot you stole from the Japanese Captian you killed as a child.

"Tell me, what does the minister want?" You asked, comforting the young man as he shook his head.

"He's telling me to tell you that you are being promoted to his under secretary." He stated.

That… That was news. Good news. That meant when he died until the Most Glorious leader appoints someone to replace him, you would be in control.

Good. Good, it was all coming together.

Now if only that disgrace of a daughter would return home. That would be incredible.

You still had friends that might be willing to kidnap her from whatever hole she was hiding in. America most likely, but that remains to be seen.

You taught her well, almost enough to be proud of her. But she went underground far too well for this to be just a simple running away scheme.

She had help. And you would soon find whoever helped her.

And flay them alive.

But first, dinner with the family. You needed to keep up appearances. "Since you broke my teapot. Clean it up." You ordered.

"Yes sir."
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Map of Guangchou

I eyeballed the area as roughly twice that of Taiwan, just... lomg. Very lomg.
The volcano is prbably around where Okinawa is on this map - If my research is right volcanic activity moved northwest along the island chain, so that would make sense as the location of the last hotspot.

I also added a territorial dispute with Japan over the Osumi islands, because it would be even weirder if they weren't. :V

edit: Also note how our landmass basically cuts off the East China sea from the rest of the Pacific? Guangchou is single handedly protecting China's eastern flank at sea and basically forces anyone attacking it to go through the Korea Straight, which is a MUCH smaller area to defend - or break through the straight of Ossumi, Gaungchou lmao good luck not getting hit by shore battery fire, or Taiwan.
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Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine - Design Proposal
I mentioned it as a prestige project and also the boat approach is subject to war time disruption as it makes really easy for someone to squat out of range and plink at our costal shipping.

I'm so glad you brought this up.

Tigerfish AIP Attack Submarine
  • Initial concept evolved from Project 6633 hull from China.
  • Built for littoral combat and intercepting landing vessels or ships doing shore bombardment.
  • X-Rudder to make it easier to maneuver in shallow water without hitting the bottom with a tail plane.
  • Switched from double to single hull to save cost and make them lighter for litoral maneuvers, cylindrical cross section adopted as a result.
  • Ditched the diesel generator completely and just loaded it down with batteries.
  • Can recharge batteries from buried undersea cables near shore without coming up for air.
  • Shrouded propeller to protect from debris strikes in shallow water.
  • Iron Tiger mechanical joints tech used to create folding retractable masts and an extendible crew access cover, as well as the slip bearings on the annular electric engine.
  • Four forward torpedo tubes with double slacked torpedoes (8 torps total) do not penetrate the pressure hull and cannot be maintained while under way.
  • Batteries, torpedoes, electric engines, all outside of the habitable pressure hull - CO2 used to keep those spaces at ambient pressure to avoid sea water infiltration (and the maintenance hell that comes with).
  • Wire guided torpedoes and WEISOFT sonar processing improved on original weapons and sensor packages.
  • Rafted machinery spaces to reduce acoustic emissions.
  • Iron Tiger derived utility arms on the bottom of the hull, along with video cameras used for scientific research during peace time.

Note the folding mast in raised position, the extendable crew hatch placed on top and amidships, and the hydrodynamic cover near the bottom front that hides the manipulator arms.

So this sub is flaming garbage at offensive operations because it's got absolutely shit range, but in a defensive posture where it can loiter near shore (and it's charging cables) it will murderblender any fleet that tries to get close.

edit: Basically, what if by sheer necessity and weird situational requirements, Gunangchou actually stumbled into a... really fucking good submarine design?
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One Robotic, Industrialized Leap for Guangchou
One Robotic, Industrialized Leap for Guangchou
Minh Van Duc pressed the confirmation displayed on the terminal, sending the virtual commands to the rudimentary system, ensuring that the machine would perform it's tasks as a closed action loop. It would still require a human overseer to ensure the rhythm and timing stayed accurate or to stop the system should it be necessary for one reason or another, but it would largely remain mostly automated, requiring only the necessary resources and parts to do its job.

Duc would need to thank Jin again for his advice on making the programming as robust and free of errors as possible.

As he gave the go signal, one of his team members activated the machine, and together they watched the system come to life as the Action App kicked in.

While command had decided to exclude the app from being installed into the mass production unit for the Iron Tiger's computer systems, they had still instructed the original design team with continuing to develop it. And after months of updates and redesigns, the team had unveiled a more stable version for the other teams to share their opinions and suggestions on.

While it was yet to be fully suitable for mounting on a commissioned Iron Tiger platform, Duc and his team had seen a more immediate and practical use for it in their project of coming up with the Iron Tiger's manufacturing and production process. Namely, a, at the very least, partially automated mech assembly line using the Action App to program in simple movements and commands to allow the assembly to go with minimal human input.

As a proof-of-concept, they had converted one of the original laufpanzer prototypes into of the said machines. Modified into a machine programmed with assembling and attaching the limb components onto the Iron Tiger torsos, the process was completed with minimal fuss and time. Better yet, they'd gleaned some important insights into how they'd be able to adapt the automated process with handling the more fragile internal components.

