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Do think you could repost that with a few changes so it's a presentation by a professor at one of the institutes? Wouldn't take too many I think. You already got pictures to show on the canvas behind you.

It's really more of an OOC thing, but if the GM wants to give me a reward for dank memes I won't complain. :V

Edit: Or if you want to give it a shot, go for it!

Edit: @HeroCooky, is there a minimum mech size? Because in the 1-2 meter range we're kind of left 'mech' territory and entered the real of power armour.

Edit 2: Would this be a viable mech platform:

[] Dodecapedal
Piloting Skill: 1/5
Stability: 5/5
Production Cost: 1/5
Design Difficulty: 5/5

It's literally a flatbed with 12 legs underneath it. Easy to control (because the computer translated left/right/forward/back into specific leg movements), very stable, cheap to make (because all legs are the same, so they can be mass produced and they don't wear out as fast because the load on each legs is reduced), however the control system has never been tried so designing it and making it all play nice is going to be murder.
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Do we have titanium mine on the island?
Yes. IIRC, you have Rare Metals as a boon due to your starting location being an island.
@HeroCooky, is there a minimum mech size?
3 meters, smaller and it wouldn't be really a mech.
Would this be a viable mech platform:

[] Dodecapedal
Piloting Skill: 1/5
Stability: 5/5
Production Cost: 1/5
Design Difficulty: 5/5
Yes, but production cost would be 4/5, due to the legs still neesing to be produced and assembled. Even if they need to hold up less, they'd still require more of the machinery needed to operate them, and the armor to guard them.
T: One of the principle issues with mechs is that the increased height gives them a much more prominent target profile.
T: One of the principle issues with mechs is that the increased height gives them a much more prominent target profile.

@HeroCooky, this actually ties into a a point I wanted to raise. Could we switch from a height based classification system to a mass based one? The current one gives very unphysical results because it doesn't account for square-cube law scaling because mech mass increases linearly with height instead of exponentially.

A quick and dirty way to do mass scaling in to have height = approximately the cube root of mass.

For example, if we take 21ton mech as our baseline (the smallest we can make based on the current rules), then it would be about 2.76m tall - which is pretty close to the 3m in this system!

Now, the heaviest we can currently build is 70 tonnes, which would be 4.12m tall - which is only 1.7 times taller than an M1 Abrams (80 tonnes), so it seems like a pretty good approximation for a realistic mecha system.

Under this scaling, the 35 tonne Iron Tiger would be about 3.3m tall.
@HeroCooky, this actually ties into a a point I wanted to raise. Could we switch from a height based classification system to a mass based one? The current one gives very unphysical results because it doesn't account for square-cube law scaling because mech mass increases linearly with height instead of exponentially.

A quick and dirty way to do mass scaling in to have height = approximately the cube root of mass.

For example, if we take 21ton mech as our baseline (the smallest we can make based on the current rules), then it would be about 2.76m tall - which is pretty close to the 3m in this system!

Now, the heaviest we can currently build is 70 tonnes, which would be 4.12m tall - which is only 1.7 times taller than an M1 Abrams (80 tonnes), so it seems like a pretty good approximation for a realistic mecha system.

Under this scaling, the 35 tonne Iron Tiger would be about 3.3m tall.
Okay, but you gotta give me a quick-and-dirty math-thingy to calculate that for the future.

I am not on good terms with math.
The Mighty Mercenary Lord of Man, She Who Conquered the Desert and Commander of the Armies. AKA Lord of Generals or Just Lord, Li Mei!

Ok, I must admit the details of dad-who-must-die's scheme leave me somewhat confused.

So, the Dad, who is from Guangchou, either invests in Tibetan mines through his friend Deng and then murders him and steals his identity, or just skips step 1 and goes straight to murder/theft.

Then later, he somehow convinces either us or our dad to send massive amounts of money to put down a fake Tibetan rebellion (why tho, that feels like interference the chinese wouldn't necessarily appreciate) and then the money is pocketed by dead-dad and a chinese conspirator -

And at some point in all this an actual tibetan rebellion happens?

I just feel like I'm missing several somethings.
Ok, I must admit the details of dad-who-must-die's scheme leave me somewhat confused.

