I lowered the displacement compared to yours because I think we need to make smaller and cheaper subs and make many - through between the relatively thin stainless steel hydrodynamic hull and the titanium pressure hull this still leaves a pretty big sub. Probably on the order of 50 meters.
Added a green/gray tiger stripe camouflage pattern on the ventral part of the sub to help hide it in shallower waters. The green is based on North Korean subs which do the same, and the tiger stripes are both thematically appropriate and good for breaking up its outline.
Used a blunt nose this time because it's an ambush predator, not a sprinter, and like.. The Gotland uses the same prow so it's good.
Sonar is a big cylinder array in the nose covered by an acoustically transparent, non-metallic hydrodynamic fairing. There's just no room for a towed array on this sub, and it needs to operate in shallow waters where the towed array is going to snag on the bottom for sure.
Added a crew escape capsule that can be used to ditch the sub if it's going down. The crew normally bunk in there, and they squeeze in real tight to fit everyone if they need to use it to evacuate everyone at once.
Switched the torpedoes to a rotating magazine with a three torpedo pop-out launcher like Forward Pass. This gives the sonar a much more unobstructed view and moves another source of machinery noise behind the forward noise baffles so we get less interference with sonar. The difference is that these launchers are just water tight and not air tight because the space the torpedoes occupy is at ambient pressure.
Total number of torpedoes has gone up to twelve, and the total number that can be guided at once has increased to three. Anti-submarine and anti-surface electric wire guided torpedoes as you suggested, designed to swim out of the launcher - part of what makes the pop out launcher so simple is this swim-out ability.
I followed your suggestion and used a titanium pressure hull, but I added a stainless steel partial double hull as well as a compromise that would reduce total titanium used while keeping the whole hull non-magnetic.
The space between the pressure hull and outer hull isn't flooded - it's actually filled with CO2 that is boiled off from a liquid CO2 tank. This prevents water from getting in which makes maintenance much easier and allows for a simple pop-out torpedo launcher because we don't need torpedo tubes acting as an airlock between the pressure hull and the outside.
I stuck with my original decision to forgo a sail because these subs just won't spend enough time on the surface for it to be worth it. That also meant sticking with the folding mast from CONFORM.
Edit: Added a second short mast for surface navigation. Comes with two lines for underway refuelling with a boom from a tender kind of like how mid-air refuelling is done, actually.
The picture shows a stirling AIP powerplant, but that part's pretty flexible. The way I envision it is that we might make one or two initial subs and then test them out, so we can equip one with diesel, another with a stirling engine (like the Swedish Flatfish) and see which one works better at this point, and if we get good batteries later on we can even pull a Soryu and just plop batteries down where the AIP/diesel used to be.
You were right on the tailplane layout and pumpjet: the annular rimless drive I was thinking of was designed for a nuclear sub where motor efficiency was a non-issue. On an AIP sub we need to run the electric propulsion at high RPM for efficiency's sake and include a gearbox. Same X-shaped tail plane to operating in shallow water and to improve maneuverability. I'll mourn the loss of control authority that comes with moving the tailplanes forward of the propeller, but it is what it is.
Said gearbox can use WEISOFT operated CNC machines to cut those gears, making this sub quite stealthy indeed. Probably stealthier than what the USSR can field right now.
The engineering crew of the USS Iwo Jima was currently inspecting the truly catastrophic damage to the hull, when suddenly the ground started shaking beneath their feet. Captain Thompson immediately ordered "Everyone get back aboard immediately!" as the first glimpses of tracked vehicles could be seen through the foliage.
For a moment, everyone thought it was tanks, but then they took a closer look and it was worse. Bulldozers, cranes, excavators, cement mixers, and all manner of heavy machinery had trundled out to the ship. Fortunately no wrecking balls, but that did absolutely nothing to reassure the men aboard.
Staring down at the assembled crowd of workmen, workwomen, machinery and soldiers, Captain Thompson declared through a megaphone to the degenerate savages below "Come no closer, we will fight to the last man to protect our ship!"
The response of "The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth doesn't want your ship!" came immediately in shockingly good english, whoever organized this whole debacle clearly having put at least some thought into it.
Somewhat stunned, Captain Thompson couldn't help but ask "Then why are you here with all this equipment?"
"You stand in violation of Guangchou's immigration, customs, and littering laws! As such we will be re-floating your ship and ejecting you from The Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth before your perfidious government can use this as an excuse to start World War 3!"
The foreman with the megaphone paused to take a breath "In summary, you will be made to leave immediately and take your ship with you! Now stand aside so we can jack it up and start patching all the holes in the hull!"
XO Gerald shared a glance with Thompson, before the Captain relented. "Fine. But any of you step foot inside the ship without my explicit say so and we start shooting!"
"That is perfectly acceptable!" and with that the repair crews descended.
It was a short break from studies for a group of a young children. Relaxing from studies in the small local school, the only one for a small village, boys and girls as usual run to the near playground as they usually did. But children are children, they are more or less the same everywhere, let's talk about playground a little bit more. It was a fun place where children could play hide and seek, or run through a different obstacles, or see who could hold balance while moving on a set of slippery wooden poles. Children loved it, because it was a fun way of relaxation after sitting all day in a class or helping their parents with chores at home. Parents loved it because after that playground children were more tired and went to bed more easily, or simply did not have enough chaotic energy children are known for to bother them every second with annoying antics or mischief. Besides children and some times parents or elder siblings of children, there was another person that became semi permanent feature of that playground - one old man with mildly long but cared for white beard, his other interesting features were lack of the left hand and wooden left leg. He watched over children when their relatives were too busy. He suggested new games you children when they were becoming too bored with old ones and was always ready to give some elderly wisdom to the growing kids. He was even the one, who actually started building this playground, asked one of his nephews, was it, to plan it and start the construction, local men and women finished it of course after asking him what he was doing. Not a proper way to left old veteran to move all those weights by himself! And nephew was too busy to finish it he had to return to the city, he promised to touch it up when he will return, but you know those city's folks.
Local families decided that it was right and proper to take care of the Grandfather Mingsu, that's his name, but he always declined telling that he was well of himself with the help of his daughter. Dutiful child, but she had to move away with her husband to the port where the husband is working. Shame really, she was such a nice neighbor, never caused any problems and her help in organization of school was a boon, though villagers were against it initially, but at least she moved grandfather Mingsu here, and he is such a boon to community.
And as becoming usual, elder Mingsu is sitting on a fallen tree near the playground, watching over children, but not alone today, who is that.. Ah right! Grandfather Mingsu talked recently, that one of his grandkids is going to visit, such a big family this elder have, well better to go back to the field, no time to waste after all...
Smiling with kind elderly smile, Mingsu asked the young man standing behind him.
- Do you see, my Suri Aio?
Suri leveled his unblinking gaze on a couple of children hiding on tree branches, and kid playing for one team noticed where his gaze landed. Noticing that they are spotted, children ran towards the "castle" while "soldiers" from another team tried to hit them with small soft balls while being "shot" from the team of failed "infiltrators". Suri thought for a second then answered fast:
- Yes.