In particular, one of Duc's teammates had proposed a way to be able to convert the mass production model's arm components into the more complex leg components, and theoretically perhaps the other way around as well. Their project had since gotten more attention from both military and civilian representatives and experts due to the sheer practicality promised. With the incoming additional resource and manpower allotments as a result, Duc now had just a bit more time to work on Zhuque.

But first, it was time to celebrate.

Note: just an idea I had from the Action App equipment proposal from @Doccer. @HeroCooky this alright?
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Tigerstripe Submarine - Design Proposal
-Operation: CAT FISH-

Final Synopsis on CAT FISH Anti-US Domestic Submarine Research Task Force

To: Great Leader Wei Jungmin

With the Iwo Jima indecent and the related increase in funding for operations and research focusing on guaranteeing defense against the United States of America, we have finally finished the report your late father ordered on a submarine design to "beat those capitalist subs 1 on 1 and take back the Hawaiian islands!" Unfortunately, TMDPRoG.LoAN,DoH,aPoE simply does not have the resources, shipyards, or manpower nessecary to operate a fleet of submarines capable of matching the new Los Angles-class in capability even if we were given nuclear technology, nor do we have the ability to win the arms race that would assuredly follow us making a superior submarine capable of reaching the west coast of the United States of America, diesel-electric or not. In addition, the percentage risk of nuclear retaliation from taking the Hawaiian islands has been calculated at 99.99999%. The full 3,762 page report can be found on the secure network as Report: CAT FISH.

However, restricting the operating area that is needed to be covered to just the waters nessecary to ensure the defense of TMDPRoG.LoAN,DoH,aPoE, the requirements become much more achievable as the shorter distance between operations and port means that the endurance needed for long duration missions across the Pacific Ocean are no longer nessecary, in particular the fuel tanks and the torpedo reload stocks can be cut back immensely. In addition, the cut back to operational range will not affect the tactical ability of a submarine that much either, as with the end of the age of battleships it is unlikely that any of the American ships or submarines other than their super-carriers and the last few remaining battleships would survive more than 2 well placed torpedoes, and many others may be sunk by just 1.

To that end, our team would like to present our proposal for a submarine to ensure the defense of TMDPRoG.LoAN,DoH,aPoE's waters, designed with the purpose of filling the space saved from the reduced endurance requirements with as much sonar and sonar protection as possible to ensure a continuous dominance of the information side of submarine combat in order to ensure any combat starts on our terms with surprise on our side, and that every one of the limited torpedoes is effective, while also increasing the likelihood of any submarine making it back to port by reducing the chance of detection. In addition there are four new technologies that the team has deduced would be a major benefit if they could be integrated into the design.

Tigerstripe-class Littoral Attack Submarine.
Teardrop shaped single hull displacing no more than 1500t submerged for reduced cost and improved underwater performance.
Diesel-electric power with a retractable snorkel to allow recharging of batteries while at periscope depth.
4 533mm torpedo tubes, with space for 6 more reloads, compatible with the torpedoes used by the Chinese submarines if the section below does not pan out.
X-shaped rudder for easier operating in shallow depths without striking the seafloor.
The best sonar we can get in it, with a retractable towed array to make it even better.
The capability to wire-guide two torpedoes at once, if we have access to torpedoes capable of using it.
Make the electronics Iron Tiger-class for extra resilience, with a modified Tigerlink system with screens for each station's specific instruments, connecting everything to also give the Captain a clear, concise overview of the entire situation on their own terminal.
Mounting all vibrating machinery possible rafted on vibration absorbing materials like rubber.
Anechoic tiles lining the outside to further reduce sound and sonar returns.

As for the proposed new technologies:

Often times the propeller is the loudest part of the submarine, more so if it's cavitating. Dr. {REDACTED} believes that if they replace the usual propeller propulsion with a pump-jet system, they can get more speed out of the Tigerfish with less noise and cavitation, especially at the shallow depths around our coasts where cavitation happens at lower speeds, while also providing some protection against striking the blades on debris in shallow waters.

Dr. {REDACTED} is championing designing a new 533mm fully electric torpedo, which she claims will allow for much quieter "swim-out" launches to be done safely rather than a noisy compressed gas firing sequence while also removing the torpedo's wake. Should we put the effort into designing a whole new torpedo, she is of the opinion that we should go all the way, and make it capable of targeting both surface vessels and submarines with both passive and active acoustic homing, equipped with a magnetic detonator and capable of being wire guided.

Dr. {REDACTED} is considering making as much of the hull out of titanium alloy or another non-magnetic alloy. While he notes that this would increase the cost of the Tigerfish by a significant amount, that is partially ameliorated by it's small size, while also giving the submarine a deeper safe depth and making it less likely to show up on aircraft mounted magnetic anomaly detectors.

I am currently running tests on whether the Iron Tiger fuel and engines would be more suited for the what we would require of them as battery chargers, or whether the associated costs would not be worth any gains made and it would be better to stick with the conventional diesel engines for generating electricity.