So, the Dad, who is from Guangchou, either invests in Tibetan mines through his friend Deng and then murders him and steals his identity, or just skips step 1 and goes straight to murder/theft.

Then later, he somehow convinces either us or our dad to send massive amounts of money to put down a fake Tibetan rebellion (why tho, that feels like interference the chinese wouldn't necessarily appreciate) and then the money is pocketed by dead-dad and a chinese conspirator -

And at some point in all this an actual tibetan rebellion happens?

I just feel like I'm missing several somethings.

Let me answer this since I came up with the details for the fraud scheme.

So Deng was his go to man for these kind of fraud or get rich schemes. I imagine he was killed in an unrelated scheme, when Peng Ru (dad) needed a fall guy. Anyways, he might've been tangentially related at one point, as a messenger pigeon, but he was never really responsible for this ever.

Now, the Tibet scheme is really a partnership with Lu Han. They come up with a scheme to defraud their own countries out of millions of yen. Lu Han (A chinese official) basically proposes a mining venture in Tibet, which he assures will make the PRC a bunch of money (and hey, every citizen should contribute to the state, and this is a way for the tibetans to do that). He even is able to convince them because Guangchou is also investing in the project, and the glorious leader has sent his own personal assurances (personal assurances which were forged by Peng Hu). I mean, look, Guangchou is even sending money for this project (which totally wasn't some of the money which was actually supposed to be paying to set up steel factories) so they definitely are putting their money where their mouth is. Then, when there are no results, they blame a fake rebellion (and hey look at these casualties! Where else could they come from but a rebellion. These dead bodies are the bodies of traitors actually!), and the PRC is convinced to continue investing because even Gungchou is still investing, so how could they fall short. Its not as if Guangchou has a lot of money to spare, so there must be something here.

All the while, they pocket all the money invested! Was this sustainable.... probably not, but they were totally going to pawn off this disaster onto someone else (and noooo, they've haven't done this before. This isn't what happened to Deng). This is certainly the largest fraud scheme they have pulled off, but they both presumably pulled off smaller schemes before. And hey, the PRC has never 'liked' any of the stuff they have done, but were they ever caught before?

Anyways, this was never sustainable, and at some point the actual tibetan rebellion happens and rolls through the region. Unfortunately, none of the documents had been burned, and the rebels just happened to have someone intimately familiar with these kind of business transactions, and realized these documents were in fact evidence of extensive fraud. And then it all comes out, and so many days are ruined.

My apologies that the mechanics of the scheme weren't quite clear from the omake though. I was trying to balance explanation and dramatic flare, and I might have leaned a little too far in on direction. I also admit this scheme is a bit convoluted too
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I wonder how the usa will react to us giving them the tropico thing like asking them to take their ship back making the sailers home here and promote our glorious Rum food here
Taiwan is pretty much one bad news away from full-on mobilizing their entire military, with their coastal batteries currently on high-alert.

As to how they feel, well, not good.

The differences are mainly in the general level of militarism, with shoreline batteries trained and sighted onto their Guangchou counterparts littering the straight. The rest still has the usual level of authorianism, despotism, and tyranny, with a low-level movement by the natives trying to protect their rights and cultural ties to Guangchou, especially in regards to self-determination and equal gender rights. The latter has some allies among the people-in-exile, though not in the leaders.
Taiwan is SOOO getting extremely nervous about us aren't they...

Did they? Last I checked NATO was just unnerved by our lack of the typical saber rattling. Or did something change since I last paid attention?
They did. Just the pictures were so incredibly blurry they couldn't tell what they found. And also part of what unnerved them is the sheer lack of typical army investments that the world knows about. The scariest thing isn't the known, but the unknown, and we unintentionally VERY MUCH made ourselves a terrafying enigma with our very little public military investments, sabre rattling, and focus on farming.:D
Non-Canon - Meteor Shower
For as long as mankind has existed, and perhaps even before we became our current selves, we have looked to the stars, to try divine our fates, to discover portents of the past and future, to navigate the land and seas, to see our Gods, or to imagine our ancestors. But for Li Kuo Kong, his interest in the sky was beauty. With the ever increasing electrification of Ghangchou, the stars would surely become more and more closed off to him, and so he wished to savor the sight of them for as long as he could.