Elder Mingsu only noded to that rude answer, as expecting it.
- Hm. Yes. Hah. You do like to be tight lipped, that is good, but that can be bad as is with all things.. But I talked to you about that already, and I don't have that much time to repeat myself, so onto the next question. Do you know, why have I shown you this, Suri Aio?
-I think I do.
Aio quickly noticed exasperated gaze of his superior and moved further without additional prompting.
- You want me to be aware of this place, to be able to use it.
Kind old man laughed shortly to that statement.
- Ha! If only the world and people demanded so little of us! Ha. No, my dear Suri Aio, I want more from you then that. I want you to return here in the future, and help this place out. I think, some local martial arts school, or a little radio club in school will be a great way to continue this old man work. After that? Up to you. But I think you waited for it long enough, tell me my dear grandchild, how good you are at fishing?
Still caught up with the first revelation, stoic man was unsure what response was expected, that phrase did not fit previous code phrases, so he decided to took it as a direct question.
- Great swimmer, not a good Fish hunter.
- Is that so? Then I will advise you to be careful when you will go fishing next week. I heard that waves at the sea can be so fierce, that they would drift the fisherman's to the shores of other countries, even Japan for example! And Japan is a dangerous place to be, what with those Americans building new Radio station there, with local being against it over some cultural nonsense. Such a dangerous thing could happen! My aunt Di Shangha even told me once... Buh, you probably don't care, with all your childish vigor and fascination of new toy and food for the pet cat. No respect to the elderly, I say.
Suri Aio carefully ingraved everything said in his memory. Did a quick affirmative sign with his right leg and right hand that looked as if he straightened his belt. New fire light up in his eyes.
- I will be careful grandfather.
Elder Mingsu studied Suri and slowly noded.
- See that you do. Now, before you go back your work, I have a little task for you.
Hearing this thing told so clearly Suri Aio... Did something weird. If before his whole body was as a rock, stoic and unlovable, now he resembled more a dangerous predator ready to strike, but his posture almost didn't changed. Mingsu quietly chuckled at that reaction.
- The roof of Menyo Pi's house locking a little damages, you can see it right there.
He moved his only hand showing direction.
- It would really help, if you would fix it.
Suri Aio looked at the mentioned roof. It was looking damaged, probably after a recent harsh rain. He looked at his superior with almost hurt gaze, after witch he bowed deeply and moved away from laughing old man. To go, fix the roof.
After Suri Aio moved far enough, Mingsu signed sadly and murmured under his beard.
- Yes, this place and no higher for you. Too loyal, too strict and straight. No higher.
Kind Grandfather Mingsu stared at nothing in particular for some timetime, then returned back to watching over children and reading letters from his relatives. He will have to visit some of them soon, and implant some elderly wisdom into those deserving. After all it would be a shame it they won't be able to use his legacy properly. He signed deeply.
- The proper workers never rest, for future wait for no one.
My notes.
This was a first look at elder Mingsu. Kind old man, who is a hard on communist, head of some very secret but small group of people that are working mostly outside of borders of our proud nation, patriot to the core and a very experienced.. person.
I will continue on with explaining him and that group of people, their friends, their relationships and their unrelenting fight for the good of country and all communism. Hope I did well enough.
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Mar 12, 2022 at 4:05 PM, finished with 537 posts and 43 votes.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
-[X] See if some of those planes and various other equipment can't just...you know...fall off a ship?
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hopstial and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu imigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
-[X] offer sailors immediate transport to nearest US aligned country (Japan or South Korea). Record any public declaration be soldiers on why they can't do that (because of course they won't just leave their ship)
-[X] Don't let US diplomats redirect the news to something stupid, like that we have captured and are holding hostage US sailors. Make public all accommodations made to sailors, perhaps at UN (If we don't have representative there, ask for help from china at spreading message)
-[X] If allies ask about our handling of event, emphasize the danger of escalation. This incident has a danger of escalating like the cuban missile crisis. Its best if this kept a minor regional affair, rather than becoming an open dispute between 2 nuclear nations. We are keeping are demands reasonable, and we are not attempting anything stupid that will exacerbate the situation, like stealing any american technology, or taking US prisoners
-[X] Record other accommodations offered to americans. Make sure to record moments when any americans take advantage of the aid we have provided. Try to provide 24 hr recordings, or equivalents, to prove at least some sailors are using our aid, and that they still are free and manning their ships.
-[X] Ask allies to leak recordings in western nations if possible. Make it clear to common citizens that we have not mistreated soldiers, and that we are trying to deescalate. Try to make it look like Western nations value their money more than the sailors lives
[X] Plan: Fines and Photos
-[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital, field kitchen and tent shelters going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but don't let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigration and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get our UN diplomat to publicize that the sailors are not being held prisoner, nor are medical care, food or shelter being withheld from them, and that talks are ongoing with the United States.
-[X] See what information and pictures we can surreptitiously get of the Iwo Jima and it's planes. Taking anything physical off the ship itself is unlikely to be feasible with the amount of observation it's going to be under, but a few photos from a reporter on the ground with a camera shouldn't be too out of the ordinary given what happened. Maybe we can get some shots of the deck from a camera carried by someone in one of our fertilizer planes doing their runs as long as they aren't flying too close. The US would probably be more suspicious if we weren't showing some level of interest in the carrier that landed in our lap anyway.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hopstial and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name! -[X] don't try to remove anything off the boat. Make a conscious effort not to steal anything, and crack down on any looters. If un investigators are sent, their should be no evidence that we have stolen a single piece of military hardware
-[X] offer sailors immediate transport to nearest US aligned country (Japan or South Korea). Record any public declaration be soldiers on why they can't do that (because of course they won't just leave their ship)
-[X] Don't let US diplomats redirect the news to something stupid, like that we have captured and are holding hostage US sailors. Make public all accommodations made to sailors, perhaps at UN (If we don't have representative there, ask for help from china at spreading message)
-[X] If allies ask about our handling of event, emphasize the danger of escalation. This incident has a danger of escalating like the cuban missile crisis. Its best if this kept a minor regional affair, rather than becoming an open dispute between 2 nuclear nations. We are keeping are demands reasonable, and we are not attempting anything stupid that will exacerbate the situation, like stealing any american technology, or taking US prisoners
-[X] Record other accommodations offered to americans. Make sure to record moments when any americans take advantage of the aid we have provided. Try to provide 24 hr recordings, or equivalents, to prove at least some sailors are using our aid, and that they still are free and manning their ships.
-[X] Ask allies to leak recordings in western nations if possible. Make it clear to common citizens that we have not mistreated soldiers, and that we are trying to deescalate. Try to make it look like Western nations value their money more than the sailors lives
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
-[X] Get the Americans addicted to our The Good Stuff™ Homemade Seaween Snacks with its top secret oil-herb-seasoning mix till they're begging for our exports shipments. We shall become a household name!
[X] Steal the boat
- [X] The American Navy has littered on our pristine shores, and we of course do not want to trouble them, therefor we shall seize the ship for disposal, where it shall be recycled into our new fleet
[X] [Iwo Jima] Send a message to the nearest American Embassy and ask them to retrieve their vehicle or else it will be towed and the US Navy will be fined for illegal parking and blocking public traffic.