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Non-Canon - Li Gen's Gambling Hall
Omake: Li Gen's Gambling Hall
You had many, many, many talents, you had hoped that your father would actually notice during his few minutes that he bothered spending at home, not planning for his next inevitable promotion. One of those talents, one would hope that even a father as distant as yours would notice, was your skill at mathematics. You had wowed many of your peers and your teachers at your school, not only with your stunning, towering intellect that everyone but your god damn father it seems, but even members within the government.

Most notably that minister of finance and commerce who had come to you with a fine deal, to not only shut up your father, and secure your own safety, and that of your mother from winding-up as another dead son murdered by a power-mad father.

It would also allow you to humiliate your dear old man in a way where he would not gain credit, but also find out that his neglect of you, was something that would bite him in the ass.

Well besides running away.

Even though you should have joined your sister in whatever fun fox hole that she was currently hiding in the desert... in Africa. Where you most certainly would not have access to a fan, air conditioning, and a place where you could, in theory, be a damn fine lazy boy with only his wits, and power.

With that out of the question at the moment until she finally built something up that was worth risking life and limb for to travel across the world to... you remained to do the one thing you could.

Be a pain in the ass.

Now, you were not a gambler by any means, but you did know math.

And you knew one thing soldiers liked to do in their off time.

Gamble. Most of the time, with money they did not have or were soon going to have at the hands of the god damn federal government that paid them.

So, with a brief lesson on how to play blackjack and other card games where the dealer faced off against players from one of the soldiers who guarded your house, you... No burrowed is the wrong word for it.

You stole ten thousand poker chips that belonged to the Minister of Finance, chips that he took when he went to Vegas and went to the office that was nearby the customs and immigrations office and checkpoint that was set up by the aircraft carrier.

And the men, these sailors who were, when not drunk off their asses and otherwise waiting for a lift home from their government, wandered towards you. Some want to test their luck. others, just wanting to see their comrades fail.

But that did not really matter to you. Because you wanted to beat these men, drive them broke, and make them return to their captain with stories and excuses as to why they did not have shoes. Pants. or even their sunglasses.

It was just business after all. And business was good.

Three Days later
Your father hit you.

That was not an uncommon sight or feeling for you. Your father was always an abusive asshole who wanted to conflate his own strength and make sure he was the one who would be seen as the victor. The Hero.

The man with a plan.

No. The uncommon sight was that his boss was among you, along with the captain of that ship who was negotiating for leniency for some of his men's debts.

All of which was owed to you.

Now you were in trouble, not only for gambling underage, but as for not giving the party a cut, seeing as you were both too young to join the party, and deemed 'not skilled enough.'

Of course, they changed their tune rapidly when you had racked up a tab on the soldiers. Well, sailors, you didn't want to confuse the marines and the navy sailors with soldiers.

Some 300 sailors and marines owed you, in total, 10 million US dollars.

And there was fear of a diplomatic incident. The Glorious leader had not seen fit to come to you himself, as he was busy doing something else with his government and negotiating with many of the foreign leaders across the world to settle this incident. And doing a remarkably good job as well beating the Western media in the propaganda game, and beating their preemptive stories that this was nothing short of a truly horrific disaster of truly epic proportions, a success of communist trickery.

No, the problem was that there was another, rather insane ploy that may be used against the State.

"You will forgive the debts of all the American sailors now!" Your father ordered as you sat down. "The Party demands it from you!"

You looked at the minister of Finance, who, while unhappy you stole his chips, was remarkably impressed with your ability to work the count and get the Americans to play you. well, lose money to you.

Unfortunately, you had done too well in your playing of cards and gambling.

And now the United States State Department was believing you had stolen millions from the sailors.

Your father had made it his mission to be the hero and stop this madness his own son had created.

The cunt.

"No." You replied.

"How dare you!" Your father proclaimed. "Do you not see the political pressure you have created? That these men are now in debt to you, a minor who had no right to do any of the things he has done? Illegally!"

He was trying to frighten you, and at this point, you once again realized you should have run away from this island years ago. Even joining your sister would have been a better plan than just listening to this tired, broken and stupid old man yells like an invalid.

"Are there any laws stating that the dealer and proprietor of a place of business had to be a member of the party, an adult, or in that matter a citizen of this nation?" You asked.

The minister of finance remained quiet, as was your father.

Both men traded a glance. "If you want to argue politics, argue politics, but until you can both get your heads out of your asses and decide if the laws of this nation will be enforced, and which will not, I'll be at home with mother. And if you decide to override the debt that is owed to me by these men by governmental decree, I expect compensation."

You then turned around and walked away.

Time to take stock of all those cool nicknacks and books you have collected.

Unfortunately, you heard this as you walked out. "Your boy is a genius, I knew you raised him well! I am sure my daughter will enjoy his company."


AN: @HeroCooky I come bearing gifts.

More omakes involving the Mai/Ru Family. Starring the annoyed Genius Li Gen.
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