For most, trekking through jungle paths and up into the mountains while carrying a telescope would be pure madness, but for Li Kuo, it was a trip he had taken once a week for his entire adult life. He had been questioned on it many times, even interrogated once, but he would not be denied the stars.

Reaching his customary vantage point; a clearing facing a sheer cliff and overlooking a large jungle filled river valley, he settled in for a long night of stargazing. The sky was clear, and the moon dark, joy dancing in his heart as he peered at the distant disk of the Silver River, before turning his gaze to the constellations. As he gazed up at the heavens, a streak of light, shot through his viewpoint, and then another. Tearing his gaze from the eyepiece of the telescope, he looked up in wonder as a shower of light crossed the sky "Ah! Falling stars!" He called in joy, before his joy became worry, and then deep concern. Those streaks of light... those meteors... they were heading his way!

His mind stuttered, and then raced as it tried to calculate if there was even any point in running. No, there were no two ways around it, either he would be fine, or he wouldn't, if these were to be his last moments, then at least he would spend them watching something beautiful, and if they were not to be his last, then all the better to have something to remember.

In a way, it reminded him of a shotgun blast, perhaps these were all pieces of something larger that had broken apart, but the first few hits seemed fine, striking in and around the valley, a rumble under his feet, and a loud sound, like standing in heavy traffic. The ground rumbled under his feet, and after a minute, the wind picked up. He felt a momentary relief, before realizing it was not yet over. Trailing the birdshot, it seemed, there was a slug.

It hit behind the hill on the other side of the river valley, and yet, the light was still blinding. Li Kuo threw his hands up to cover his face, shouting in fear, as the ground shook hard enough to knock him from his feet and the intense heat hit him, like cooking in an oven. He screamed, but the sound of his own voice was drowned out by a roar. He felt himself be plucked from the ground like an ant, and flung away.


Wei Jungmin sat one of the hastily reactivated bunkers, awaiting word of what had happened. Tuning out the sounds of arguing around him as people that should know better demanded that they should rush headlong into action, before actually knowing what was happening. After what had happened though, there was only one thing that eased the anxiety in his heart. It couldn't have been a deliberate attack. No-one would settle for just one attack of that size, and certainly, they wouldn't have aimed it into one of the least inhabited parts of the island, striking exactly nothing of note.

He noticed the door open as a junior officer poked their head in, ashen faced, only for his commanders to turn on him like a sacrificial lamb, demanding the answers to a dozen questions.

"Enough." He commanded, and something in his voice must have startled them, as they fell silent at once.

A small nod towards the junior officer, "Report."

The officer snapped to attention. "Great Leader! It wasn't an attack. As far as we can tell from what we were able to gather from local forces, there was a meteor shower. We don't have the full details on damage yet, but there is a massive crater, some fires and many trees for miles around have been knocked down. Fortunately it seems there was little loss of life, as it fell in hilly terrain which blocked much of the heat and wind. There are many who need treatment for burns and other injuries. Inspecting the crater, and surrounds, we've found large hunks of metal and rock, but nothing that indicates it was missiles or explosives."

He nodded slowly, before giving orders for immediate aid to be provided, to all injured that could be found and rescued, for fires to be put out where possible, and for the remains of the meteors to be secured. Ahh, but why couldn't he have a quiet week!


Li Kuo woke up. Something he honestly hadn't expected to do. When he finally grasped the situation he was in, covered in bandages and trussed up in braces and casts, he couldn't help but ask a passing nurse, did they find a telescope near him?

She looked at him as if he were insane. "We almost didn't find you, wandering around the mountains alone."

Telescopes were beyond expensive, damn it!


"So far, we've found twelve smaller impact sites, roughly between the 50 to 80 meter in diameter range, besides the main Impactor. Judging from the composition, they were all part of one larger object that shattered along stress lines. We're extremely lucky that it broke apart well before hitting, or we might not be having this conversation. The main impactor itself was 180 meters in diameter.

As for its composition, it appears that the meteor itself was extremely metal rich, mostly Iron, with a high nickel concentration, along with traces of cobalt, chromium, gold, platinum, iridium, tungsten..."
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