[X] use submarines to extract nuclear bombs and any technicians involved with nuclear materials, Make sure secrecy of extraction is maintained and no one knows about this
[X] have sailors practice counterintelligence. Make sure they don't reveal any information and don't suffer stolkholm syndrome (THIS ISN"T A REAL THING BY THE WAY)
[X] send US and UN Diplomat directly to Guangchou to negotiate release of ship and sailors; Have them investigate sailors and ensure their well being; Make sure that every sailor is accounted for. We will leave no one behind
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
Ji-Woo tapped furiously onto the keypunch device, albeit not as intensely as before. She had ruined several units that way, the strength within her taps gradually wearing down the devices until they were beyond salvage. Such was the passion she held for her hobbies, one that had easily rivaled, and by her accounts, surpassed, that of her lover, sworn rival, assigned pilot and the most frustrating man to ever come into her life, Captain Ru Hiro.
She could already picture the argument they would have tonight, specifically on the previous computer input devices she'd destroyed before. The quartermaster herself had chewed her out, boisterously and publicly so, and no doubt Hiro would have heard of it by now. She'd already prepared her counter-arguments for when he'd start to tease her about the irony of an Iron Tiger mechanical engineer being careless and destructive around mechanical devices.
Nonsense, of course. There were exceptions to be made for a great many things. Questnights was that to many, now especially, as Mr. Bermann and several other colleagues of his had made a recent innovation. They had linked multiple data storage devices and stored them onto a tower rack via cables and hardware cages and stored those into the room with the most efficient air conditioning, then linked those racks with the rest of the Weisoft terminals which, in turn, were occasionally linked with the Iron Tiger terminals mounted on the mechas.
The result was nothing short of inspired. While the output was not too eye-catching, performance-wise, the overall improvement to data storage, exchange and traffic had been obvious on every level, evident upon accessing any terminal in the networked system. This, of course, meant Ji-Woo didn't have to hold back as much as she originally did. Still, this was Questnights Unlimited, she could go on as long and as passionately as could be humanly possible.
And until the Unlimited part of the name was finally realized in the text lengths per message, she'd have to temper her temper and curtail her cussing. After all, the alternative was the quartermaster getting her banned from recreational computer use.
And heavens help the compound if that ever happened…
Note: Inspiration just came out of the blue. Iron Tiger techs jury rigged a pseudo-primitive server for the not-internet we have in the Iron Tiger compound. It ain't much, but it's honest work.
P.S. Servers and networks? That's just socialism for computers.
Dear Gene Doner and otherwise Horrible Asshole of a Man, whom I have the unfortunate problem of being related to.
It is me, the daughter you tried to marry off to secure your own power and utterly failed to take into consideration, not only my wants and needs, but of the effects, my absence will have on the State.
I took Ma Tang, yes you remember her, infantry woman, on her way to becoming a Colonel before I left to marry her. A Loyal officer has stolen away from the State because of my love for her because you couldn't accept that I can make my own choices. Your lust for power was so insatiable that the very thought of losing a pawn in your game.
You know of the reputation I've gained from my numerous adventures after I left, that mission to Africa and Vietnam... and my little escapade in the Chinese Rebellion in Tibet.
Oh, I'm sure you would love to hear about that, in fact, I shall in writing, just to rub it into your face that you failed, and soon you will die.
but first, I would like to reminisce for a second. You know what your favorite phrase to me was. I'm sure you don't, but those words echo in my head all too clearly. Be Thankful. Thankful for the dress that you most certainly could not afford, even with all your friends. Thankful for the etiquette teacher. Thankful for the delicacies on my plate. I was just a dress-up doll for you, and you got me so many of the finer things that I never enjoyed.
But I never wondered where you got it from. I was never curious about those late-night messengers. I never asked about how you were able to get such a well-known Chinese socialite. I never wondered how you were able to afford it all. I just knew that I was in a dollhouse and that I was no doll of yours.
I chaffed to become a soldier, and I remember the venom you spat at me when I showed you the papers, and yes, I remember the hot iron your hit me with. It doesn't hurt anymore. It never did.
And you saw my skills and attempted to use them to further your position. This was not to be, because if you had paid attention, you would have known all the things in my life. My love, my skills, my want to leave and see the world.
I was not going to be a trophy.
I've wondered a little bit. I never meant for this letter just to be a chance to reminisce.
And I certainly won't it let it just be a way to convey just how much I loathe you. No, You know I wish you dead. This letter isn't for that purpose.
See, Tibet opened my eyes father. I learned such interesting things from some of my fellow Tibetan rebels about you. Because it was never really your success that supported our family, was it? I heard about the mining investments, originally made by comrade Deng Yongliang. How did you describe him again? A family friend and useful pawn? I remember attending his funeral when I was 5. How is it that he was signing off investments just 2 years ago in Tibet? and with Money we've never had?
Also, tell me about your new friend Lu Han? There were so many letters between you two. You promised him so much. Could you explain what you meant by the need to starve/kill a certain amount of citizens to leave evidence of a local rebellion? Do you mind explaining where 100 million Yuan went? It certainly doesn't look like you spent a penny here. In fact, from these letters, it looks like most of the money went back into Han's pocket, with the rest going to you? I even found official letters from our glorious leader about how he had the utmost faith in this project... but I don't believe anyone but you ever looked at these letters?
You know, the last time I spoke to you, I said I that You did nothing for me to be thankful for. Those were prescient words, weren't they? Because you never did anything here? You made all of your money by specifically doing nothing. And I am so grateful you are at home reading this. I am so grateful that you are reading it a day after my message is delivered in the Chinese mainland. I am so glad you are reading it a night after this message has crossed our glorious leader's desk. But most of all, I am so glad you are reading this after I let every member that was part of your secret escape plan know that you will now be penniless.
Please, be thankful for all your efforts. Be thankful for your nothing. For you shall receive the proper reward for such an accomplishment. I can only imagine what you will be given after 20 years of such important service.
And if a pig like you ever wonders why I asked them to drag it out, then let me remind you who you buried with your fists.
The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord, Li Mei!
So Me and @Anon500 decided to have a good deal of fun.
Plus, I felt like wanting to murder that dear old dad.
Omake. Wacky adventure of an old man Mingsu P2.
The nature of loyalty.
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Old man Mingsu had not a single shed of love for stairs and tall buildings. Going down from the mountain vilage (more of a big hill for those living near the Everest) was some hard work with some extensive planning put into it. He was old, his body was scarred and he didn't have a leg. But such is life. When you want to achieve something greater than yourself you mast go through hardships to do so, stairs won't stop him, when artillery fire didn't. All the important work for the moment was done for Mingsu, patriots, loyal agents, unknowingly cooperating idiots in the enemy side all received their instructions, either they failed or they succeed in most cases both outcomes would be beneficial to the cause. News are traveling slow because of need for secrecy, deniability or security of information network. Now nothing depended on old Mingsu, just as he wanted to. He could have waited a little longer with some of the assignments, to make sure of beneficial results, but that would ultimately be a waste of his time. And he have little left.
So, with some preplanned free time on his plate he was going to perform duty of oll old people - scold youngsters and remind them of good old times when the grass was greener, Men could kill forty capitalists with bare hands, children were born ready to take weapons and all that other beautiful stuff. And then explain how horrible existence of those things actually was, that grass was greener because of chemical weapons, men had to kill forty enemies by themselves without weapons because all their comrades were dead and they had no weapons to fight with and children had to take up arms because there were no one but themselves to protect their life.
Old age demands of him to share lessons of his life, but intellect and comunism ideology demand of him to deny any false nostalgia, but to provide only hard and harsh truths. Because he and his comrades are building the future, and it will be better than the past. It must be. The results of his work and that of all comrades can be seen with naked eyes. If current times are already so much better than that horrible past, how beautiful the future will be? It's a shame that his fr...
He forcibly stopped this chain of thoughts. Those type of melancholic observations of his past and present became more frequent lately, distractions from his work, obstacles essentially, taking away the time he could spend improving himself, others or preparing from the future by making him forget for the moment current reality and facts. He was going to die soon, he had no time to waste, neither his own, not those under him.
Reality was, that he transported himself using preplanned route into a small fishing village. Not the one Suri Aio used, not the one where cat food was, or new toys, no. Those things actually haven't happened in any fishing villages of this country, that would be far to risky. Yet this fishing village contained someone of importance nonetheless. This village was actually a center where several important roads, be they by the ground, river or sea, crossed. That created an opportunity to place a whisper catcher there. Analyst of information, commander of the part of the group. To share some lessons and for other pourposes Mingsu decided to visit her. So that he won't disturb her work, by making her move to the village in the mountains, because she was needed there.
Mingsu entered the house on the outskirt of village and there she were - De Shonghu.
She smiled to him kindly, but with a hidden mischief.
- Grandfather! I didn't know you was going to visit! I would prepare some Bolshevik's Borscht if I knew!
Mingsu smiled to the poorly hidden jest.
- Two boys, Fisher with nets up the river and worker fixing the broken chicken house, the one made of red bamboo. Did I get them all?
De Shonghu laughed quietly.
- What are you talking about old man? I don't know any of those people. Your old age must be getting you, for those people were surely there by complete happenstance.
Mingsu could only smile in return. He mast have missed one or two. No surprise, his eyesight was far worse than when he was young. But smile soon vanished from his face. De Shonghu was a smart girl, no she is already 25, smart woman. But her loyalty was... This dialogue was going to be hard for her.
- Well then, Shonghu. That made me wonder, those people, how do you have their loyalty, and how much do you know about loyalty?
Young woman cringed her face.
- I used the methods you gave to me and my own that I already reported to you. But I see that it's going to be one of your long lectures anyway, so why won't you just go on with it?
Mingsu could only laugh to that snark. He did well, educating her. Still he could... No matter. Work with what is, not what could have been.
- You cheeky brat. Wery well then. As I told you before, loyalty is essentially - trust. Trust that the person can fulfill their promise. Either promise of threat, that you use against those posessing threat to your goals and those promises you back up with power you have over your enemy or in general. Or promise of achieving something greater, those promises are for those you want to follow you, that type of promise is relying on your skills wisdom and previous achievement. And finally promises of common goal, those promises are to those you want to work with you, that one relying on understanding of your goals and those of your possible comrade. All methods are relying on understanding yourself and those whose loyalty, or trust you wish to have.
Mingsu stopped his speech to catch some breath. De Shonghu was not amused, Mingsu already told her all that, he was repeating himself and old man hated doing that. Was it.. Noticing change of expression of a young woman kind grandfather forced himself to continue.
- I want you to remember that, so you could use it for yourself. And more importantly, for purpose I have not informed any other about, so you could judge fairly who is worthy of your loyalty.
De Shonghu's eyes opened slightly more in shock.
- You don't mean the..
Old man quickly interrupted her:
- Not the current one. At least not now. He is doing good job, though some of his actions make me suspicious of him, but no. I am more worried about those who will follow after he will step down. But keeping an eye never hurt anyone.
The room became silent. Far away noises from the outside and bright light of the day were a stark contrast to the dark things mentioned right now. De Shonghu was not disagreeing neither in expression nor in a lack of any, she was just thinking, analysing things said just now. Mingsu could not relax yet still, for now was the time of hard thing of the day. He made some mistakes in rising this brilliant woman, he knew how she is going to react. But it had to be done. He began to take out a big tight stack of papers from his coat.
- Loyalty, or trust, goes both ways. And I trust you, I believe in you. You will be able to continue my work, more truthfully, part of it for now.
De Shonghu's expression became glassy.
- That is why, I am giving you that vital information. With those-
- no
- documents you will have much more direct power over some resources-
- stop
- And influence over certain people. That would help you to take over-
- Stop It! You are lying! You are in a great shape! You are the same as you was twenty years ago! So stop with that nonsense, with one of your usual test! I don't believe-
Old man's face was blazing with anger. Woman in front of him was shaking, but not in fear. She was trying to contain tears. Mingsu made a mistake when he was rising her. She loved him, believed in his strength far too much. That is why he had to travel there. To prepare her for that eventuality, not to let her face it without any preparation. His voice became softer, but with unmistakable determination through it.
- I am bound to the death. It will happen soon. I want you to be ready for it Shonghu. You will not be the only one to inherent my work, there are four of you. You must know them, and if you don't, you will meet at my grave bearing special symbols that are described in a file.
Shonghu lifted her redening face.
- Artillery fire couldn't kill you, explosions, world War, chemical weapons why-
- Time wait for no one.
Silence stretched between the two only to be broken by Mingsu once again.
- Instructions are on papers. Now, let us talk about the good work you have done for the past year. Perhaps I can give you some advice still.
And they talked for the rest of the day. Many moments were discussed, many advice was given. It was a productive meeting, great things would come out of it. But for the rest of it, De Shonghu haven't smiled once.
Comes morning, Old Man Mingsu began his ascend back to the village in the mountains. The weather was beautiful, sunny skies with a fleeing clouds to provide come shade. The Time was moving on.
Still would like some feedback
For as long as mankind has existed, and perhaps even before we became our current selves, we have looked to the stars, to try divine our fates, to discover portents of the past and future, to navigate the land and seas, to see our Gods, or to imagine our ancestors. But for Li Kuo Kong, his interest in the sky was beauty. With the ever increasing electrification of Ghangchou, the stars would surely become more and more closed off to him, and so he wished to savor the sight of them for as long as he could.
For most, trekking through jungle paths and up into the mountains while carrying a telescope would be pure madness, but for Li Kuo, it was a trip he had taken once a week for his entire adult life. He had been questioned on it many times, even interrogated once, but he would not be denied the stars.
Reaching his customary vantage point; a clearing facing a sheer cliff and overlooking a large jungle filled river valley, he settled in for a long night of stargazing. The sky was clear, and the moon dark, joy dancing in his heart as he peered at the distant disk of the Silver River, before turning his gaze to the constellations. As he gazed up at the heavens, a streak of light, shot through his viewpoint, and then another. Tearing his gaze from the eyepiece of the telescope, he looked up in wonder as a shower of light crossed the sky "Ah! Falling stars!" He called in joy, before his joy became worry, and then deep concern. Those streaks of light... those meteors... they were heading his way!
His mind stuttered, and then raced as it tried to calculate if there was even any point in running. No, there were no two ways around it, either he would be fine, or he wouldn't, if these were to be his last moments, then at least he would spend them watching something beautiful, and if they were not to be his last, then all the better to have something to remember.
In a way, it reminded him of a shotgun blast, perhaps these were all pieces of something larger that had broken apart, but the first few hits seemed fine, striking in and around the valley, a rumble under his feet, and a loud sound, like standing in heavy traffic. The ground rumbled under his feet, and after a minute, the wind picked up. He felt a momentary relief, before realizing it was not yet over. Trailing the birdshot, it seemed, there was a slug.
It hit behind the hill on the other side of the river valley, and yet, the light was still blinding. Li Kuo threw his hands up to cover his face, shouting in fear, as the ground shook hard enough to knock him from his feet and the intense heat hit him, like cooking in an oven. He screamed, but the sound of his own voice was drowned out by a roar. He felt himself be plucked from the ground like an ant, and flung away.
Wei Jungmin sat one of the hastily reactivated bunkers, awaiting word of what had happened. Tuning out the sounds of arguing around him as people that should know better demanded that they should rush headlong into action, before actually knowing what was happening. After what had happened though, there was only one thing that eased the anxiety in his heart. It couldn't have been a deliberate attack. No-one would settle for just one attack of that size, and certainly, they wouldn't have aimed it into one of the least inhabited parts of the island, striking exactly nothing of note.
He noticed the door open as a junior officer poked their head in, ashen faced, only for his commanders to turn on him like a sacrificial lamb, demanding the answers to a dozen questions.
"Enough." He commanded, and something in his voice must have startled them, as they fell silent at once.
A small nod towards the junior officer, "Report."
The officer snapped to attention. "Great Leader! It wasn't an attack. As far as we can tell from what we were able to gather from local forces, there was a meteor shower. We don't have the full details on damage yet, but there is a massive crater, some fires and many trees for miles around have been knocked down. Fortunately it seems there was little loss of life, as it fell in hilly terrain which blocked much of the heat and wind. There are many who need treatment for burns and other injuries. Inspecting the crater, and surrounds, we've found large hunks of metal and rock, but nothing that indicates it was missiles or explosives."
He nodded slowly, before giving orders for immediate aid to be provided, to all injured that could be found and rescued, for fires to be put out where possible, and for the remains of the meteors to be secured. Ahh, but why couldn't he have a quiet week!
Li Kuo woke up. Something he honestly hadn't expected to do. When he finally grasped the situation he was in, covered in bandages and trussed up in braces and casts, he couldn't help but ask a passing nurse, did they find a telescope near him?
She looked at him as if he were insane. "We almost didn't find you, wandering around the mountains alone."
Telescopes were beyond expensive, damn it!
"So far, we've found twelve smaller impact sites, roughly between the 50 to 80 meter in diameter range, besides the main Impactor. Judging from the composition, they were all part of one larger object that shattered along stress lines. We're extremely lucky that it broke apart well before hitting, or we might not be having this conversation. The main impactor itself was 180 meters in diameter.
As for its composition, it appears that the meteor itself was extremely metal rich, mostly Iron, with a high nickel concentration, along with traces of cobalt, chromium, gold, platinum, iridium, tungsten..."
Notice: This is an Alternate Timeline Quest. People, Characters, and Organizations are altered following the butterfly. They may be similar to what we know, but they have all fallen victim to the beating wings.
[X] send a message asking for the Americans to please come pick up their boat.
-[X] The nation's littering laws are currently not suitable for the situation at hand. Pass a new law to allow for a suitable littering fine.
-[X] get a field hospital and field kitchen going to help the American sailors, issue orders to our people they they are NOT prisoners but dont let let them wander off.
-[X] Talk to the embassies of the US and China while getting ahead of the media so that our story is the one that hits the news first. Both to make sure that there will be no problems with the Chinese government, and to get ahead of the capitalist propaganda sure to try to paint Guangcho in the worst light possible.
-[X] set up an impromptu immigrations and customs post in case any sailors do want to leave and go into town or something.
-[X] Extend a line of credit to the sailors for the duration of their stay. Bill their government the difference afterwards.
[X] Perfectly Balanced
Admiral Sam Nigel was, currently, not having the best time of his life. Nor was he having a reasonable time. In fact, if one were to closely look at how things were currently going on board the Iwo Jima Essex-class Carrier assigned to the Vietnamese War, they would realize two things.
The first would be the odd realization that everything had a slight slant to the right, without any swaying correcting the angle to the left, before eternally swinging back and forth again.
The second was that the slant was too big for an Essex-class Carrier traveling the seas and more in line with one sinking below the waves.
He'd have preferred the sinking if Sam Nigel had had anything to say about his current situation.
Mainly because he wouldn't have had to internalize the realization that, should he ever come back to the United States of America alive (Blessed by God and Freeest Country of the World), he'd do so as either a prisoner or slated for execution for treason.
Or the most hated man in the entire Navy, primarily due to him beaching an entire Carrier on the soil of a communist nation.
That the beaching had happened due to freak-malfunctions in several carrier systems, alongside a tsunami picking the Iwo Jima up and physically chucking her onto the beach played no role.
Either way, his career within the Navy of the USA is officially over, with the only saving grace coming from the fact that injuries have been light and with no deaths among the crew. However, he was now facing the task of getting as many of his boys out alive as possible without starting another war that would draw in China and potentially the USSR. And Sam would, by God and the Flag, make sure that no decision was made without him having ordered it done. If not to fully shield those under his command, then to give them the option to point the finger at him when they'd all be tried once they got back.
It didn't mean he couldn't get drunk. Something he was currently trying to do, having opened the whiskey he had saved for when they'd finally leave that blasted jungle hell-hole that styled itself a nation within a meeting of the top officers and captain of the Iwo Jima. It helped that he shared the booze with the others, who were equally as shocked as Sam.
Several minutes passed after the last person had filed into the room, the only sounds being the slight creaking of the Carrier now semi-supporting its weight and the drinking of alcohol by men that prayed they had a very realistic dream. Of course, they weren't, but they could dream.
"So," Sam began, setting down his glass with a *tink* onto the wooden table, looking into the round of eyes staring back at him. "How about we start by stating what we know about our situation? And how we got into this mess? Captain Markus, if you'd please enlighten us? You spent the last hour collecting all information we currently possess. Start with how we landed here."
"Certainly," the American with Danish roots replied, his bass reverberating within the small room. He turned to look at his officers with a very sober expression for the usually relaxed and cheerful man. "Last night, several cascading failures in our instruments and main engine caused us to flounder on the open seas for several hours as our engineers tried to repair and figure out the issue. Unfortunately, however," the man spoke, taking a quick sip from his whiskey glass, "they did not manage to do so until well after we noticed our support fleet falling away from us."
"At which point we realized that our radio was down and that we were sitting on top of a tsunami," Sam interjected, trying very hard to remain calm in the face of such sheer absurdity.
"Yes," Captain Markus replied, nodding at the Admiral's words. "At which point we realized we were sitting on top of a tsunami, one that caused us to speed up, away from our support fleet, and which crashed us onto this island."
"Which is Fairy Island," Sam spoke, his left eye twitching at the thought.
"Which is Fairy Island," Markus echoed with a stony face.
"Great, just... fucking great," Sam said, rubbing his brow. "And we are still alive. Do we know what the commies are currently doing, or when they will try to kill us all?"
"Oliver," Markus said, nodding to the signals officer standing at the back of the room, causing the broad-shouldered black man to step forth.
"Sir! According to SIGINT, the Guangchou Military is currently trying to get ahold of someone that has the authorization to deal with us. Additionally, scouts have been spotted in the nearby hills, though they have refused to come closer than two kilometers."
Brows were furrowed at that, with some whispering starting from the lower ranks present.
"So," Sam spoke, leaning back after taking another sip, regretting not swapping the whiskey for something stronger. "In short, the slit-eye pillow biters keep chucking us at their superiors while their scouts are shitting their pants."
"Yes," Oliver spoke, nodding, before stepping back at a look from Captain Markus.
"Well, it could be worse, I think. But, at the very least, they are giving us enough time to scuttle the planes and any information we have onboard." Sam Nigel said, sighing internally at the massive amount of money they were destroying. If only the Iwo Jima hadn't had faced a large hill; otherwise, they could have evacuated the planes with the pilots via air. "How is the effort prog-"
The door to the conference room opened, allowing a red-headed sailor to step into the room, saluting crisply as all present looked at him. Commonly, the sailor would have eaten shit by twenty officers as he so brashly entered the room without any permission or invitation.
However, the pieces of yolk, egg-white, and eggshells on his face and uniform gave everyone pause.
"Sir, a native is demanding to speak with you regarding compensation for parking the carrier on top of his farm." Still, internally, swearing up a storm, Jungmin sat within his office, hair quickly washed to remove the bird poop. In one hand, he held a phone, swearing at the general on the other side to bring their units in position around the Carrier, in case the sailors would try to attack but keep them as far away as possible.
He paused as the general reported an evolving situation and then shut his eyes, keeping himself from screaming into the speaker.
Then he ordered the general to put the farmer into custody and release him on the other end of the island for endangering the whole nation by attacking the Americans with eggs of all things.
After that, he looked up as someone knocked on his door, and Zhao Chin entered. "I WILL SUE YOU; I WILL SUE ALL OF YOU!!!" Wu Chuck yelled, both of his arms and legs held by a Guangchou soldier, physically being carried away from the Carrier. "YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL SU-" Wu Chuck continued to yell before a soldier 'accidentally' dropped him enough so that he hit his head against the ground, knocking the man out cold.
A dozen meters behind him, Zu Chu felt like her heart was about to explode at the sheer stress she was under, especially after being ordered to detain the angry chicken farmer assaulting the American Carrier. Who in their right mind thinks that now is the best moment to press charges, especially as they were staring war in the face? Or throw eggs in their faces? (To be fair, she was impressed that the man had hit thirteen Americans in the face, what with them being so far up, but it was still an idiotic decision.)
"Get the idiot out of here," she half-ordered to her boys, half-muttered to herself, walking after them. By Lenin, she needed a vacation. Preferably for the next decade. Or hazard pay, wouldn't that be nice? Onishi Uma had long since accepted that her position as Diplomat to the UN was more ceremonial than anything. Not only because her mother nation was not relevant to anyone other than China, Taiwan, and Japan, but also because she was the only woman representing a country. Still, it said something about representing your entire nation in the middle of New York, USA, as both a woman and as one married to another one!
The looks from the other delegates from both the Middle East and America were always funny to behold when she mentioned her wife. Also, the occasional protests were hilarious because the Police and Security Officers had to protect both of them, which didn't make anyone in this backward, ignorant nation any happier.
It did, however, allow Onishi to speak with what reporters were willing to listen about the repression and danger to freedoms that America was practicing and enabling. A certain Irony was there, though she couldn't quite place her finger on what.
However, at this moment, she was not amused in the slightest. Not even a little bit. She was so unamused that she didn't even perform her customary insult against the Japanese Flag as she passed it, giving the design stealing cucks the proper amount of respect they deserved.
The reason was evident, as she had received a call straight from Jungmin himself, notifying her about a situation at home. One that could, and would if she didn't hurry, end in war with the United States of (North-Middle) America.
An Aircraft Carrier had beached on Guangchou, and its escort fleet had entered sovereign waters, barely being kept away by the Chinese Fleets sprinting to answer their aggression.
And so, she was here, racing across this enlightened institution that attempted to broker peace on a world deeply divided in two, to reach her American Counterpart.
Mainly because there was no American Embassy in Guangchou, and the Chinese Ambassador had dropped horrific news on Jungmin and he on her. These talks could very well decide the fate of her nation and perhaps the world. China may have declared against the First Use of Nuclear Weaponry a scant seven years earlier, but the USSR hadn't, and they would not be amused at any invasion of a Communist Nation.
It only took her another twenty minutes to locate Wallis Smith, the American Delegate to the UN, after asking several aides, finding him in an unused meeting room, having finished a phone call with his family on the east coast.
And in that room, confronting a man that thought her a deviant whore, and had discarded all of her speeches with barely any mental effort, he did something unprecedented. Something that would forever change the world's fate and be subject to many dissertations in the future by political students too haughty to realize they understood nothing about what they were writing.
All because he was drunk, he did something he had never done in his adult life: listen to a woman's words, and take them seriously. "Mao is dead," Jungmin whispered, too shocked to comprehend the words coming from Zhao Chin after the fact. "Oh shit..." he continued to inaudibly voice, his mind racing a million kilometers a minute, all possible events and every single worry magnifying themselves a trillion-fold.
Standing up, Jungmin slowly walked to the windows shining their swaths of natural light into his office; the kept plants on the balcony offered little enjoyment with their brightly colored petals and green health. The sounds of Zhao Chin's useless talking had stopped, waiting for the young man before him to speak up.
And then, Jungmin began to chuckle.
Like the sea-serpents of old legends, the heads of all nations would, soon, face Guangchou, all the while their greatest shield was too busy devouring itself in a cannibalistic frenzy. And like the hero of old, Guangchou could very well be forced to commit to an unholy alliance, seeking mercy and strength from the Russian Butchers or the American Oligarchs.
Jungmin chuckle slowly became full laughter.
Bo Ni and Ma Li had just learned to apeak their first words, and he had three more children on the way. And they could die, by his actions, or because nature had thrown the Carrier onto the island. More would die when the bombs would fall, and the world broke in nuclear fire, with the shattered and failing states of the globe clawing for supremacy over the ashes. And Guangchou would stand in the middle, forever cursed as the one nation that caused so much death and destruction, upon whose shoulders all the future genocides, massacres, and atrocities would stand.
Jungmins' laughter became unhinged, like the laughter of a man who had lost too much, one whose future rested in cold, callous, and hateful hands. Like a madman that had nothing to lose, as fate would take everything anyways.
His fist smashed against the window, cracking but not shattering the pane, as his laughter stopped. Then, slowly, he turned his head, staring at a scared and intimidated Zhao, an intensity in his eyes that caused the older man to flinch in fear.
"Leave" was all the Great Leader Wei Jungmin had to say for the Chinese Ambassador to flee his office.
One breath came into Jungmin's lungs, his swirling mind slowly settling.
A breath left, and his feet took him back to his desk.
One breath in and several papers were taken from their place, a pen of ink within his left hand, ready to write.
A breath out, and he began to write up a political fiction that would rival America being the Land of the Free, instead of The Nation of Blood and Tears as the Germans said. Gerald Ford had had a dream.
One he had taken from Martin Luther King Jr as he had spoken to the American Nation. It was a dream of a future where people were equal, where it did not matter what race you were, as all were heir to the Declaration. One where Justice would wield the scale and sword in blind might, uncaring of wealth or bribe, her sentences fair and just to one and all. It is a dream to see America become the nation it was destined to be, no matter the cost, be it the uncomfortable acceptance of the atrocities in their past or the horrors they committed today.
Politics murdered that dream faster than the Lilac-Red Scare some decade past had done.
He still remembered reading about the hanging of entire families, how seven men were sentenced to death by a court for defending themselves and others from white rioters, looters, and rapists. The ignorance and dismissals of the Senate, even as Kenedy had been shot by Klan. And the pity and horror from Europe going their way as the German Spiegel published a special edition on America titled The Land of Bood and Tears, ripping the veneer of righteousness off to reveal the festering hatred and corruption underneath.
Yet, yet! Yet he had still worked for that dream, the last part of his idealism that still hung onto the dream refusing to give up, arguing that inaction was why the nation was as it was. For Evil to win, Good only to do nothing.
But now, sitting amidst his Cabinet, staring with Kissinger, Simon, Coleman (first black man in office, and a nomination that had caused dozens of protests across the nation), and the others, at James R. Schlesinger, he felt that last bit die screaming.
"We lost a Carrier," Coleman whispered into the room, the horror within his voice like a bullet to the silence as Schlesinger tried to look in control. "How could that happen? That is... how?" He continued, leaning back in his chair as the others tried to wrap their heads around the very concept of losing an Aircraft Carrier to an actual Act of God.
"We have, as of this moment," Schlesinger spoke, quickly adding the last part, "little information about how such an event could happen, but be assured that I have my best people-"
"I don't care about that," Kissinger interrupted, leaning forward with a furrowed brow, staring Schlesinger in the eyes. "What about our sailors? Have they been taken prisoner or already killed? And what about our naval assets if we need to free them forcefully?"
"More importantly," Ford said, his mind racing through all the possibilities and worst-case scenarios that could currently happen. "How are Guangchou, China, and the USSR reacting to... this? One of our Carriers just beached itself on their territory; I can't imagine they aren't doing anything. Have you seen any movements of nuclear weapons or troops?"
At that, Schlesinger seemed to become more nervous, forcefully suppressing the slight fidgeting he had had since the start of the meeting. "Our USSR Section reports no indications that they know what happened. Our Chinese Assets had notified us several minutes before the situation developed of political turmoil and unrest within their leadership. Regardless, they assured us that it is related to internal struggles and not the Crisis. We are confident that the only people aware of the situation are the nearby Chinese Fleets currently en-route to the beached Carrier and Guangchou itself."
Seconds passed as the men in the room slowly digested the news before Ford stopped, suspicion rearing its head within his mind. "What is Guangchou doing?"
"Sir?" Schlesinger asked, trying to appear unconcerned.
"You said that the USSR is unaware of what is happening and that China is too busy dealing with itself. So, what is the damned Chinese Shield doing at the moment?" Ford asked once more, forcefully.
Schlesinger paused for several moments, struggling and debating with himself about how much he had to reveal before the increasingly suspicious glares in the room became too hostile for him to hide anything if he wanted to have any career after this meeting. "At the moment, we have no idea what is happening in Guangchou," he eventually admitted, much to the surprise and confusion of the Cabinet and President.
"What the hell do you mean, you don't know? Don't you have any assets within that nation, or even listening posts aimed at them?"
"Yes, we have the latter," Schlesinger acceded, "but the first has proven uncharacteristically tricky. Additionally, most of the personnel tasked with keeping an eye on Guangchou have been moved away in the last years by my predecessors, shrinking the section to only twenty people. Even though the section has recently rung the bells."
"Are you saying that we have American Sailors stranded in a Communist Nation with no eyes, ears, or hands to ensure they are unharmed or can be freed?!" Ford spoke, baffled by the words the Director of the CIA had just said. Then he paused, mentally reviewing what the man had just said. "What do you mean, 'Rung The Bells'? Director, why is a section of the CIA concerned enough to alert you?"
Schlesinger paused, then swore at himself, resolving to stop saying anything but the most necessary answer. "The lead Agent of the Section, Agent Goose, his real last name, has given me reason to suspect that an Act of God has not caused the incident but deliberate enemy action. Most notably, not due to infiltration, but by using a new weapon that can disable or distort our equipment. A theory that may be proven by one of our Blackbirds suffering localized equipment failure while overflying the island." If there was one thing Lars had never thought he would ever see, it was one of his brothers, staring at him, with several confused sailors staring at him while the two of them were standing before a beached Aircraft Carrier.
With Lars coordinating aid efforts to give the stranded Sailors the food and medicine they, presumably, would soon lack while also setting up an impromptu immigration and customs post offering credit if they wanted to buy something in the city.
Mainly because Wei Jungmin had practically screamed at everyone that the sailors were here on shore-leave and are not to be treated as prisoners to keep the Americans from invading.
All the while, the Department of Propaganda stood in the background, cranking out the truth to keep their story the one in everyone's mind.
Or, to say it short, Lars had never thought he'd see his family again after transitioning to a man.
But here they were. Meanwhile, in New York:
"-and it is with that, that the Most Glorious Democratic People's Republic of Guangchou, Light of All Nations, Defender of Humanity, and Paradise on Earth holds the Sailors of the Aircraft Carrier Iwo Jima of the United States of America in contempt of littering Industrial Quantities of Obsolete Military Materials while on shore-leave. We hereby issue a formal complaint against the American Navy and American Government for their soldier's actions and the check for cleaning up the mess they made. Thank you for your attention."
The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) was not ready. He could not conclude anything different when he went over the numbers, again and again. Xiao Jinguang had been working on rapidly expanding the Navy right, but while the number of ships in PLAN had already been greatly expanded in the last year alone, with a plans to double the size of the Navy within the next 3 years, none of the crew for these new ships were prepared. He already knew, even from his first naval operations on Yijiangshan, Dachen and Yushan islands nearly 2 decades ago, it was training which determined how well the army worked together.... No amount of new technology or metal could make up for the fact that for most of the new crews, it would be their first time truly operating their craft, much less trying to work together in a formation.
If only he could use many of the newly built craft. More than 20 ships and 3 subs lay freshly built in the docks, as loyal comrades had worked extra hours for the safety and glory of China. But the crews just weren't ready. It didn't matter what Kang Sheng had said in his mad ramble of a letter. China simply wasn't ready for a true naval showdown. They could not simply go to the island and annihilate the enemy. They were not prepared for the American retaliatory response at all!
He looked again at the letter. He had a feeling that this might not be the statement of the entire gang of four, and might simply be Kang Sheng's personal position. While Sheng perhaps had far more diplomatic experience than any of the four, Xiao knew that things were not that simple. Kang was attempting to make a statement, and to drive events back home in Beijing. It was far too easy for Xiao to imagine that the gang of four might be furious, but unable to act, afraid of losing his support.
He looked out to the sea. Mao had just died, and now the communist revolution itself was threatened. And yet, what did the politicians do? Squabble over position. Had they not all fought for their country a mere few decades before? They needed to be united! That was the lesson back then, during the revolution! His comrades could not afford to let these minor squabbles prevent them from responding to the situation! If they did.... If they did, he could only imagine what would happen to the people's republic...
He breathed deeply, before discarding his frustration. There was nothing he could do about the situation in Beijing. No, there was nothing he should do about the situation in Beijing. His responsibility was the Navy, and he needed to focus on that, rather than the political 'game'. He was a soldier, and he would do his duty. He needed to be thinking about what would be happening around the carrier, and not what was happening in Beijing.
He glanced at the pile of documents and communications on the corner of his desk. While very little information had been received from Guangchou, he made sure he received a copy of every single piece of news. For now, the US were pretending that the ship full of armed marines had beached their ship accidentally. However, he could imagine how easily this could be used to justify a 'liberation' mission. It would be far too easy for the US to bring warships instead of rescue ships. It was all so convenient for this to happen right after Mao had died. He wondered how they even knew to time things so well, so that the ship beached itself right before Mao's actual death, so that know one could claim they planned.. every-...thing.... It would have to be...an insane.... operation of cunning ...and of treachery.
He almost felt himself lose everything to the anger, but he pulled himself back. This was not his responsibility! Even if! Even if they had somehow done something to-... He wasn't the one who was supposed to determine that. He was never good at ferreting out the truth from backstabbers and liars. It was his job to lead the men, and that is what he would.
As his emotions still failed to calm, he remembered the dozens of young men that had died under his command during the civil war. The sombering truth helped shake the insipid, useless anger from his head. He knew, even if his most deeply feared suspicions were true, that a war would not be won by emotions. How many of those young men in the civil war had gone sprinting to their deaths, confident that their need for vengeance would protect them from bulletfire. Strategy, tactics and preparation were always more important than the spirit of vengeance. He could not just wallow in rage. He needed to protect his country today. That had to be his main concern.
He looked back at the map, as he considered the realities of the military situation, and the lack of organized support from Beijing. He could only despair as he understood that the american scheme would probably work. Looking again at the maps of the southern sea, Guangchou had been a pillar to the defense in the area. It had allowed acted as a natural wall and gate, as all traffic was forced to be diverted into two narrow channels (one between Guangchou and Japan, and one between Guangchou and China Taipei). The geography made it much much easier for the chinese Navy to defend against any forces coming from the south, and it had been a lynchpin for any plans to resist a direct invasion from the US.
However, now that island may fall into the hands of the US. He could already see the Americans paving a new airstrip, and preparing bombers on the island. He could see the new port, filled to the brim with supplies for an invasion, and supplied further by factories in Japan and Korea. While an invasion of china was supposed to be a logistical nightmare, firmly preparing Guangchou would make most of those problems disappear. and if the US could invade and succeed, they almost certainly would. No, losing Guangchou now was unacceptable. He could not allow it to become a US supply base for a future invasion. He could not allow the Americans to truly succeed this scheme of theirs.
He considered all the important facts again. He didn't have the forces to face the US navy just yet. And he couldn't allow Guangchou to fall. Worse yet, he seemed to be on his own, as all messages from Beijing seemed to be emphasizing that he either destroy the carrier, or that he not let anyone know that Mao was dead yet. He had no real support from Beijing. What was he supposed to do? What could he do on his own?
A new message from Guangchou had appeared on his desk. It was their public statement.... He couldn't help himself. He chuckled at the idea that Guangchou was demanding littering fees. It was silly... It was quite silly. Was he supposed to take this at face value? That they just wanted a littering fee?
Even worse, to suggest a US carrier was ever obsolete rang warning bells in his head, although he really didn't have the resources to deal with Guangchou'a hidden secrets, if they actually had any. If they had a superweapon that rendered the carrier obsolete, it could only help him. However, he knew he shouldn't rely on maybe's. He had to assume when push came to shove that Guangchou would not be able to provide any real naval support. However...
It seemed as if Guangchou was attempting to resolve matters peacefully and quietly. He knew that things were too chaotic in Beijing for any of the politicians to come up with any sort of plan quickly. All that could really happen, all that he could really do is ready all the ships for departure, and send a message of what would happen if the US tried to escalate things.
However, he still felt anxious. He knew the US would try something. Something sneaky. And he didn't have any forces he could....
He looked over the list of ships operating in PLAN over the course of the last year. He did have two nuclear subs currently in operation, with trained crews he personally trusted. They were hilariously out of position, but if he ordered them to immediately return and patrol the island...
When the americans inevitable tried to sneak something onto the island, would two nuclear submarines be enough? They would certainly be viewed in the right, once they sank whatever military forces the US was sending, but this would only work if they were successful, and returned with evidence. So he asked himself again, would the two subs be enough?
He had to hope so. He began to draft the orders. Unlike the politicians in Beijing, who demanded the fate of the people's republic be put in their hands, he knew that the cold hard truth that it would be his actions in the next few weeks might save or doom his country.
After he had penned the orders, he began to pack his bags. He knew he had to move his headquarters as close to the island as possible. He needed to be ready to take command of the situation, in order to prevent the worst from happening. He had a duty to his country.
AN: So, most of this is using knowledge from Wikipedia. Feel free to correct me on any of this, because I know I probably got something wrong. I know that I almost certainly got people's character's wrong, and the numbers are just made up. I am not actually sure on how many ships the Chinese navy had at this time, even, although it does seem like this even occured just as they were in the middle of the process of expanding their navy.
Also, this omake is not really tied to the horserace going on in Beijing. I explicitly tried to use a neutral (at the time) admiral, so that any response he had wouldn't really reflect on the events going on in Beijing. This omake is more about the immediate reaction the chinese navy may be having. Honestly, reading into things a little, it seems as if this situation had only happened a few years later, they would be far more prepared. So yeah, we are going in with an unprepped chinese navy to support us, and wow that does not help things with this crisis.
edit: story was edited a little to try and improve it a little. Nothing major, but wanted to make some things clearer, and make the thought process flow a bit better.
Thanks for the update on this. I kind of figured this might be the case, but I didn't see anything written about it in the update, so I wanted to be sure.